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Oak Ridge Reservation: Agenda Work Group

Agenda Work Group
Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2001

  1. Call To Order - 5:35 PM
  2. Roll Call: J. Lewis, K. Davidson, W. Murray, R. Eklund, D. Creasia, L. Dalton, A. Brooks.
  3. Approval of Prior Minutes - Approved as submitted.
  4. Approval of Current AWG Agenda - Approved.
  5. Append reading references to the appropriate ORRHES agenda items - Approved.
  6. Indicate "fixed times and flexible times on the ORRHES agenda -
  7. Consideration of ORRHES June Agenda
    1. Correct tout to X-10 and add Tour Topic: I-131 Background - Approved
    2. Change Add "/Screening" to "Public Health Assessment" - Approved
    3. Add "ORRHES Recommendation on Program of Work" to the PHA/S topic -
    4. Extend the " EPI 101" time to 1.5. hours and slide agenda - Approved
    5. Allot times to the WG reports and adjust time: Agenda WG (10min), Public Health Assessment WG (10 min), Guidelines & Procedures WG (10 min), Health Needs Assessment WG (15 min), Communications & Outreach WG (15 min) - Approved
    6. Move "Nomination process" to an Action Item - Approved
    7. Change Co-chair" to Vice-chair - Approved
    8. Reduce Unfinished business to 15 minutes - Approved
    9. Under "New Business" add an item: Subcommittee member expectations related to ORRHES' mission culminating in a WG task assignment.

It was moved, seconded and passed that a facilitated discussion of member's reasons for participating in and their expectations of the ORRHES be added as a new business item of at least 60 minutes duration as a preliminary to further action on the topic. Note: While discussion of creating a mission statement occurred, the new business item is not expected to produce an amended mission (purpose) statement at this meeting but may collect information bearing on this topic.

    1. Bill the GWU topic as a "progress update" - Approved
  1. AWG New business:
    1. Approve the ATSDR Program of Work as a working document - It was moved, seconded and passed that the ATYDR DHAC Program of Work be recommended to the ORRHES as a working document subject to future change and as the tentative time schedule for the PHA project.
    2. Approve the "ORRHES Milestones" document as a working document - It was moved, seconded and approved that the ORRHES Milestone document be recommended to the ORRHES as a condensed expression of the ATSDR DHAC Program of Work for agenda scheduling purposes and that it track any future changes made to the POW.
    3. Request to George Washington University (GWU) for POW & Scheduling Information - It was moved, seconded and passed that it be recommended to the ORRHES that it request from GWU the brief Program of Work information necessary to construct a tentative milestone chart for the purpose of scheduling agenda items.
    4. AWG Action Items - Preparation of Minutes - AAB/LD
  1. Adjourn - 7:20 PM

A. A. Brooks, Chair

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