The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration

SAMHSA Grant Annoucement RFA

Application Information
Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS)

Request for Applications (RFA)

Mental Health Data Infrastructure Grants for Quality Improvement
(Short title: State DIG)

(Initial Announcement)


Request for Applications (RFA) No. SM-07-012
Posting on February 12, 2007
Receipt date: May 3 , 2007
Announcement Type: Initial

Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) No
.: 93.243

Key Dates:

Application Deadline

Applications are due by May 3, 2007.

Intergovernmental Review
(E.O. 12372)

Letters from State Single Point of Contact (SPOC) are due no later than 60 days after application deadline.

Public Health System Impact Statement (PHSIS)/Single State Agency Coordination

Applicants must send the PHSIS to appropriate State and local health agencies by application deadline. Comments from Single State Agency are due no later than 60 days after application deadline.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2007 for Mental Health Data Infrastructure Grants for Quality Improvement (State DIG).  The purpose of this program is to implement and strengthen the annual collection of the Uniform Reporting System (URS) measures which include the National Outcome Measures (NOMs), and to fund State Mental Health authorities to improve State and local data infrastructure for reporting and planning. This project supports the reporting of the CMHS National Mental Health Block Grant program.

In 2002, SAMHSA launched the Data Infrastructure Grant (DIG) Program to begin collecting system-level performance measures from all the States. The primary objective of the DIGs was to enable States to develop the infrastructure needed to support uniform data reporting across State Mental Health Agencies (SMHAs) and across multiple local agencies. The first issuance of the DIG Program focused on State testing and infrastructure development related to the evolving Uniform Reporting System (URS). The National Outcome Measures (NOMs) evolved from the original URS. Eight of the NOMs domains are already part of the URS.

As grantees have developed and adopted the common data standards, they have been increasingly able to collect the Uniform Reporting System data to meet the reporting requirements of the Block Grant Program. Over the last 4 years of the State DIG program, the ability to report the eight NOMs domains has increased notably.  In 2002, only one of the domains (Utilization) was being reported by 75% or more of grantees.  By 2005, five of the domains (Utilization, Employment, Adult Consumer Evaluation Outcomes, Living Situation, State Psychiatric Hospital Readmissions) were being reported by 75% or more of grantees and three of the four remaining domains were reported by 50-74% of grantees. 

The future of the SAMHSA/CMHS State mental health data reporting program continues to evolve with a related plan to implement a State Client Level Initiative project with a few States to test the feasibility of implementing client level reporting in the States.  Activities of this pilot in the next three years will include: 1) identifying and documenting the States' most promising approaches to the collection of client-level data; 2) developing recommendations for expanding client-level data collection systems to incorporate the NOMs; and 3) pilot testing the most promising approaches with other interested States to determine their feasibility.

State DIG grants are authorized under Sections 520A and 1971 (42 U.S.C. 300y) of the Public Health Service Act, as amended.  This announcement addresses Healthy People 2010 focus area 18 (Mental Health and Mental Disorders).


Eligible applicants are State Mental Health authorities in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Territories that receive the Mental Health Block Grant. A central goal of the State DIG grants is to address data collection for the Community Mental Health Services Block Grants (CMHSBG). These Agencies are the entities responsible for State data infrastructure and collection of the URS/NOMs data and are the only State Mental Health authorities eligible for the CMHSBG.

Award Information

Funding Mechanism: Grant
Anticipated Total Available Funding: $7.56 million
Anticipated Number of Awards: 58
Anticipated Award Amount:

Up to $142,200 for States
Up to $71,100 for Territories

Length of Project Period: Up to three years

Proposed budgets cannot exceed $142,200 for States and $71,100 for territories in total costs (direct and indirect) in any year of the proposed project.  Annual continuation awards will depend on the availability of funds, grantee progress in meeting project goals and objectives, and timely submission of required data and reports.

This program is being announced prior to the appropriation for FY 2007 for SAMHSA's programs, with funding estimates based on the President's budget request for FY 2007.  Applications are invited based on the assumption that sufficient funds will be appropriated for FY 2007 to permit funding of a reasonable number of applications solicited.  All applicants are reminded, however, that we cannot guarantee that sufficient funds will be appropriated to permit SAMHSA to fund any applications.

Contact Information

For questions on program issues, contact:

Olinda Gonzalez, Ph.D.
Division of State and Community Systems Development
SAMHSA/Center for Mental Health Services
1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 2-1087

For questions on grants management issues, contact:

Kimberly Pendleton
Office of Program Services, Division of Grants Management
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 7-1097
Rockville, MD 20857
(240) 276-1421

Documents needed to complete a grant application:

Applications that are not submitted on the required application form will be screened out and will not be reviewed.

Download the complete Announcement No. SM-07-012

MS Word Format Download RFA in MS Word format
PDF Format Download RFA in Adobe PDF format

PHS 5161-1 (revised July 2000): Includes the face page, budget forms and checklist.

Additional Materials

For further information on the forms and the application process, see Useful Information for Applicants

Additional materials available on this website include:

Last Update: 2/12/2007