The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration

SAMHSA Grant Annoucement RFA

Application Information
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)

Request for Applications (RFA)

Addiction Technology Transfer Centers
(Short title: ATTC)

(Initial Announcement)

UPDATE! Click Here to Download RFA Amendment (March 29, 2007)


Request for Applications (RFA) No. TI-07-001
Posting on March 12, 2007
Receipt date: June 1, 2007
Announcement Type: Initial

Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) No
.: 93.243

Key Dates:

Application Deadline

Applications are due by June 1, 2007.

Intergovernmental Review
(E.O. 12372)

Letters from State Single Point of Contact (SPOC) are due no later than 60 days after application deadline.

Public Health System Impact Statement (PHSIS)/Single State Agency Coordination

Applicants must send the PHSIS to appropriate State and local health agencies by application deadline. Comments from Single State Agency are due no later than 60 days after application deadline.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2007 for Addiction Technology Transfer Centers (ATTC) grants.  The purpose of this program is to develop and strengthen the workforce that provides addictions treatment services to 23 million Americans age 12 and older who need treatment for alcohol or illicit drug problems (NSDUH, 2005).  In partnership with Single State Authorities, treatment provider associations, addictions counselors, multidisciplinary professionals, faith and recovery community leaders, family members of those in recovery, and other stakeholders, the ATTCs assess the training and development needs of the substance use disorders workforce, and develop and conduct training and technology transfer activities to meet identified needs.  Particular emphasis is on raising awareness of and improving skills in using evidence-based and promising treatment/recovery practices in recovery-oriented systems of care.

ATTC grants are authorized under Section 509 of the Public Health Service Act, as amended.  This announcement addresses Healthy People 2010 focus area 26 (Substance Abuse).


Eligible applicants are domestic public and private nonprofit entities.  For example, State and local governments, federally recognized American Indian/Alaska Native tribes and tribal organizations, urban Indian organizations, public or private universities and colleges, and community- and faith-based organizations may apply.  The statutory authority for this program prohibits grants to for-profit agencies.

Award Information

Funding Mechanism:

Cooperative Agreement

Anticipated Total Available Funding: $7.8 million
Anticipated Number of Awards: 15 ATTC awards
Anticipated Award Amount:

$500,000 - $550,000 (See Appendix E of the RFA)

Length of Project Period: Up to 5 years

Proposed budgets cannot exceed the amount specified in the table in Appendix E in total costs (direct and indirect) in any year of the proposed project for ATTC grants.  Annual continuation awards will depend on the availability of funds, grantee progress in meeting project goals and objectives, and timely submission of required data and reports.

SAMHSA anticipates that from time to time additional funds for the ATTC grant program may be available for supplements for special projects. As CSAT identifies special projects, supplemental awards will be made based on the area of expertise you identify in Section E of your Project Narrative, the score you receive for this section, and other factors CSAT identifies as relevant to the project.  The points awarded for Section E will not be factored into the priority score for the basic ATTC award. 

Only grantees funded under this announcement are eligible for supplements for special projects. Applicants should be aware that all grantees may not receive supplements for special projects.

Contact Information

For questions on program issues, contact:

Catherine Nugent
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Division of Services Improvement
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
1 Choke Cherry Road
Room 5-1079
Rockville, Maryland 20857
(240) 276-1577

For questions on grants management issues, contact:

Kimberly Pendleton
Office of Program Services, Division of Grants Management
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 7-1097
Rockville, MD 20857
(240) 276-1421

Documents needed to complete a grant application:

Applications that are not submitted on the required application form will be screened out and will not be reviewed.

Download the complete Announcement No. TI-07-001

MS Word Format Download RFA in MS Word format
PDF Format Download RFA in Adobe PDF format

AMENDMENT: Addiction Technology Transfer Centers (ATTC) Program Request for Applicants (RFA)
Clarification Regarding Appendices 4 & 5 – page 17 ( March 29, 2007)

MS Word Format Download Amendment in MS Word format
PDF Format Download Amendment in Adobe PDF format

PHS 5161-1 (revised July 2000): Includes the face page, budget forms and checklist.

Additional Materials

For further information on the forms and the application process, see Useful Information for Applicants

Additional materials available on this website include:

Last Update: 4/4/2007