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Plant Specific Data

Source: World Nuclear Industry Handbook

Vermont Yankee Unit # (504 MWe)

Last Update: 01/97

Fuel and Cladding

FuelUO2 pellet
Enrichment Initial: 2.19 %
Reload: 3.35 %
Clad Thickness0.812 mm
Maximum Clad Temperature302 deg C
Maximum Centerline Temperature2450 deg C

Fuel Assemblies

Assembly Model Initial Core: GE 7x7
Reloads: GE 98 P8DWB
Number of Rods per Assembly61
Fuel Rod Pitch1.63 cm
Total Number of Assemblies368
Fuel Assembly Pitch15.7 cm

Core Configuration

Active Core Height3.81 m
Active Core Diameter3.3 m
Fuel Inventory65.4 tHM
Average Core Power Density50.96 kWt/liter
Average Assembly Discharge Burnup33760 MWd/tU
Peak Assemby Discharge Burnup37900 MWd/tU
Number of Cycles to Full Burnup3
Axial Blanketsno
Axially Zoned Fuelyes
Axially Zoned Burnable Poisonsyes
Average Linear Fuel Rating42.50 kW/m
Peak Linear Fuel Rating47.20 kW/m

Control System

Control Rod MaterialB4C/Hafnium/stainless steel
Control Rod Drive Typehydraulic
Number of Fine Control Rods89
Number of Rods Containing Burnable Poison10
Burnable Poison MaterialGd2O3
Other Control Systemsburnable poison

Primary Coolant

Coolant MaterialH2O
Pressure71.3 kg/sq cm
Core Inlet Temperature189 deg C
Core Outlet Temperature288 deg C
Number of Primary Pumps2
Total Mass Flow1116 t/h

Coolant Systems

Number of Loops2
Water Chemistry


Number of Turbines1
Turbine Speed1800 rev/min
Turbine Rating540 MWe
Stop Valve Pressure66.8 kg/sq cm
Stop Valve Temperature282 deg C

Vessel and Containment

Vessel Materialcarbon steel stainless steel clad Vessel Shapecylinder Height19.2 m Inner Diameter5.2 m Wall Thickness133 mm Clad Thickness4.76 mm Containment TypeMk 1 Containment Design Pressure3.9 kg/sq cm

Reactor Operations

Cycle Length16 months
Normal Planned Outage Length30 days
Fuel Loading14.5 tHM/y
Fraction of Core Reloaded Each Cycle33 %
Operational Strategy End of Cycle Coastdown Power

Spent Fuel Management

Number of Operating Cycles Completed18
Amount of Spent Fuel in Fuel Pool387 tHM
Original Capacity of Pool110 tHM
Pool Capacity Increase Strategy478.0
Total Increase in Pool CapacityReracking %