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Youth and Substance Use 

To find a report on youth or any other report by topic, click on "Topics" on the OAS banner above and on most OAS websites. Reports are listed with the most recently released first.  Reports on youth on this web page can be found on the following topics:  

bulletLists of reports on youth:

bulletHighlights of reports on youth:

bulletState data on youth

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What's New in Reports on Youth

newThe NSDUH Report:   Underage Alcohol Use: Where Do Young People Drink?

The NSDUH Report: Inhalant Use and Major Depressive Episode among Youths Aged 12 to 17: 2004 to 2006 

Underage Alcohol Use: Findings from the 2002-2006 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (HTML)    (PDF format)

The NSDUH Report: Major Depressive Episode among Youths Aged 12 to 17

The NSDUH Report:  Parent Awareness of Youth Use of Cigarettes, Alcohol, and Marijuana

The NSDUH Report:  Quantity and Frequency of Alcohol Use among Underage Drinkers

 The DASIS Report: Adolescent Admissions Reporting Inhalants, 2006

 The NSDUH Report:  Inhalant Use across the Adolescent Years

The NSDUH Report:  Nonmedical Stimulant Use, Other Drug Use, Delinquent Behaviors, and Depression Among Adolescents

The OAS Report:  A Day in the Life of American Adolescents: Substance Use Facts

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List of OAS Reports on Youth

newThe NSDUH Report:   Underage Alcohol Use: Where Do Young People Drink?

The NSDUH Report: Inhalant Use and Major Depressive Episode among Youths Aged 12 to 17: 2004 to 2006 

Underage Alcohol Use: Findings from the 2002-2006 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (HTML)    (PDF format)

The NSDUH Report: Major Depressive Episode among Youths Aged 12 to 17

The NSDUH Report:  Quantity and Frequency of Alcohol Use among Underage Drinkers

The DASIS Report: Adolescent Admissions Reporting Inhalants, 2006

 The NSDUH Report:  Inhalant Use across the Adolescent Years

The NSDUH Report:  Nonmedical Stimulant Use, Other Drug Use, Delinquent Behaviors, and Depression Among Adolescents

The OAS Report:  A Day in the Life of American Adolescents: Substance Use Facts

The DASIS Report: Adolescent Treatment Admissions by Gender, 2005

The NSDUH Report: Depression and the Initiation of Alcohol and Other Drug Use among Youths Aged 12 to 17

The NSDUH Report:  Youth Activities, Substance Use, and Family Income

The NSDUH Report:  Patterns and Trends in Inhalant Use by Adolescent Males and Females, 2002-2005

The NSDUH Report:  Use of Marijuana and Blunts among Adolescents, 2005

The NSDUH Report:  Substance Use Treatment Need among Adolescents, 2003-2004

The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Young Adult (Aged 18-25) and Youth (Aged 12-17) Admissions, 2004

The NSDUH Report:   Academic Performance and Substance Use among Students Aged 12 to 17 (2002, 2003, & 2004)

The New DAWN Report:  Disposition of Emergency Department Visits for Drug-Related Suicide Attempts by Adolescents, 2004

The NSDUH Report:  Characteristics of Recent Adolescent Inhalant Initiates

The NSDUH Report:  Substance Use and Employment among Youths Aged 15 to 17

The NSDUH Report:  Youth Violence and Illicit Drug Use

The DASIS Report: Age of First Use among Admissions for Drugs: 1993 & 2003

The New DAWN Report:  Emergency Department Visits Involving Underage Drinking

The NSDUH Report:  Depression among Adolescents

The DASIS Report:  Adolescents with Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders:  2003

The NSDUH Report:  Suicidal Thoughts among Youths Aged 12 to 17 with Major Depressive Episode

The NSDUH Report:  Binge Alcohol Use among Persons Aged 12 to 20:  2002 and 2003 Update

The NSDUH Report:  Substance Use among Hispanic Youths

The NSDUH Report:  Mother's Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use among Youths

The NSDUH Report:  Alcohol Use and Delinquent Behaviors among Youths

The NSDUH Report:  Inhalant Use and Delinquent Behaviors among Young Adolescents

The NSDUH Report:  Substance Use and Need for Treatment Among Youths Who Have Been in Foster Care

The NSDUH Report:  Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Among Young Persons

The NSDUH Report:  Youth Substance Use and Family Income

The NSDUH Report:  Female Youths and Delinquent Behaviors

The NSDUH Report:  Alcohol Dependence or Abuse and Age at First Use

The DASIS Report:  Adolescent Treatment Admissions: 1992 and 2002

The NSDUH Report:  Risk & Protective Factors for Substance Use Among American Indian or Alaska Native Youths

2003 NSDUH:  Youth Prevention-Related Measures 

Results from the 2003 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse - - National findings  with data for youth on a variety of topics relating to  alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use and mental health problems

The NSDUH Report:  Underage Drinking in Rural Areas

The NSDUH Report: Participation in Youth Activities and Substance Use Among Youths

The NSDUH Report:  Substance Use Among Youths Who Had Run Away From Home

The NSDUH Report:  Seasonality of Youth's First Time Use of Marijuana, Cigarettes, or Alcohol

The NSDUH Report:  Graduated Driver Licensing and Drinking Among Young Drivers

The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions for Primary Alcohol Abuse Among Youth Aged 18-20; 2001

The NSDUH Report:  Inhalant Use Among Youths: 2002 Update

The NSDUH Report:  How Youths Obtain Marijuana 

The NSDUH Report:  Substance Use, Abuse, and Dependence Among Youth Who Have Been in a Jail or a Detention Center

The NSDUH Report:  Alcohol Dependence or Abuse Among Parents with Children Living in the Home

Results of the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use & Health (HTML format)   New national findings just released with data for youth on a variety of topics relating to alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use and mental health problems

Chapter on 2002 Youth Prevention-Related Measures

Chapter on Mental Health Treatment Among Youths in 2002

Adolescent mental health treatment/counseling (PDF format, Go to Tables 6.41 to 6.49)

The DASIS Report:  Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions Referred by Schools, 2000.

The NSDUH Report:  Religious Beliefs and Substance Use Among Youths.

The NSDUH Report:  Availability of Illicit Drugs Among Youths.

The NSDUH Report:  Marijuana Use and Delinquent Behaviors Among Youths.

The NSDUH Report:  Substance Use Among School Dropouts.

The DASIS Report: Facilities Primarily Serving Adolescents: 2002.

The DAWN Report:  Marijuana-related Emergency Department Visits by Youth (PDF format)

The NSDUH Report:  How Youths Obtain Marijuana.

The NHSDA Report:  Racial and Ethnic Differences in Youth Hallucinogen Use.

The NHSDA Report:  Comparison of Substance Use in Australia and the United States.

The NHSDA Report:  School Experiences and Substance Use Among Youths.

The NHSDA Report:  Alcohol Use by Persons Under the Legal Drinking Age of 21.

The NHSDA Report:  Risk of Suicide Among Hispanic Females Aged 12 to 17.

The NHSDA Report:  Youths' Choice of Consultant for Serious Problems as Related to Substance Use

The NHSDA Report:  Children Living with Substance Abusing or Substance Dependent Parents

The NHSDA Report:  How Youths Get Cigarettes

The NHSDA Report:  Youth Violence and Substance Use,  2001 Update

The NHSDA Report:   Low Rates of Alcohol Use among Asian Youths

The NHSDA Report:   Academic Performance and Youth Substance Use

The NHSDA Report:   Parental Disapproval of Youths' Substance Use

The DASIS Report: Youth Marijuana Admissions by Race and Ethnicity

The NHSDA Report:  Marijuana Use Among Youths

The NHSDA Report:  Substance Use and the Risk of Suicide Among Youths

The DASIS Report: Asian and Pacific Islander Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions, 1999

The DASIS Report: Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Juvenile Correctional Facilities

The NHSDA Report:  Binge Drinking Among Underage Persons

The DASIS Report: Treatment Referral Sources for Adolescent Marijuana Users

The DASIS Report: Adolescent Admissions Involving Inhalants

The NHSDA Report:  Inhalant Use Among Youths

The NHSDA Report:  Team Sports Participation and Substance Use Among Youths

The NHSDA Report: Cigarette Use Among American Indian/Alaska Native Youths

The NHSDA Report:  Illicit Drug Use Among Youths Who Used Cigarettes and Alcohol

The NHSDA Report:  Neighborhood Characteristics and Youth Marijuana Use

The NHSDA Report:  Youth Violence Linked to Substance Use

The NHSDA Report:  Availability of Illicit Drugs to Females Aged 12 to 17

The NHSDA Report:  Beliefs Among Youths About Risks from Illicit Drug Use

The NHSDA Report:  Obtaining Marijuana Easy for Youths

The NHSDA Report:  Youth Who Carry Handguns

The DASIS Report:  Coerced Treatment Among Youths:  1993 to 1998

Youth Substance Use:  State Estimates from the 1999 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse

Risk and Protective Factors for Adolescent Drug Use

Patterns of Alcohol Use Among Adolescents and Associations With Emotional and Behavioral Problems (HTML)     (PDF format, 68 KB)

The Relationship between Mental Health and Substance Abuse Among Adolescents

Parental Influences on Adolescent Marijuana Use and the Baby Boom Generation:  Findings from the 1979-1996 National Household Surveys on Drug Abuse

Adolescent Self-Reported Behaviors and Their Association with Marijuana Use

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This page was last updated on September 03, 2008

SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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