Home >News 2003 - Julie L. Myers Confirmation Testimony

Statement of
Julie L. Myers
Assistant Secretary of Commerce
for Export Enforcement-Designate
before the
Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

United States Senate

September 16, 2003

Chairman Shelby, Senator Sarbanes, and Members of the Committee:

It is a great honor for me to be here today as the President’s nominee for the position of Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Enforcement. I thank President Bush and Secretary Evans for their confidence and trust.

The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has a critical mission: safeguarding our national security while preserving the right of American businesses to export their products. BIS’s Export Enforcement division advances this mission by rigorously enforcing the export control and antiboycott laws and regulations.

This mission has never been more important than now. As the President has emphasized, the war on terrorism is fought on many fronts. During the past year, Export Enforcement agents have assisted in this fight by investigating links between terrorism and exports of dual-use items. Agents played a substantial role in the indictment of INFOCOM Corporation and others for illegally exporting computers and computer technology to designated state sponsors of terrorism, Syria and Libya. According to the INFOCOM indictment, proceeds from these sales also funded Hamas’s terrorist activities.

Export Enforcement also seeks to keep terrorists and other criminals from possessing sensitive technologies – in essence, to prevent export violations before they occur. Export Enforcement accomplishes this by partnering with industry and foreign counterparts to strategically identify and stop problematic shipments and technology transfers.

The Export Enforcement team has had great successes during the past two years. As a former federal prosecutor, I will seek to build on Export Enforcement’s investigative successes, and target our efforts on the most significant violations, such as terrorist-related acquisitions and the export of biological toxins. My experience at the Departments of Treasury and Justice has taught me the importance of coordination within the law enforcement community. I intend to strengthen Export Enforcement’s good relationships with our law enforcement partners. My previous experience also demonstrated the essential value of industry partnership and assistance. I will emphasize Export Enforcement’s preventive efforts by prioritizing and expanding its work with industry and foreign counterparts.

Export Enforcement’s responsibilities in protecting our national security are substantial. If confirmed, it will be my privilege to work with the career law enforcement officials within BIS – special agents, intelligence analysts and other key enforcement leadership - to fulfill our national security and law enforcement mission. In particular, I look forward to working with Under Secretary Ken Juster and Assistant Secretary designate for Export Administration Peter Lichtenbaum toward our common goal.

On a personal note, I want to thank my family and friends, especially my mother and stepfather, Kathleen and David Sinzheimer, who are in the audience today, and my father, Charles Myers. Without their constant support and encouragement, I would not be here today.

Let me conclude by thanking the Committee for its prompt consideration of my nomination. If confirmed, I will look forward to working closely with you, committee staff, and the entire Congress.

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