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  Following are the non-digitized 16mm films comprising the rest of the LaRC collection.
  Go back to the digitized films listing.
(1) The Sonic Inlet (2) Aerodynamic Noise Test With and Without Engines Running on Landing
16mm, Silent, Color

(No. 1) The Sonic Inlet (No.2) Aerodynamic Noise Test with and Without Engines Running on Landing
0.02-Scale X-15 Force Tests; 0.012-Scale X-15 High Angle-of-Attack Force Tests--11 Inch Hypersonic Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Color, 120ft., 3.5min

0.17 Scale Model of Navy Integrated Flight Capsule
16mm, Silent, Color, 225ft., 6.5min.

0.17-Scale Model of Navy Integrated Flight Capsule
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 125ft., 3.5min

0.17-Scale Model of Navy Integrated Flight Capsule
16mm, Silent, Color, 107ft., 3min.

0.17-Scale Model of Navy Integrated Flight Capsule
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 118ft., 3.5min.

0.17-Scale Model of Navy Integrated Flight Capsule, Test No. 2 Wallops Island, VA
16mm, Silent, Color, 90ft., 2.5min.

1/10-Size Model F-86 with Twin Hydro-Skis. Gross Weight, 20,000 Pounds.
16mm, Silent, Color, 60ft., 2.5min.

1/13.33 Scale Model of Preliminary Design Martin XP6M-1 Flying Boat
16mm, Silent, Black & White

1/9-Scale A3J-1 Radio-Controlled Model Spin and Recovery Tests
16mm, Silent, Color, 1475ft., 40min.

1/9-Scale Radio-Controlled A3J-1 Model Parachute Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 100ft., 3min.

1/9-Scale Saturn Model
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 140ft., 5min.

10' P.T. XA-26 Sweep and Dihedral Tests
Sweep and dihedral tests and stall studies of a simplified wing-fuselage combination of a 0.2375 scale model of the Douglas A026 airplane were made in the 19 ft. pressure tunnel. The wing characteristics were; aspect ration 9.08 taper ratio 2.21; root section NACA 652-215 (a=0.8); tip section NACA 652-215 span flap deflected 0-degrees and 55-degrees; aileron drooped 0-degrees and 25-degrees; dynamic pressures 50, 35, and 30lb/aq.ft.; RN's 3.6, 3.1, and 2.8x10 [6th power]; Mach nos. 0.12, 0.10, and 0.09; angles of attack from -4.6-degrees to 15.4-degrees; and lift coefficients from 0.79 to 2.78. Sweep configurations were: normal sweep, 20% chord line straight; sweep forward, -10% chord line straight; and sweep back, 110% chord line straight.

10,000 KVA Heating Facility
16mm, Silent, Color, 585ft., 16min.

116-E Tank
16mm, Silent, Black & White

11-Inch Ceramic Heated Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1400ft., 39min.

131-X with Hydrofoil PB2Y-3
Tank tests of a 1/8 scale dynamic model of PB2Y-3 with a hydrofoil to relieve bow spray by unloading the hull. The span of the hydrofoil is 15.9 in. and the chord is 4.2 in. The full-size conditions are 76,000# gross load, center of gravity of 28% MAC, 1200 BHP/engine, 40-degrees flap deflection, neutral elevators, and acceleration of 1ft/sec./sec. The model was tested without hydrofoil from 0 to 16 fps; with hydrofoil 5.3in. forward of C.G. and 8.2in. forward of C.G.; incidence of 7-degrees and 9-degrees to baseline; gap, hydrofoil to keel, 2/3 and 1 1/4 chords from 0 to 14 and 0 to 16 fps.
133 Tank

143 E-XP441
16mm, Silent, Black & White

1520 Javelin Payload-Antenna Erection Tests in the Langley 41-Foot Vacuum Sphere-Requested by Goddard Research Center
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1450ft.

16 Foot Transonic Tunnel Fire (about 1952)
16mm, Silent, Black & White

16-Foot HST Parachute- Schuller; Failure Tests of Parachutes
Strength, failure, and stability tests made in 16ft. high-speed tunnel of 10 parachutes to determine airspeed at which failure occurs. Two different sizes were tested; 7 having a maximum diameter of 38in. and a mouth diameter of 34in., the only difference being in a shroud-line-canopy attachment; and 3 having a mouth diameter of 54in. and identical to each other.

19' Lockheed Wing No. 2 Tufts
Depicts tuft studies made on the Lockheed Wing #2 in the 19-foot pressure tunnel. The tests were made at a density of approximately 70 pounds per square foot; flap deflections of 0%, 25%, 50%, 80%, and 100%, and an angle of attack range from 6-degrees to 20-degrees.

19' P. T. Lockheed Wing No. 1 Tufts
Depicts tuft studies made on the Lockheed Wing # 1 in the 19-foot pressure tunnel. The tests were made at a density of approximately 70 lb. per sq. ft.; flap deflections of 0%, 25%, 50% and 100%; and an angle of attack range from -5-degrees to 20-degrees.

19' P. T. Test 72
Stall studies were made of a semi-span model of the XB-36 airplane in the 19-foot pressure tunnel. The model wing used full span flaps, the in board sections, separated by the nacelles, being the slotted type and the outboard section being of the balanced split type. The tests were run at a Reynolds number of 8,900,00 and a Mach number of 0.17. Tests were run at angles of attack from 12-degrees to 18.6-degree with the flaps not deflected; tests were run at angles of attack from -3.8-dggrees to 18.8 degrees with the inboard flaps deflected 40-degree and the outboard flaps not deflected; tests were run at angles of attack from -3.7degrees to 16.9-degrees with the inboard flaps deflected 40-degrees and the outboard flaps deflected 50-degrees.

19' P.T a-26 Tufts
Stall studies were made, by means of tufts, over the 0.2375-scale model of the Douglas A-26 airplane in the 19ft. pressure tunnel. At flap deflections of 0-degrees, tests were made over a range of angles of attack from 0-degrees to 17-degrees, with the oil cooler duct exits closed then fully opened. At a flap deflection of 55-degrees with oil cooler duct exits closed the angel of attack range was from -7-degrees to 13-degrees. With flaps deflected at 55-degrees and aileron deflected 25-degrees and oil cooler duct exits closed and fully opened, the angle of attack range was from -4-degrees to 8-degrees. Low-drag duct entrance was installed in right wing with exit full open and airplane duct entrance installed in left wing with exit closed and tested over an angle of attack range from 2-degrees to 6-degrees. Oil cooler duct entrances were removed and replaced by filler blocks and tests were made over a range of angles of attack from 4-degrees to 13-degrees.

19' P.T. Pt. III B-32 Testing

Stall tests were made, by means of tufts, were made in the 19 ft. pressure tunnel on a 1/8 scale model of the B-32 equipped with propellers operating at 40% normal rated power for RN approximately 2.6x10 [6th power]. Stall progression is presented for the model, with #4 and #5 nacelle afterbodies tested for various configurations with leading edge gloves and trailing edge extensions, and for double slotted inboard flaps, deflected 40-degrees. Transition was fixed at 10% of the original wing chord. The trailing edge extensions cover 0.6 span. The angles of attack range from 0.1-degree to 15.7-degrees and the lift coefficients range from 0.5 to 2.62.

19' P.T. Tests 112- Part II

Stall studies were made, by means of tufts, in the 19-foot pressure tunnel on a 1/14-scale model of the consolidated B-36 airplane. The model was equipped with midchord slots on the outer wing panels ahead of the ailerons; partial span, single-slotted flaps; and no propeller. RN was approximately 4.5x10 [6th power]; flap deflections were 20-degrees, for the take off, and 40-degrees, for landing; angles of attack range from 0.4-degrees to 19.4-degrees; and lift coefficients ranged from 0.40 to 1.96.

19' P.T. B-32 Testing

16mm, Silent, Black & White
Stall tests were made, by means of tufts, in 19 ft. pressure tunnel on 1/8 scale model of the B-32 with propellers operating at 40% normal rated power and RN approximately 2.6x10 [6th power]. Stall progressions are presented for the model, with flaps neutral, testing individually trailing edge extensions, leading edge gloves, and nacelle afterbodies #2 and #3. Combination of the #3 afterbody with trailing edge extensions, cowl flaps at 10-degrees and closed and intercooler flaps closed and open are included. Trailing edge extensions are 1.5 in. wide and cover 30% span. The angles of attack range from 0-degrees to 12.8-degrees and lift coefficients range from 0.08 to 1.16.

19' P.T. B-33 Shield (43"" H/S Test)

19' P.T. B-33 Tufts
Stall studies were made by means of tufts on a 12% model of the B-33 airplane in the 19-foot Pressure tunnel. Tests were run on the normal wing and on the wing with a semi-circular spoiler between the inboard nacelle and fuselage; with rated power, 25% rated power, and with propellers windmilling; with flap deflections of 0-degrees and 40-degrees; with the control surfaces neutral; with R.N.'s of 4.72, 1.68, 3.17, 3.92, 3.84, 1.57, 2.15, 1.91, and 4.64x10 [6th power]; and with angles of attack ranging from 0-degrees to 20-degrees.

19' P.T. B-33 Tufts, Revised
Presents stall studies on the wings of the Martin B-33 by means of tufts in the 19-foot pressure tunnel. The original wing was revised by building in more geometric washout from the outboard nacelle to the tip, thus giving the wing a total geometric washout of 5-degrees. The tests were run on the revised wing with propellers windmilling and with rated power; control surfaces neutral; flap deflection of 0-degree and 40-degrees; R.N.'s of 4.7, 4.01, 1.98, and 1.67x 10 [6th power]; and angles of attack ranging from 0-degrees to 20-degrees

19' P.T. F6F Tufts
Stall studies were made, by means of tufts on a 1/3 simplified scale model of the Grumman F6F airplane with a low-drag wing; modified slotted flaps and dive brakes at the flap deflections 50-degrees and 4-degrees, lip angles 0-degrees and 60-degrees up, RN 5.6x10 [6th power] angles of attack from -4.9-degrees to 16-degrees and lift coefficients from 0.02-1.85.

19' P.T. Test 110-Part II
Stall tuft studies were made in the 19 ft. pressure tunnel on the 1/4 scale model of consolidated B-36 airplane with sharp edge spoilers located on wing leading edge extending from center nacelle to inboard nacelle and from inboard nacelle to fuselage. Tests were made at 40% and full rated power; gross weights 3400,000 lbs. and 265,000 lbs at sea level; RN's 2.45, 2.46, and 2.48x10 [6th power]; inboard flaps deflected 0-degrees, 20-degrees, and 40-degrees, outboard flaps deflected 0-degrees and 50-degrees; angles of attack ranging from -1.6-degrees to 21.7-degrees; and lift coefficients ranging from -0.02 to 2.31.

19' P.T. Test 112- Part 1
Stall studies, by means of tufts, were made in the 19 ft. pressure tunnel on a 1/14 scale model of the consolidated B-36 airplane to determine an acceptable wing configuration. For the tests the propellers were removed and the R.N. was approximately 4.5x10 [6th power]. Tests were made using NACA modified wing outer panel with flaps retracted; double-slotted, partial-span flaps deflected 20-degrees and 50-degrees; from 0.1-degrees to 21.1-degrees; and lift coefficients ranging from .01 to 2.03. Tests were made using CVAC wing outer panel with mid-wing slots; with flaps retracted; single slotted, full-span flaps deflected for take-off (inboard flaps 20-degrees, outboard flaps 50-degrees), landing (inboard flaps 40-degrees, outboard flaps 50-degrees), and 50-degrees; at angles of attack ranging from 0.1-degrees to 21.1; and lift coefficients ranging from .06 to 2.19.

19' P.T. Test No. 110-Part 1
Depicts stall studies of the wing of the Consolidate-Vultee XB-36 airplane in the 19-Foot pressure tunnel. The tests were run with inboard flaps deflected 0-degree and 40-degree; outboard flaps deflected 0-degree and 50-degree; with rated power, 40-percent rated power propellers windmilling, propellers removed; with gross weights at sea level of 265,000 and 340,000 lbs.; with RN's of 2.53, 2.56, 2.6, 5.5, 5.1, and 5.4x10 [6th power] with angle of attach range from -1.5-degree to 21.6-degree; and with lift coefficients ranging from -0.023 to 2.111.
19' P.T. TEST P-36A Tufts

19' P.T. Tuft Test No. 11
Tuft studies on wings were made in the 19ft. pressure tunnel.

19' P.T. XF14C Tufts
Stall studies of the 0.32 scale model Curtiss F14C-2 airplane were made by means of tufts in the 19 ft. pressure tunnel. Tests were run with propeller off, windmilling, or with a thrust coefficient of 0.06; flaps neutral or down 50-degrees; controls neutral or ailerons drooped 15-degrees; slats open or closed; cowl flap at 0-degrees or 50-degrees; belly flap at 0-degrees or 22-degrees; RN's of 5.7, 5.5, or 5.8x10 [6th power]; and angle of attack range from 0-degrees to 19-degrees.

19' P.T. XF6F Tufts
Stall Studies, by means of tufts, were made of a 1/3 scale simplified model of the Grumman F6F airplane, with a low drag wing, in the 19-ft. pressure tunnel. Tests were made with a short unfaired cannon, long cannon with rounded fairings, 6 gun ports, 6 gun ports and radar fairing with no fillet, and 6 gun ports and radar fairing with small fillet; extensible slotted flaps at 35-degrees. Tests were run at R.N. of 6.15x10 [6th power] and at angles of attack ranging from 8.3degrees to 17-degrees.

19' P.T. XP-67
Tuft studies were made of the McDonnell P-67 full-scale nacelle without power in the 16 ft. high-speed tunnel. General views presented of inboard and outboard duct inlets. Tests made on inboard duct inlet with cooling flap positions fully closed, high speed and fully open at angles of attack 0-degrees, 5-degrees, and 9.5-degrees and indicated airspeeds of 150 and 200 MPH.

19' P.T. XTB2D-1
Stall studies were made in the 19 ft., pressure tunnel on a 0.30 scale semispan model of the Douglas TB2D-1 airplane with endplate seal and fillet and with deflections 30-degrees and 0-degrees; RN's 5.07, 5.06, and 5.32x10 [6th power]; Mach no. 0.12; angle of attack range from -7.9-degrees to 17.3-degrees; and lift coefficient range from-.185 to 2.715. Pull ups are presented on inboard panel from angle of attack 8.1-degrees to 19.3-degrees and on outboard panel from 9.2-degrees to 17.3-degrees.

19' P.T. XTB2D-1
Stall studies were made in the 19-foot pressure tunnel on a model of the Douglas TB2D-1 airplane with endplate seal; fillet off; spoiler on; radar off and on racks off and on; large vane; 2 torpedoes off and on; 4000 lb. bomb off and on; flap deflections 0-degrees and 55-degrees; roll flap deflection 0-degrees to 30-degrees; unmodified 16in. and modified 17 in. oil cooler with maximum and minimum flow; at Mach no. 0.12; RN's of 5.22, 5.27, 5.3, 5.38, and 5.14x10 [6th power]; angles of attack from -5.9 to 16.30-degrees and lift coefficients from -0.188 to -2.615. Pull-ups on inboard panel shown for angles of attack from 9.2-degrees to 14.2-degrees.

19' P.T.Martin Design 195 Tufts
Stall studies, by means of tufts, were made in the 19-ft. pressure tunnel of the 1/6 scale model of the proposed low-drag wing for the Martin design #195 airplane. For all tests, the propellers were windmilling. Tests were made with flaps neutral; NACA slotted flaps deflected 25-degrees and 35-degrees; split flaps deflected 30-degrees and 60-degrees; RN's 4.78, 4.75, 4.85, and 4.87x10[6th power]; Mach nos. 0.18 and 0.17; angles of attack ranging from 2.4-degrees to 21.3-degrees; and lift coefficients ranging from .28 to 2.22.

19' Pressure P. T. P-51
Depicts stall studies made by means of tufts on the North America XP-51 airplane with low drag wing. Tests were made on the wing alone, on the wing and fuselage, and on the wing, fuselage, and fillet. The flap deflection angeles were 0-degrees and 50-degrees; the RN was 5.13x10 [6th power] the angle of attack range was 2.4-degrees to 22.4-degrees; and the lift coefficient range was from 0.27 to 2.06.

19' PT Calibration Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White

1948 Spin Test
16mm, Silent, Black & White

1956-76 Full Scale Tunnel Free Flight Model (NASA Model) with Leading Edge Devices
16mm, Silent, Black & White

19-Foot Stall Studies of a Simplified F6F With Conv Wing

24-Inch HST Bomb Fuse AN-M-100
Arming time and functioning tests were made in 24 high-speed tunnel on the Army-Navy M-100 bomb fuse at velocities ranging from 363 to 412 MPH.

24-Inch HST Bomb Fuse M-110
Supplementary arming time and functioning tests were made on bomb fuses WXS-7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13; WX-20 and 32; 1-M101 and 2-M101 in the 24-inch high-speed tunnel at velocities of 199, 200, 201, 397, 399, and 500 MPH.

24-Inch HST Bomb Fuse M-110, Peco West
Arming time and functioning tests were made in the 24-inch high-speed tunnel on M-110 bomb fuses of the Peco, Westinghouse, and Richard-Westinghouse types at velocities covering a range from 199 through 515 M.P.H.

24-Inch HST Bomb Fuse M-110, Phase 1
Arming time and functioning tests were made of Army M-100, 103, and 110 bomb fuses in the 24-inch high-speed tunnel. Various velocities used covered a range from 103 through 404 M.P.H.

24-Inch HST Bomb Fuse M-110, Phase 2
Arming time and functioning tests were made on the Army M-110 bomb fuse in the 24 High-speed tunnel at velocities of 248, 555, 574, and 573 MPH.

24-Inch HST M-110 Bomb Fuse
Arming time and functioning tests were made in the 24-inch High-speed tunnel on the Army M-100 bomb fuse at velocities ranging from 101-370 M.P.H.

24-Inch HST Radio Masts
Tip deflections of a Naval aircraft radio antenna were measured in the 24' high-speed tunnel at 0-degrees and airspeeds from 100 to 600 MPH.

4-Foot SSPT Schileren 1949 Conference
16mm, 290ft., 16min.

8' HST P-47 Flutter
Flutter tests on P-47 fin-rudder unit were made in the 8-foot high-speed tunnel over an approximately true tunnel speed range from 200 to 460 M.P.H. Failure occurred at approximately 468 M.P.H. (410 M.P.H. indicated).

8' HST P-47 Flutter-Second Test
Flutter tests of the Republic P-47 fin-rudder unit wee made in the 8-foot high-speed tunnel.

8' HST P-47 Metal Rudder Flutter
Flutter tests of the Republic P-47 rudder were made in the 8-foot high-speed tunnel.

9x6 Panel Flutter Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 180ft., 5min.

9x6-Foot Thermal Structures Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Color, 385ft., 11min.

A Demonstration of Computer-Aided Structural Design
16mm, Sound, Color, 221ft., 6.6min.

A Group of High Speed Configuration Take-Offs and Landings
16mm, Silent, Color, 400ft., 16min.

A Study of Ditching
16mm, Silent, Black & White
The Army and Navy requested the NACA to investigate the behavior of military air planes while ditching in order to obtain information that would help reduce the loss of personnel in that operation. The only feasible method appeared to be the ditching of dynamically similar scale models of the airplanes. Although their was uncertainty as to exactly how accurately the behaviors of the models reproduced those of the full-size airplane, the comparative results gave useful information. Failure of a part of the full-size airplane is simulated by removing the corresponding part of the model before ditching. The models tested were the SB2C-1, B-17, B-32, B-24, B-25, and B-29. Tests were made in Tank # 2 and using the seaway catapult. Most of the models dived when ditched, but than can be prevented by the use of a hydroflap, hydrofoil, or hydrospoiler under the nose or by reinforcement of the bomb-bay doors to prevent their failure when ditching. Through the cooperation of the Army Air Forces, it was possible to ditch and Actual B-24 under controlled conditions. The airplane was ditched in the James River. Despite extensive reinforcement the airplane was damaged severely. From the comparison of the ditching of the full-size B-24 with the tests of models it was concluded that tests of model give very good approximations of the behavior of the full-size airplanes.

A Study of Low-Speed Flight Characteristics of Powered Lift Jet Transports
16mm, Sound, Color, 670ft.,19min.

A Study of the Flow Over Several Thick Symmetrical Airfoils.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 690ft., 28min.

A Study of the Use of Canard Surfaces as an Aid in Recovering from Spins and Preventing Directional Divergence Near the Stall Film
16mm, Silent, Black & White

A Technique for Determining Wake Location from a Helicopter in Flight
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 660ft., 15min.

A Visual Aid for Determing the Characteristics of Gases Vented Into a Supersonic Stream
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 285ft., 7min.

A Water Immersion Technique for Zero Gravity Simulation of Astronaut Ingress-Egress Maneuvers
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 290ft., 8min.

A Wind Tunnel Guest Response Technique
16mm, Sound, Color, 170ft., 4.5min

16mm, Silent, Black & White, 253ft.

A-57 H/S Ejection Test and OFO/RMS Payload: Part II- A-47 H/S
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Abalation Tests in 700-kw Arc Jet.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 120ft., 3min.

ABMA 20 MC Antenna Release Tests in 41-Foot Sphere
16mm, Silent, Black and White, 6000ft., 2hr. 49min.

ABMA Jupiter Nose Cone Advanced Materials Evaluation Program
16mm., Silent, Black & White, 300ft., 9min.

ABMA Payload 16 Antenna Release Test
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 3160ft., 88min.

A-Bomb (Print)
16mm, Silent, Black & White
News of the day presents Atom Bomb Blast No.5. World's most astounding man-made phenomenon filmed by cameramen of U.S. Navy, Coast Guard, Army Air Forces and American newsreels of underwater explosion of the atomic bomb during Operations Crossroads in the Bikini Lagoon.

16mm, Silent, Color

Aces, Washington Show
165mm, Sound, Color

Acoustic Exposure Tests for Squirrel Monkeys
16mm, Silent, Color, 420ft., 11.6min.

Advanced Composite Aileron
16mm, Sound, Color 13min.

Advanced Composite Elevator for the Boeing 727 Aircraft
16mm, Sound, Color, 14min.

Advanced Composite Vertical Fin Component for L-1011 Aircraft
16mm, Sound, Color 11min.

Advanced Composite Vertical Fin-Manufacturing
16mm, Sound, Color, 600ft.

Advanced Composite Vertical Fin-Quality Assurance
16mm, Sound, Color, 400ft.

Aerodynamic and Deployment Characteristics of Multistage Canopy and Suspension Line Reefing System for a Twin Keel All Flexible Parawing.
16mm, Silent, Color, 120ft., 3.5min.

Aerodynamic and Flow Visualization Studies of Two Delta Wing Entry Vehicles at a Mach Number of 20.3
16mm, Silent, Color, 5min.

Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Models of Some Aircraft-Towed Mine Sweeping Devices
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 465ft, 13min

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Parachutes at Mach Numbers from 1.6 to 3
Originally recorded in16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1000ft., 28min.

Aerodynamic Characteristics of the X-15/b-52 Combination
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 641ft., 18min.
Carry loads, aerodynamic interference effects and drop characteristics of x-15 through b-52 flow field

Aerodynamic Drag and Stability Characteristics Towed Inflatable Decelerators at Supersonic Speeds
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 90ft., 2.5min.

Aerodynamic Heating and Deceleration During Entry Into Planetary Atmospheres
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1100ft., 29min.

Aerodynamic Heating of Blunt Nose Shapes at Mach Numbers up to 14
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White 330ft., 9min.

Aerodynamic Research Relative to Variable Sweep Aircraft
16mm, Silent, Color, 275ft., 7.5min.

Aeroelastic Phenomena and Research Techniques
16mm, Silent, Color, 11min.

Aeroelastic Tests of an Eight Percent Scale Saturn C-1 Block II
16mm, Sound, Color, 188ft., 5.25min.

Aeroplastic Phenomena and Related Research
16mm, Sound, color, 482ft., 13.5min.

AIR AND SPACE (For Paris Air Show)
16mm, Silent, Color

Air Cushion Landing Gear
16mm, Silent, Color

Air Cushion Landing Gear

Air Force Day Film--194819' P. T. P-51, 194019' Rough Water Landings of a 1/8-Scale Model of a Grumman JRF-5 with and without Hydro-Skis (Model Film Data, Dec. 1948)

16mm, Silent, Black & White, 90ft, 4min

Air Force Movie--Goose with Skis

Air to Air Tracking Using an APQ-35B Radar System
16mm, Silent, Black & White/Color

Aircraft Crash Tests Composite Data Film 'A' Wind
16mm, Silent, Color, 788ft., 22min.

Aircraft Structural Testing in True Temperature Supersonic Jets
16mm, Silent, Color, 120ft., 3min.

Aircraft Trailing Vortices
16mm, Silent, Color, 430ft., 12min.

16mm, Silent, Color

Air-Flow Characteristics on a 40-Degree Sweptback Wing as Indicated by Surface Tufts.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 100ft., 3min.

Air-Flow Visualization for Several Rotor Configuration Models Operating in the Static Thrust Condition
16mm, Silent, Black and White, 210ft., 9min.

Airline Pilot Visual Scanning Studies Conducted Jointly by NASA LRC/AMES at Piedmont Airline Training Facility

16mm, Sound, Black & White, 270ft., 7.5min

Ames Laboratory 6'x6' Wind Tunnel
16mm, Color, 376ft.
Construction and operation of the 6-foot by 6-foot supersonic tunnel at Ames Aeronautical Laboratory are presented. Several views of the power plant which furnishes power for the operation of this tunnel are also shown.

Ames Laboratory in Action
This is a publicity film showing aerial views of Langley, Aeronautical Laboratory, Lewis flight Propulsion Laboratory, and Ames Aeronautical Laboratory. Since the film was made by and for AAL, views of AAL laboratory and its activities are presented, including views of AAL Sheet Metal Shop, views of various wind tunnels and tests carried on in them. Actual views, schematic diagrams, and tests are shown in the 40x80-foot, the two 7x10-foot, the 16-foot high-speed, the 12-foot pressure tow-turbulence, and the 1x3-foot tunnels. An ice prevention test on and airfoil was made by mounting an airfoil on top of a C-47 in flight, and the wing flow test was made on a model mounted on the wing of a P-51 in flight. Full-scale airplanes are P-512, P-39, C-47, P-80, and F4F. Instruments, designed and assembled by personnel at AAL, are also presented.

An Advanced Composite Stabilizer for the Boeing-737
16mm, Sound, Color, 6min.

An Energy Absorption Process Employing Frangible Metal Tubing
16mm, Sound, Color, 290ft., 8min.

An Evaluation of Linearized Vortex Theory as Applied to Single and Multiple Rotors Hovering In and Out of Ground Effect
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 190ft., 5min.

An Experimental Study of the Effect of Downwash from a Twin Propeller VTOL Aircraft on Several Types of Ground Surfaces
16mm, Silent, Color, 670ft., 18.5min.

An Exploratory Investigation of Jet Blast Effects on a Dust Covered Surface at Low Ambient Pressure
Originally recorded in16mm, Silent, Black & White, 702ft., 19.5min.

An Investigation of Resonant, Nonplanar Free-Surface Oscillations of a Fluid
16mm, Sound, Color, 275ft., 7.5min.

An Investigation to Determine the Effect of Lithium Hydride as an Internal Coolant in Stainless Steel and Molybdenum Models
16mm, Silent, Color, 965ft., 27min.

Animation and 30 Cell Manometer Records for Ames Conference. 1950

Apollo 13 Review Board Test Support Operations
16mm, Silent, Color, 8min.

Apollo-Lunar Orbital Rendezvous Technique
Originally recorded in 16mm, Sound, Color, 219ft., 5min.


Apparatus for Study of Electomagnetic Wake Propagation Through an Ionized Gas
16mm, Silent, Color, 140ft., 4min.

Arial of Scout
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Assembling and Testing of the Parachute Recovery System for the Temco Corvus Missile at Wallops Island, VA
16mm, Silent, Color, 15.5min.

Assembling and Testing of the Parachute Recovery System for the Temco Corvus Missile at Wallops Island, Va.
16mm, Silent, Color, 560ft., 15.5min.

AST Structural Panel Program Weldbrazed Panels 8-5-74
16mm, Sound, Color, 400ft., 10min.

Astronaut Personality Clips (John Young STS-1 Pilot)
16mm, Silent, Color

Astronaut Shepard Reports on Space
16mm, Sound, Color, 720ft., 20min.

Atlas Missile Test Project
16mm, Silent, Color

Automobile Dual Braking
16mm, Sound, Color, 432ft., 12min.

AWT XPB2M-1 Flutter

B-17 Training Film Catapult
Catapult tests were made, using the seaway catapult at Langley Field, VA., to determine the ditching performance of the Army B-17F airplane. For the tests a 1/16 scale dynamic wooden model was used. The flaps were semi-fixed in the down position. Representative power-off landings were made from high, medium, and low altitudes, at angles of attack of 3 1/2-degrees, 7-degrees, and 10-degrees and airspeeds of 98, 110, and 122 MPH, in smooth water, across the waves and along the waves for the complete model and for the model in a damaged condition in which failure of the nose window, bomb-bay doors, camera hatch, lower turret, rear entrance door, tail wheel well, and rear gunner's entrance door simulate. Two three-wheel landings at angle of attack of 0-degrees and 135 MPH airspeed are also shown. Smooth water tests were made with the bomb-bay doors and gun turret in position and hydroflap installed to increase the landing run and to keep the nose clear.

B-19 1/20 Model Ditching Tests (Part II Rough)
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Ditching tests were made by using the seaway catapult at Langley Field, VA., on a 1/20-scale model of the Army B-29 airplane in rough water. Scale strength flaps were used and all values; weight of 105,000 lbs., C.G. at 25% MAC and 32 in. above the fuselage center line; attitude angles of 1-degree and 9-degree, flap deflections of 45-degree and airspeeds of 104 and 128 MPH; refer to the full-scale airplane. Rough water tests were made with nose window, nose wheel door, main wheel doors, bomb-bay doors, section of fuselage between the bomb-bay doors, camera hatch, main entrance door, and tail skid door removed to simulate their failure. Runs were made with wave crests parallel and perpendicular to flight path in waves from 5-12 feet high. Landings were made with one wing low and initial contract on crest and on windward side of wave.

B-24 Army Training Film Catapult
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Catapult tests were made, using the seaway catapult at Langley Field, VA., to determine the ditching performance of the army B-24 airplane. A 1/16-scale dynamic wooden model was used with various structural parts, as the bomb-bay doors, nose-wheel doors, and entrance hatches removed to simulate a damaged condition, and C.G. at 28.5% MAC. Representative power off landings were made with the flaps down in smooth water, across waves, and along waves, for light and heavy weight conditions, in tail down, 2-wheel and 3-wheel landing attitudes. The first series of runs were made with the bomb-bays removed and complete bulkhead behind the bomb-bay. The last series were made with bomb-bay doors partially retracted so that only the flat portion of the fuselage was open.

B-24 Ditching Instrumentation

B-24 Ditching with Hydro-Scoop
16mm, Silent, Black & White
A method considered for improving the water performance of land planes during ditching requires a hydro-scoop to be installed on the rear part of the fuselage. To determine the full-scale hydrodynamic characteristics of a hydro-scoop, one was installed on a B-24 airplane which was ditched at the AAF Proving Ground Command at Eglin Field, Florida. The experiment was made cooperatively by the NACA; which developed, designed, and built the instrument; and the AAF. A NACA photo-observer incorporating instruments to record airspeed, attitude and longitudinal deceleration was a part of the instrumentation. Eight gun-sight cameras were equipped with special wide -angle lenses and installed in waterproof housings. The B-24 was flown to the ditching site by radio control from the C-45 mother plane. It had been planned to land the airplane on the water at a high (near stall) attitude with a low forward speed. However, due to the pilot's inability to judge the airplane's altitude, it contacted the water at a 1-degree nose-down attitude, with a speed of 107 MPH, and a rate of descent of 9 fps. Because of the temporary failure of the instrument radio switch, the photo-observer and damage cameras did not start recording until 1 second after impact, at which time the damage cameras were submerged, and the record of the damage occurring during ditching had to be obtained from observation by divers. The airplane was severely damaged, leaving a stream of debris in its wake, and sank within 6 minutes. Since the hydro-scoop was designed to be effective in a high-attitude landing, the experiment did not give and evaluation of the effectiveness of the hydro-scoop as a ditching aid. Graphs of attitude and deceleration showing the time-history of the airplane during the ditching run are presented. The airplane ran only 3 lengths after contacting the water, and had a maximum deceleration of 4 G, which occurred immediately after contact.

B-24 Tufts 19' P.T.
16mm, Silent, Black & White

B-24 Wheel Pictures
Presents a flight investigation of the effects of landing impact on horizontal tail loads. Landings were made with the main wheels in one of 3 positions; (1) initially stationary but free to rotate, (2) prerotated, (3) locked with brakes. Landings were made at ground speeds of 96, 101, 103, 107, 114, and 122 MPH; at vertical velocities of 2.1, 2.2, 4.0, 4.2, 6.7, and 6.9 FPS; at attitude angles of -0.0, 3.2, 2.9, and 4.8-degrees; normal accelerations 0.6g, 0.8g, 1.05g, 1.12, and 1.55g. The landing gear frequency and frequency of the horizontal tail in symmetrical bendings are substantially the same about 7 cycles/sec. Occasionally both main wheels touch at these same time and the fore-and-aft oscillations are in phase. When this happens the tail approaches resonance with the landing gear, and tail vibrations of increasing amplitude occur, although the amplitudes of the landing gear oscillations are decreasing. Tail loads are greatly reduced when the wheel oscillations are eliminated by pre-rotation or braking.

B-32 Airplane 19 Foot Pressure Tunnel Test 109
16mm, Silent, Black & White

B-32 Part 4-- Tufts 19' P.T.
16mm, Silent, Black & White

B-32 Part IV Tufts 19' P.T.
Stall tests were made, by means of tufts, in the 19 ft. pressure tunnel on a 1/8 scale of the B-32 at an RN approximately 2.6x10 [6th power]. Stall progression for the model is presented with propellers operating at 40% normal rated power windmilling, and off; with various configurations - leading edge gloves and 60% span trailing edge extensions added, cowl flaps open10-degrees and closed, intercooler flaps open and closed, standard nacelles, nacelle afterbodies #3 and #4 - at flap deflections of 0-degrees and 40-degrees, angle of attack range from 0-degrees to 12.9-degrees, and lift coefficient range from 0.05 to 2.57. Transition was fixed at 10% of the original wing.

B-32 Testing
Stall Tests were made, by means of tufts, in the 19-foot pressure tunnel on a 1/8 scale model of the B-32 with propellers operating at 40% normal rated power; RN configuration, with transition fixed, through the range of flap deflection of 0-degrees, 10-degrees, 20-degrees, 30-degrees, and 40-degrees; and with the cowl flaps at 10-degrees or closed and intercooler laps closed and open. Natural transition in the clean condition is included for flap deflection of 0-degree, angle of attack range from 4.3 degrees to 11.8-degrees and loft coefficient range from 0.47 to 1.20. For the tests with transition fixed the angles of attack ranged from 0-degrees to 14.7-degrees and the lift coefficients ranged from 0.7 to 2.57.

B-35 Test 127
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Stall tests were made, by means of tufts, were made in the 19ft., pressure tunnel on a 1/8-scale model of the B-32 equipped with propellers operating at 40% normal rated power for RN approximately 2.6x10[6th power]. Stall progression is presented for the model, with 34 and 35 nacelle afterbodies tested for various configurations with leading edge gloves and trailing edge extensions, and for double slotted inboard flaps, deflected 40-degrees. Transition was fixed at 10% of the original wing chord. The trailing edge extensions cover 0.6 span. the angles of attack range from 0.1-degree to 15.7-degree and the lift coefficients range from 0.50 to 2.62.

B-36 (Revised) Outboard Nacelle
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Stall studies were made by means of tufts in the pressure, low-turbulence tunnel on the revised 1/4-scale model of the outboard nacelle of the B-36 airplane at RN of 1.68x10 [6th power] over a lift coefficient range from 0.49 to 0.943. Rear top view of the nacelle and three-quarter front view of the air inlets are shown.

Ball Spring, Etc.--Rhode

Beating the Heat
16mm, Sound, Color, 650ft., 19min

Bell Multi-Skin Tests in Wallops Island High Temperature Jet
16mm, Silent, Color, 380ft., 10.5min.

Bell-Raytheon Structural Integrity Test of a Composite Panel Consisting of: 0.03-Inch Degassed Astrolite Sheet, 3/8-Inch-Thick Ectofoam Insulation 1/16-Inch-Thick Aluminum
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 255ft., 7min.

Beryllium Hemispherical Nose Models Supplied by Lockheed Aircraft Corp. for U.S. Navy Polaris Program
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Big Shot Viewing Test No. 6, August 24, 1961
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 340ft., 9.5min.

Blast Effects of Twin Variable-Cant Rocket Nozzles on Visibility During Landing on a Particle-Covered Surfaces
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black and White, 1655ft., 1hr. 46min.

Body Vapor Screen Tests Langley 4- by 4-foot Supersonic Pressure Tunnel. M=20
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 410ft, 17min

Boeing Dyna-Soar in Unitary 1959
16mm, Silent

Boeing Dyna-Soar in Unitary
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Boeing Dyna-Soar In Unitary
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Boeing Dyna-Soar Project. I.N. 59-187; I.N. 59-218
16mm, Silent, Black & White,

Boeing Dyna-Soar Tests in the Langley 11-Inch Hypersonic Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Color, 140ft., 4min.

Boeing Model 1 E
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 225ft., 6min.

Bomb Fuses
A number of tests on bomb fuses were shown.

Bomb Releases at Supersonic Speeds
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Boron Composites in the CH 54B Helicopter
16mm, Sound, Color, 500ft., 14min.

Boron-Epoxy Reinforced C-130 Center Wing Box Program
16mm, Sound, Color, 21min.

Boy Scouts--First in Space
16mm, Sound, Color, 400ft., 11min.

Buckling Strength - Curved - Combined Compression and Shear

Bureau of Aero. Design #22A DR Model # 206
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Landing tests and spray characteristics tests on bow, in propellers, on flaps and on tail surfaces of a 1/11-scale dynamic model of the Bureau of Aeronautics design #22ADR, class VPB airplane were made in Tank #1. For the spray characteristics tests the model was tested with gross loads of 78.1, 93.0, 107.9 and 122.7lbs.; with flaps deflected 20-degrees; stabilizers deflected -9.5-degrees to wing; C.G. at 28% MAC; and full power. As the weight of the model increased the spray remained in the propellers for increasing distances during accelerated runs. For the Landing tests the flaps were deflected 20-degrees, stabilizers deflected -9.5-degrees to wing, C.G. at 38% MAC, ? static thrust was used and the gross loads were 78.1 and 93.0lbs. The trim angles covered a range from 14.1-degrees to 4-degrees.

Burning of Metal Rods in a Supersonic Jet
16mm, Silent, Color, 60ft, 2.5min

Cable Splice and Spreader Arm Assembly

Calm and Rough Water Ditching Investigation of a 0.043 Scale Model of a Typical Jet Transport With and Without Ditching Aids
15mm, Silent, Black & White, 201ft., 5.5min.

Calm and Rough Water Ditching Investigation of a 0.043 Scale Model of a Typical Jet Transport with Landing Gear Extended
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 220ft., 6min.

Cambridge Research Center Sounding Rocket Test at Wallops Island, Virginia
16mm, 365ft., 10min.

Candidate Space Shuttle Orbiters M+20 Electron Beam Flow Studies, Long Version
16mm, Silent, Color,

Candidate Space Shuttle Orbiters M=20 Electron Beam Flow Studies Dec. 1969 Short Version
16mm, Silent, color, 210ft., 6min.

Cargo Transfer in Rough Water - Part-1
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 400ft., 16min.

Carrier Landings
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Catapult Ditching B-25
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Ditching tests were made using the seaway catapult at Langley Field, VA., on a 1/11 scale dynamic model of the Army B-25 airplane in heavy weight condition and a no bomb-load, partial fuel-load condition; with flaps semi-fixed in the full-down position; Bombardier's window, the three-wheel doors, the entrance hatches, and the bomb-bay doors omitted. High and medium attitude landings were made in smooth water; across wind, along wave; and into wind, across waves; at airspeeds ranging from 86 to 105 MPH, weights of 22,600 and 25,800 lbs., and attitude angles ranging from 6-degrees to 13-degrees.

Catapult Ditching Tests of A-26 Part 4
Ditching tests were made using the seaway catapult at Langley Field, VA. on a 1/12 scale model of the Army A-26 airplane in calm and rough water. All values weight of 25, 730 lbs., C.G. at 28.4% MAC and 5.1 in. above thrust line, flaps deflected 55-degrees, attitude angle of 8-degrees, airspeed of 100 MPH; refer to the full-scale airplane. Tests were made with the nose-wheel doors, bomb-bay doors, main landing gear doors, aft end of the nacelles, and lower turret-service door removed to simulate their failure; with all-purpose nose door closed and braced open 30-degrees to the thrust in to form a hydro flap; in calm water, parallel to 2 and 3 ft. waves perpendicular to 2, 3, and 6ft. waves; at ground speeds from 68 to 122 MPH.

Celestial Mechanics and the Lunar Probe
16mm, Sound, Color, 327ft., 10.5min.

Centrifugal Antenna Erection
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 2788ft., 1hr. 22min.

Ceramic Heat Exchanger
16mm, Silent, Color, 280ft., 8min.

Circulation in Drops
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Classroom In Space-The Getaway Special
16mm, Sound, Color

Cold Separation Test for the S-55B, February 1962
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 910ft., 25min.

Color Schlieren Motion Picture of a Cascade of 65-(4A10)06 Blade Section in Reverse in the Langley 7-Inch High Speed
16mm, Silent, Color, 150ft., 4min.

Combat Traction--USAF-NASA Cooperative Project
16mm, Silent, Color, 320ft., 9min.

Comparative Measurements of Man's Walking and in Earth and Simulated Lunar Gravity
16mm, Silent, Color, 70ft., 2min.

Comparison and Evaluation of Several Chemicals as Agents for Rocket-Vehicle Production of Smoke Trails for Wind-Shear Measurements.
16mm, Silent, Color, 790ft., 22min.

Comparison Film Skate 7 With and Without Skies

Comparison Of Wind Tunnel And Flight Vortex Systems 20 Degrees Angle Of Attack
16mm, 5.53min

Completely Flexible Wings With Variable Geometry
16mm, Silent, Color, 130ft., 3.5min.

16mm, Silent, Black & White

Computer Simulation of Disk Galaxies
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 205ft., 5.6min.

Computer Simulation of Disk Galaxies
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Computer Simulation of Disk Galaxies
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Computer Simulation of Disk Galaxies
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Computer Simulation of Spiral Galaxies
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Computer Simulation of Spiral Galaxies
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Computerized Circuit Analysis With Visual Input/Output
16mm, Silent, Color

Computers in Aerospace Research
16mm, Sound, Color, 875ft., 24min.

Conference at LAL- Univ. Professors
16mm, Silent
Pictures were made at the University Conference on Aerodynamics of professors who came to LAL from all over the U.S. to be brought up to date on all phases of aerodynamics. Pictures were made in the 7 by 10-foot tunnel building and on the lawn of the recreation building in the West Area

Consolidated--Vultee XP-92 Nose Capsule Release, Report No. 25

Consolidated--Vultee XP-92 Report No. 50

Construction of Wooden Propellers
The entire process through which sitka spruce passes to become a 45ft. wind tunnel propeller is depicted. The NACA, through refusal of propeller manufacturers to make these propellers, was forced to set up a shop and train model makers to do the job. Shows special tools developed by NACA to be used on the propellers in various phases of the construction process.

Control Missile John Hopkins
16mm, Silent, Black & White
At the request of the Bureau of Ordnance, Navy Department, roll stabilization tests of the Johns Hopkins CTV control missile were conducted in the high speed 7' x 10' tunnel in order to obtain information concerning the roll stabilization systems employed. Motion picture records were taken during the tests at the same time the missile and aileron motions were being recorded by electrical methods. Tests were made with follow up ratios of 6/1, 4/1, 2.5/1, and 1.6/1; feed back of 100% and 200%; rate gyro at 100%, 50%, and 0; at velocities from 355 to 503 MPH; and Mach nos. from 0.483 to 0.699.

Controlled Tethering in Space
16mm, Sound, Color, 600ft., 16.5min.

Convair B58A Model in Langley 4-Foot SPT for Test No. 233
16mm, Silent, Color, 85ft., 2.5min.

Convection and Radiation Heating Apparatus
16mm, Silent, Color

Copy Scout Test Vehicle
16mm, Silent, Color

Correlation of the Ditching Performances of a 1/16-Size Dynamic Model of the Army B-24 Airplane and the Full Size Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 170ft., 7min.

Countersunk Rivets
Presents a comparison of tightness of joints constructed by the use of 3 classes of machine-countersunk rivets for aircraft. Those of class 1 have an annular gap around the rived head caused when the hole is countersunk to a depth greater than the height of the rivet head. The height of the heads of rivets in class 2 is equal to the depth of the hole, thus forming no gap and increasing the tightness of the connection. Rivets of class 3 are those whose heads protrude above the surface. These are the tightest rivets when preformed countersunk heads are used. A still tighter flush rivet can be obtained by inserting a round-head rivet from the back and forming the countersunk head by driving. For the 2 tightest rivets, the heads protrude above the skin surface after driving. The protruding portion of the heads is removed by a flush-rivet milling tool, which may be set to shave off the heads very close to the surface. Desirable aerodynamic smoothness is obtained by painting or polishing the surface.

Crash Tests of Four Identical High-Wing Single-Engine Airplanes
16mm, Silent, Color, 15.5min.

Crew Motion Disturbances- Simulation of Determination of Vehicle Disturbance Due to Crew Activity
16mm, Silent, Color, 310ft., 8.5min.

Cutting-005in. Slots for Laminar Flow Control Airfoil
16mm, Silent, Color, 145ft., 4min.

Data Film on the 1/25-Scale Model of the Chance-Vought XF8U-1 Airplane--Part II
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 905ft, 37min

Data From a Static-Thrust Investigation of a Large-Scale General Research VTOL-STOL Model in Ground Effect.
16mm, Silent, Color, 315ft., 8.5min.
The model was tested at two different elevations with the wing pivot at 1.008 and 2.425 propeller diameters above the ground. The slipstream of the propellers was deflected by tilting the wing and propellers, by deflections of large-chord trailing-edge flaps, and by combinations of flap deflection and wing tilt. Tests were conducted over a range of propeller disk loadings from 7.41 to 29.70 pounds per square foot. Force data for the complete model and pressure distributions for the wing and flaps behind one propeller were recorded and are presented in tabular form without analysis.

DC-3Tufts in Flight
Presents tuft studies over wings and ailerons of Douglas DC-3 in Flight

Deck Inlet and Planning Tail Configurations
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 185ft, 7.5min

Deep Sea Diving
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 800ft., 22min.

Delta-Wing Hydro-Ski Configuration
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 100ft., 4min.

Demonstration of Fuel Sloshing in a Sphere-1st. and 2nd. Modes
16mm, Silent, Color, 125ft., 3.5min.

Demonstration of In-Flight Variation of Wing Sweep With a 1/10-Scale Free Flying Model of a Variable Sweep Attack Airplane
16mm, Silent, Color, 93ft., 3min.

Demonstration of Structural Feed-Back Instability
15mm, silent, Color 70ft., 2min.

Deployment and Performance Characteristics of 5-Foot Diameter (1.5m) Attached Inflatable Decelerators from Mach Numbers 2.2-4.4
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 160ft., 4.5min.

Deployment and Stability of Flexible Gliders
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 360ft., 10min.

Deployment Tests of the Stratos-Western Version of the Integrated Aircrew Escape/Rescue Capability (AERCAB) System in the Langley Full Scale Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1010ft., 28min.

Deployment Tests of Jinivik Air Cushion Recovery and Take Off Systems at High Forward Speeds
16mm, Silent, Color, 1200ft., 28min.

Development of a Towed-Model Flutter Test Technique in the Langley 19' Pressure Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Development of Ventilation on a Surface Piercing Hydrofoil
16mm, Silent, Color, 100ft., 3min.

Device Designed and Constructed at Langley Research Center Undergoing an Ejection and Inflation Test in the 5-by-10 Foot Vacuum Chamber.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 110ft., 3min.

Direct Viewing Camera Records of TV Viewing Tests Conducted for Big Shot Program at LRC, March 16, 1961 (reel no. 1) and TV scope records of TV Viewing Tests Conducted for Big Shot Program at LRC, March 16, 1961
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 150ft., 4min.

Direct Viewing Camera Records of TV Viewing Tests Conducted for Big Shot Program at LRC, March16, 1961 (Reel no. 1) and TV Scope Records of TV Viewing Tests Conducted for Big Shot Program at LRC, March 16, 1961 (Reel no. 2)
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 290ft., 8min.

Ditching - A-26 (Part 2)
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Ditching A 20-A Catapult
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Ditching tests were made at the outdoor ditching catapult on a 1/10-scale model of the army A-20A airplane with full-scale weight of 17, 400 lbs. and flaps semi-fixed in the down position. Power off; high, medium, and low attitude; landings were made in smooth water and along the waves with the bomb-bay doors, the bombardier's sighting window, and the rear gun hatch removed since it was assumed that they would fail in full-scale ditchings. The model, of wooden construction, was ditched at angles of attack of 13-degrees, 9-degrees, and 4-degrees; and at airspeeds of 88, 102, and 118 MPH.

Ditching-- A-20, B-26, B-25, B-17

Ditching A-26 (Part III)
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Ditching and Hydro-Ski Landing Tests of a 1/10-Scale Model of the Chance Vought Regulus I Missile
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 250ft., 7min.

Ditching B-24 with Eagle Ant.
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Ditching tests were made on a 1/16-scale model of the Army B-24 airplane equipped with an Eagle antenna. The nose window, nose-wheel doors, bomb-bay doors, belly turret, and rear entrance hatch were removed to simulate their failure. The model was ditched with and without the antenna installed and dived each time. Tests were run at attitude angles of 9-degrees (tail down) and 1-degree (near level) and speeds of 100 and 120 MPH (full-scale).

Ditching B-24 with Parachutes
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Ditching tests were made in Tank #2 on a 1/16-scale model of the Army B-24 airplane equipped with tow 1/16 scale 24-ft. parachutes, attached to the leading edge of the wing at the root chord and at each waist-gun window. The nose window, nose-wheel doors, belly turret and rear entrance hatch were removed to simulate their failure. The model was launched from 1, 6, and 10 in. above the water at launching attitudes of 9-degrees (tail down) and 1-degree (near level); and speeds of 100 and 120 MPH (full-Scale). The parachutes opened over and under the horizontal tail.

Ditching Boeing B-47
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Ditching- Calm Water B-24 and B-17
Calm water ditching tests of Y16-size models of the Army B-24 & B-17 in Tank No. 2

Ditching Chance Vought F7U-3 Part-3

Ditching- Convair Liner- Part 1
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Ditching- D-36, Part II
Ditching tests of a1/20-scale model of the Army B-36 airplane.
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Ditching Grumman F9F-2 Airplane--Part 1
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Ditching Investigation Douglas C-124 (Film for Report 1347)
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Ditching Investigation of a 0.043-Scale Model of the Boeing Jet Transport--Part I
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 125ft., 3min.

Ditching Investigation of a 1/20-Scale Model of Space Shuttle Orbiter
16mm, 390ft., 10.5min.

Ditching Investigation of a 1/25-Scale Model of the Douglas YC-133 Airplane Part 1
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 170ft., 7min.

Ditching Investigation of a 1/30-Scale Dynamic Model of a Heavy Jet Transport Airplane
16mm, Silent, Color

Ditching Investigation of a Dynamic Model of a HU2K-1 Helicopter
16mm, Silent, Color, 165ft., 5min.

Ditching Investigation of a Jet Transport with Various Engine Installations
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 230ft., 9.5min.

Ditching Model North American B-45

Ditching-- Northrop C-125 Airplane- Part 1
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Ditching of 1/12-Scale Model of the F3D-2--Part I.

Ditching Preformance in the Army B-26 Plane
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Ditching tests were made using the seaway catapult at Langley Field, VA., on a 1/12-scale dynamic model of the B-26 airplane in an over-load weight condition and a Half-fuel, no bomb-load condition; with flaps fixed in the down position. High, medium, and low attitude landings were made in smooth water; across waves, into wind; across wind, along waves; at airspeeds ranging from 110 to 145 MPH, weights of 26,200 and 35,000 lbs., and at attitude angles ranging from 13-degrees to 4-degrees.

Ditching Test of a 1/10-Scale Model of the North American XFJ-1 Model 243
Ditching tests of a 1/10-scale model of the North American FJ-1 airplane were made in calm water at the Tank #2 monorail to determine the effect of landing attitude in landing flaps, and damage on the ditching behavior of the airplane. Scale strength flaps were used and all values, including weight of 12,151 lbs. and C.G. at 162.15 in. aft of station 0 and 11.12 in. below the fuselage reference line, were full scale. Tests were made with no damage simulates; with the nose-wheel door dented and crumpled. Skipping caused by the curvature of the underside of the fuselage, was noticeable at all conditions but was most violent in the undamaged condition. Attitude angles were 12-degrees, 8-degrees, and 2-degrees; flap deflections were 0-degrees and 40-degrees; and speeds were 93.9, 104.3, 118.2, and 128.7 knots. The landing flaps always failed and had no detrimental effect on the ditching behavior; therefore, most tests were made with the flaps extended at 40-degrees. The preferred attitude for ditching was found to be 12-degrees.

Ditching Tests Douglass DC-4 and DC-6 Part 1
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Ditching Tests Lockheed Constellation Airplane with Speedpak Attached- Part 2
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Ditching tests were made in Tank #2 on a 1/18-scale model of the Constellation with Speedpak attached. Tests were made in calm water at various attitudes, ranging from 4-degrees to 12-degrees, and flaps up or down and speeds ranging from 90 to 147 mph. The model is in the undamaged condition and scale-strength connections are used to attach the damaged Speedpak. Tests are also made with a scale-strength Speedpak attached.

Ditching Tests Lockheed Constellation
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Ditching tests were made in Tank # 2 on a 1/18-scale model of the Lockheed Constellation in calm water at landing attitudes ranging from 4-degrees to 12-degrees, with flaps both up and down and at speeds ranging from 85 to 171 mph. Tests were made on an undamaged model and on a model with scale strength bottom and landing gear doors removed.

Ditching Tests Navy SB2C-1 (Pt. 1)
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Ditching tests were made in calm water in Tank #2 on a 1/8-scale model of the Navy SB2C-1 airplane (Army A-25) to obtain effect of attitude, damage, flap setting and the effect of the arresting gear hook upon ditching. Gross Weight of the airplane was 12,060 lbs.; C.G. at 30.2% MAC and 1.2 in. below the thrust line auxiliary elevators, near the top of the rudder, were used to obtain the desired attitudes; spoilers were placed on the wing at all speeds above 78.2 knots to decrease the lift to the proper value; and scale strength flaps were used. Test doors, removed; and with bomb-sight doors and bomb-lever doors, bomb-bay doors, removed; and with bomb-sight doors and bomb-lever doors removed; at attitudes of 80-degrees (intermediate) and 15-degrees (tail down); speeds of 86.6, 78.2, 104.3, 112.9, 60.8, 95.6, and 69.6 knots; maximum longitudinal decelerations of 1.2, 1.3, 4.0, 1.4, 1.8, 7.6, 5.2, 4.8, 2.3, 7.4, 5.1, and 4.2 g; lengths of run from 2 to 26 times the fuselage length; with flaps full up, half down, and full down. The effect of the arresting gear was to cause the behavior of the model to change from skipping and porpoising to a violent drive.

Ditching Tests Navy XP2V-1-- Part 1
Ditching tests of a 1/16 Scale model of the Navy XP2V-1 airplane were made in calm water at the Langley Tank #2 monorail to determine the effect of landing attitude, position of the landing flaps, damage, and ditching aid on the ditching behavior of the airplane. Scale strength flaps were used and all values, weight, 45,000lb., C.G. at 29.3% MAC and 3.1 in. above thrust line; are full scale. Tests were made with no damage simulated to determine the effect of re-enforcing the bottom of the fuselage sufficiently to withstand the water loads of a ditching to determine the hydrodynamic effect of the landing flap. The bottom of the fuselage is unusually weak and so would be difficult to reinforce adequately. Tests were made with the nose-wheel doors, main-wheel doors, bomb-bay doors, radar turret, rear entrance door, and tow sections of the fuselage bottom aft of the bomb bays removed to simulate their failure. In this condition, the model dived. The simplest method of eliminating this diving would be the installation of a hydroflap under the forward party of the fuselage. When the hydroflap was located at the forward edge of the nose-wheel, door, the model continued to dive; but when it was relocated at the aft part of the nose-wheel, door, the diving was prevented. Tests were made attitude angles of 10-degrees, 6-degrees, and 2-degrees; with flaps up and full down; over a speed range from 71 to 211 knots.

Ditching Tests of Chance Vought XF6U-Model P1
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Ditching tests of a 1/8-scale model of the Vought XF6U-1 Airplane were made in calm water at the Langley Tank #2 monorail to determine the effect of landing attitude, landing flaps, and damage on the ditching behavior of the airplane. Scale strength flaps were used and all values, including weight of 9,706 lbs. and C.G. at 32.0% MAC and 5.75 in. above the thrust line, are full scale. runs were made with no damage simulated, to determine the behavior of the undamaged model and the effect of the landing flaps; with the engine access panel, engine removable pane, arresting gear door, main landing gear doors, fuel-pump access door, catapult doors, gun-access doors, and nose-wheel door removed to simulator their failure; and with engine access panel, and the engine removable panel, and the engine mounding system at approximately scale strength, to more accurately determine the amount of damage to be expected on the after fuselage, and the resulting motions. With the model in undamaged condition, the landing flaps always failed and had no detrimental effect on the ditching behavior, however violent trimming up and skipping was due to the shape of the aft portion of the fuselage. The attitude angles were 12-degrees, 8-degrees, and 4-degrees; flap deflection was 27-degrees; and speeds were 97.3, 106.9, and 123.3 knots. Pictures of the typical bottom damage at all attitudes were shown when tests were made with scale strength portions mentioned above.

Ditching Tests of the Navy XR6O-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Ditching tests were made in calm water at the Tank #2 monorail on a 1/24-scale model of the Navy XR6[Organizational Source] National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Langley Aeronautical Lab., Langley Field, VA.-1 airplane to determine the effect of landing attitude, position of land flaps, and damage. Scale strength flaps were used. Model tests with no simulated damage were used to determine the performance that would occur if the bottom could be adequately reinforced to prevent damage during ditching. Tests were also made with simulated failure of the nose-wheel doors and simulated crumpling aft of the nose-wheel doors. The scale-strength bottom was made of a light balsa framework covered with waterproof tissue paper, built to break under a uniformly distributed load of 5 pounds per square inch (full scale). Attitude range from 1-degree to 9-degrees, the flaps were full up or full down, and the speeds ranged from 91-132 MPH.

Ditching Tests-North American F-86
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Tests were made in calm water at the Tank #2 Monorail on a 1/10-scale model of the North American F-86 to determine the effect of Landing Attitude, landing flaps, and damage of the ditching behavior of the airplane. Scale-strength flaps were used and the first tests were made with no damage simulated. All tests were run at attitudes of 14-degrees, 9-degrees, and 4-degrees; with flaps at 0-degrees or 38-degrees; and at speeds ranging from 98 to 132 knots. The behavior at 14-degrees and 9-degrees; is considered satisfactory but the dive at 4-degrees is undesirable. The underside of the aft fuselage is weak enough is to incur some structural failure in calm-water ditching, so the next runs were made with the simulated crumpled bottom installed. At this condition, the runs were shorter, and the decelerations were higher. Next the empty 207 gallon wing fuel tanks were attached and runs made. The tanks seemed to suck the model under, so it is preferred that the wing-fuel tanks be jettisoned before a ditch is attempted. The results show that the preferred ditching conditions are 14-degrees attitude, flaps deflected 38-degrees and a speed of 98 knots.

Ditching XC-123 Part 1
Ditching investigation of a 1/14-scale model of the XC-123 Airplane.
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Divergence and Flutter Tests of 0.4-Scaled Model of the ASROC Rocket Motor Fins
16mm, Silent, Black & White

D-M 1 Part 4
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Smoke flow investigation was made in the full-scale tunnel over the wing of the DM-1 glider with and without sharp leading edges. Flow with the airplane in the original configuration passed over the center section in conventional manner with tip vortices of small extent being seen occasionally at CL of 0.57 and an angle of attack of 15.8-degrees. With a semi-span sharp leading edges installed a large vortex originated at the apex of the triangle and extended backward over the wing at CL of 0.6 and an angle of attack of 16.6-degrees.

Documentary Film Report on Wind Tunnel Test of 1/12-Scale Model of Lockheed Polaris Missile
16mm, Silent, Color 8.5min.

Documentary of Environmental Testing of Project ECHO and Vibration Survey of MERCURY-ATLAS 1
16mm, Silent, Color, 980ft., 13min.

Dr. Theodorsens Flutter in 8 ft. H.S.T
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Drag Characteristics of Several Towed Decelerator Models at Mach 3
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 70ft., 2min.

Drop Tests of a 1/30 Dynamically Scaled Model of the AVCO WS-107A Booster Vehicle From a Simulated Bomb Bay of a B-52 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 170ft., 7min.

Dynamic Analysis for Shuttle Design Verification
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 4min.

Dynamic Investigation of a Landing-Gear Configuration consisting of a Single Main Skid and a Nose Wheel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 250ft., 7min.

Dynamic Model and Drogue Parachute Tests for 1/10-Scale Model of the NASA Manned Satellite in the Langley 20-Foot Free-Spinning Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 195ft., 8min.

Dynamic Model Investigation of a 1/20 Scale Gemini Spacecraft in the Langley Spin Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 360ft., 18min.

Dynamic Model Investigation of a 1/s0 Scale Gemini Spacecraft in the Langley Spin Tunnel
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 360ft., 18min.

Dynamic Model Investigation of Some Landings and Slideouts of Recoverable Booster
16mm, Silent, Color, 75ft., 2min.

Dynamic Model Investigation of the Landing Characteristics of a Manned Spacecraft
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 215ft., 6min.

Dynamic Model Investigation of the Rough Water Landing Characteristics of a Space Craft
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 135ft., 3.5min.

Dynamic Model Investigation of Water Pressures and Accelerations Encountered During Landings of the Apollo Spacecraft
Originally recorded in 6mm, Silent, Color, 205ft., 5.7min.

Dynamic Model Tests at Low Subsonic Speeds of Project Mercury Capsule Configurations with and without Drogue Parachutes
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 300ft., 8.5min

Dynamic Model Tests of Models in the McDonnell Design of Project Mercury Capsule in the Langley 20-Foot Free-Spinning Tunnel
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1285ft., 36min.

Dynamic Model Tests of Models of the McDonnell Design of Project Mercury Capsule in the Langley 20-Foot Free-Spinning Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 800ft., 22min.

Dynamic Model Tests of Project Mercury Capsules in the Langley 20-Foot Free-Spinning Tunnel
16mm, silent, Black & White, 550ft., 15.5min.

Dynamic Stability and Control Characteristics of a Cascade-Wing Vertically-Rising Airplane Model in Take-Offs, Landings, and Hovering Flight
16mm Film, Silent, Black & White, 365ft., 10min.

Dynamic Stability and Control Characteristics of a Ducted Fan Model in Hovering Flight
16mm Film, Silent, Black & White, 230ft., 6.5min.

Dynamic Stability Tests of Full-Scale Minneapolis Honeywell Hemosphere-Drogue Combinations in the Langley 20-Foot Vertical Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 230ft., 6min.

Dynamic Store Release Tests in the Preflight Jet from a Model of the Lockheed F-104A
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 175ft., 5min.

Dynamic Store Release Tests in the Preflight Jet from a Model of the Lockheed F-104A
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 310ft., 8.5min.

Dynamic Store Release Tests in the Preflight Jet from a Model of the Lockheed F-104A
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 150ft., 4min.

Dynamic Store Release Tests in the Preflight Jet from a Model of the Lockheed F-104A.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 520ft., 14.5min.

Dynamics of Anti-Skid Braking Systems
16mm, Silent, Color, 600ft.

Dynamics of Disk Galaxies
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 205ft., 5.5min.

Early Paraglider Tests
16mm, Silent, Color, 12min

Echo I 41-Foot Vacuum Sphere Ejection Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 485ft., 13.5min.

Echo II 60-Foot Vacuum Chamber Sphere Ejection Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 323ft., 9min.

Effect of Aerodynamic Heating on Flutter
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 145ft., 4min.

Effect of Chamber and L.E. on Unsteady Flows Past Thin Airfoils Mounted in 4""x19"" Tunnel.
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Effect of Deflecting Ailerons with the Spin (Stick right in a Right Spin) on Recovery
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 190ft., 8min.

Effect of Forward Protruding Nose Spikes on Blunt Shape Bodies at M=2.91
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 240ft., 6.5min.

Effect of Gross Load Coefficient C [Delta Omega], on Bow Spray

Effect of Gross Load Coefficient C^o, On Bow Spray

Effect of Load-Alleviating Structure on the Landing Behavior of a Reentry-Capsule Model.
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 77ft., 2min.

Effects of the Atmospheric-Lithostatic Pressure Ration on Explosive Craters in Dry Soil
16mm, Sound, Color, 25min.

Effects of Wing Position and Vertical-Tail Configuration on Stability and Control Characteristics of a Jet-Powered Delta-Wing Vertically Rising Airplane Model.
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Ejection and Inflation Test in 41-foot Vacuum Chamber of Explorer 12-Foot Diameter Satellite
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 165ft., 12min.

Ejection and Inflation Test in 41-foot Vacuum Chamber of Explorer 12-Foot Diameter Satellite
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 310ft., 8.5min.

Ejection and Inflation Test in 41-foot Vacuum Chamber of Explorer 12-Foot Diameter Satellite
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 215ft., 6min.

Ejection and Inflation Test in 41-Foot Vacuum Chamber of Explorer 12-Foot Diameter Satellite
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 315ft., 9min.

Ejection and Inflation Test in Vacuum Chamber of Explorer 12-Foot Diameter Satellite
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 160ft., 4.5min.

Ejection and Inflation Tests in 41-Foot Vacuum Chamber of Explorer 12-Foot Diameter Satellite
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 175ft., 5min.

Electra Model Investigation of Propeller Autoprecession
16mm, Silent, Color, 320ft., 9min.

Electric Arc Facilities
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 240ft., 7min.

Electron Beam Corner Flow Visualization
16mm, Silent, Color, 77ft., 2.1min.

Electron Beam Flow Visualization Studies on McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft Corp. Space Shuttle Concepts
16mm, Silent, Color, 400ft. 11min.

Elevated-Temperature Tests Under Static and Aerodynamic Conditions on Corrugated-Stiffened Panels
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 450ft., 13min.

Energy Efficient Flight (1974 Inspection Film)
16mm, Sound, Color, 610ft., 17min.

Erect and Inverted Parachute Recovery Tests of a 1/25-Scale Model of the Douglas F5D-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 320ft., 13min.

Erect and Inverted Spin and Recovery Tests on the 1/40-Scale Model of the B-58 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 910ft., 25min.

Erect Spin Tests of a 1/25-Scale Model of the Douglas F5D-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 760ft., 31min.

Essex Carrier Smoke Flow
16mm, silent, b/w
Since a great deal of smoke was emitted from the guns on the Essex class aircraft carrier on firing, tests were run to determine which areas of the carrier were free from smoke so that fire stations could be set up in those areas, and therefore defense against enemy planes would be better since visibility would be clearer in those areas. The tests were made at airspeed of 1 MPH for all conditions and with deck guns pointing to bow, astern and broadside; with 5 in. turret guns parallel to the center line of the ship, to starboard, and to port; and angles of fire deck guns on port, high and low, and on starboard, high and low; at angles of yaw of the carrier of O, 30, 60, and 90 degrees to the right and left.

Essex Carrier Smoke Flow
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Since a great deal of smoke was emitted from the guns on the Essex class aircraft carrier on firing, tests were run to determine which areas of the carrier were free from smoke so that fire stations could set up in those areas, and therefore defense against enemy plane could be better since visibility would be clearer in those areas. The tests were made at airspeed of 1MPH for all conditions and with deck guns pointing to bow, astern, and broadside; with 5 in. turret guns parallel to the center line of the ship, starboard, and to port; and angles of fire deck guns on port, high and low, and on starboard, high and low; at angles of yaw of the carrier of 0-degrees, 30-degrees, 60-degrees, and 90-degrees to the right and left.

EVA Assembly of Large Space Structure Element
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 25min.

Evaluation of a Full-Scale Lunar Gravity Simulator comparsion of Landing-Impact Tests of a Full-Scale and a 1/6-Scale Model
16mm, Silent, Color, 411ft., 11.5min.

Evaluation of Gravity Simulation Technique for Studies of Man's Self of Locomotion in Lunar Environment
16mm, Silent, Color, 315ft., 9min.,

Evolution of a Cylindrical Galaxy
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Excerpt From Langley Research Center's XC-142 Terminal Area Flight Program-Nov 1968 to May 1970
16mm, Silent, Color, 364ft.,10min.

Excerpts from test Films Langley Impacting Structures Facility, Lunar Module
Originally recorded in 16mm, Sound, Color, 105ft., 3min.

Experimental Ablation Cooling
Originally recorded in 16mm, 9 minutes, 330 feet, silent, b/w

Experimental Ablation Cooling
16mm, Silent, Black and White, 330ft., 9min.

Experimental Design Studies and Flow Visualization of Proportional Laminar Flow Fluidic Amplifiers
16mm, Sound, Color, 713ft., 26min.

Experimental Ditching of a B-24 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 924ft.

Experimental Investigation of Aerodynamic Phenomena as Affected by Compressibility

Experimental Investigation of Liquid Impact in a Model Propellant Tank
16mm, Silent, color 185ft., 5min.

Experimental Investigation of the Dynamic Stability and Controllability of a Towed M-2 Entry Vehicle Model
16mm, Silent, Color, 375ft., 10min.

Experimental Investigation of the Dynamic Stability of a Towed Parawing Glider Air Cargo Delivery System
16mm, Silent, Color, 688ft., 19min.

Experimental Investigation of the Dynamic Stability of Towed Parawing Glider Model
16mm, Silent, Color 165ft., 4.5min.

Experimental Investigation of the Landing Dynamics of Three Legged Spacecraft Models.
16mm, Silent, Color, 4.5min.

Experimental Research in Aerospace and Structural Dynamics
16mm, Sound, Black & White, 590ft., 16.5min

Experimental Studies of Rotational Fluid Sloshing
16mm, Silent, Color, 490ft., 13min.

Exploratory Investigation of Factors Affecting the Wing Tip Vortex
16mm, Silent, Color, 638ft., 17.75min.

Exploratory Study of Man's Self-Locomotion Capabilities with a Space Suit in Lunar Gravity
16mm, Sound, Color, 360ft., 10min.

Exploratory Study of Ventilated Flows About Yawed Surface -Piercing Struts
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 200ft., 5min.
Reported herein are the results of observations and measurements made in connection with a study of the phenomenon of the development of atmosphere-connected cavities about surface-piercing struts. Conditions for the existence of such ventilated flows which have been derived from the experimental data are presented. In addition, certain broad conclusions pertinent to model testing and full-scale design are reached. Further experimentation to define the inception of ventilation as a function of boundary-layer state or Reynolds number is required.

Exploratory Tests of Several Cooling Schemes at High Stagnation Temperature
16mm, Silent, Color, 200ft., 5.5min.

Exploratory Wind Tunnel Investigation of Deployable Flexible Ventral Fins for Use as Emergency Spin Recovery Device
16mm, silent, Color, 130ft., 3.5min.

Explorer XII (S-3) Energetic Particles Satellite
16mm, Sound, Color, 600ft., 17min.

External Mixing Spray Gun Nozzle, Langley Innovations Film
16mm, Sound, Color, 165ft., 4.5min.

External Wing Fuel Tanks Used as Ditching Aids
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 240ft., 10min.


F.S.T Smoke Over Wing
16mm, 296ft.

F.S.T. P-46 Tufts

F.S.T. Smoke Over Transport
Film No.

F-105 Vapor Screen Test
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 60ft, 1.5min

F2H-4 Radar Tracking Performed by VMF-L14 at MCAS, Cherry Point, N.C. for NACA, Langley Field, Va.
16mm, Silent, Black & White

16mm, Silent, Color, Black & White, 413ft., 11.5min.

F-40K Flight (Extra)
Tuft studies of flow over horizontal and vertical tail surfaces of the Curtiss P-40K in flight are shown. 16mm

F6F-Flutter Model

F-8U Main Landing Gear Tests
16mm, Silent, Color, 120ft., 3.5min.

Fairchild C-82 Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Tests were made in calm water in Tank #2 of a 1/15-scale model of the Fairchild C-82 airplane with landing flaps full down; with no damage simulated; with failure of nose-wheel doors, and aft cargo doors simulated; and with failure of nose-wheel, aft cargo doors, and paratainer hatch simulated; at attitude angles of 2-degrees, 7-degrees, and 12-degrees; over a full-scale speed range from 90 to 125 MPH. Of the three conditions of damage tested the last condition is most likely to occur in Full-scale ditchings. if this damage occurs, the cargo compartment will be a hazardous ditching station because of the rapid inrush of water.

Fast Flight
16mm, Silent, Color

Fatigue Failures of Simple Panels Due to Intense Noise
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 100ft., 4min.

Fatigue Film Cleveland Conference
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Fault Tolerant Multi Processor for Commercial Aircraft
16mm, 490ft., 13.5min.

FFT Film to Accompany Paper ""Technique for Testing Models of VTOL and STOL Airplanes""
AGARD Meeting at Brussels, Belgium August 27 - 31, 1956
16mm, 20.5min

FFT Hinged Tip Sequence Tech Film #18
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Flight tests were made in the free-flight tunnel to determine the effect on lateral stability and control of fuel-carrying wing-tip extensions hinged so at to reduce the loads imposed on with structure. The wing-tip extensions of the model were ballasted to represent tips loaded with fuel and having about the same wing loading as the model without the tip extensions. With the tips fastened rigidly, the model flies more smoothly than the basic model because of the increased damping in roll and the higher moments of inertia. The higher moments of inertia, however, make it more difficult to control. with the tips hinged to the chordwise axis the model is more difficult to fly than when the tip are rigidly attached because of the erratic motions of the tips. The tip hinge axis skewed 20-degrees, the tip movement is reduced, but still large and the model does not fly well. The skew angle was increased to 45-degrees and although the amplitude of the tip motions were reduced, they were still objectionably large. Next tests were made with wing tips with 14% chord flaps linked to move up when the tip went up and down and the tip went down. The flaps were geared to give 20-degrees deflection for 1-degree tip deflections. These linked flaps, although theoretically only as effective as the 45-degree skewed hinge line, resulted in smaller tip motions and mad the model easier to fly. With a 20% chord flap and gearing increased to 3-degrees flap for 1-degree tip movement of the tips relative to the wing was virtually eliminated, and the model was easier to fly.

FFT-Stability Control-- Tests Straight Wing Vertically Rising Airplane Take-Off, Landing, Hovering
16mm, Silent, Color

Film of Free-Flight Tunnel Radio Control Activities
16mm, Silent, Color, 430ft., 17min.

Film on Computer Seminar
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Film Supplement to Low-Speed, Free-Flight Stability Test of a 1/10-Scale Model of the AVCO Reentry Shape 52
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 44ft., 1.25min.

Film Supplement to Paper Entitled ""Some Stability Problems of Vertically Rising Aircraft.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 422ft., 17min.

Film Tests of Lockheed F-104 Model
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 100ft., 4min.

Film to Accompany Paper Entitled Research on VTOL and STOL airplanes in the United States. Presented in Madrid Spain
16mm, Silent, Color, 22.5min.

Film to Accompany Talk Given by Charles H. Zimmerman to British Helicopter Society
16mm, Silent, 280ft.

Film Used at Meeting of High-Speed Aerodynamics Subcommittee. Wallops Island, Va, August 31, 1954.
16mm, Silent, Color, 340ft., 14min.

Film Used by Paul Hill in NACA Conference; November 1,2,3, 1955
16mm, Silent, Color, 170ft., 7min.

Fin Heating at High Stagnation Temperatures
16mm, Silent, Color, 560ft., 16min.

Fire!! 16' Wind Tunnel
This color film was made on Monday afternoon, Feb. 20, 1950 during the fire in which the tower on the 16-foot high-speed tunnel at Langley Laboratory burned.

Firing Tests of Spherical Rocket Motors
16mm, Silent, Color 750ft., 21min.

First and Second Developmental Flight Test of Echo II (A-12) Spacecraft
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 192ft., 5.5min.

First Developmental Flight Test of A-2 Spacecraft
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White

First Flight of the F8-SCW
16mm, Silent, Color

Five-Stage Hypersonic Flight Test in GE-PARD Ablation Investigation. Model no. H50-2842
16mm, Silent, Color

Five-Stage Hypersonic Free-Flight Research Vehicle
16mm, Silent, Color 525ft., 14.5min.

Flexible Wing Concept
16mm, Silent, Color, 750ft., 21min.

Flexible Wing Concept Made in 1961
16mm, Silent, Color, 480ft., 15min.

Flexible Wing Research and Development
16mm, 380ft., 11min.

Flight Demonstration of the Time Reference Scanning Beam Microwave Landing Systems
16mm, Sound, Color, 800ft., 22min.

Flight Investigation of a V/STOL Transport Model Having Six Wing-Mounted Lift Fans
16mm, Silent, Color, 220ft., 6min.

Flight Investigation of a V/STOL transport Model With Four Pod-Mounted Lift Fans
16mm, Silent, Color, 182ft., 5min.

Flight Investigation of Dynamic Stability and Control Characteristics of a 1/10-Scale Model of a Variable Wing-Sweep Fighter Airplane Configuration
16mm, Silent, Color, 305ft., 8.5min.

Flight Investigation of Stability and Characteristics of a 1/4-Scale Model of a Tilt-Wing Vertical Take-off and Landing Aircraft
16mm, Silient, Black & White, 665ft., 18min.
An experimental investigation has been conducted to determine the dynamic stability and control characteristics of a tilt-wing vertical-take-off-and-landing aircraft with the use of a remotely controlled 1/4-scale free-flight model. The model had two propellers with hinged (flapping) blades mounted on the wing which could be tilted up to an incidence angle of nearly 90 deg for vertical take-off and landing. The investigation consisted of hovering flights in still air, vertical take-offs and landings, and slow constant-altitude transitions from hovering to forward flight. The stability and control characteristics of the model were generally satisfactory except for the following characteristics. In hovering flight, the model had an unstable pitching oscillation of relatively long period which the pilots were able to control without artificial stabilization but which could not be considered entirely satisfactory. At very low speeds and angles of wing incidence on the order of 70 deg, the model experienced large nose-up pitching moments which severely limited the allowable center-of-gravity range.

Flight Investigation of Stability and Control characteristics of a 0.18-Scale Model of a Four Duct Tandem V/STOL Transport
16mm, Silent, Color, 300ft., 8.5min.

Flight Investigation of Stability and Control Characteristics of a 1/8-Scale Model of a Tilt-Wing Vertical Take-off and Landing Aircraft
16mm, silent, Color, 1220ft., 34min.

Flight Investigation of Stability and Control Characteristics of a 1/9-Scale Model of a Four Propeller Tilt-Wing V/Stol Transport
16mm, Silent, Color, 625ft., 17min.

Flight Investigation of the Dynamic Stability and Control Characteristics of a 0.18-Scale Model of a Fan-In-Wing VTOL Airplane.
16mm, Silent, Color, 255ft., 7min.

Flight Research with the Wing Flow Method
16mm, Silent, Color

Flight Service Evaluation of PRD-49 Epoxy Panels on L-1011 Commercial Aircraft
16mm, Sound, Color, 6.5min.

Flight Test of 0.0565-Scale Martin Titan Heat Transfer Model
16mm, Silent, Color, 385ft., 11min.

Flight Test of 0.0565-Scale Martin Titan Heat Transfer Model
16mm, Silent, Color, 115ft., 3min.

Flight Test of 0.0565-Scale Martin Titan Heat Transfer Model
16mm, Silent, Color, 62ft., 2min.

Flight Test of 0.12-Scale Rocket-Boosted Model of NAVAHO II Model No.2
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 75ft, 3min

Flight Test of 0.12-Scale Rocket-Boosted Model of NAVAHO II Model No.2
16mm, Silent, Color, 50ft, 2min

Flight Test of 1/4-Scale Model No. 2 of Hermes A-3B Missile, Wallops Island, Va
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Flight Test of 31.2 Diameter Modified Ringsail Parachute Deployed at Mach 1.39, Dynamic Pressure 11 Pounds Per Square Foot
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 120ft., 3.5min.

Flight Test of a 0.12-Scale NAVAHO II Rocket Model
16mm, Silent, Color

Flight Test of a 1/10-Scale Rocket-Powered Model of the Douglas XF4D-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Color, 95ft, 3.5min

Flight Test of a 30-Foot Nominal Diameter Cross Parachute Deployed at Mach 1.57 and Dynamic Pressure of 9.7lbs/square ft
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 120ft., 3.5min

Flight Test of a 30-Foot Nominal-Diameter Disk-Gap-Band Parachute Deployed at Mach 1.56 and Dynamic Pressure of 11.4 Pounds Per Square Foot.
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color 100ft., 3min.

Flight Test of a 40-Foot Nominal Diameter Disk-Gap-Band Parachute Deployed at a Mach Number of 2.72 and a Dynamic Pressure of 9.7 Pounds Per Square Foot.
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 111ft., 3min.

Flight Test of a 40-Foot Nominal Diameter Disk-Gap-Band Parachute Deployed at a Mach Number of 3.31 and a Dynamic Pressure of 10.6 Pounds Per Square Foot.
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 116ft., 3.2min.

Flight Test of a 40-Foot Nominal-Diameter Disk-Gap-Band Parachute Deployed at a Mach Number of 1.91 and a Dynamic Pressure of 11.6 Pounds per Square Foot
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 180ft., 5min.

Flight Test of a Delta-Wing Jet-Powered Vertically Rising Airplane Model
16mm, Silent, Color, 480ft., 13min.

Flight Test of a0.13 Model of the Dornier D0-31 VTOL Airplane
16mm, Silent, Color, 470ft., 13min.

Flight Test of Bull Pup Missile at Wallops Island, Va.
16mm, Silent, Color, 286ft., 8min.

Flight Test of Chance Vought XF8U-1 Rocket Model No. 5
16mm, Silent, Color, 60ft, 2.5min

Flight Test of Model D117-2484
16mm, Silent, Color, 13min.

Flight Test of Nike-Cajun Sounding Rocket
16mm, Silent, Color, 125ft., 3.5min.

Flight Test of the 7.5 Percent Scale Rocket-Boosted Model of the Martin WS-302A at Wallops Island, Va.
35mm, Silent, Black & White

Flight Tests and Tuft Tests of 1/8-Scale Model of Bell D188A Jet VTOL Airplane in the Conventional Flight Condition
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Flight Tests in the Langley Full-Scale Tunnel of a 1-7 Scale-Model of the North American X-15 Airplane.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 605ft. 17min.

Flight Tests in the Langley Full-Scale Tunnel of a Model with Horizontal Tail Used for Roll Control
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 357ft., 10min.

Flight Tests of ""TART"" Missile at the Pilotless Aircraft Research Station, Wallops, Va
16mm, Silent, Color

Flight Tests of 0.13-Scale Model Convair XFY-1 Vertical Rising Airplane Lower Vertical Tail Removed
16mm, Silent, Color

Flight Tests of a 0.13-Scale Model of the Convair XFY-1 in Set-Up Simulating Proposal for Captive Flight Tests in a Hanger (Supplement to RM-SL54B16a).
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Flight Tests of a 0.4-Scale Model of Stand-On Type Vertically Rising Aircraft
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 320ft., 9min.

Flight Tests of a 1/6-Scale Model of the Hawker P 1127 Jet VTOL Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 14min.

Flight Tests of a 1/8-Scale Model of the Bell D-188A Jet VTOL Airplane. TED No. AD 3147
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Flight Tests of a 40-Foot Nominal Diameter Modified Ringsail Parachute Deployed at Mach 1.64 and Dynamic Pressure of 91 Pounds Per Square Foot
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 120ft., 3.3min.

Flight Tests of a Model of a High Wing Transport VTO Airplane with Tilting Wing and Propellers and with Jet Controls at the Rear of the Fuselage for Pitch and Yaw Control
16mm, Silent, Color,
An investigation of the stability and control of a high-wing transport vertical-take-off airplane with four engines during constant-altitude transitions from hovering to normal forward flight was conducted with a remotely controlled free-flight model. The model had four propellers distributed along the wing with the thrust axes in the wing chord plane. The wing could be rotated to 90 degrees incidence so that the propeller thrust axes were vertical for hovering flight. An air jet at the rear of the fuselage provided pitch and yaw control for hovering and low-speed flight.

Flight Tests of a Model Similar to the F8U-1 Airplane in the Langley Full-Scale Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 250ft., 10min.

Flight Tests of a Model Similar to the F8U-1 Airplane in the Langley Full-Scale Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Color, 75ft., 3min.

Flight Tests of a Vertically Rising Airplane Research Model Interchangeable Swept and Unswept
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Flight Tests of Ducted Rocket with Conical Shock Nose Inlet
16mm, Silent, Color

Flight Tests of the 1/5 - Scale Boeing Dyna-Soar Model (2002) in the Langley Full-Scale Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1620ft., 45min.

Flight Tests of the NACA Ram-Jet Test Vehicle Using Continental Aviation and Eng. Co. Solid Fuel
16mm, Silent, Color, 68ft, 2.34min

Flight Tests of Three Arcon Rockets Fired from Wallops Island, Va.
16mm, Silent, Color, 31min.

Flight Tests Results from Supersonic Deployment of an 18-Foot Diameter (5.49 meter) Towed Ballute Decelerator
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 112ft., 3min.

Flights Clippings

Flights of Ryan N14ON by Ryan Pilot at NASA Langley Research Center
16mm, Silent, Color, 250ft., 7min.

Flights of Two-Foot Gilding Parachute Made January 7, 1965
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 150ft., 4min.

Flow Behind Cylinder as Shown by Tuft Grid
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 100ft., 2.75min.

Flow on the Surface OF the Wing by the Ink-Flow Visualization Method (Swept Wing and Straight Wing)
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 175ft., 5min.

Flow Over Blunt Body at M=20 in 2-Inch Helium Tunnel
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 27ft., 1min.

Flow Past Two Dimensional Air Foils in the Langley 4X19 inch Simi-open Tunnel as obtained by a Schlieren System (3 Reels)
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 2680ft., 72min.

Flow Studies of Decelerators at Supersonic Speeds
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 350ft., 10min.

Flow Studies on a 49-Degree Swept-Wing Model with Trailing-Edge and Leading-Edge Blowing Applied.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 80ft., 2min.

Flow Visualization in Cascades and Rotors- E. Boxer, ASME Meeting of November 1960
16mm, Silent, Color and Black & White, 215ft., 6min.

Fluctuations in Supersonic Inlets
16mm, Silent, Black & White
The phenomenon of flow fluctuation in supersonic inlets is investigated at the following subcritical conditions. Tests were made at Mach number 1.92 on an inlet having 30-degrees cone and 12 to 17-degrees cowling and no internal contraction. The Mach number at the cone surface is 1.20. The subcritical condition is stable until the boundary flow is supersonic at the jet boundary. The system of throttling is then changed and fluctuation phenomena is completely modified. Frequency and amplitude of fluctuation changed when tests were made at Mach number 1.92 on an inlet having 20-degrees cone and 13-17-degrees cowling and on internal contraction. The Mach number at the cone surface of 1.51 is too high. The subcritical condition is not stable and no regulation of volume flow is possible. The remaining tests were made at Mach number 2.70. No stable subcritical condition was possible for an inlet having 22-degrees cone and 4 to 7-degree cowl and internal contraction, when the Mach number at the cone surface was 2.02, an inlet having 40-degree cone and 16 to 24 degree cowl and Mach number at the surface 1.23 was tested. In the final test an inlet having gradual external compression and a low mach number at the surface at the entrance was tested, but subcritical conditions were not stable because of the existence of separation.

Fluid Motion in a Simplified Tip Tank Model
16mm, Silent, Color

Fluid Motion in a Simplified Tip Tank Model
16mm, Silent, Color

Flutter at a Glance
16mm, Sound, Color, 2.5min.

16mm, Silent, Black & White
Presents short discussion of flutter and illustrations of the separate modes of vibration possible for a wing to execute. Tests were made in the NACA High-Speed Tunnel on both plastic and dural wing models at speeds up to 500 MPH. Of increasing importance is flutter involving all three vibrations; bending, torsion, and aileron motion about the hinge. Any two or all of these motions must be present simultaneously for flutter exist. Illustrations of each of these motions and combinations are presented.

Flutter Film Which Accompanies the Presentation of the 1957 Minta Martin Lecture By Prof. T. E. Garrick
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Flutter Investigation in the Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel of Models of the F8U-3 Airplane Wing
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 850ft., 23.5min

Flutter Investigation of 1/15-Scale Models of A2F-1 Horizontal Tail Conducted in Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 290ft., 8min.

Flutter Investigation of Canard Model of Beech XKD2B-1 Expendable Powered Target Conducted in Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 250ft., 7min.

Flutter investigation of Parawing Models in the Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 405ft., 11.5min.

Flutter Investigation of Simplified Models of Dyna-Soar 1 Booster Fins in the Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 7min.

Flutter of a Large Variety of Models in the Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 250ft., 7min.

Flutter of A Large Variety of models in the Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White

Flutter of Buckled Curved and Flat panel at M=1.3 and 2.0
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 86ft., 2.5min.

Flutter TBF-1 16' W.T.
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Flutter tests were made on a full-scale TBF-1 aileron installation in the 16 ft. high-speed tunnel. The model tested was an outer section of a production wing panel of the TBF-1 airplane. Aerodynamic tests were made of the wing-aileron installation to determine whether the aileron had contributed to the failures that have occurred in the service of the airplane. Flutter of this tests model occurred at airspeeds of about 150MPH. On the TBF-1 the wing panel is attached at 2 points at approximately 10 and 40% chord, therefore, the chordwise stiffness is low. Lacking chordwise rigidity, chordwise motion occurred. The C.G. of the aileron is forward of the hinge line, and therefore classical wing-aileron flutter was not possible. However, the method of attachment of the aileron to the wing panel places the C.G. 2.17 in. above the hinge line. The aileron is, therefore, deflected by inertia forces when chordwise motion and its attendant chordwise accelerations occur. Rearward motion of the wing therefore produces of negative aileron angle and forward motion of the wing a positive aileron angle. The alternation up and down aileron produces simple wing bending due to lift changes. No torsional deflection of the wing evident. In order to verify the fact that the chordwise motion was essential to flutter condition, the chordwise rigidity was greatly increased by the insertion of a steel block between the tunnel wall and wing at approximately 80% chord. Flutter did not occur of this test condition and maximum tests speed was 365 MPH. The results of this analysis indicate that flutter involving chordwise motion of the wing can be prevented by 2 methods: (1) By stiffening the wing attachment in the chordwise plane. (2) By mass-balancing the aileron in the normal-to-chord plane.

Flutter Test of Fin-Rudder Model in Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 115ft., 3min.

Flutter Test of Full Scale X-15 Vertical Tail in Langley 9X6 Foot Thermal Structures Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 250ft., 7min.

Flutter Test of Horizontal-Tail Models of F8U-3 Airplane Test 334
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 560ft., 15.5min.

Flutter Tests in the Supersonic Flutter Apparatus, March 7 and 13, 1956
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 300ft, 12min.

Flutter Tests of a Model of the F-105B Airplane Horizontal Tail with Circular Yoke in the Langley 26-Inch Transonic Blowdown Tunnel Test 331
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 2680ft., 74min.

Flutter Tests of All Movable Horizontal Tails in the Langley Transonic Blow-Down Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 290ft, 8min

Flutter Tests of Beech XKD2B-1 Target Drone in the Langley 8-Ft. Transonic Pressure Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 836ft., 23min.

Flutter Tests of Bell Outer-Wall Insulating Panel. NACA Supersonic Blowdown Jet, Gas Dynamics Laboratory
16mm, Silent, Color, 190ft., 5min.

Flutter Tests of Centaur Transition Panel in Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 240ft., 6.5min.

Flutter Tests of Hysail Model in 2-Foot Transonic Aeroplasticity Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 250ft., 7min.

Flutter Tests of Hysail Models in 4- by 4-Foot Supersonic Pressure Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1285ft., 36min.

Flutter Tests of Model of Navy P6M-1 Tail in Langley 26-Inch Transonic Blowdown Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 50ft., 2min.

Flutter Tests of Model of Navy P6M-1 Tail in Langley 26-Inch Transonic Blowdown Tunnel. Test 229
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 145ft., 8min.

Flutter Tests of Models of the Horizontal Tail and Wing of the F8U-3 in the Langley 9- by 18- Inch Supersonic Flutter Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1760ft., 48min.

Flutter Tests of the 1/8-Scale Full Span Lockheed Electra in the Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1210ft., 33.5min.

Flutter Tests of X-15 Tail Surfaces in the Langley 9- by 18-Inch Supersonic Flutter Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Flutter Tests of X-15 Tail Surfaces in the Langley 9-by 18-Inch Supersonic Flutter Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 242ft., 7min.

Flutter Tests of XPB2M-1
Flutter tests were made on a model of the Martin PBM-1 seaplane to determine if a low flutter speed exists because of the elastic coupling between wing and engine, the ultimate flutter speed, and the wing divergence speed. Certain structural weaknesses were disclosed by the tests. The model, made of the plastic pyrolin has characteristic speed ratio of 3.61. Flutter speed calculation gave a value of 98.5 MPH corresponding to 355.6 MPH for the original seaplane. The calculated divergence speed was 95 MPH and the divergence first appeared at 94 MPH. Tin this case, divergence speed is less than flutter speed so no flutter appeared. It was concluded that the torsion axis is too far rearward, particularly at the tip; and no low flutter velocity is introduced by engine, which was proved to have a desirable effect on wing stability. In test # 1 the fuselage was freely suspended, angel of attack was 0-degrees, and airspeed ranged from 25 to 64 MPH. In test # 2 the left wing & fuselage were fixed, wing tip was overloaded, angles of attack were 0-degrees and 4-degrees, & airspeed ranged from 56.4 to 69 MPH. In test # 3, for angles of attack 2-degrees and 1.5-degrees and airspeed range 61.3 to 73.5 MPH, the fuselage & lead weight was attached to the leading edge to bring center of gravity forward. In test # 4 the fuselage was again freely suspended and both wings were free with lead weight on the leading edges, angel of attack was 0-degrees and airspeeds ranged from 74-96 MPH.

Flutter Tests--Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel Grumman F11F-1 Models with Body Freedoms in Pitch, Roll and Vertical Deflection
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 170ft., 5min.

Flying Platform Research--Parts I and II.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 175ft., 7min.

Fourth Dimension
16mm, Sound, Color, 824ft.

Free Drop Tests of Nondynamically Scaled Models of Minneapolis-Honeywell Fluted Spheres in the Langley 20-Ft. Free-Spinning Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 900ft., 25min.

Free Flight Afterbody Heat-Transfer Investigation Supporting the WS-107A Project by the Pilotless Aircraft Research Division of the NACA Langley Laboratory
16mm, Silent, Color

Free Flight Afterbody Pressure Investigation Supporting the WS-107A Project by the Pilotless Aircraft Research Division of the NACA Langley Laboratory
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 950ft., 26min.

Free Flight Investigation of 0.15-Scale Model of Yf-16 Airplane at High Angles of Attack--Coord # AF-Am-135
16mm, Silent, Color, 3.5min.

Free Flight Investigation of 0.15-Scale Model of YF-17 Airplane at High Angles of Attack--Coord # AF-AM-135
16mm, Silent, Color, 7min.

Free Flight Investigation of 1/17-Scale Model of the B-1 Airplane at High Angles of Attack--Coord # AF-AM-128
16mm, Silent, Color, 5.75min.

Free Flight Investigation of Effect of Slats on Later Directional Stability of a 0.13-Scale Model of the F-4E Airplane
16mm, Silent, Color, 200ft., 5.5min.

Free Flight Investigation of Lateral-Directional Characteristics of a 0.10-Scale Model of the F-15 Airplane at High Angles of Attack--Coord # AF-AM-010
16mm, Silent, Color, 4.5min.

Free Flight Investigation of Radio Controlled Models with Parawings
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 625ft., 17min.

Free Flight Investigation of the Deployment of a Parawing Recovery Device for a Radio-Controlled 1/5-Scale Dynamic Model Spacecraft
16mm, Silent, Color, 200ft., 5.5min.

Free Flight Model Investigation of a Vertical Attitude VTOL Fighter
16mm, Silent, Color

Free Flight Model Investigation of Vertical Altitude VTOL Fighter with Twin Vertical Tails
16mm, Sound, Color, 21min.

Free Flight PRD Sphere and Conical Models Taken at 4000 FPS
This film was made for the purpose of determining if it was possible to use flash bulbs as a source of light for making movies of tests run in the tunnel. Pictures were made at 4000 frames per second of the bismuth and balsa, spherical and conical models shot from the compressed air gun in the tunnel. This method was found to be successful.

Free Flight Tunnel Kaiser Hughes Tailless Airplane
Flight tests were made in the free-flight and free-spinning tunnels on a model of the Kaiser-Hughes tailless airplane. In the free-flight tunnel the model was tested with original wing tip vertical tails, which gave large yaw angles when ailerons were used to hold wings level, and with wing tip tails replaced by equal area high aspect ratio tails at the trailing edge, which considerably reduced yawing. Unstable oscillations developed when elevators were not used. For the tumbling tests in the free-spinning tunnel, models of the Kaiser, Bell P-39 and Northrop N-9M airplanes were released in a nose-up attitude, simulating a whip stall. The air-speeds were 19 and 39 fps. The P-39 went into a dive and would not tumble, and the N-9M tumbled sometimes and went into a dive sometimes.

Free Flight Tunnel N-1M
Stability and control tests were made in the free-flight tunnel on the Northrop N-1M tailless plane. Tests were made with vertical tail added on boom to correct initial poor lateral behavior, with horizontal tail added to boom to correct pitching motion, with vertical tail removed, with both tails and boom removed and with rudders rigged up 150-degrees. Lateral oscillations due to reduced directional stability resulted when rudders were rigged up 150-degrees. C.G. positions were 19%, 26%, 21% and 17% of MAC.

Free Flight Tunnel N-1M
Final stability and control tests were made on the Northrop N-1M tailless airplane model in the free-flight tunnel. The wing tips were turned down 45-degrees to improve lateral stability and control. Ailerons alone were used for control and adverse yawing due to the ailerons caused difficulty in controlling the model. Weights were added fore and aft on center line to improve longitudinal behavior, but stability and control were unaffected. Weights were add at wing tips; this caused difficulty in flying the model. Lateral control appeared weaker and damping of lateral oscillations was light. C.G. positions were 16% and 17% MAC.

Free Flight Tunnel Tailless Model Consolidated Vultee-- Part II
Reel 1 presents flight tests made in the free-flight and free spinning-tunnels on a 1/30 scale model of the Consolidated-Vultee Tailless airplane. Tests were made with and without slots, with vertical tail surfaces on the fuselage, with tip vertical tail surfaces, or no tail surfaces; with no propellers or propellers windmilling. In the flaps down condition, extensible horizontal tail surfaces appear, but they form fort of the trailing edge of the wing in the flaps up condition. Reel 2 presents flight tests made in the free-flight tunnel on a 1/35 scale model of revised consolidated-Vultee tailless airplane in the flaps up condition. The model has tufts on the root of the wings showing air flow over the wing.

Free Flight Tunnel Tailless Model Consolidated-Vultee- Part II
Flight tests were made in the free-flight tunnel on a 1/30 scale model of Consolidated-Vultee Tailless airplane with flaps up and down. A comparison is made by showing flights of a conventional twin-engine bomber design.

Free Flight Tunnel Tests Cascade Model Hovering Flight
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 345ft., 10.5min.

Free Flight Tunnel Tests of a 1/10-Scale Model of the Convair F-102A (MX-1554) Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Free Flight Tunnel Tests, Consol. Vultee XP 92
Power-off Stability and control tests of the 1/12 scale model of the Consolidated CV-7002 airplane (flying mock-up of XP-92) were conducted in the free-flight tunnel at the request of the air Materiel Command, Army Air Forces. All Flights were made with a C.G. location of the 0.25 MAC. For the heavy wing loading of approximately 2.27 lbs./sq.ft., the weight and moments of inertia were scaled down from the full-scale airplane. A light with loading of approximately 1.79 lbs./ sq. ft. was also used. The control used on the model is a 'Flicker' (full-on or full-off) system. In all flights the elevons and rudder were applied simultaneously for the lateral control. The control travels from the trim positions were +-70degrees elevons, =-50 elevons for the longitudinal control, and =-10degrees for lateral control. The lifter coefficient range is from 0.56 to 0.75 and the angle of attack range is from 19degrees to 32degrees. The stability and contr!

Free Flight Tunnel Tests, Consol.-Vultee XP-92 Airplane
16mm, Black & White, Silent
Flight tests were made in the free-flight tunnel of the 1/20-scale model of the consolidated XB-53 airplane with flaps retracted or extended 30-degrees; inboard leading-edge slats extended or retracted; vertical tail extension or design vertical tail on; aileron and rudder or aileron only control; 40-degrees up only aileron deflection; 7-degrees or 18-degrees rudder travel;over a lift coefficient range from 0.50 to 0.95. Flight conditions are generally satisfactory, although adverse yawing is apparent and in some case the model stalls and crashes.

Free Flight Tunnel Tests, McDonnell XP-88 A8irplane, 400
16mm, Black & White, Silent
Power-off stability and control tests of a 1/10-scale model of the McDonnell XP-88 airplane were conducted in the free-flight tunnel at the request of the Air Material Command, Army Air Forces. All flights were made with C.G. at 0.22 MAC, intake duct fairing, conventional tail, and correct scaled-down moments of inertia. Tests were made using coordinated aileron and rudder control or ailerons alone for control; with stall- control vanes off or on flaps up or trailing-edge flaps deflected 50degrees; with light wing loading of approximately 21 lbs/esq. or scaled-up wing loadings of 47.2 or 43.8 lbs./sq.ft.; with and without wing tip tanks; over a lift coefficient rang from 0.66 to 1.24. In some test condition the stability and control were satisfactory, whereas in other considerable rolling and yawing motions were apparent causing unsatisfactory stability and control.

Free Flight Tunnel Tow Tests F84E
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 465ft., 13min.

Free Flight Tunnel Tow Tests Model F7U-3
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 6min., 215ft.

Free Spinning Tunnel Test of Some Recoveries by Firing Rockets on a 1/25-Scale Model of the Chance Vought XF8U-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Free-Flight Investigation of the Deployment, Dynamic Stability and Control Characteristics of a 1/12-Scale Dynamic Radio Controlled Model of a Large Booster and Parawing.
16mm, Silent, Color, 400ft, 16.5min.

Free-Flight Tests of a 1/15-Scale Model of the Convair XB-58 Airplane in the Langley Full-Scale Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 200ft., 8min.

Free-Flight Tunnel 1/24-Scale Model; FFT Simulated Action Shots

Free-Flight Tunnel Convair XFy-1 in Take-Off, Landing, Hovering and Low Forward Speed Phases of Flight

Free-Flight Tunnel Nose Jettison Tests of a 1/50-scale model Douglas D-558 and D558-2.

Free-Flight Tunnel Records Stability and Control Tests Vertically Rising Aircraft
Preliminary Data Motion Picture Records of Stability and Control Tests of a Vertically Rising Aircraft Model in the Langley Hovering Model Flight Test Area. Tests Conducted from 1-1050 to 3-1-50.

Free-Flight Tunnel Stability and Control Tests-- Straight Wing Vertically Rising Airplane; Take-Off, Landing and Hovering Flight
16mm, Silent, Color

Free-Flight Tunnel Tailless Airplane, Consolidated Vultee
Flight tests were made in the free-flight tunnel on a 1/30 scale model of the Consolidated-Vultee Tailless airplane. Tests were made with and without slats; with vertical tail surfaces; with no propellers or propellers windmilling. In the flaps down condition, extensible horizontal tail surfaces appear, but they form part of the trailing edge of the wing in flaps up condition. Spin tests of the tailless airplane and conventional airplane are presented.

Free-Flight Tunnel V-173 Vought-Sikorsky

Free-Flight Tunnel XP-56 Northrop
Flight tests were made in the free-flight tunnel on a model of the Northrop P-56, which is a tailless airplane using upper and lower vertical tail surfaces and counter-rotating pusher type propellers. The C.G. is located at 18.1%, 20.6%, or 19.5% MAC; radii of gyration correct or 18% high; wing loading about 40% low; propellers off or windmilling; original lower fin and larger upper fin on, original lower fin on, modified upper and lower fins on, upper fin removed, or both fins removed. Stability in all cases seemed satisfactory.

Friendship 7

FST Brewster Airflows
Tests to determine, by use of tufts, the air flow over Brewster F2A-1 Airplane in the full-scale tunnel with air speed at 60 MPH and the airplane in high speed attitude. Flow was steady over most of the fuselage with slight oscillating flow at forward edge of windshield and turbulent wake behind exhaust stacks. Turbulent and reversed flow appeared in rear of carburetor air intake scoop and gun blast tube openings.

Tests were made to determine by the use of tufts the air flow and the effects of slipstream and fairings on the airflow over the F3F-2 airplane in the full-scale tunnel. The flow was reversed behind the blast tube openings and turbulent behind the exhaust stack and wheel when propeller was off. When the fuselage was refaired, blast tube openings closed, flame arrester faired and power off, the flow was smooth.

Presents air flow over the F4F-2 airplane, by means of tufts, the full-scale tunnel. The airplane was tests with and without a propeller, with and without power, and with flaps up and down. The flow was found to be improved by propeller operation as compared with power off. Tests made after repairing the carburetor intake scoops and nose of cowling give improved flow. At angle of attack of 16.3-degrees, just beyond the maximum lift, the major part of the left wing was stalled, but the right wing was not stalled. At angle of attack of 19.5-degrees both wings were stalled. With the propeller off the area at the top of the carburetor intake scoop and at the oil cooler exhaust was stalled at the angle of attack of -1-degree. The angle of attack range for the test was from -1degree to 19.5-degree.

FST Model

FST P-55

FST Presentation for VIC
16mm, Silent, Color


Tuft tests were made in the full-scale tunnel to study flow over 1/5 scale model of XPB2M1 Seaplane. Tests were made at 60 and 100 MPH air speeds; flaps up and down; power off and on; angle of attack range from -3.6-degrees to 11.2-degrees; lift coefficient of 0.7. Slow motion pictures are shown of fluid flow from dump valve outlet with outlet flush behind wing step; 45-degree extension 9.6 in. long, aft of step; 45-degree extension 7.6 ft. long, ahead of step; 45-degree extension 9.6 in. long ahead of step.

FST XP-59A Fire
Views of the XP-59A Fire in the Full Scale Tunnel.




FST XTBF-1 Tufts
Drag clean-up investigations were made by use of tufts to observe flow over a TBF-1 airplane in the full-scale tunnel. The effect of open and closed cowl flaps on the flow over the oil cooler exit in open and closed positions, exhaust stack, fuselage aft of turret, wing-fuselage juncture, and turret gun position was studied at angles of attack 0.1-degree and 6.5-degree

FST Y03-1A Tufts*

Full Scale Crash Test of a CH-47C Helicopter
16mm, Silent, Color, 6.5min.

Full Scale Dynamic Landing Impact Investigation of a Prototype Lunar Module Landing Gear
16mm, Silent, Color, 360ft., 10min.

Full Scale Res. Div. 1951 Inspection
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Full Scale Tunnel XP-39
Presents tuft studies to depict stall on a P-39 airplane in the full-scale tunnel. The tests were run at angles of attack ranging from 0-degree to 19-degree. Tuft studies showing air flow and stall over wings, fuselage, tail surfaces and duct inlets and outlets, oil cooler and fillets with wing flaps up. Gives progression of wing stall with wing flaps down; also shows air flow over supercharger.

FX-12 19' P.T. Part II
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Preliminary Data Film for the Air Technical Services Command
Stall studies were made by means of tufts in the 19 ft. pressure tunnel on the 1/8.33 Scale Model of the Republic XF-12 to ascertain the stall progression on the complete model with the NACA wing duct inlets No. 5. The tests were made with the propellers removed; all control surfaces neutral; with and without nacelle cowl inlets sealed; with flaps retracted an deflected 65-degrees; with 0.50 and 0.75 rated power; thrust coefficient of 0; for RN's ranging from 2,330,000 to 3,420,000; Mach numbers of 0.09 and 0.13; over an angle of attack range from 2.3-degrees to 20.4-degrees; and a lift coefficient range from 0.26 to 3.03.

General Electric Mark II Data Capsule
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 835ft., 23min.

General Electric Mark II Data Capsule
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 585ft., 16min.

General Electric Mark II Data Capsule
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1000ft., 28min.

General Electric Mark II Data Capsule
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 900ft., 25min.

General Film #1
16mm, Silent, Black & White

General Film #2
16mm, Silent, Black & White

General Views of Goodyear Inflatoplane Mounted in the Langley Full-Scale Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 95ft. 2.5min.

German Flutter

Ground Vibrations Tests of the XH-17 Dynamic Helicopter Model
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 950ft., 26.5min

Ground Wind Models of Launch Vehicles in Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Color, 115ft., 3min.

Grunberg Boat
Tank tests were made to test the arrangement of hydrofoils on a 1/8 scale model of a 55.5 ft. high speed motor launch (Grunberg type hydrofoil boat, NACA model 103-A) in Tank #1. Displacement was 131.4lbs.; hydrofoil incidence 7-degrees; initial trim, hull 0-degrees, stabilizers 4-degrees. Short accelerated runs were made in smooth water from rest to 43 fps. Rough water behavior was shown by constant speed run of 27.4fps for a short distance then decelerated to rest. The model was also accelerated from rest to 27 fps in smooth water and constant speed into rough water.

Grunberg Hydrofoil System on JRF-5 Airplane--Original Edo Super Cavitating Hydrofoil
16mm, Silent, Color, 305ft., 8.5min.

Gust Tunnel Inspection-- 1951
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Half-Size Flutter Model of Canard Surface of Beech Aircraft Corporation XKD2B-1. 9 by 18 Inch Supersonic Aeroelasticity Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 130ft. 3.5min.

Hard-Surface Landing of a 1/10-Scale Dynamic Model of the Dyna-Soar Vehicle
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 4.26min.

Hard-Surface Landing of a 1/10-Scale Dynamic Model of the Dyna-Soar Vehicle
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Hawk I Missile--Wing 2, Load Condition. Limit Load at t = 32 Seconds
16mm, Silent, Color, 75ft., 3min.

Hazards of Tire Hydroplaning-A Sequel
16mm, Sound, Color, 528ft., 14.66min.

Heating and Loading Test of Hawk Wing 8
16mm, Silent, Color, 197ft., 5min.

Heating and Loading Tests of Hawk Wing 2
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 271ft., 8min.

Heating and Loading Tests of Hawk Wing 7
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 271ft., 8min.

Heating and Loading Tests of Hawk Wing I
16mm, Silent, Color, 190ft., 5min.

Heat-Transfer Tests of Winged Reentry Vehicles Mach Number 6.80, Free Stream Temperature 650-Degree Fahrenheit.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 910ft., 25min.

Helicopter Blade Stall
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Blade stall of a helicopter rotor in forward flight as presented along with a paper entitled Blade Stall by Gustafson and Myers at the Second Annual Forum at the American Helicopter Society in Philadelphia on March 14, 1946.

Helicopter Instrument Flight and Precision Maneuvers as Affected by Changes in Damping in Roll, Pitch, and Yaw.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 290ft., 8min.

Helicopter Instrument Flight Program
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 550ft., 23min.

Helicopter Wake Study
16mm, Sound, Black & White, 620ft., 17min

This is a publicity film presenting a tour of the LAL facilities engaged in all types of helicopter research and experiment. Views of the facilities and their part in helicopter are explained. Presents views of Physical Research Division, Helicopter Tower, Low-Turbulence Tunnel, Full Scale Tunnel, Structures Research Division, Flight Research Division, Hangar, and Flight Tests of a Helicopter.

16mm, Silent, Color

High Altitude Flight Test of a 40-Foot Diameter (12.2 meter) Ringsail Parachute at Deployment Mach Number of 2.95
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 115ft., 3.2min.

High Altitude Flight Test of a Reefed 12.2 Meter Diameter Disk-Gap-Band Parachute with Deployment at Mach Number of 2.58
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 180ft., 5min.

16mm, Color

High Speed Dive Test of XP-51
16mm, Silent, Color

High Speed Modion Pictures of the McDonnell Super Talos Component Flutter Tests Conducted in the Langley Unitary Plan
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 27.5min.

High Speed Motion Picture of the Boeing Dyna-Soar Panel Flutter Test Conducted in the Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 250ft., 7min.

High Speed Motion Picture of X-15 Panel Flutter in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 145ft., 4min.

High Speed Motion Pictures of Flutter Tests of Some Oriented Skin Panels Related to the Boeing Dyna-Soar Glider
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 25min

High Speed Motion Pictures of NAA B-70 Panel Flutter Tests Conducted in the Langley Unitary Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 710ft., 20min.

High Speed Motion Pictures of the Boeing Dyna-Soar Panel Flutter Tests Conducted in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 457ft., 13min.

High Speed Motion Pictures of the Boeing Dyna-Soar Panel Flutter Tests Conducted in the Langley Unitary Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 2430ft., 66min.

High Speed Motion Pictures of the Project Mercury Capsule Shingle Tests Conducted in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 475ft., 13min.

High Speed Motion Pictures of the Second Phase of Flutter Test of Surfaces of the Boeing IM-99B in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 410ft., 11.5min.

High Speed Motion Pictures of the Typhoon Wind-Elevon Flutter Tests in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 2380ft., 65min.

High Speed Motion Pictures of the Typhoon Wind-Elevon Flutter Tests in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 800ft., 23min.

High Speed Schileren Movies of the Flow About a Sphere Towed at Supersonic Speed
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 135ft., 3.5min.

High Speed Schileren Movies of the Flow About Different Cone Models Towed at Supersonic Speeds Behind a Conical Body (4.875 Inches in Diameter)
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 308ft., 8.5min.

High Speed Schlieren Movies of a 1/9-Scale Model of the Samos Satellite During Dynamic Stability Tests in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 485ft., 13.5min.

High Speed Schlieren Movies of the McDonnell Typhon Flutter-Model Tests in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel;
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 360ft., 10min.

High Speed Schlieren Studies of Flow Over Mercury Atlas Vehicle in the Langley 2-Foot Transonic Aeroplasticity Tunnel
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 535ft., 16min.

High Temperature Materials
16mm, Sound, Color, 900ft., 27min.

High Temperature Testing of Aircraft Structures
16mm, Silent, Color 360ft., 10min.

High Temperature Testing of Aircraft Structures, VPI-1961
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 630ft., 17min.

High Temperature Testing of Aircraft Structures,1961, Presented by Roger Anderson
16mm, Silent, Color, 510ft., 14.5min.

High-Speed Color Schileren Studied Over a Two-Dimensional Trailing Edge Flap-Type Control
16mm, Silent, Color, 215ft., 6min.

High-Speed Motion Pictures Taken During Flutter Tests of Fiberglass-Foam Sandwich Skin Panels Conducted in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 160ft., 3.5min.

High-Speed Schlieren Movies Made in the Langley Unitary Plan Tunnel During Test of the Drogue Parachute to be used for Stabilization of the Project Mercury Capsule
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 880ft., 25min.

High-Speed Schlieren Movies Made in the Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel of Hot Jets, Exhausting into a Supersonic Stream
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 780ft., 21.40min.

High-Speed Schlieren Movies of Decelerators at Supersonic Speeds.
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 245ft., 7min.

High-Speed Schlieren Movies of the Flow About Reefed Parachute Models Towed at Supersonic Speeds Behind a Conical Body (4.875 Inches in Diameter). Drag Values Based on the Unreefed Diameter of 1.73 Feet Porosity of Unreefed Parachute is 28 Percent
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 550ft., 15min.

High-Speed Schlieren Movies of the Stage Separation of the Martin WS-107A-2 (Titan) in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel-- Phase II

High-Speed Schlieren Studies of Flow Over a Model of the Dyna-Soar Vehicle in the Langley 2-Foot Transonic Aeroplasticity Tunnel
16mm Silent, Black & White, 582ft., 12min.

History of the Helicopter
16mm, Sound, Black & White

HL-10 in 30x60
16mm, Silent, Black & White

HL-10 Model Landing Tests Job 109
16mm, Silent, Color

Hovering and Transition Flight Tests of a 1/5-Scale Model of a Jet Powered Vertical Altitude VTOL Research Airplane.
16mm, Silent, Color, 550ft., 15min.
An experimental investigation has been made to determine the dynamic stability and control characteristics of a 1/5-scale flying model of a jet-powered vertical-attitude VTOL research airplane in hovering and transition flight. The model was powered with either a hydrogen peroxide rocket motor or a compressed-air jet exhausting through an ejector tube to simulate the turbojet engine of the airplane. The gyroscopic effects of the engine were simulated by a flywheel driven by compressed-air jets. In hovering flight the model was controlled by jet-reaction controls which consisted of a swiveling nozzle on the main jet and a movable nozzle on each wing tip; and in forward flight the model was controlled by elevons and a rudder. If the gyroscopic effects of the jet engine were not represented, the model could be flown satisfactorily in hovering flight without any automatic stabilization devices. When the gyroscopic effects of the jet engine were represented, however, the model could not be controlled without the aid of artificial stabilizing devices because of the gyroscopic coupling of the yawing and pitching motions. The use of pitch and yaw dampers made these motions completely stable and the model could then be controlled very easily. In the transition flight tests, which were performed only with the automatic pitch and yaw dampers operating, it was found that the transition was very easy to perform either with or without the engine gyroscopic effects simulated, although the model had a tendency to fly in a rolled and sideslipped attitude at angles of attack between approximately 25 deg and 45 deg because of static directional instability in this range.

Hovering Flight Investigation of Two Methods of Controlling a Man-Carrying Ducted-Fan Vehicle of the Flying-Platform Type
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Hovering Flight Tests of a 4 Engine Transport Vertical Take-off Airplane Model Utilizing Large Flap and Extensible Vanes for Redirecting the Propeller Slip Stream
16mm, Silent, Color, 370ft, 10min.

Hovering Flight Tests of a Model of a Vertical Take-off Airplane with Tilting Wing and Props
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 200ft., 5.5min.

Hovering Flight Tests of a Model of Transport Vertical Take-Off Airplane with Tilting Wing and Propellers
16mm, Silent, Color, Written Narration, 200ft., 6min.

Hovering Flight Tests of Ducted Fan Model
16mm, Silent, Black & White

16mm, Silent, Color

Human Tolerance to Wind Blast (8' HST)
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Human Tolerance to Wind Blasts
16mm, Color
A Navy investigation was made in the 8-Foot high-speed wind tunnel to determine human tolerance to wind blasts. Preliminary tests were made on a dummy. Tests were made on guinea pigs at Mach numbers ranging from 0.09 to 0.65. The Mach number range for the tests on human subjects was 0.04 to 0.58.

Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a 1/19-Size Model of a Six-Engine Hull Type Seaplane Designed for Supersonic Flight
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a 1/8-Scale Model of the Glenn L. Martin Co. PBM-5 Seaplane Equipped with a Single Hydro-Ski.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 380ft, 35min

Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Missiles Launched Under Water
16mm, Silent, Color

Hydrodynamic Investigation of a Multijet Water-Based Aircraft Having Engines Exhausting From the Step--Model 333
16mm, Silent, Color, 470ft., 13min.

Hydrodynamic Investigation of Two Configurations for Transonic Seaplanes (Gross Weight, 160,000 lbs.)
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 140ft, 3.5min

Hydrodynamic Investigation of Two Transonic Seaplane Configurations--Rough Water Taxi Test
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Hydrodynamics Annual Report
16mm, Sound
The progress report for 1948 by the Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp. Shows work done with a radio controlled model of the XP5Y-1. Methods of obtaining information on the longitudinal stability and control and the spray characteristics of the model are shown, as well as, runs of the model using bang-bang or on-off controls. Also presented are catapult and towing tests of a model similar to the Skate 6. Tests are run on a miniature pulse-jet engine (Dynajet) use to power the model. Tests are run on a miniature pulse-jet engine assault transport seaplane is presented.

Hydro-Ski Development
16mm, Sound
This film was made by the Engineering Division at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, showing take-off and taxiing runs of the Grumman 0A-9 amphibian with and without Edo hydro-skis. Landings with skis installed and beaching methods are also shown.

Hyperbolic Velocity Reentry -Project Fire Photographic Summary and Record of Reentry Phenomena at Hyperbolic Velocities
16mm, Sound, Color, 310ft., 8.5ft.

Hypersonic Boost Gilder Film
35mm., Silent, Black & White, 2.5min.

Hypersonic Research
16mm, Silent, Color, 500ft., 14min.

Ice Elimination in Flight
A study of the elimination of ice on airplane wings was made by mounting a section of wing on an airplane. A device to provide an atomized spray of water was placed ahead of the model wing. The tests were made at altitudes to obtain a temperature of 26-degrees F. This method used leather covering over the leading edge. Alcohol was applied under pressure to the inner surface and forced through the leather. About 40 lbs. of alcohol per hour is required to eliminate this type of ice formation on a wing of 50 ft. span. Ice formation on a propeller and its spinner is also shown.

Ignition Studies of a T-22 Propellant Targets by Impact and Penetration of Steel Spheres
16mm, Silent, Color, 31.5min.

Illustration of Collective Effects in Stellar Dynamics
16mm, Silent, Color

Impact Basin Demonstration, 1949 Annual Inspection
The demonstration given by personnel of the Impact Basin showed effects of landing impact on the landing gear, wings, and fuselage of the simulated airplane.

Impact on Dust Like Media
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 70ft., 2min.

Incipient Spin Tests of a 1/35-Scale Model of the Convair F-102A Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1070ft., 30min.

Induced Flowing Ground Effect
16mm, Silent Black & White 145ft., 6min.

Inflation Tests in 41-Foot Vacuum Chamber of Project Able 12-Foot diameter Spherical Radar Reflector
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 235ft., 6.5min.

In-Flight Demonstration of Variable Wing Sweep with a Free Flying Model of Supersonic Transport Configuration.
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 163ft., 4.5min.

In-Flight Pictures of the Wing-Fuselage Juncture of the F8U-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Injection, Distribution, and Evaporation of Liquids in the Flow Fields of Hypersonic Vehicles
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 75ft., 2min.

Inside of Arch Welding- Part 5
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Installation of HL-10 Model in the Langley Research Center's Full Scale Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Color, 300ft., 8.5min.

Integrated Flight Research Facilities of Wallops Flight Center and Langley Research Center
16mm, Sound, Color, 600ft., 14.5min.

Interstage Fairing Used as a Decelerator
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 370ft., 10min.

Inverted Spin Tests of a 1/25-Scale Model of the Douglas F5D-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 710ft., 28min.

Inverted Spin Tests of the 1/25-Scale Model of the McDonnell F3H-2N Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 200ft., 8min.

Investigation of a 0.04-Scale Pressure Model of the Martin WS-107A-2 in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel

Investigation of a 1/19-Scale Cable Mount Stability Model of the C-141 Airplane in the Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 355ft., 10min.

Investigation of a High-Performance Axial-Flow Compressor Transonic Inlet Rotor Designed for 37.5 Pounds Per Second Per Square Foot of Frontal Area. Detailed Blade Element Performance
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Investigation of a New Technique for Releasing an Externally Carried Fuel Tank at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds Using a 1/40-Scale Model of a Supersonic Bomber Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 275ft., 20min.

Investigation of a Tilting-Wing Vertical Take-Off and Landing Jet Airplane Model in Hovering and Transition Flight
16mm, Silent, Color, 400ft., ll min.

Investigation of Dynamic Stability and Controllability in the Langley FFT.
The free-flight tunnel, of which external and sectional views are shown, is an open-return closed-throat tunnel which is housed in a metal sphere. The air is pulled through the test section by the propeller at the rear of the tunnel, which may be tilted to simulate flight path angles over a range from 40-degree glide to 15-degree climb. Two operators at the side of the tunnel control and the tunnel angle and airspeed. The pilot operates the model control remotely from his seat at the rear of the tunnel. The pilot's controls consist of a rudder-aileron stick and an elevator stick which operates electric switches, which control the current which flows through a light flexible cable of electromagnets in the model. The electromagnets are linked to the hinged control surfaces and, when the magnets are energized, the surfaces are moved. For a take-off, the tunnel angle is brought up and the airspeed increased. After take-off, the tunnel angle and airspeed are adjusted to the flight trim conditions. The model is landed by reducing the tunnel angle and airspeed. The effects of design factors on dynamic stability and control ability are illustrated by records mad of model flight tests. From theses tests the effects of dihedral and vertical tail area; reducing directional stability control with ailerons and rudder interconnected increasing dihedral; increasing dihedral and decreasing directional stability and control with ailerons alone; it was determined that low dihedral and large vertical tail are desirable. The effects of AR and sweep of the wing; Damping in roll of wing-tip tanks; and of fuel sloshing on the lateral oscillation were shown. Longitudinal stability was shown to depend chiefly on the C.G. location.

Investigation of Hydro-Ski Stabilized Hydrofoil System Mounted on 1/8-Scale Model of Grumman JRF-5 Airplane
16mm, Silent , Black & White, 300ft., 8.5min.

Investigation of Longitudinal Stability Grunberg Hydrofoil System
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Investigation of Low Subsonic Flight Characteristics of a 1/5-Scale Model of a Boeing Dyna-Soar Glider Configuration
16mm, Silent, Color, 10.5min.

Investigation of Low-Subsonic Flight Characteristics of a Model of a Hypersonic Boost Glide
16mm, 8 minutes, 285 feet, silent, b/w

Investigation of Low-Subsonic Flight Characteristics of a Model of Hypersonic Boost Glide Configuration Having a 78-Degree Delta Wing
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 285ft., 8min.
An investigation of the low-subsonic stability and control characteristics of a model of a hypersonic boost-glide configuration having 78 deg. sweep of the leading edge has been made in the Langley full-scale tunnel. The model was flown over an angle-of-attack range from 10 to 35 deg. Static and dynamic force tests were made in the Langley free-flight tunnel. The investigation showed that the longitudinal stability and control characteristics were generally satisfactory with neutral or positive static longitudinal stability. The addition of artificial pitch damping resulted in satisfactory longitudinal characteristics being obtained with large amounts of static instability. The most rearward center-of-gravity position for which sustained flights could be made either with or without pitch damper corresponded to the calculated maneuver point. The lateral stability and control characteristics were satisfactory up to about 15 deg. angle of attack. The damping of the Dutch roll oscillation decreased with increasing angle of attack; the oscillation was about neutrally stable at 20 deg. angle of attack and unstable at angles of attack of about 25 deg. and above. Artificial damping in roll greatly improved the lateral characteristics and resulted in flights being made up to 35 deg. angle of attack. 1959

Investigation of Slosh Anomaly in Apollo Lunar Module Propellant Gage
16mm, Silent, Color, 200ft., 5.5min.

Investigation of Stalling Characteristics of DC-3 Airplane
16mm,, Silent, Color, 75ft., 3min.

Investigation of Surface Erosion Caused by a Vertical Jet of Cold Air
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 90ft., 2.5min.

Investigation of Technique for Cent. Landing Impact Test at Simulated Planetary Gravity
16mm, Silent, Color, 180ft., 5min.

Investigation of the Dynamic Stability of Two Towed Models of a Flat-Bottom Lifting Reentry Configuration
16mm, Silent, Color, 1150ft., 32min.

Investigation of the Flight Characteristics of a 1/5-Scale Model of a Dyna-Soar Glider Configuration at Low Subsonic Speeds
16mm, Silent, Color, 545ft., 15min.

Investigation of the Flight Characteristics of a Model of the HL-10 Manned Lifting Entry Vehicle
16mm, Silent, Color, 225ft., 7min.

Investigation of the Flutter Characteristics of 0.25-Scale Models of the Wing Aileron, Fin Rudder and Elevator of the Boeing IM-99-B in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1600ft., 88min.

Investigation of the Landing Characteristics of a Re-entry Vehicle Having a Canted Multiple Air Bag Load Alleviation System
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 110ft., 3min.

Investigation of the Low Subsonic Flight Characteristics of a Model of a Flat-Top Hypersonic Boost Glide Configuration Having an Arrowhead Wing
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Investigation of the Low Subsonic Flight Characteristics of a Model of a Reentry Configuration Having a 75-Degree Delta Wing
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 200ft., 5.5min.

Investigation of the Low Subsonic Flight Characteristics of a Model of a Reentry Vehicle Having a 75-Degree Thick Flat Delta Wing and a Half Cone Fuselage
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 195ft., 5.5min.

Investigation of the Low Subsonic Flight Characteristics of a Model of an All-Wing Hypersonic Boost-Glide Configuration Having Very High Sweep
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 175ft., 5min.

Investigation of the Low Subsonic Flight Characteristics of a Supersonic Airplane Configuration Having Tail Surface Outboard of the Wing Tips
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 8min.

Investigation of the Low Subsonic Stability and Control Characteristics of a 1/3-Scale Free Flying Model of a Lifting Body Reentry Configuartion
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 6.5min.

Investigation of the Low-Speed Flight Characteristics of a 1/15-Scale Model of the Convair XB-58 Airplane--Coord # AF-AM-15
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 340ft., 9.5min.

Investigation of the Low-Subsonic Stability and Control Characteristics of a Free-Flying Model of a thick 70-Degree Delta Reentry Configuration
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White 196ft., 6.5min

Investigation of the Skid Rocker Landing Characteristics of Spacecraft Models
16mm, Silent, Color, 270ft., 7.5min.

Investigation of the Subsonic and Supersonic Release Characteristics of an Externally Carried Fuel Tank From a 1/40-Scale Model of a Bomber Airplane (Phase 2);
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 490ft., 26min.

Investigation of the Subsonic and Supersonic Release Characteristics of an Externally Carried Fuel Tank from a 1/40-Scale Model of a Bomber Airplane (Phase 1)
16mm, Silent, Black and White, 415, 11.5min.
Release and flight characteristics study for externally carried fuel tank models of various configurations at subsonic and supersonic speeds

Investigation of the Subsonic Stability and Control Characteristics of a 0.34-Scale Free Flying Model of a Modified Half Cone Reentry Vehicle
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 230ft., 6.5min.

Investigation of the Subsonic Stability and Control Characteristics of a 1/17-Scale Model of the North American X-15 Airplane with and without Fuselage Forebody Strakes
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 605ft., 17min.

Investigation of Underwater Launching of a Model of an Air Missile
16mm, Silent, Color, 90ft., 2.25min.

Investigation of Water-Pond Arresting of a Dynamic Model of a Jet Transport
16mm, Silent, Color, 204ft., 5.5min.
Brief dynamic-model tests have been made at the request of the Federal Aviation Agency to investigate the use of a shallow pond of water at the end of a runway as a means of arresting jet-transport aircraft when they are forced to abort on take-off or overrun on landing. Such a scheme is of particular interest for civil aircraft because it requires no modifications or attachments to the airplane and no mechanical devices in the arresting system. A modification of this scheme that uses a flexible plastic cover over the water surface has also been tested. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a dynamic model investigation which would aid in determining whether the water-pond arresting system could be used as a means of arresting airplane overrun.

Investigation of X-15 Airplane Horizontal-Tail Transonic Flutter Models in Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 400ft., 11min.

Investigation of X-15 Airplane Proposed. Horizontal-Tail Transonic Flutter Models in Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel

Investigation to Determine Conditions Under Which Downwash from VTOL Aircraft Will Start Surface Erosion for Various Types of Terrain
16mm, Silent, Color, 975ft., 27min.

Involuntary Eye Motions During and Nystagmus After Head Motions in a Vehicle Simulator
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 110ft., 3min.

J-2 in flight
16mm, Silent, Color

Jet Effects on Transonic Flow Over a 16-Degree Conical Afterbody
16mm, Silent, Color, 190ft., 5min

Jet Shoes - A Extra-Vehicular Device
16mm, Silent, Color, 200ft., 5.5min.

JetShoes- an Extravehicular Space Locomotion Device
16mm, Silent, Color, 440ft., 12min.

JRF-5 and Bomber--Mr. Parkinson's Talk Seaplane Subcommittee Meeting January 1958
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 145ft., 4min

JRM-1 Flying Boat Model 164F and 164H
Tank tests were made in Tank # 1 for the purpose of obtaining spray pictures of 1/12-scale models of Martin JRM-1 (NACA 164). Model 164-R had design forebody. Model 164H had gradual increase in plan form forward of step to maximum of 2.74 in. at station 7.5; horizontal C.G. 30% MAC.; flap deflection 30-degrees; depth of step 0.625 in.; step 48.16 in. aft of bow; and C.G. 14.75 in., above keel at step. Both models were tested at gross loads of 82.5 and 91 lbs.; full power; propellers idling; and elevators neutural or up 9-25-degrees).

JRM-1 Flying Boat Model 164J-1
Tank tests were made in tank #1 for the purpose of obtaining spray pictures of the 1/12-scale model of the Martin JRM-1, NACA model 164J-1, with outboard spray strips; depth of step, 0.625in.; step 48.16in. aft of bow; C.G. 14.75 in. above keel at step and 30% MAC horizontally; gross loads of 82.5, 91, and 99.5 lbs.; full power or propellers idling; and elevators neutral or up (-25-degrees).

L4-4428 Ram C-C Scout S-171C
16mm, Silent, Color

Laboratory Ceramic Heated Jet
16mm, Silent, Color, 145ft., 4min

Laboratory Conditions
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Laboratory Operations Support
16mm, Sound, Color

LAL Awarded Minute Man Flag
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Landing and Taxiing Tests of an F-94C Nose Landing Gear Over Various Types of Runway Lights
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1210ft., 33min.

Landing Characteristics and Flotation Properties of a Reentry Capsule
16mm., Silent Color, 275ft., 7min.
As a part of a program to investigate the landing impact characteristics of conical reentry capsules, some tests have been reported in references 1 and 2. Further experimental investigations have been made to determine the rigid-body impact accelerations of a reentry capsule having the same spherical impact surface as the Mercury capsule and are reported herein. The current investigation was made to determine impact accelerations with landings on sand and on water after a simulated parachute-supported let down. The flotation properties of the capsule also have been determined. All tests were made with 1/6-scale dynamically similar models of the Mercury reentry capsule. The landing tests were made at various flight paths to simulate the effect of surface winds that might act on the parachute-capsule combination during letdown. A range of contact attitudes was investigated to simulate the various landing attitudes that might occur if the capsule were swinging under the parachute. The accelerations were measured at the center of gravity of the capsule and for some tests the accelerations were measured at offset positions corresponding to those a man's head might have in the manned capsule. The flotation properties of the capsule were investigated at various center-of-gravity locations. Tests were also made to determine the effect on the flotation properties of flooding the space between the passenger's compartment and the heat shield of the capsule. The effects of a man with his survival equipment making an exit through the canister were also determined. All values and measurements in the paper are given full scale.

Landing Characteristics of a Dynamic Model of the HL-10 Manned Lifting Entry Vehicle
16mm, Silent, Color, 495ft., 14min.

Landing Characteristics of a Re-entry Vehicle with a Passive Landing System for Impact Alleiviation
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 180ft., 5min.

Landing Characteristics of a Ventricular Shaped Reentry Vehicle
16mm, Silent, Color, 260ft., 7min

Landing Characteristics of a Winged Reentry Vehicle with All Skid Landing Gear Having Yielding Metal Shock Absorbers.
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 270ft., 7.5min

Landing Characteristics of the Apollo Spacecraft with Deployed Heat Shield Impact Attenuation Systems
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 580ft., 16min.

Landing Energy Dissipation for Manned Reentry Vehicles
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 128ft., 3.5min.
Analytical and experimental investigations have been made to determine the landing-energy-dissipation characteristics for several types of landing gear for manned reentry vehicles. The landing vehicles are considered in two categories: those having essentially vertical-descent paths, the parachute-supported vehicles, and those having essentially horizontal paths, the lifting vehicles. The energy-dissipation devices discussed are crushable materials such as foamed plastics and honeycomb for internal application in couch-support systems, yielding metal elements as part of the structure of capsules or as alternates for oleos in landing-gear struts, inflatable bags, braking rockets, and shaped surfaces for water impact. It appears feasible to readily evaluate landing-gear systems for internal or external application in hard-surface or water landings by using computational procedures and free-body landing techniques with dynamic models. The systems investigated have shown very interesting energy-dissipation characteristics over a considerable range of landing parameters. Acceptable gear can be developed along lines similar to those presented if stroke requirements and human-tolerance limits are considered.

Landing Impact and Braked Taxi Tests on Various Types of Metal Landing Mats and Membranes
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 885ft., 24.5min.

Landing Impact Dissipation Systems
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color 150ft., 4min.

Landing Impact Studies of a 0.3-Scale Model Air Landing System for a Navy Fighter Airplane
16mm, Silent, Color, 8.5min.

Landing Investigation of Panto Base Version C-123--Part I.
16mm, 290ft, 8min

Landing Loads Track
16mm, Silent, Color, 204ft., 6.5min

Landing Loads Track
16mm, Sound, Color, 180ft., 5min.

Landing Loads Track
16mm, Sound, Color

Landing Loads Track Propulsion Model Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Landing Loads Track Test of Titanium Landing Gear Skid
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 30ft., 1min.

Landing of Manned Reentry Vehicles
Originally recorded in16mm, Silent, Color, 130ft., 4min.

Landing Performance of an Air Cushion Landing System Installed in a 1/10-Scale Dynamic Model of the C-8 Buffalo Airplane
16mm, Silent, Color, 4min.

Landing Practices of General Avaition Pilots in Single Engine Light Aircraft
16mm, Color, 400ft., 4.5min

Landing Tests DR-77 With and Without Shock-Absorber Ski Struts
16mm, Silent, Color, 215ft, 6min

Landing-Impact characteristics of Lead-Alleviating Structs on a Model of Winged Space Vehicle.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 109ft., 3min.
A brief experimental investigation was made of the landing-impact characteristics of a 1/9-scale dynamic model of a winged space vehicle. The landing tests were made by catapulting a free model onto a hard; surface runway and onto water. The model had a conical fuselage and a flat - plate wing with a basic delta planform and 75 deg sweepback of the leading edge. The use of yielding-metal shock absorbers and various landing-gear arrangements was investigated during landing impact. The basic landing gear consisted of a dual rubber-tired nose wheel and twin main skids aft of the center of gravity near the wing tips. landing motion and acceleration data were obtained over a range of landing attitudes, gross weights, and initial sinking speeds. Brief tests were made with an alternate nose-wheel location. An all-skid configuration also was briefly evaluated for hard-surface and water landings. The landing gear employing yielding struts for impact-energy absorption during hard-surface landings resulted in accelerations of approximately 5 1/2 g near the nose gear over a range of landing parameters. Replacing the nose wheel and tire with a skid did not significantly change the accelerations. Landings in smooth water with rigid struts and adequate planning area at the nose skid resulted in a maximum landing acceleration of approximately 4g.

Langley Control-Line Facility
16mm, Silent, Color, 175ft., 5min.

Langley Film for Ames Inspection
16mm, Color, 367ft., 12min.
Carry loads, aerodynamic interference effects and drop characteristics of x-15 through b-52 flow field

Langley Free-Flight Tunnel Film Record of Flight Tests of a Model Similar to the 1/10 Scale model of the Douglas XS-3 Airplane

Langley Interactive Computerized Circuit-Analysis (LICCA) Capability
16mm, Silent, Color, 1045ft., 29min.

Langley Research Center Vortex Research
16mm, Sound, Color, 11.20min.

Langley Research Center's Weightlessness Simulator Emergency Water Dumping
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 80ft., 2min.

Langley Tank Model 384
16mm, Silent, Color, 200ft., 5.5min

Large Angle Motion Test, Including Spins for a Free Flying Dynamically Scale Radio Controlled 1/9-Scale Model of an Attack Airplane
16mm, Silent, Color, 549ft., 15min.

Large Angle Motion Tests, Including Spins of a Free-Flying Radio Controlled Model of a Twin Jet Swept Wing Fighter Airplane
16mm, Silent, Color

Lass Inflate
16mm, Silent, Color

Lateral-Directional Characteristics of a 1/10-Scale Model Variable Sweep Fighter Airplane at High Angles of Attack--Coord # N-AM-154
16mm, Silent, Color, 6min.

Launch Vehicle Dynamics Demonstrator Model
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 125ft., 3.5min.

Launching and Tracking Movies of Hurricane Model B120-2673 Launched from Wallops Island, Va on August 11, 1958 at 0923 e.s.t.
16mm, Silent, Color, 7min.

Lecture Film Showing Hydrodynamics Division Facilities and Typical Research Projects
16mm, Silent, Color, 315ft., 8.5min.

Lewis Fim, Wright Lecture, 1939
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Light Airplane Crash Tests at Three Flight Path Angles
16mm, Sound, Color, 11min.

Light Airplane Crash Tests at Three Pitch Angles
16mm, Silent, Color, 400ft., 9.5min.

Light Airplane Crash Tests at Three Roll Angles
16mm, Sound, Color, 9.5min.

Listening Tests of Modified De Havilland ""Otter"" Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 815ft., 24min.

Little Joe
16mm, Sound, Color, 1040ft., 28.5min.

Little Joe Support. Langley Inspection, 1959
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 360 ft., 10 min.

Load Alleviating Effects of Hydro-Skis on High Wing Loading Model
16mm, Silent, Color, 67ft, 2.75min

Load Test of Northrop Hawk Wing 8 at Room Temperature
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 110ft., 4.5min.

Low Speed Aircraft (1974 Inspection Film)
16mm, Sound, Color, 700ft., 19.5min.

Low Speed Deployment, Inflation, and Steady Descent Characteristics of Ram-Air-Inflated Balloon Recovery Systems with Peripheral Airscoops
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 185ft., 5min.

Low Speed Dynamic Model Investigation of Apollo Command Module Configuration in Langley Spin Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Color, 490ft., 13.5min.

Low Speed Dynamic Model Investigation of Apollo Command Module Configuration in the Langley Spin Tunnel
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 165ft., 4.5min.

Low Speed Flight Characteristics of a Variable-Wing-0-Sweep fighter Model
16mm, Silent, Color

Low Speed Flight Tests of Three Hypersonic Boost-Glide Airplane Model
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 225ft., 6.25min.

Low Speed Force and Flight Investigation of a Model of a Modified Parawing Utility Vehicle
16mm, Silent, Color, 220ft., 6min.

Low Speed Force and Flight Investigation of Various Methods for Controlling Parawings
16mm, Silent, Color, 10ft., 4min.

Low Speed Free-Flight Stability and Drag Characteristics of Radically Vented Parachutes
16mm, Silent, Color, 310ft., 8.5min.

Low Speed Wind Tunnel Investigation to Determine the Flight Characteristics of a Model of a Parawing Utility Vehicle
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 250ft., 7min.

Low Subsonic Flight and Force investigation of a Supersonic Transport Model with a Double Delta-Wing
16mm, Silent, Color, 150ft., 4min.

Low Subsonic Flight and Force Investigation of a Supersonic Transport Model with a Variable Sweep Wing
16mm, Silent, Color, 260ft., 7min.

Low Subsonic Flight and Force investigation of a Supersonic Transport Model with Highly Swept Arrow Wing
16mm, Silent, Color, 240ft., 6.5min.

Low Subsonic Flight Characteristics of a Model of a Supersonic Airplane Configuration With a Parawing as a Landing Aid
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 158ft., 5min.

Low-Subsonic Wind Tunnel and Free-Flight Drop Test Investigation of a Paraglider Configuration Having Large Tapered Leading Edges and Keel
16mm, Silent, Color, 320ft., 9min.

Lunar Landing Characteristics of a Lunar Excursion Module Having Various Multiple-Leg Landing-Gear Configurations
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 560ft., 15.5min.

Lunar Orbiter (Shortened version)
16mm, Sound, Color, 925ft., 26min.

Lunar Program Quarterly Report Number 5
16mm, Sound, Color, 390ft., 11min.

Man in Flight
16mm, Silent, Color

Man Loads 30 Cell Manometer

Man\Computer Interface
16mm, Silent, Color

Martin DS-1 Wing Flutter Model
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Martin DS-1 Wing Flutter Model

Mastery of Space
16mm, Sound, Color, 58min.

Mastin DS-1 Model 1A 8-Inch Hat- Test 4-Run 2
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Materials Tests in Co-operation With U.S. Navy Polaris Project at Langley 11-Inch Ceramic-Heated Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Color 575ft., 16min

Materials Tests in Electric Arc-Powered Air Jet
16mm, Silent, Color 438ft., 12min.

Materials Tests in Langley 11-Inch Ceramic Heated Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Color 80ft., 2min.

Mechanical Analogy of the Effect of Fuel Sloshing on Missile Stability
16mm, Silent, Color, 107ft., 3min.

Medical Monitoring in Flight
16mm, Sound, Color, 350ft., 10min.

Melting of Missiles

Melting of Models by Aerodynamic Heating in the Langley 11-Inch Hypersonic Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Message to Employees of NACA
16mm, Sound, Black & White, 11min.

Method of Control Operation of a 1/25-Scale Free Flying Model of a Boeing Dyna-Soar Configuration
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Methods and Materials Used in Model Construction at Langley Laboratory (T.F. no.27) (no.579)
16mm, Color, Sound, 950ft., 26min.

Micrometeroid Satellite S-55 Separation Environment and Spin Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 385ft., 11min.

Mobile Work Station Concept Mechanically Aided Astronaut Assembly of Large Space Trusses
16mm, Silent, Color, 250ft., 7min.

Model 203 A Spray Characteristics w/full Power
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Spray characteristics tests were made in Tank #1 of a 1/10-scale powered dynamic model (NACA 203A) with a hull having a length-beam ratio of 9.0. Take-off runs were made with full power at acceleration 1 ft./sec [2nd power]., flaps done 20-degrees, elevators up 10-degrees, for gross loads of 72,000, 82,000, and 92,000 lbs.

Model 206 Rough Water
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Taxying, take off, and landing runs in rough water and landing runs in smooth water for comparison purposes were made in Tank #1 on a 1/11-scale dynamic model of the Bureau of Aeronautics design no. 22ADR, class VPB airplane, NACA model 206. Taxying runs were made in 6in. x 10 ft. waves with flap deflection 20-degrees, stabilizer setting -9.5-degrees to wing, C.G. at 24% MAC, gross load 78.1 lb., top speed of 18 fps and acceleration of 0.6 ft/sec. [2nd power]. Take off runs were made in the same waves at acceleration of 2.0 ft/sec [2nd power]. Landings were made in the same waves at carriage deceleration of 2.0 ft/sec [2nd power], and trim angles ranging from 14-degrees to 4-degrees. Smooth water landings were made at trim angles from 13-degrees to 3 1/2-degrees.

Model 228 Preliminary Data Film
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Take-off and landing tests were made in Tank #1 on a 1/10 scale model of a long range, high-speed flying boat with hull length-beam ratio of 10.0. The model of the Consolidated Vultee P5Y-1 (NACA 228J-1) had a short, constant-dead-rise afterbody; gross load of 132.5 lb.; step 16.2% beam deep at keel, and 14.8% beam deep at centroid; and an angle of afterbody keel of 4.5-degrees. Test conditions for take-off were: flaps deflected 20-degrees, C.G. at 30% MAC; acceleration of 4.5 ft./sec [2nd power]; full power, 46.6 lb. static thrust; range of elevator deflections from -15-degrees to 0-degrees; range of hump trim angles from 9.0-degrees to 10.0-degrees; and take-off trim angles of 5.0-degrees and 7.5-degrees. The model porpoised 2.5-degrees (from 7.5 to 10) just before take-off. The test conditions for landing were: flaps deflected 50-degrees; C.G. at 34% MAC; deceleration of 2.0 ft./sec [2nd power].; 1/4 power, 11.6 lbs. static thrust; elevator deflection constant after initial contact; range of landing trim angles from 4.3-degrees to 11.5-degrees; range of landing speeds from 58 to 48 fps. Of the three landings shown, 2 were unstable and the other was stable.

Model Bomb Releases at Supersonic Speeds
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Model Ditching Bomber Equipped with Hydro-Skis
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Model Investigation of Technique for Full Scale Landing Impact Tests at Simulated Lunar Gravity
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 147ft., 4min.

Model Rotor Dust Flow

Model Test of Mars Entry Vehicles in Langley Spin Tunnel
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 120ft., 3.5min

Model Wind Tunnel and Flight Investigation of a Parawing Lifting Body Landing System
16mm, Silent, Color, 550ft., 15.15min.

Models Tank 1, 203, 213, and 214
16mm, Silent, Color
Spray characteristics tests were made in smooth water in tank #1 at loads of 75,000 and 95,000 lbs. on the powered dynamic models which represent alternate designs for a twin-engine flying boat similar to the Boeing XPBB-1. The length beam ratios of the hulls are: for model 213, 1/b=6.0 for model 203, 1/b=9.0; for model 214, 1/b=12.0. The mean acceleration is 2 ft./sec [2nd power].

Mosquito Spray: Chincoteague
16mm, Silent, Color-Black & White

Motion Picture Supplementing Talk by A.I. Nielhouse on Special Problems of Spin Research
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 400ft., 11min.

Motion Pictures of the 0.10-Scale Model of the Boeing Dyna-Soar Glider Taken in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Motion Pictures of the Boeing Dyna-Soar Panel Flutter tests Conducted in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel Parts I & II
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 535ft., 15min.

Motion Pictures Supplementary to Tests of a 1/4-Scale Model of the Beech XKD2B-1 Target in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Color, 380ft., 10.5

Motion Pictures Supplementing Talk by A.I. Neihouse on Design and Operating Techniques of Vertical Spin Tunnels.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 340ft., 14min.

Motion Simulator Test
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Motion Simulator Test
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Motion Simulator Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Motion Simulator Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Movies Made in the Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel of the Goodyear Aircraft Corporation Inflatable Decelerator Towed at Supersonic Speeds
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 663ft, 18.5min.

Movies of Goodyear Corporation's Inflatable Decelerators Towed at Supersonic Speeds Behind a Cylindrical Body 2.400-Inches in Diameter in the Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 625ft., 18min.

Movies of the Goodyear Aircraft Corporation Balloon in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 160ft., 4min.

Movies of the Goodyear Aircraft Corporation Inflatable Decelerators Towed at Supersonic Speeds Behind a Conical Body 2.400 Inches in Diameter in the Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 940ft., 26min.

Movies of the Martin Aircraft Company Parachute and Balloon Decelerators Towed at Supersonic Speeds Behind an Unsymmetrical Reentry Body (4.80-Inches in Length) in the Unitary Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 35mm

Movies of the Martin Parachute and Balloon Decelerators Towed at Supersonic Speeds Behind an Unsymmetrical Reentry Body in the 8-Foot Transonic Pressure Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White,1610ft., 44.5min.

MR-3 Board Pilot Observer Film
16mm, Sound, Color, 800ft., 21min.

Mruoc-X-1, D-558, X-4
16mm, Silent, Color

N. A. A. FJ-2 Spoiler Aileron Tuft Studies
16mm, Silent, Black & White

NACA Corner Reflector Satellite
16mm, Silent, color, 400ft., 11min.
Film shows infloation of 4-Foot diameter model and 12-Foot diameter models; methods of folding model.

NACA Five-Stage Solid Rocket
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 562ft., 16min.

NACA High Speed Flight Research Station
16mm, Color

NACA Research
16mm, Sound

NACA Research

NACA Research on VTOL and STOL Airplanes.
16mm, Silent, Color, 990ft., 25min.

NACA Sub-Committee Meeting on Fluid Mechanics. NACA Three-Stage Hypersonic Test Vehicle
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 250ft, 11min

NACA Subsatellites
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 141ft., 4min.

NACA Tank Test Model #133
16mm, Silent, Black & White

NASA Friction Treadmill
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 45ft., 1min.

NASA Landing Loads Track Tests of Landing Gear Skids and Wheels
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 4000ft., 1hr. 50min.

NASA Projects
16mm, Silent, Black & White

NASA Roundtable Scientists Discuss the Moon
16mm, Soung, Black & White, 685ft., 19min.

NASA/DOD UKx4 Scout Calif. Boy Scouts
16mm, Silent, Color, 325ft

Natural Antisymmetric Mode Shapes of Liquids in Containers of Various Shapes
16mm, Silent, Color, 545ft., 15min.

Navy Ditching Tests SB2C-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Ditching tests were made using the seaway catapult at Langley Field, VA., on a 1/8-scale model of the SB2C-1 airplane with normal gross weight of 13,060 lb., and C.G. of 30.2% MAC and 1.2 in. below the thrust line. The tank tests indicated a more pessimistic behavior of the airplane than the catapult tests. The principal reason for the difference in the ditching behavior was that the flaps failed completely almost every time in the catapult tests while they seldom failed in the tank tests. The more frequent flap failure in tests at the outdoor catapult may be due to the higher impact loads. Higher loads might be caused by the rougher water surface (ripples occurred even in calm water) or by the slightly higher sinking speed of the model. Tests were run in calm water, along the wave crests, across the wave crests; with flaps full up or full down; with bomb-sight doors removed or with bomb-sight doors, bomb-lever doors, bomb-bay doors removed; at attitudes of 15-degrees, 8-degrees, or 2-degrees; over an airspeed range from 58-115.6 knots. Wing low landings and dives caused by the tail of the airplane hitting the leeward side of a wave are also shown.

Navy Landings and Take-offs
A number of take-offs and landings of full size Navy seaplanes were made in the open sea at Langley Field.

Navy Yard Explosion Tests (High-Speed)
Explosion tests in the open sea were made.

NB-1 Seaplane Spin Tests
Depicts drop tests to determine spin characteristics of a model of the NB-1 seaplane. The model was dropped from a height of 100 feet to determine the effect of mass distribution on the spinning characteristics. The locations of weights on the model were changed along the Z axis thus affecting the moments of inertia about the X & Y axes. The center of gravity remained fixed at all times. When the weights were close to the center of gravity, the spin was flat, but when the weights were 9/12-inches from the center of gravity, the model executed a normal spin.

NB-1 XF3F Flat Spins
16mm, Silent, Black & White

NBC Army Hour
16mm, Silent, Black & White

16mm, Silent, Black & White

Newman Research Model (In film canister with yellow Kodak Tri-X sticker on front Kodak Tri-X Reversal Safety Movie Film).
16mm, Silent, Color

16mm, Silent, Black & White

Nike-Cajun (L2-379)
16mm, Silent, Color, 265ft., 7min.

Nike-Cajun Hurricane Photography Rocket
16mm, Silent, Color, 813ft, 23min.

Nike-Deacon Sounding Rocket
16mm, Silent, Color, 580ft., 24min.

NOL Project Hasp
16mm., Silent, Black & White, 3600ft., 1hr. 40min.

Nose Blower

NR79-436 Solar Flares
16mm, Silent, Color

Numerical Experiments in Stellar Dynamics
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Numerical Experiments with a Cylindrical Galaxy
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Numerical Experiments with a Cylindrical Galaxy
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Numerical Experiments with a Cylindrical Galaxy
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Oblique and Yawed Landing of an F-94C Nose Gear on an Elfaka Light Unit and on Concrete
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 140ft., 4min.

Observation on the Flows Past Blunt Bodies at Transonic Speeds.
16mm., Silent, Black & White, 325ft., 9min.
Flow past low-fineness ratio blunt bodies at transonic speeds

Open Throat Tunnel
This film depicts smoke studies of flow in open throat tunnels.

Optical Communications Device-NASA Industrial Applications Program, Langley Innovations Film Report No. 1
16mm, Sound, Color, 210ft., 5.5min.

Over-Water Aspects of Ground Effects Vehicles
16mm, Silent, Color 175ft., 5min.

P.R.T Stall Control Wing

P.R.T XF4U-1
Investigations of air flow by means of tufts were made on a 1/2.75-scale model XF4U-1 airplane in the 20-foot propeller research tunnel. The tests were made on the model without power and powered to simulate climbing, with flaps and ailerons neutral, and with flaps down 50-degrees and ailerons dropped 10-degrees, at various angles of attack.

P.R.T. Flow Over Plates

P.R.T. Prop Test on Duck


Ground handling tests were made in the propeller research tunnel on a model of the Goodyear-Zeppelin ZRS-4 airship (USS Akron). Forces and moments were measured over a range of angles of yaw from 0-degrees to 180-degrees. Reynolds number was 16x10-degrees. Air flow over the model was depicted by smoke.

P-40 FST
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 49ft.

P-40 K Tail Tufts Flight

P-51D Buffeting Investigation

P-66 and P-67 Tufts
Tuft studies of flow over the wings, fuselage, and horizontal tail surface of the McDonnell P-67 are shown. Tests were made at the following angles of attack; 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 degrees. (Note; Contrary to the title, no information on the P-66 is contained in this film)

16mm, Sound, Color, 558ft., 15.5min.

Panel Failure
Compression tests of specimen of 245 for a Consolidated B-36. Material was artifically aged Alclad 24S-T and the stiffeners were streched 3 1/2% before aging. The stiffeners shattered at failure, at average stress of 63,130 lbs/

Parachute Recovery Tests on the 1/40-Scale Model of the B-58 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 615ft., 17min.

16mm, Silent, Color

Paraglider Deployment in the Transonic Dynamics Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 300ft., 8.5min.

Paraglider Recovery System
16mm, Silent, Color, 880ft., 24in.

Parawing Capsule Truck Tows & Air Drops
16mm, Silent, Color, 8.5min

Parawing Project Flight Tests
16mm, Silent, Color, 615ft., 17min.

PARD Film Used by Purser in Washington March 20, 1955
16mm, Silent, Color, 285ft., 12min.

PARD Inspection Film, 1956
16mm, Silent, Color, 250ft., 8min.

PARD No. E119-2629
16mm, Silent, Color, 150ft., 6min.

Part 1: 609-A, Blue Scout Test 3753, 24, 180 Remote 248ft, Part 2: 609-A, D-6 Flight, Blue Scout
16mm, Silent, Color

Part 1: RTF X-259 Motor, S/N A3-203, QA Round Fired (#4429)
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Part 1: ST-1 Tracking
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Part I and II- Scout H/S Ejection A-33, S-148, Part III-6KS40 Age Life Firing, Part IV-A-62 H/S Ejection
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Part I- VMSC-UK-4 Drop Test
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Part I: H/S A-61 Test (SAS-A P/L) OG Part A-61C Doors Closed H/S Test, Part III: Scout Stadn. Fifth state, Dummy Sunblazer P/L Sep. Test, Part IV: A-400 Zero Separation.
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Part I: IKS40 Firing w/Scout Prod. Harness, Part II: IKS75 Fir. w/Scout Production Harness, Part III: IKS40 Fir. w/Scout Shielded, Part IV: IKS40 Mtr. Harness Relocated.
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Part I--Ditching Investigation of a 1/12-Scale Model of the Douglas F4D-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 175ft., 7min.

Part I-San Marco Despin Test, Part II- San Marco Work Print #1, Part III and IV (SM) Print Roll #2, (SM) Print Roll #1
16mm, Silent, Black & White/Color

PBM-3 Spray Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Low-speed taxying runs of a Martin PBM-3 flying boat in Hampton Roads, VA., were made at gross load of 55,000 lb., with C.G. at 29.4% MAC, and flaps down 30-degrees. Full-power acceleration and rapid deceleration runs were made with elevators neutral, full up, and full down, and slow acceleration and deceleration runs were made with elevators neutral, full up, and full down.

PBN -1 Spray Characteristics
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Spray pictures and landing tests were made in smooth and rough water in Tank #1 on a 1/8 scale model of the PBN-1 airplane, NACA model 192. Spray pictures were made of the basic model and the model with NAF spray strips with gross load of 71.7 lbs.; stabilizer setting -2-degrees to wing chord; elevator setting 0-degrees; propeller speed, full power, 4335 RPM; propeller blade angle 17-degrees; with depths of step at keel of 3.8, degrees 7 & 10% beam; afterbody keel angles 6 1/4 degrees and 7 3/4-degrees; at accelerated runs to 15 fps. landing tests were made without power and with half power, on models with depth of main step at centroid, 3.8 and 7% of the beam; gross loads 60.1 and 71.6 lbs.; C.G.'s at 24 and 34% MAC; at landing trim angles from 17-degrees to 4-degrees.

Performance Characteristics of a Preformed Elliptical Parachute at Altitudes between 200,000 and 100,000 Thousand Feet. Obtained by In-Flight Photography
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 3820ft., 34min.

Performance of 26 Meter Diameter Ringsail Parachute in a Simulated Martian Environment
16mm, Silent, Color, 80ft., 2.5min.

Performance of a 16.6 Meter Diameter Cross Parachute in a Simulated Martian Environment
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 112ft., 3min.

Performance of a 16.6 Meter Diameter Modified Ringsail Parachute in a Simulated Martian Environment
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 150ft., 4min.

Performance of a 19.7 Meter Diameter Disk-Gap-Band Parachute in a Simulated Martian Environment
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 150ft., 4min.

Performance of a Towed, 48-Inch Diameter (121.92) Balluet Decelerator Tested in Free-Flight Mach Numbers from 4.2 to 0.4
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 70ft., 2min.

Performance of Long Range Hypervelocity Vehicles, Ames Aero Lab
16mm, Sound, Black & White, 1100ft., 30min.

Perspective Tunnel Display for 3-D Helicopter Approach and Landing
16mm, silent, Color, 12.5min.

PFT Transonic Conference Movie
16mm, Silent

Photographic Study of Solid Propellant Burning in a Acceleration Environment
16mm, Silent, Color, 1188ft., 33min.

Pilot- Escape Tests in Free Spinning Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Pilotless Aircraft Research
16mm, Silent, Color

Pilotless Aircraft Research
16mm, Sound, Color

Pilotless Aircraft Research
16mm, Silent, Color

Pitch-up and Directional Divergences as Demonstrated by Free-Flight Model Tests.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 100ft., 4 min.

Planetary Biology at Ames Research Center
16mm, Silent, Color

Plastic Deformation of Aluminum

Plate Post Box Beam Test Structure
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Polaris 0.4-Scale Stability Model R34-3
16mm, Silent, Color, 170ft., 5min.

Polaris Nose Ablation Tests in Wallops Island pre-flight Jet

Polaris PARD 1/3-Scale Reentry Body Flight Test
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Polish Smoke Flow
Presents air streamline flow around cylinders, airfoils and wings provided with slots, flaps, etc., at various angles of attack.

Pollution (1) B-Wind S.Perf.master (2) 16mm Mag. Mix Track (3) 16mm Opt Track
16mm, Sound, Color, 120ft., 3min.

Preflight Jet Structural Integrity Test of Model Cowling Used on the Free-Flight Afterbody Pressure Investigation Supporting the WS-107A Project by the Pilotless Aircraft Research Division of the NACA Langley Laboratory
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 795ft., 22min

Prelim. Data Conf. Film Tank. Mdl. 248 Dsn. # DR-56
16mm, Silent, Color
The DR-56 is class VA flying boat having a normal gross load of 130,000 lbs. a planing-tail hull, sweptback wings with integral wing-tip floats, and wing-root jet power plant installation. Operational centers of gravity are located aft of the main step. The investigation was made of a 1/17-size jet-powered dynamic model and all data are presented in terms of full-size values. All take-offs and landings were made with elevators fixed. Taxying to hump was run at normal gross load in waves 8ft. high and 200 ft. long; take-offs at normal gross load were made in smooth water and in waves 8-ft. Height and 350 ft. long at an average acceleration of 4 ft./sec./sed.; and landings were made at normal gross load in smooth water and at 110,000 lbs. in waves 8ft. high and 300ft. long and 8ft. high and 350 ft. long at average deceleration of 1.5 ft./sec./sec. with and without freedom of fore and aft restraint.

Prelim. Data Conf. Tnk. Mdl. 248 Dsn # DR-56 Part 3
16mm, Silent, Color

Preliminary Data (B-29 Tank #2)
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Ditching tests were made in calm water in Tank #2 on a 1/20-scale model of the Army B-29 airplane with C.G. at 25% MAC and 3.2 in. above fuselage center line, weight of 105,000 lb., and scale strength flaps. Tests were run on the complete model, simulating no failure, on model with bomb-bay doors, and section between bomb-bay doors removed, simulating their failure; and on model with nose window, nose wheel door, main wheel doors, bomb-bay doors, section of fuselage between bomb-bay doors, camera hatch, main entrance door, and tail skid door removed, simulating their failure. The landing attitudes war 1-degree and 9-degrees, flap deflection 45-degree, and velocities 120 and 133 MPH. When the model was tested at 1-degree altitude, 3-wheel landing altitude, the flaps did not fail on about half of the ditchings and the model dived. When ditched with one wing low, the model made a violent turn.

Preliminary Data B-29 Catapult Part 1
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Preliminary Data- B-32
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Ditching tests were made in calm water in Tank # 2 on 1/20 Scale undamaged model of the Army B-32 with C.G. at 29% MAC; weight represented 100,000 lbs; flaps at 40-degrees, 20-degrees, and 0-degrees; speeds of 115, 118, 132, and 140 MPH; attitudes 13-degrees, 6-degrees, and 0-degrees; decelerations from 1 g to 3.5 g; and runs from 4 to 11 lengths of fuselage.

Preliminary Data Film B-32 Ditching Tank 2 (Part 2)
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Ditching tests were made in calm water in Tank #2 on a 1/20 scale model of the Army B-32 airplane with damage simulated. The weight represented 100,000 lbs and the C. G. was located at 29.7% MAC and 26.2 in. above the center line of the fuselage. Tests were made with damage simulated by removal of the bomb-bay doors (fore & aft), radio and radar antennae, landing gear doors (nose & main) and a section of the lower fuselage extending back from the front of the bombardier's compartment to the rear of the nose wheel door. The attitude angles were o-degrees, 6-degrees, and 13-degrees; flap deflections 0-detrees, 20-degrees, and 40-degrees; speeds range from 101 to 140 MPH maximum decelerations ranged from 1.2 to 4 g; and lengths of run ranged from 2 to 7 times the fuselage length.

Preliminary Data Film Illustrating the Tow Characteristics of a 0.097-Scale Model of the SV-5 Vehicle for Three Noses Tow Attachment Positions
16mm, Silent, Color, 320ft., 9min.

Preliminary Data Film Illustrating the Tow Characteristics of an 0.097-Scale Model of the SV-5 Vehicle
16mm, Silent, Color, 675ft., 18.5min.

Preliminary Data Film Illustrating the Tow Characteristics of Several Models of the SV-5 Vehicle
16mm, Silent, Color, 745ft., 21min.

Preliminary Data Film of a Transition Flight Test of 1/8-Scale Model of Hitler S-18 VTOL Airplane
16mm, Silent, Color, 65ft., 2min.

Preliminary Data Film of Flight Tests of 1/4-Scale Model of the Vertol VTOL Flying Test Bed
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 52ft., 1.5min.

Preliminary Data Film of Tuft Test of a 1/8-Scale Model of Hiller X-18 VTOL Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 450ft., 12.5min.

Preliminary Data Film on Inverted Spin Tests of a 1/28-Scale North American FJ-4 Model
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Preliminary Data Film on Rocket Recovery Spin Tests on a 1/25-Scale Lockheed F-104A Model
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 280ft., 8min.

Preliminary Data Film on Supplementary Free-Spinning Tests of a 1/28-Scale Model of the North American FJ-4 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 620ft., 17min.

Preliminary Data Film on the 1/25-Scale Model of the Chance Vought XF8U-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 285ft, 12min

Preliminary Data Film on the 1/25-Scale Model of the Chance-Vought XF8U-1 Airplane-- Part II
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 280ft, 9min

Preliminary Data Film on the Chance-Vought XF8U-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 580ft, 16min

Preliminary Data Film on the Free-Spinning Tests of the 1/28-Scale Model of the North American FJ-4 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 320ft, 18min

Preliminary Data Film-Part 1
This film is the unedited copy of Part 1 of the preliminary data film showing tank ditching tests of the Army A-26 airplane. The edited copy of this film is listed under NACA Film No. 324-0.

Preliminary Data Model 208
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Investigation was made in Tank #1 of spray and stability characteristics of a1/5.5-scale dynamic model of the Columbia XJL-1 amphibian. The full scale amphibian had a 6.33 ft. beam, hull 35.75 ft. long, 43.60 ft. overall length, 50 ft. wing span, 13,000 lb. maximum gross load, and load coefficient of 0.80. Bow spray during the beginning of take off run is shown for gross loads of 10,800 and 13,000 lb.; C.G. at 26% MAC; flaps deflected 30-degrees; and take-off power. Flap spray and flow under step during a take-off run are shown for a gross weight of 13,000 lb.; C.G. 35% MAC; flaps deflected 30-degrees; take-off power; and elevators deflected to -30-degrees. A constant speed run of 42 knots is shown in which the trim was gradually increased from 3-degrees to the upper limit of 12-degrees, through the region of intemediate porpoising -8-degrees to 10-degrees then gradually decreased to original value. Landings at one-quarter take-off power are shown for gross weights of 10,800 and 13,000 lb.; with flaps at 60-degrees; C.G. at 24% MAC; over a trim angle range from 13-degrees to 4-degrees.

Preliminary Data Model 212-A Tank 1
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Landing tests were made in rough water in Tank #1 on the 1/7-size dynamically similar, powered model of the Grumman XJR2F-1 amphibian with a gross load which corresponds to 22,600 lb. full-scale, flaps deflected 45-degrees, C.G at 25% MAC, and carriage deceleration 3.0 ft./sec./ sec. Landings were made in waves 8 in. high by 15 and 20 ft. long at trim angles from 12-degrees to 5-degrees.

Preliminary Data Model 212-B
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Preliminary Data on the 1/25-scale Model Chance-Vought XF8U-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 775ft, 32min

Preliminary Data on the 1/25-Scale Model of the Chance-Vought XF8U-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 450ft, 18min

Preliminary Date B-29 (Catapult Part I Calm and Rough Water)
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Catapult tests were made using the seaway catapult at Langley Field, VA., on a 1/20-scale model of the Army B-29 airplane in calm and rough water. Scale strength flaps were used and all values; weight of 105,000 lbs. C.G. at 20% MAC and 3.2 in. above the fuselage Center line; attitude angles of 1-degree and 9-degree; flap deflections of 45-degree; and velocities of 104 and 128 MPH; refer to the full-scale airplane. Calm water tests were made with bomb-bay doors and section of fuselage between them removed to simulate their failure; and with nose window, nose wheel door, main wheel failure. Tests were also made with wave crests parallel to flight path and perpendicular to flight path.

Preliminary Date Film: Landing Tests: XP4Y-1 Flying Boat
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Preliminary Film Ditching Test in Tank #2 of Model P-38
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Ditching tests were made in calm water in Tank #2 with a 1/9-scale model of the Army P-38 airplane with scale strength flaps, weights of 14,900 lbs. and 16,000 lbs., C.G. at 27.7% MAC and 4.6 in. below thrust line. Test were made with no simulated damage; with three landing-wheel doors removed; and with hydroflaps of 19\8 in. length, 9 in. width and 30-degree angle with thrust line were installed on the model 97 in. aft of the nose. Attitudes were from 13-degrees to 2-degrees, flap settings were from 0-degrees to 37-degrees, and velocities ranged from 110 to 140 MPH.

Preliminary Flight Tests of 1/7-Scale Radio-Controlled Model of the X-15 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Color, 200ft., 5.5min.

Preliminary Flight Tests of a 0.13-Scale Model of the Dornier DO-31
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 285ft., 8min.

Preliminary Flight Tests of a 1/6-Scale Model of the Hawker P.1127
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 90ft., 2.5min

Preliminary Flight Tests of a 1/6-Scale Model of the Hawker P-1127
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 280ft., 8min.

Preliminary Flight Tests of Flying Jeep Model
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 24ft., 1min.

Preliminary Flight Tests of Flying Jeep Model
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 160ft., 4.5min.

Preliminary Free-Flight Tests of a 1/6-Scale Model of the Bell D190B
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 280ft., 7.5min.

Preliminary Hovering Flight Check of 1/8-Scale Model of Hiller X-18 VTOL Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 107ft., 3min.

Preliminary Hydrodynamic Investigation of a 1/17-Scale Model of a Mach 3 Water Based Aircraft
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 950ft., 54min.

Preliminary Investigation of a Paraglider
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 285ft., 8min.
A preliminary investigation of the aerodynamic and control characteristics of a flexible glider similar to a parachute in construction has been made at the Langley Research Center to evaluate its capabilities as a reentry glider. Preliminary weight estimates of the proposed vehicle indicate that such a structure can be made with extremely low wing loading. Maximum temperatures during the reentry maneuver might be held as low as about 1,500 F. The results of wind-tunnel and free-glide tests show that the glider when constructed of nonporous material performed extremely well at subsonic speeds and could be flown at angles of attack from about 200 to 900. At supersonic speeds the wing showed none of the unfavorable tendencies exhibited by conventional parachutes at these speeds, such as squidding and breathing. Several methods of packing and deploying the glider have been successfully demonstrated. The results of this study indicate that this flexible-lifting-surface concept may provide a lightweight controllable paraglider for manned space vehicles.

Preliminary Investigation of a Technique to Determine Whether the Mercury Capsule is Stable During the Transonic Phase of Reentry.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 530ft., 15min.

Preliminary Landing Tests of a 1/6-Scale Dynamic Model of a Lunar Excursion Vehicle
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 240ft., 6.5min.

Preliminary Materials Tests in a Chemical Jet
16mm, Silent, Color, 200ft., 5.5min.,

Preliminary Materials Tests in a Chemical Jet
16mm, Silent, Color, 280ft., 3min.

Preliminary Spin Tests of a 1/30-Scale Model of the North American X-15 Airplane in the Langley 20-Foot Free-Spinning Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 220ft., 6min.

Preliminary Studies of the Erosion of Fine Particles Resulting From Jet Impingement in a Vacuum
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 520ft., 14.5min.

Preliminary Study of the Subsonic Dynamic Stability of All-Wing Airplane Configuration Flying at 90-Degree Angle of Attack
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 720ft., 20min.

Preliminary Tests of a Flexible Rotor System Conducted at the Langley Research Center
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 664ft., 18min.

Preliminary Tests of an 0.034-Scale Model of the Chance-Vought F7U-3 Airplane on the Spin Tunnel Catapult Facility
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 200ft, 5min

Preliminary Tethered Hovering Tests of the Doak VZ-4DA, Chrysler VZ-6C, and Short SC-1
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 341ft., 9.5min.

Preliminary Transition Flight of 1/8-Scale Model of Hiller X-18 VTOL Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Preliminary Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Pilot Escape by Nose Jettisoning--May 1948
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Preparation and Flight Test of the 0.133-Scale Rocket-Powered Model of the Convair XFY-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Color, 165ft., 4.5min.

Preserving the Earth's Atmosphere (1974 Inspection Film Series)
16mm, Sound, Color, 665ft., 18.5min.

Preserving the Earth's Atmosphere
16mm, Sound, Color

Progress Report on Tests of NACA Hydro-Skis for High Speed Airplane

Project 1226.--No. 1, Configuration 1
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 5min.

Project Fire Heat Shield Ejection Tests
16mm, Silent, Color, 218ft., 6min.

Project fire Heat Shield Ejection Tests-Langley 9-by-6-Foot Thermal Structures Tunnel (All Camera Speeds are Approximate)
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 485ft., 14min.

Project Mercury Congressional Film Report No. 1
16mm, Sound, Color, 1200ft., 33min.

Project S-55
16mm, Sound, Color, 982ft., 27min.

Project Shotput
16mm, Silent, Color, 130ft., 3.5min.

Project Tom-Tom, Part 2
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Project Tom-Tom-Langley 19 inch Pressure Tunnel Part 1
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 450ft., 19min.

Propeller Whirl Demonstration
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Protecting our Marine Environment (1974 Inspection Film)
16mm, Sound, Color, 688ft., 19min.

Pyrolytic Graphite-Coated AGX Graphite Leading-Edge Tests in the 1500-kw Subsonic Arc-Jet Facility at the Langley Research Center
16mm, Silent, Color, 195ft., 5.5min.

Pyrrone and Other Organic Ablation Materials
16mm, Silent, Color, 115ft., 3min.

Qualifications Tests of the Aeroproducts Wind-Driven Auxiliary Hydraulic Power Source
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 210ft., 6min.

Quieter Airport Communities (Acoustics and Noise Reduction Division)
16mm, Sound, Color, 708ft., 20min.

Radar Tracking Evaluation Flight 19. F3D Equipped with APQ-35B Radar Tracking an F-51 Airplane (Altitude 25,000', Airspeed 330 mph)
16mm, Silent, Color

Radiant Heating Test Multiweb Wing Section
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 100ft., 3min.

Ranger VII Photographers of the Moon
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 7min.

Rayn Saturn-Booster Recovery Configuration
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 310ft., 8.5min.

Raytheon Structural Integrity Test of Raytheon Developed Ablating Material for Application to the Super Hawk Anti-IRBM Missile
16mm, Silent, Color, 325ft., 9min.

Reactions of Materials in Hi-Temperature Air Flows
16mm, Silent, Color, 440ft., 12min.

Reduced Gravity Simulator for Study of Man's Self Locomotion
16mm, Sound, Color, 10min.

Reentry Body Stability Tests Conducted in Langley Spin Tunnel
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 40ft., 1min.

Rendezvous Docking Simulator
Originally recorded in 16mm, Color, 180ft., 5min.

Republic MX-1554-A Capsule Tests-- Preflight Jets at Wallops Island, VA (M-1.59; Reels I, II,III, and IV)
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Republic XF-12 Stall Studies
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Stall studies were made by means of tufts in the 19 ft. pressure tunnel on the 1/8.33-scale model of the Republic X-F-12 to ascertain the stall progression of the complete model with the original Republic wing duct inlets. The tests were made with propellers operating; all control surfaces neutral; at an RN of approximately 2,380, 000; with flaps retracted and deflected at 65-degrees; thrust coefficient of 0; with 0.50 and 0.75 rate power; over an angle of attack rang from 0.1-degrees to 21.2-degrees; and a lift coefficient range from 0.01 to 3.16. View of the left and right wings, the fuselage, the engine nacelles, and tail surfaces are shown for angle of attack, increasing from 6.4-degrees to 21.2-degrees.

Republic XF-12 Stall Studies
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Republic XP-84 7x10 Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Research on Airplane Spins
16mm, Silent, Color, 513ft.

Research on Airplane Spins
16mm, Sound, Color

Response of Simple Panels to Intense Noise (Panel Width: 11in., Panel Length: 13in., Frequency, 135 CPs,
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 150ft., 4min.

Results of a Free-Flight Test to Determine the Performance Characteristics of a Towed, Conical Decelerator
16mm, Silent, Color, 90ft., 2.5min.

Results of Intravehicular Manned Cargo-Transfer Studies in Simulated Weightlessness
16mm, Silent, Color

Results of This Series are Published in NASA-SP-298 in the Article Entitled Zero 'G' Manual Cargo-Transfer
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White

Rhode Film- Parts 1 and 2

Richard Whitecomb-- The Story Behind a Great Discovery

Rocket Launch and Track of Fire Tail
16mm, Silent, Color

Rocket Model Flight Tests-- B-58 Program
16mm, Silent, Color, 430ft, 18min

Rocket Motor Ignition by Impact (Photographs Taken with a Camera Capable of Framing Rates of 1,500,000 Per Second)
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 55ft., 1.5min.

Rocket Scenes
16mm, Silent, Color

Rocket Trajectory
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Roof-Top Stol-Port Flow Visualization
16mms, Sound, Color, 23min.

Rotary Balance Tests of a 1/40-Scale of the Convair B-58 Airplane in the Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 270ft., 7.5min,

Rotor Blade Flutter of the NACA Dynamic Model of the XH-17 Two-Blade Jet-Driven Helicopter
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 100ft., 4min.

16mm, Color

Rough Water Behavior of Tilt-Wing Configuration With Hydrofoil Gear
16mm, Silent, Color, 325ft., 9min.

Rough Water Landing Investigation of 1/14-Scale Model of the Panto Base C-123 Airplane with Shock Absorbers--Part IV
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Rough Water Landing Investigation Panto Base Version C-123 Airplane-Part III
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 100ft., 22min.

Rough Water of Vosper Design P.T. Boat Model (Part II)
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Tests were made, in the Langley Tank #1, of the Vosper design P.T. boat model, in smooth water with spray strips; in uniform waves of height 3.5 in. and length 24 ft.; and waves of length 17 ft. and height for 4.5 in.; at velocities of 15, 23, and 30 ft./sec.

Rough Water Taxi Wing Root Configuration (model 322)

Rough Water Taxiing Characteristics of a 1/13.33-Scale Jet-Powered Dynamic model of the Martin XP6M-1 Flying Boat
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Rough Waters of Plum Design P.T. Boat Model (Tank 1)
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Preliminary runs were made with the model, with spray strips installed, the smooth water and in uniform waves 3.5 in. high and 24 ft. long, and 4.5 in. high and 17 ft. long, at velocities from 15-37 ft./sec.

S-3 Energetic Particle Satellite Operational Despin Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 2325ft., 1hr. 6min.

S-3 Paddle Erection Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1850ft., 50min.

Safer Flying Plane
16mm, Silent, Black & White

San Marco Documentary and Launch Track of S-137R
16mm, Silent, Color,

San Marco
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Saturn--A Giant Thrust into Space
Originally recorded in 16mm, Color, Sound, 369ft., 10.5min.

SB-20 Flutter 16' W.T.

SB2CU Flutter

SB2U Flutter
Presents tests run in the 16-foot high-speed tunnel on the SB2U-2 airplane to determine the flutter speed, the frequency at which flutter occurs, and the behavior of the airplane at speeds below the flutter speed., The flutter which was found to have a frequency between those of torsion and bending, occurred at 16 cycles per second and flutter speed was 20% higher than the 125 MPH predicted speed. The vibration testing equipment, which has amplifiers, bridges and oscillograph recording equipment, used for the test was built by the Glenn L. Martin Co. There appeared in the oscillograph record a high frequency type of skin flutter which evidently delayed the flutter by increase in the internal damping.

SB2U Flutter
16mm, Silent, Black & White

SB2U Flutter
16mm, Silent, Black & White

SB2U Flutter Film
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Scale Model of Submarine Albacore in Langley Full-Scale Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Scaled Lunar Module Jet Erosion Experiments
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 185ft., 5.1min.

Scar Structural Panel Program Rohrbond Panel 1-13-75
16mm, Sound, Color, 600ft.

Schileren 8' HST

Schileren Movies of the 8-Inch Diameter Rigid Parachute Model of Cook Research Laboratories Taken During the Third Phase of Testing in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 870ft., 24min.

Schileren No. 1
Presents Schlieren photographs of flow over symmetrical airfoils of various thicknesses, namely: NACA 0040-65; 0015-45; 0025-45, 0040-45; 0040-64; and 0040-63. The purpose of the study is to indicate flow changes which result from variations in maximum thickness, maximum thickness location, and Mach numbers. Test Mach numbers ranged from 0.000 to 0.810.

Schlieren Motion Pictures of a Cascade of 65(4A10)06 Blade Sections in Reverse (Trailing Edge Forward)
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 140ft., 6min.

Schlieren Movies of Flexible Parachute Models of Cook Research Laboratories Taken Turing the Fifth Phase of Testing in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 2100ft., 59min.

Schlieren Movies of the 8-Inch Diameter Rigid Parachute Model of Cook Research Laboratories Taken During the Second Phase of Testing in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 331ft., 6.5min.

Schlieren Movies of the 8-Inch Diameter Rigid Parachute Model of Cook Research Laboratories, Taken in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 555ft., 15min.

Schlieren Movies of the 8-Inch Diameter Rigid Parachute Model of the Cook Research Laboratory Taken During the Fourth Phase of Testing in the Langley in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 845ft., 23min.

Schlieren Part 2
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Pressure distribution diagrams are given for NACA 16-025 at angles of attack of 0-degrees and 6-degrees for Mach nos. from 0.332 to 0.789. Variation of normal-force coefficient with Mach no. for the NACA 16-025 airfoil is given for angles of attach from -2-degrees to 12-degrees. The effect of Mach no. on the slope of the lift curve is given for angles of attack from -2degrees to 12-degrees and Mach no. from 0.355 to 0.75. Pressure distribution diagrams are given for NACA 16-040 at angles of attack of 0-degrees and 6-degrees for Mach nos. from 0.325 to 0.729. Variation of normal-force coefficient with Mach no. for the NACA 16-040 airfoil is given for angles of attack from -2degrees to 12-degrees and Mach no. from 0.325 to 0.735. The effect of Mach no. on the slope of the lift curve is given for angles of attack from -2-degrees to 12-degrees and mach nos. from 0.33 to 0.70.

Schlieren Photos of Flow Over NACA 65A012 Airfoil (a=0-Degrees to 8-Degrees. M=0.7 to 1.0)
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 200ft., 8min.

Schlieren Runs of 1/20-Scale Model of the X-15 in Langley Unitary Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1200ft., 33min.

Schlieren Studies of Transonic Buffet of Nose Cone
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 308ft., 8.5min.

Scout 1 Alpha F62-3094
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Scout 110, L5-985, O-EKTA, Assy. Documentary
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Scout 114 L5-946 NASA Wallops Station Wallops Island, Va.
16mm, Silent, Color

Scout 122 Tech Film
16mm, Silent, Color

Scout A-405: ""G"" Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Scout Cold Separation Clamp Malfunction Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 535ft., 15min.

Scout Launch Vehicle Progress Report
16mm, Sound, Color, 1111ft., 31min.

Scout Launch Vehicle Progress Report, May 1975 through Oct. 1976
16mm, Sound, Color, 34min.

Scout Launch Vehicle Progress Report, Nov. 1, 1976 - Oct. 31, 1979
16mm, Sound, Color, 31min.

Scout Progress Report 1973
16mm, Sound, Color, 32min.

Scout Progress Report (Nov. 1973-Apr 1975.)
16mm, 1200ft., 30min.

Scout Project Group: CVC Tests Separation
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Scout S-177C Solard 10

Scout ST-1 Payload Details

Scout Test Vehicle
16mm, Sound, Color 480ft., 13min.

Second Progress Report on Tests of NACA Hydro-Skis for High Speed Airplanes, Model 229, Part 2
16mm, Silent, Color

Self Locomotion in Earth and Lunar Gravity
16mm, Silent, Color, 100ft., 3min.

Separation Studies of a 1/40-Scale Dynamically Similar TCP Fuel Tank from the B-58A Airplane Conducted at the NASA Wallops Statuons Preflight Jet--Phase 2
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 940ft., 26min.

Shaped Charge Separation Tests in the 60- Foot Vacuum Sphere
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 720ft., 20min.

Shimmy W-1

Shot Put No. 1
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 275ft., 8min.

Shot Put No. 2
16mm, Silent, Color, Black & White, 330ft., 9min.

Shot Put No. 3
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 446ft., 12.5min.

Shot Put No. 4
16mm., Silent, Black & White, 482ft., 13.5min.

Shot Put. no. 5
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 273ft., 7.5min

Shuttle Flight Tests
16mm, Silent, Color

Simulated Flight Investigation of Sealed-Speed Elastic Swept-Wing Bomber and Fighter Models Coupled Wing-Tip to Wing-Tip
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 440ft, 18min

Simulated Nike Asp Separation Tests Conducted at the Hypersonic Physics Test Area, Langley Field
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 235ft., 6.5min.

Simulation and Flight Test of a Simple Homing Missile
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 200ft, 5.5min

Simulation on the Analog Computer
16mm, Sound, Color, 262ft., 7.5min.

Simulation Study of a High Performance Aircraft Including the Effect on Pilot Control of Large Acceleration During Exit and Reentry Flight
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 7.5min.

16mm, Silent, Black & White

Simulator on the Analog Computer
16mm, Silent, Color

Simulator Study of Lunar Orbit Establishment
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 250ft., 10.5min.

Simulators: Static Rendezvous Chair, Three Axis, Gemini
16mm, Silent, Color, 20min.

Six Stage Reentry Physics Research Vehicle
16mm, Silent, Color, 620ft., 17min.

Small Scale Investigation of the Operational Dust-and-Debris Problems of Helicopters and Other VTOL Aircraft for a Range of Downwash Velocities and Types of Terrain
16mm, Silent, Color, 130ft., 3.5min.

Smoke Drag #2
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Smoke Drag

Smoke Drag
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Smoke Flow in Flight

Smoke in Flight
Smoke flow studies over wings and tail surfaces of an airplane in flight are show.

Smoke in Flight

Smoke Launching H202 Tests ST-1 Assembly
16mm, Silent, Color

Smoke Lift
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Smoke Lift
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Smoke Lifts
16mm, Black & White
A study of streamline flow, by means of smoke, around a flat plane, a plain airfoil and an airfoil incorporating high lift devices. Lift and drag brought about by various configurations and changes in angle of attack are studied.

Smoke Over Suction Wing PRT

Smoke Trail Wind Shear Measurements
16mm, Sound, Color, 342ft., 9.5min.

Smooth Water Take-Offs and Landings of Langley Tank Model 389 (N. P. Princess Flying Boat)
16mm, Silent, Color, 175ft., 5min.

Solid Propellant Rocket Fuel Impacted by 0.22-Inch Steel Sphere
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 30ft., 1min.

Some Aspects of Aerodynamics of STOL Ports
16mm, Silent, Color, 130ft., 3.5min.

Some Effects of Vanes and of Turbulence in Two Dimensional Wide Angle Subsonic Diffusers
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 280ft., 8min.
Tests on two aspects of the behavior of wide-angle, plane-walled, two-dimensional diffusers with essentially incompressible flow have been conducted in the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory at Stanford University. First, a thorough study of the flow mechanism has been made using dye injection in a water table. The four regimes of flow found are delineated on graphs in terms of the three important parameters. Test data from a large water-table unit and a small water-table unit are given. Second, data are presented which demonstrate means for producing efficient diffusers for total included angles up to at least 45? by use of simple, short, flat vanes.

Some Examples of the Use of Wind Tunnels for the Investigation of Flutter
16mm, Silent, Color, 8.5min.

Some Examples of Transonic Flows Over Various Payload-Booster Configuration
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Some Experiments with Insulated Structures
16mm, Silent, Color, 3.5min

Some Preliminary Notes on a Parachute Recovery System for Transport Airplanes
16mm, Black/white, silent

Some Spin-Recovery Parachute Tests of the 1/25-Scale Model for the Lockheed F-104A Airplane in the 20-Foot Free-Spinning Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 300ft., 12min.

Some Studies of Liquid Rotation and Vortexing in Rocket Propellant Tanks
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 700ft., 20min.

Soundless Airplane

Space and Technology
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 2min.

Space Control Systems
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 380ft., 10.5min.

Space Electronics Technology- LeRC
16mm, Silent, Color, 21min.

Space in the Age of Aquarius
16mm, Sound, Color,

Space Lab
16mm, Silent, Color

Space Research
16mm, Sound, Color, 980ft., 27min.

Space Shuttle Heat Shield Refurbishment
16mm, Silent, Color 1065ft., 30min.

Space Shuttle: Overview
16mm, Sound, Color

Space Station Research
16mm, Sound, Color 140ft., 4min.

Spacecraft Stabilization and Control
16mm, Sound, Color, 700ft., 19.5min

Spectral Measurements of Gas-Cap Radiation During Project Fire Flight Experiments at Reentry Velocities Near 11.4 Kilometers Per Second
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Spin & Recovery Characteristics of Three McDonnell Models- XF2H-1, F2H-1, and F2H-3

Spin & Recovery characteristics of Tree McDonnell Model XF2H-1, F2H-1, F2H-3

Spin and Recovery Characteristics of a Typical Spin-Tunnel Model and Operation of a Spin Simulator
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 180ft., 5min.

Spin and Recovery Tests of a 1/17-Scale Model of the Cessna T-37 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 2075ft., 24min.

Spin and Recovery Tests of a 1/20-Scale Model of Grumman YAO-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 650ft., 18min.

Spin and Recovery Tests of a 1/28-Scale Model of the Grumman A2F-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 550ft., 15.5min.

Spin and Recovery Tests of a 1/28-Scale Model of the Grumman A2F-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 15min, 540ft.

Spin and Recovery Tests of a1/20-Scale Model of the Grumman YAO-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 288ft., 8min.

Spin and Recovery Tests on a 1/30-Scale Model of the North American A3J-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 475ft., 13min.

Spin and Recovery Tests on a 1/30-Scale Model of the North American A3J-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Spin and Recovery Tests on a 1/30-Scale Model of the North American A3J-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Spin Clippings

Spin Entry Tests of a 1/40-Scale Model of the Convair B-58 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 5548ft., 2hr. 40min.

Spin Entry Tests of a 1/60 Scale Model of the North American B-70 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Spin Recovery Parachute Tests of the 1/25-Scale Model of the Lockheed F-104B Airplane in the 20-Foot Free-Spinning Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 100ft., 3min.

Spin Test on the 1/40-Scale Model of the Convair B-58 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White,1060ft., 29min.

16mm, Black & White

Spin Tests Film on the 1/25-Scale Lockheed F-104B Model
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 250ft., 7min.

Spin Tests in RAE Vertical Wind Tunnel
Preliminary tests of a miniature tunnel were made. Spinning tests were carried out in a large vertical tunnel of the RAE which is a 30ft. high and 12ft. in diameter. The models used are made of balsa wood,1/15th to 1/25th full scale. Models are kept in jigs to prevent distortion. They are made accurately to scale, care being taken to obtain correct balance and mass distribution. Method of balancing the models was shown. The moments of inertia are obtained from swinging tests carried out in hydrogen to eliminate effects of the relatively dense air. Spins shown at 1/4th of their actual speed. A dangerous flat spin was made and then the same model with raised tail was used. This insures a steeper spin from which recovery is easy. The use of a dashpot to change control positions during a spin was shown.

Spin Tests of a 1/40-Scale Model of the Convair B-58 Airplane. Included are Erect and Inverted Spin Tests and Parachute Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 5000ft., 1hr. 17min.

Spin Tests of a Radio-Controlled 13-Percent Scale Dynamic Model of the McDonnell F4H-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 290ft., 8min.

Spin Tunnel Investigation Film of a 0.034-Scale Model of the Chance-Vought F7U-3
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Spin Tunnel Investigation Film of a 1/25-Scale Model of the Chance-Vought XF8U-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Spin Tunnel Investigation Film of a 1/25-Scale Model of the Chance-Vought XF8U-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 260ft, 6.5min

Spin Tunnel Investigation of the Spin and Spin Recovery Characteristics of a 1/20-Scale Model of the Douglas XF4D-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Spin Tunnel Test Film of a 1/20-Scale Model of the North American T2J-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 840ft., 23min.

Spin Tunnel Tests of a Cargo-Dropping Device
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Spin Tunnel Tests of a Cargo-Dropping Device
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Spin Tunnel Tests of a Flare-Stabilized Bluff Body
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Spin Tunnel Tests of Cargo-Dropping Device
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Spinning and Parachute Tests of a 1/24-Scale Model of the Grumman F11F-Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 750ft., 21min.

Spinning and Tumbling Tests of a 1/18-Scale Model of the Ryan X-13 Airplane and Drop Tests of a 1/18-Scale Model of the McDonnell F4H-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 800ft., 35min.

Spinning Tests of a 1/19-Scale Model of a North American T-28C Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black and White, 700ft., 29min.

Spinning, Recovery and Parachute Tests of a1/30-Scale Model of the McDonnell F4H-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 425ft.

Spray Characteristics of Model 203
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Spray characteristics tests were made in Tank #1 on a 1/10-scale powered dynamic model with a hull having a length-beam ration of 9.0 (NACA model 203). The model is the first of a series to investigate the effect of high length-beam ration on the stability and spray of multi-engined flying-boats. The wing, tail surfaces, power plant, depth of hull, basic deadrise and angle of afterbody keel are the same as for the Navy XPBB-1 seaplane. The test conditions and spray patterns shown correspond directly to a full-scale XPBB-1 with the hull length-beam ration increased and a reduction of hull frontal area of 23%, a reduction in volume of 10%, and a reduction of hull surface are of 4%. Take-off runs with full power were made at 1 ft/sec [2nd power] acceleration, with flaps down 20-degrees, elevators up 10-degrees for gross loads of 62,000 and 92,000 lbs. Spray striking wing and tail with propellers windmilling as high and severe at a gross load of 62,000 lb. The spray without power tends to impair seaworthiness during landings only. It follows that when hull dimensions are determined by spray characteristics alone, high length-beam ration offers a means of reducing hull frontal area and volume.

Spray Tests Modified JRM-1 NACA Model 180
16mm, Black & White, Silent
Spray tests were made in Tank #1 on a 1/12 scale model of the JRM-1 flying boat (NACA model180), modified for a gross load of 165,000 lb., to determine the effect of gross load coefficient on bow spray during accelerated runs from 5-20 fps, at an approximate acceleration of 3/4 ft. per sec. per sec., covering a gross load coefficient range from 0.5 to 1.1.

SST Wing Stair Escape System
16mm, Sound, Color, 440ft., 12.25min.

ST-1 Firing and Copy of C.V. Doc
16mm, Silent, Black & White

ST-3 Tracking
16mm, Silent, Color

Stability Analysis and Trend Study of a Balloon Tethered in a Wind with Experimental Comparisons
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 9min.

Stability and Control Characteristics of a Model of an Aerial Vehicle Supported by Four Ducted Fans
16mm, Silent, Black &White, 470ft., 13min.

Stability and Control Flight Tests of a Vertically Rising Airplane Model Similar to the Lockheed XFV-1 Airplane
16mm, Silent, Color

Stability and Control Flight Tests; Convair Vultee XFY-1; Transition Condition
16mm, Silent, Color, 510ft

Stability and Control Tests of XF7U-1
Film records of Flight Tests of 1/10 Scale Model of Chance Vought XFTU-1 Airplane in the Langley FFT
16mm, Black & White, Silent

Stability and Controlled Flight Tests of a Vertically Rising Airplane Research Model with Interchangeable Swept or Unswept Wings and X or + Tails
16mm, Silent, Color

Stage Separation Tests of the Martin W3-107A-2 (Titan) in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Color, 880ft., 24.5min.

Stall Studies of a 1/4-Scale Model F-105 with Supersonic-Type Elliptical Inlet
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Stall Studies of XB-35 19'P.T.
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Stall studies were made, by means of tufts, in the 19 ft. pressure tunnel on a 1.7-scale semispan model of the XB-35 airplane, to observe the effects of the landing flap, the pitch-control flap and the leading-edge slot on the stalling characteristics of the model. The model was tested in conjunction with a reflection plane approximately 3/32 in. from the model. The tests were made at a Reynolds Number of 7,000,000, Based on MAC=44.98 in.; Mach number - 0.12; with landing flaps at 0-degrees and 43.3-degrees; pitch-control flaps at 0-degrres, -34.1-degrees; -14.-degrees; leading-edge slot open and closed; over a range of angles of attack from 0.1-degrees to 21-degrees; and lift coefficient range from -0.13 to 1.35. Flow over wing tip, center, and inboard areas as angle of attack increased to stall was shown.

Stall Studies P-67 (Runs 1306, 1307, 1310, 1316)
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Stall studies were made, by means of tufts, on the P-67 airplane with propellers off, in the propeller research tunnel, at a tunnel velocity of 85 MPH. Tests were made with flaps and deflected 45-degrees; landing gear up and extended; Q/AV at high speed angle of attack, .60 and .67 outboard duct, .48 and .59 inboard duct; over an angle of attack range from -2-degrees to 18-degrees; and with cooling-air exits closed; and aileron angles of 0-degrees and -10-degrees.

Stall Studies P-67
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Stall Studies P-67
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Stall Studies P-67
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Stall Studies XP-51
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Stalling and Tumbling of a Radio Controlled Parawing Airplane Model
16mm, Silent, Color, 170ft., 4.5min

Stalling and Tumbling Tests of a Free-Flying Radio-Controlled 1/5.6-Scale Model of the Ryan Parawing Airplane
16mm, Silent, Color, 90ft., 2.5min.

Starting of M=3.0 Nozzle Exhausting to Atmosphere
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 175ft., 5min.

Static Tests of 5-Inch Diameter Spherical Rocket
16mm, Silent, Color, 60ft., 1.5min

Static Tests of a Step-Exhaust Model to Determine Jet Noise Attenuation due to Water
16mm, Silent, Color,

Still Shot of an Apparatus
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Structural Dynamics Research- Titan III Launch Vehicle and Payloads
16mm, Sound, Color, 520ft., 14.5min.

Structural Fatigue and Air Safety (Australia)

Structural Feedback Demonstration
16mm, Silent, Color, 73ft., 2min.

Structural Integrity Tests of University of Maryland Oriole Sounding Rocket
16mm, Silent, Color, 5.5min.

Structures Research Division Heating Tests on Mercury Shingle Specimens
16mm, Silent, Color, 220ft., 6min.

STS-1 Prime Crew Presentation Clip
16mm, Silent, Color

Studies of Accelerations in Manned Vehicles During Exit and Reentry Flight
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, Black & White, 340ft, 9.5min.

Studies of Flow Formation in a Small Hypersonic Arc Tunnel With Varying Model Size
16mm, silent, Color, 75ft., 2min.

Studies of Main Chain Aromatic Polymers
16mm, Silent, Color, 225ft., 6min.

Studies of the Unsteady Flows Past Airfoils in Langley 4""x19"" Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Study of Airflow by Means of Smoke
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Study of Several Factors Affecting Crew Escape Trajectories from the Space Shuttle Orbiter at Low Subsonic Speeds
16mm, Silent, Color, 800ft., 22min.

Study of the Effects of a Rocket Exhaust on Radio Frequency Signal Attenuation by the Use of a Recoverable Camera on the NASA Scout Vehicle
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 155ft., 4min.

Study of the Surface Flow on a 1/50-Scale Model of the X-15 at M=6.8
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 383ft., 10.5min.

Subsonic Flight Tests of a 1/7-Scale Radio-Controlled Model of North America X-15 Airplane with Particular Reference to High Angle-of-Attack Conditions
16mm, Silent color, 420ft., 11.5min.

Summary of Attached Inflatable Decelerator (AID) Development
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 226ft., 6min.

Summary of Past and Present Individual Lift Devices
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 450ft., 12.5min.

Summary Results- Ditching Investigations of Five Transport Films (Training Film 19)
16mm, Silent, Black & White
The NACA is investigating, with models, the ditching characteristics of a series of transport airplanes, including the Lockheed Constellation (with and without Speed Pack attached), Lockheed Constitution, Douglas DC-4 and DC-6, and Boeing Stratocruiser, in calm water. Scale dynamic models with scale strength bottoms, made of balsa wood or cardboard bulkheads and balsa stringers and covered with waterproof paper or aluminum sheet, are launched so that they glide freely onto the water. The scale strength bottom sections are used to determine the extent of the damage that may be expected and the resulting behavior of the airplane. The ditchings are made with flaps full-down, at landing attitudes ranging from 4-degrees to 12-degrees, and speeds ranging from 81 to 118 mph. Transports give better ditchings than bombers because there is less damage and the decelerations are lower. However, transports carry more people and passengers are normally untrained in ditching procedure so the survival problem is more acute. In rough-water ditchings are made perpendicular to the waves more damage and violence may occur, depending on the choice of the ditching site and portion of the waves contacted.

Supersonic High-Temperature Rocket-Jet Test Facility
16mm, Silent, Color, 370ft., 10.25min

Supersonic Jet Tests of a Simplified Wing Structure
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 60ft., 3min.

Supersonic Jet Tests of a Simplified Wing Structure
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 180ft., 5min.

Supersonic Jet Tests of Insulating Panels (Double Wall Construction) All I-B Models
16mm, Silent, Color, 240ft., 10min.

Swing Arm Erector (SABER) concept for Single Astronaut Assembly of Space Structure
16mm, Silent, Color, 400ft., 6min.

T.F. #11 Wind Tunnel Tests of the U.S.S. Akron
16mm, Silent, Black & White

T.F. #9 Free Spinning Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White

T.F. No. 10; Compressibility
Experiment investigation of aerodynamic phenomena affected by compressibility.

T.F. No. 2; Air Flow and Flow Separation
Presents nature of air flow and flow separation by titanium tetrachloride smoke pictures about a circular cylinder and airfoils. Tests were made in 2-foot smoke tunnel and a smaller tunnel. Depicts flow around a circular cylinder and a NACA0012 airfoil, along with a diagrammatic representation of the development of separation. Presents methods for the control of flow separation-rotating the cylinder so that the top moves downstream, thus deflecting the streamlines downward; introducing turbulence along a flat plate by use of the surface irregularities, as rivet heads; or using a small auxiliary airfoil ahead of the main one to obtain turbulence; controlling boundary layer by use of suction slots (NACA 2415 airfoil with flap used to illustrate this method).

T.F. No. 24; Stability and Control Delta Wing Vertically Rising Aircraft
16mm, Silent, Black & White

T.F. No.16 Parachute Stability Film
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Tailless Airplane Film
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Take-Off and Landing Characteristics of a 0.13-Scale Model Convair XFT-1 Vertically Rising Airplane in Steady Winds
16mm, Silent, Color

Take-Off and Landing of Logistics Transport Model in 6-Foot Waves
16mm, Silent, Black & White/Color, 52ft., 1.5min.

Take-Off Hydro-Skis
16mm, Silent, Color. 125ft., 5min.

Take-Off Investigation Panto Base C-123--Part 2.

Take-Offs and Landings--0.13-Scale Convair XFY-1 Vertically Rising Airplane in Steady Winds
16mm, Color, Silent, 10min

Tank 2 A-26
16mm, Black & White, Silent
Ditching tests were made in Tank #2 on a 1/12 scale model of the Army A-26 airplane at a weight corresponding to 25,730 lbs., full-scale, and with C.G. at 28.4% MAC and 5.1 in. (full-scale) above thrust line. Tests were made with nose wheel doors, bomb-bay doors, main landing-gear doors, aft end of nacelles, and lower turret-service door removed and with all-purpose nose door closed and braced open to act as a planning surface and stop diving at attitude angles of 3-degrees, 8-degrees, and 13-degrees; flap deflections of 0-degrees, 25-degrees, and 55-degrees; and speeds of 104, 118, 119, and 32 MPH, full-scale.

Tank 2 A-26 Part 2
16mm, Black & White, Silent
Ditching tests were made in Tank #2 on a 1/12 scale model of the Army A-26 airplane at a weight corresponding to 25,730 lbs., full-scale, and with C.G. at 28.4% MAC and 5.1 in. (full-scale) above thrust line. Tests were made with nose wheel doors, bomb-bay doors, main landing-gear doors, aft end of nacelles, and lower turret-service door removed and with all-purpose nose door closed and braced open to act as a planning surface and stop diving at attitude angles of 3degrees, 8degrees, and 13degrees; flap deflections of 0degrees, 25degrees, and 55degrees; and speeds of 111, 118, 123, 134, 132 and 141 MPH, full-scale.

Tank 2 Ditching A-26 Part 1
16mm, Black & White, Silent
Ditching tests were made in calm water in Tank #2 on a 1/12 scale model of the Army A-26 airplane with a weight corresponding to 25,730 lb. full-scale, c.g. at 28.4% MAC and 5.1 in. (full-scale) above the thrust line. Tests were made with the model undamaged; with bomb bay doors removed; and with bomb-bay doors, nose-wheel doors, main landing gear doors, lowered turret service door, and all-purpose door removed; with flaps deflected to 0 degrees, 25 degrees and 55 degrees; at attitude angles of 3 degrees, 8 degrees (landing angle), and 13 degrees (stall angle); over a full-scale speed range from 104 to 133 MPH.

Tank 2 Ditching B-36
16mm, Black & White, Silent
Ditching tests were made in calm water in Tank #2 with a 1/30 scale model of the Army B-36 airplane with 255,000 lbs weight, C.G. at 29% MAC and 3.61 ft. below deck line. Tests were made with no damage simulate; with bomb-bay doors and antenna housing failure simulate, with flaps simi-fixed, that is, free to swing upward into the retracted position upon contact with the water and the bomb-bay doors and antenna housing failure simulated, with the flaps rigidly fixed. The range of attitude angles for the tests was from 13-degrees to 5-degrees, flap setting range was from 0-degrees to 40-degrees, and the speed range was from 105 to 140 MPH.

Tank 2 Ditching XP4M-1
16mm, Black & White, Silent
Ditching tests were made in calm water at near normal landing attitude in Tank #2 with a 1/18 scale model of the Navy XP4M-1 airplane. Runs were made at 7-degrees attitude with no damage simulated; with the bomb-bay doors removed to simulate their failure; with the bombardier's windows, nose -wheel doors, forward entrance hatch, bomb-bay doors, radar housing, under-surface of the fuselage from the aft end of the bomb bay to station 680, rear entrance hatch, random, and jet propulsion intake covers removed to simulate their failure. The model weight corresponded to 55,000 lb.; C. G. was located at 22.4% MAC and 0.5 in. above thrust line flap settings were at 0-degrees, 20-degrees and 40-degrees; speed varied from 85.3 to 107.9 knots lengths of runs were from 9 to 3 times the fuselage length; and the maximum dececelerations varied from 4.0 4.5 g.

Tank 2 Ditching XP4M-1 Part 3
Ditching tests were made in calm water at near stall landing attitude in Tank #2 with a 1/18 scale model of the Navy XP4M-1 airplane. The model weight corresponded to 55,000 lbs., C.G. was located at 22.4% MAC and 0.5 in. above thrust line, landing attitude was 13-degrees with respect to the water. For the tests, runs were made with no damage simulate; with the bomb-bay doors removed to simulate their failure, with the bombardier's windows, nose-wheel doors, forward entrance hatch, bomb-bay doors, radar housing, under surface of the fuselage from the aft end of the bomb-bay to station 680, rear entrance hatch, random, and jet propulsion intake covers removed to simulate their failure. The flaps were set at 0-degrees, 20-degrees, and 40-degrees; speed varied from 81.4 to 98 knots; length of runs varied from 2 to 8 times the fuselage length; maximum longitudinal decelerations varied from 2-8 times the fuselage length; maximum longitudinal decelera!

Tank 2 Ditching XP4M-1 Parts 4 and 5
Ditching tests were made in calm water in Tank #2 with a 1/18 scale model of the Navy XP4M-1 airplane. Tests were made at 55,000 lbs. gross load with the navigator's escape hatch braced open to form a hydro flap at 45-degrees and 30-degrees with thrust line. These tests were made with no damage simulated,with bomb-bay doors removed to simulate their failure; and with bombardier's window, nose -wheel doors, forward entrance hatch, bomb-bay doors, radar housing, undersurface of the fuselage from the aft end of the bomb-bay to station 680, rear entrance hatch, random, and jet propulsion intake covers removed to simulate their failure. Attitude angles varied form 1-degree to 13-degrees; flaps were deflected to 20-degrees and 40-degrees; speed varied from 81.4 to 130.6 knots; length of runs were from 2 to 8 time the fuselage length; and maximum longitudinal decelerations were from 1.1 to 5.7 g. Tests were made at 80,000 lbs. gross load were made with !

Tank 94-F
Take-off and landing tests were made in Tank # 1 on NCA model 94-F, 1/10 scale which was designed by the Glenn L. Martin Co. and tested for the Bureau of Aeronautics. The model was free-to-trim on accelerated runs at 25 fps using gross loads of 128,000 and 121,200 lbs.

Tank Boeing XPBB-1
Take-off and landing and stability tests were made in Tank# 1 on a 1/10-scale model of the Boeing PBB-1 flying boat, NACA 115, with gross weights of 41.7, 61.5 and 101.1 lbs.; C.G.'s at 25% and 35% MAC; at velocities from 5 to 21.1 fps; and trim angles from 3.1-degrees to 12.2-degrees. Model 115 had 9 in. deep step at station 45 and 7-degrees angle of afterbody keel. Model 115-A was tested with 1.10 in. deep step at station 46.4 and 7-degrees angle of afterbody keel and with short plastiline chines on tail extension. Model 115-A-2 had kicker plate at sternpost. Model 115-B had 11.1 in deep step at station 4.5 and 5-degree 50-foot angle of afterbody keel with short chines on tail extension. Model 115-B-1 had spherical tail turret and short chines. The spherical tail turret on model 115-b-1 had spherical tail turret and chines carried farther forward. Model 115-c had 1.1 in deep step at station 45.4 and 5-degree 50-foot angle of afterbody keel. It had strong yawing tendencies at 13.5 fps velocity. Two landing runs were made by model 115-C in rough water from 35 fps. Two take-off and landing runs were made by model 115-C at maximum seed of 55 fps. Flow around tail at low speed was shown for all models.

Tank Glass Bottom Boat

Tank Glass Bottomed Hull
Studies of flow along bottom of hull models 80-A, -B, -C, and -F with 3 depths of transverse steps and 1V-step were made in Tank #1. The models were accelerated and free-to-trim, simulating take-offs and landings, and the gross load coefficient for all runs was 0.5. Model 80-A had normal step depth; model 80-B, shallow step; model 80-C, deep step; and model 80-F, V-step. Landings of Models 80-A and 80-B were presented along with a bow wave for model 80-A.

Tank Historical
Take-off tests were run in Tank #1 to obtain information on the water performance of the hulls and floats of 1/7.06 scale model Navy NC4 (NACA model 44) at 28,000 lb. gross load and 73 MPH getaway speed, 1/7.05 scale model Short Calcutta (NACA model 47) at 22,000 lb. gross load and 62 MPH getaway speed, 1/10.87-scale model Dornier Do.X (NACA model 54) at 1004, 000lb. and 76 MPH getaway speed and 1/5.25scale model Savoia-Marchetti 55X (NACA model 46) at 12,000 lb. and 77 MPH getaway speed. General views of these seaplanes are presented along with views of the hull models.

Tank Investigation Bur. Aeor. Design DR-56

Tank Investigation Bur. Aero. Design DR-56 Part IV
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Tank Investigation of a 1/10-Size Model of a Martin Long-Afterbody Flying Boat- Part 1; Model 305

Tank Investigation of a 1/20-Size Model of a Martin-Long Afterbody Flying Boat- Part 2; Model 305A

Tank Investigation of the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a 1/33. 33-Scale Jet-Powered Dynamic Model of the Martin XP6M-1 Flying Boat.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 402ft, 16min

Tank Model 104
Force tests were made in Tank #1 on PBY type outboard float and modification, 1/5 scale, NACA 104 series. Tested for Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy Dept. Models were loaded until deeply submerged then unloaded to emergence. Rectangular and lenticular streets were used for constant-speed runs at 15 and 25 fps and trim of 6-degrees . Model 104-A was the basic mode; 104-B had horizontal fins fore and aft; 104-C had fins aft only; 104-D had fins forward only. Model 104-A5 had modified bow and step added and was tested at accelerations of 15, 25, and 27.5 fps and loads ranging from 0 lb. to 52 lb.

Tank Model 108 Boeing 314
Tank tests and tuft tests were made on a dynamically similar 9/100 scale model of Boeing 314 airplane (NACA 108) in tank #1. Various modifications were tested at gross weight 84,000 lb., with flaps at 0-degrees and 45-degrees, C.G.'s at 25% and 30% MAC, and with and without hydrostabilizers. Model 108 was original form with transverse main step 4.6 in. deep. Model 108-A had a main step moved aft 22.5 in. and depth of step 7.1in. Model 108-B was original form with breaker step, 2.8 in. deep, added on afterbody. Model 108-C had long afterbody extending sternpost 69.1in. Aft of original position. Model 108-D had original form with ventilation of main step. Model 108-E had afterbody raised to increase depth of original step to 7in. Model 108-F was same as -E with hook on afterbody tapering from 0 to4.2 in. depth at sternpost. Model 108-G had long afterbody raised to increase depth of original step to 9.7 in. Model 108-H had Vee-step 22.5 in. long with depth of step 9 in. at keel. Model 108-I had Vee-step 33.6in. Long with depth of step 11.1 in. at keel. Model 108-J was same as -I with point of Vee, 11.1 in. long cut flat and parallel with afterbody keel. Model 108-K had same step as -H with ventilation. Model 108-L had transverse main step moved aft with depth of step increased to 9 in. Model 108-M was same as -H with afterbody lowered to original position, with depth of step 7 in. at keel. model 108-p had original form with depth of step increased to 9 in. Model 108-Q was same as -P with step moved forward 1 station. Tuft tests were made to indicate the type of flow over the wing during accelerated runs with elevators full up and 20-degrees, flaps 0-degrees and 45-degrees. Spray characterizes tests were made of a midwing float during accelerated runs to 25 and 45 fps, at initial loads of 5.5 and 10.5 lbs. with trim angles of 1-degrees, 2 1/2-degrees, 5-degrees, 10-degrees, and 15-degrees.

Tank Model 110 Consolidated 31X
Stability tests were made on 1/8 scale dynamically similar model of Consolidated Aircraft Corp. model 31X (NACA models 110-A, -B, -C, -D, -E, -E1, -K, and -L) in tank # 1. This seaplane in now know as the P4Y. The models were tested with original step position and with the step 8in. forward of the original position, at gross load of 50,000 lbs., with propellers discs and with flaps deflected 40-degrees. The elevator positions were neutral, 5-degrees up and full up and C.G.'s were ate 28% and 32% MAC. Model 110-B had flutes on the forebody; model 110-C had flutes and reflex chines on forebody; model 110-D had reflex chines on forebody. Model 110-E is the first modification of forebody lines, designated 31 -106; model 110-E1 is the first modification of forebody lines with depth step of 4.6% beam and No. 3 planning fin (0 deadrise, no flare) on afterbody. Model 110-K is second modification of forebody lines with No.3 planning fin on afterbody and depth of step 3.8% beam. Model 110-L is third modification of forebody lines with spacing of station of second modified forebody increased in ration 385/327 to increase length of forebody 58 in. the step depth is 3.8% beam.

Tank model 113
Stability and spray characteristics tests were made in Tank # 1 on 1/2 scale dynamic model of PB2M-1 seaplane (NACA 113) with corresponding full-size characteristics of step location 558 in. aft of F.P., 8125 in. depth of step (5.015 beam), C.G. 70 in. forward of step (26.58% MAC), C.G. 146.7 in. above B.L., 1.366x10 [6th degree] slugs/sq.ft. pitching moment of inertia about C.G., and 30-degrees flap setting. Spray characteristics at gross loads of 120,000; 140,000; 160,000; and 180,000 lbs are presented during accelerated runs to 25 fps with stabilizers +3-degrees and elevators full up. Take-offs and landings at trims of 2-degrees, 4-degrees, 6-degrees and with elevators full up (full stall landing) showing spray and dynamic characteristics during accelerated runs and behavior when leaving water and making contact are presented for the same gross loads. The second run at each condition is with step ventilated to show its effect on behavior near the getaway speed. High-angle porpoising for gross load of 140,500 lb. at 37 fps showing flow over step and afterbody is also presented.

Tank Model 116
Take-off and landing and stability tests were made in Tank #1 on a 1/8 scale dynamic model of Consolidated PB2Y-3 Flying boat, NACA 116. Model 116 had 15% increased wing area, wide chord elevators, stabilizers at -5-degrees and flaps at 40-degrees. Model 116-B-1 had L.E. slats, steps and chines added to tail, gross weight 128 lb., C.G.'s at 30% and 26% MAC, and elevators up and neutral. High-angle porpoising was obtained by jumping model to a trim above the upper limit. Model 116-B was tested with and without slats, without step or chines on tail, with elevators up and neutral, C.G.'s at 26% and 30% MAC., gross weights 108.6 lb. All tests were made by slowly accelerating over hump and take-off and landing runs..

Tank Model 116-E
Skipping and yawing tests were made in Tank #1 of a 1/8-scale dynamic model of PB2Y-3 seaplane (NACA model 116-E) with geometrically-similar plain wings, leading edge slats, increased-chord elevator, and flaps down 40-degrees. For skipping tests, models were free to rise and pivot about C.G., restrained in roll and yaw. Power-off landings simulated by accelerating model until airborne, trimming in air to desired attitude, then decelerating to rest. In all runs, landing trims are referred to hull baseline, loads are for full size seaplane, and positions of C.G. are in per cent to 5-degrees; 66,000 lb. load an C.G. at 28% MAC. Model 116E-2, with depth of step at keel 8in., was tested landing at 14-degrees to 2-degrees; 66,000 lb. load and C.G. 28% MAC. Model116E-4, with depth of step at keel 10in., was tested at landings at 11 1/2-degrees, to 4-degrees; 76,000, 56,000, and 66,000 lb. load; and C.G.'s at 28, 22, and 36% MAC. Model 116E-5, with transverse step 1/4 beam on either side of keel and 30-degree Vee at chines, was tested at lands 12-degrees to 4-degreesl loads 56,000 and 76,000 lb.; and C.G.'s 22, 28 and 36% MAC. Model 116E-6, with approximately 15-degree Vee step, was tested at landings 12-degree to 4-degrees, loads 56,000, 66,000, and 76,000 lbs.; and C.G. 28% Mac. Model 166F-3 original hull with wing incidence increased 4-degrees, was tested landing at 10-degrees to 2-degrees 66,000 lb. load and C.G. 28% MAC. Model 116E-7, with approximately 15-degree Vee step 1/4 beam on either side of keel and transverse step at chines, was tested landing at 11 1/2-degree to 6-degree; load 66,000 lb. and C.G. 28%. Model 116E-8, original model with 1 1/2 in. transverse spoiler 62 in. forward of step, was tested landing at 11 1/2-degrees to 4-degrees; load 66,000 lb. and C.G. 28% MAC. Model 116E-9, original model with 3 in. transverse spoiler 62 in. forward of step, was tested landing at 11 1/2-degree; load 66,000 lb. and C.G. 28% MAC. Yaw tests Made on model 116 E-3; with plain wing, no power, model free to rise and pitch about C.G., fixed in roll and yaw, elevators and rudders neutral, accelerated from 0 to 25 fps; at load 66,000 lb., C.G. 28% MAC. yaw extension; with tw0 9 hp motors driving 18 in. diameter, 3-balde propellers on inboard nacelles, flaps and ailerons down 40-degrees, elevators neutral, rudders movable from carriage, model free to pitch, rise and roll about C.G., free to yaw about point 4/34 in. aft of C.G., freedom in roll 1-degrees each side, freedom in yaw 1 1/2-degrees each side, at load 66,000 lb., C.G

Tank Model 116-E3 Clippings

Tank Model 116-E3
Depicts spray investigation of NACA model 116E-3, which is a 1/8 full-scale dynamic model of the PB2Y-3 airplane with motor driven propellers, in the NACA Tank #1. Throughout the tests the model is towed free to rise and pitch but is restrained in the roll and yaw; the flaps are at 0-degrees deflection; the elevators are full up; and the pivot and C.G. are at 28% MAC. The accelerations for the tests are 1/4 ft./sec./sec. and 1 ft./sec./sec. The modified models tested are the 116E-3f, which has the beam increased by adding horizontal planning bottom 1 ft. wide on each side of the hull and faired into the afterbody 39.3 ft. from the bow; the 116E-36, which has an increased beam extending 30ft. from the bow and not faired at the after end; and 116E-3h, which has 20-degrees down flare at the chine, obtained by adding a triangular strip at the chine.

Tank Model 117 0A-9
Stability and control tests were made in Tank #1 on a 1/5-scale dynamic model of Grumman 0A-9 (NACA 117) amphibian, powered by tow 0.9 HP D.C. motors driving two 20 in. diameter, 12 in. pitch 2-blade propellers geared 3.29:1. Effects of propellers on spray and porpoising at various speeds and 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and full power are presented. Fore and aft movement of C.G. self-propelled at 30 fps and 35 fps for lower and upper limit porpoising are also presented.

Tank Model 117 0A-9
Take off and landing tests were made in Tank # 1 on a 1/5 scale dynamically similar model of Grumman 0A-9 amphibian. The model is free to rise and pitch about it's C.G. The take-offs and landings were made at 6-degrees, 8-degrees, and 10-degrees trim and at some high angle; with elevators full up; with model speed range from 60 to 51 fps; with gross load of 63.4 lbs.; and with flaps at 30-degrees. Model 117 was original 0A-9 with depth of step 0.60 in. Models 117-C, C-1, and B had ventilated steps with slots in various positions. Model 117-A had afterbody raised to increase the depth of to .98 in. Models 117-E and G had 30-degrees and 20-degrees swallowtail steps. Model 117-H had a transverse step. Models 117-I and F had 60-degrees and 30-degrees notched steps. Model 117-D was same as 0A-9 with angle of forebody keel raised 2-degrees. Model 117-J was same as 0A-9 with chine strips removed from tail of hull. For model 117 suction in inches of water behind the step during accelerated runs is given at various distances from keel. Take-offs and landings of a full-size 0A-9 made on Back River of November 18-1940 are presented.

Tank Model 124
Stability tank tests were made in Tank #1 on a 1/8-scale model of the Consolidated PBY flying boat (NACA 124) with 15% increased area for wing, slats on the wing L.E. and windmilling propeller for observing height of spray. Two runs are shown for all conditions; an acceleration of 25 fps in about 20 seconds, an acceleration to 25 fps in about 35 seconds, gross weight of 58.2 lbs and gross weight of 77.5 lbs. Elevators up and C.G. at 28% MAC for all conditions. Model 124 was standard airplane; 124-A had bow no. 1; 124-B had bow no. 2, and 124-C had bow no. 2 and breaker step on tail extension; 124-C1, 124-C2, and 124-C3 had bow no. 2 and breaker step on tail extension with 30-degrees, 45-degrees, and 20-degrees Vee main step, respectively.

Tank Model 131
Take-off and landing tank tests of a 1/8 scale dynamic model of PB2Y-3 Seaplane (NACA 131) with increased power. The full-size conditions are: four 1800 hp engine, gross loads 76,000 lbs, flap deflection 20-degrees, and center of gravity 33% MAC. Take-off runs were at accelerations of 1, 2, and 3, ft./sec./sec. and landing trim angles ranged from 4-degrees to 12-degrees.

Tank Model 132-4 PBN-1
Depicts tank tests of take-off and landing of NACA model 132-4, PBN seaplane, incorporating proposed change of step and tail extension. The accelerated run to take-off tests cover a take-off trim angle range from 8.5-degrees to 11.5-degrees; take-off speed range from 36 fps to 45.5 fps; landing trim angle range from 10-degrees to 14-degrees landing speed range from 33 fps to 42 fps; gross load range from 30,000 lb. to 40,000 lb.; with C.G. at 28% MAC; full power, 1/4 power, and no power; and with stabilizers down 3-degrees. The accelerated run to hump tests were made at 17.5 fps speed, C.G. at 28% MAC, full power, stabilizers 3-degrees and gross loads of 35,000 lb. and 40,000lb.

Tank Model 133
Stability tests were made in Tank #1 of a 1/10 scale model of towed 12-place float wing amphibian glider (Naval Aircraft Factory, Plan 68696) NACA 133 with gross weight of 6.25lb.; C.G. 5.56 in. aft L.E. wing at center line and 3.8 in. above keel; pitching moment of inertia of 0.0987 slugs/sq.ft.; tow line 30 ft. long with forward end 10 in. above water; tow points 2.05, 1.33, and 2.86 in. above keel; elevators neutral, up 5-degrees or 10-degrees; flap step in design positions and deflected 5-degrees; modified bottom with flaps removed; same modified bottom with flaps down 5-degrees and cut off at main bottom; same modified bottom with flaps down to main step level (9.5-degrees), with and without skeg; at accelerated runs of Vmax from 31 to 40 fps.

Tank Model 133

Tank Model 134
Tank tests were made in Tank # 1 on a 1/12-scale dynamic model of a 160,000 lb. flying-boat, NACA model 134, to study the effect of varying the dimensions of the afterbody. Tests were made with various loads, angles of afterbody keel, afterbody lengths, and with a pointed step, to determine their effect on landing and stability.

Tank Model 139 Additional Tests
Stability tests were made in Tank #1 on a 1/10 scale model of a 24 place twin hull amphibian Navy glider (NACA 139). The full-size glider has a gross weight of 12,200 lbs.; C.G. aft of leading edge of wing at root at 60.8 in.; C.G. above keel at 47.5 in.; pitching moment of inertia of 29,768 slugs/sq.ft.; length of tow line 300 ft.; forward end of tow line 100 in. above water. For the model as tested the gross weight is 14.2 lbs.; C.G. aft wing leading edge at root 6.1 in.; C.G. above keel 5.1 in.; pitching moment of inertia 0.606 slugs/sq.ft. length of tow line 30 ft.; forward end of tow line 10 in. above water. The model is towed from towing post on center section of wing. The tests were run on all models with flaps at 0-degrees or 20-degrees; and elevators neutral, up 5-degrees, 10-degrees, and 15-degrees. Towing post lengths were 15 in., 12.4 in., 10.9., 9.4 in., 7.9 in., 6.4 in., 4.9 in., 3.4 in., and 0 in. (towing line attached to leading edge of wing). The maximum velocity range was from 25.4 to 42 fps.

Tank Model 139
Stability tests were made in Tank #1 on a 1/10-scale model of a 24-place twin hull amphibian Navy Glider (NACA 139). The model is towed from a bridle attached at the bows; 1.68, 2.55, or 3.86 in. above keels or from a single line attached at the leading edge of the wing at the center line 6.31 in. above keels. The modes is tested with no flaps or flaps down 20-degrees; elevators neutral up 10-grees; with steps .25, 1.25, or .5 in deep; at gross weight 12.7-13.6 lbs; C.G. aft of leading edge of wing at root of 6.12 in.; C.G. 5.31 in. above keel; moment of inertia .483 slugs/sq.ft.; length of tow line 30-31ft.; forward end forward end of tow line 10 in. above water. The full size glider has a gross weight of 12,200 keel; pitching moment of inertia of 29,768 slugs/sq.ft. length of towline 300 ft.; forward end of towline 100 in. above water.

Tank Model 139 Wing Tow Bridle Tests
Stability tests were made in Tank #1 on a 1.20-scale model of Navy (NACA 139) amphibian glider. The model is towed from a bridle attached to leading edge of center section of wing. The full size glider has a gross weight of 12,200 lbs.; C.G. aft of leading edge of wing at rood at 60.8 in.; C.G. above keel at 47.5 in.; pitching moment of inertia of 29,768 slugs/sq.ft.; length of tow line 300 ft.; weight was 13.9 lb.; C.G. aft wing leading edge at root 6.1 in.; C.G. above keel 5.1 in.; pitching movement of inertia 0.580 slugs/sq.ft.; length of tow line 30 ft.; forward end of tow line 10 in. above water. The tests were run with flaps at 0-degrees or 10-degrees; and elevators neutral, up 5-degrees and 10-degrees. Bridle lengths were 30, 26, 22, 18, 14, 10, and 6in. and the maximum velocity ranged from 29 to 46 fps.

Tank Model 139-H
Towing tests of NACA seaplane model 139H were made in tank #1.

Tank Model 140 Additional Tests
Take off tests were made in Tank #1 on a 1/10 scale model of a 12 place float wing amphibian glider (Allied Aviation Corp. Model 101-4) NACA model 140. The gross weight was 6.9 lbs; C.G. 16.8 in. aft nose and 4.07 in. above keel; pitching moment of inertia 0.0944 slugs/sq.ft.; tow line 30 ft. long; forward end of tow line 10in. above water; towing point 4.75 in. above keel line step 23.1in. aft of nose; flap deflections 0-degrees, 4-degrees, and 9-degrees; elevators neutral, up 5-degrees, 10-degrees, 15-degrees, 20-degrees and 25-degrees; and maximum velocities from 31 to 27.5 fps.

Tank Model 140
Tank tests were made in tank # 1 on a 1/10-scale model of a revised 12-place float-wing amphibian glider, Allied Aviation Corp. Model 101-4, NACA Model 140. Various modifications of the model were tested.

Tank Model 140

Tank Model 141
Stability tests were made in Tank #1 on 1/10-scale model of Navy 24 place seaplane glider LRG-1 (NACA 141) with gross weight of 14.51, 15,56, and 18.2 lb.; C.G. 4.6in. aft wing L.E. and 8.9 in. above keel; pitching moment of inertia 0.69, 0.74, and 1.12 slugs/sq.ft.; tow line 30 ft., long and forward end 10 in. above water; elevators neutral, up 2.5-degrees, 5-degrees, 10-degrees, 15-degrees, and down 5-degrees; flaps deflected 0-degrees and 20-degrees; at Vmax. from 28.8 to 37 fps. Model 141 was original model towed from nose of fuselage 11.9 in. above keel. Models 141-B and C had beam of floats increased 15%, tail angle increased 1-degree and were towed from bridle attached to bows 3.9 in. above keel line. Beam of Floats on model 141-E was 20% greater than original floats; tail angle was increased 1-degree floats were lowered 2 in.; planning surfaces full length of tail booms; towed from bridle attached to bows 5.9 in. above keel line. Model 141-f was the same as 141-D except chine flared was added to forebody. Close-ups of the tails of models 141-E-1 and 141-F-1 are presented.

Tank Model 142 A-1
Resistance tests were made in Tank #1 on 1/40 scale model of Kaiser-Hughes cargo airplane-NACA 155A. The gross load was 400,000 lbs., getaway speed 85 MPH, and C.G 24.5% MAC, and the model was free to trim. Accelerated runs to getaway speed were made at 0.5 ft./sec [2nd power] and over hump speed at 0.25 ft./sec [2nd power].

Tank Model 142-A1
Tank tests were made to test the arrangement of hydrofoils on a 1/27-scale model of a 75 ft. motor launch (Hydrofoil boat-NACA models 142-A-1 and 142-B-1) in Tank #1. Displacements were 8.28 and 8.3lb.; hydrofoil incidences- forward 5-degrees, aft -1-degrees and 0-degrees; hydrofoil dihedral 20-degrees. Accelerated runs were made in smooth water from rest to 20 fps and constant speed runs were made at 15.1, 17.2, and 19.2 fps

Tank Model 142-C
Tank tests were made to test the arrangement of hydrofoils on a 1/27-scale self propelled model of 75ft. motor launch (hydrofoil boat-NACA model 142-C) in Tank #1. Displacement was 8.83 lbs.; forward hydrofoils at 17 in. and 18.3 in ahead of stern; C.G.'s at 13 in., 13.9 in., 13.4in., and 15 in., ahead of stern; hydrofoil incidences - forward 0-degrees and aft 0-degrees, forward 2-degrees and aft 0-degrees, forward 4-degrees and aft 0-degrees, forward 4-degreesand aft -2-degrees, forward 5-degrees, and aft 0-degrees and forward 5-degrees and aft 4-degrees. Tests were run at constant speed varying from 9.3 to 19 fps.

Tank Model 143
Tests were made in Tank #1 to determine the effect of various modifications on the landing stability of a 1/8 scale dynamic model of P4Y-1 (NACA 142) with full span slats; C.G. at 28% Mac; Stabilizers set -2-degrees to B.L.; gross weights of 89.2, 98.9 and 108.5 lbs.; flap deflections 20-degrees and 40-degrees and trim at landing range from 14-degrees to 4-degrees. Model 143 was basic model; 143-A had 1/4 in. increase in depth of step; 143-B had depth of step increased 1/2 in.; and 143-C had depth of step of basic model increased 3/4in. The area of ventilation ducts was 9.7, 6.4, 3.2, 1.5, 2.2, 3, and 4.5 respectively for models 143-1, 143-2, 143-3, 143-4, 143-5, 143-6, 143-7, and 143-8.

Tank Model 143-E (XP4Y-1)
Resistance tests were made in Tank #1 on the NACA 143-E (XP4Y-1) with spray strips partial span flaps deflected 20-degrees, powered propellers at 4800 RPM and 8-degrees pitch loads of 98.9 lbs and 108.6 lbs, C.G. and 28% MAC and accelerations of 1 ft/sec/sec from 5 to 34 fps.

Tank Model 152
Tank tests were made to test the arrangement of hydrofoils on a 1/27-scale model of 75 ft. motor launch (Tietjens type hydrofoil boat- NACA model 152) in Tank #1. Displacement was 8.5 lbs; hydrofoil incidences- forward 0-degrees, aft 0.5-degrees; C.G.'s 13.9 in. ahead of stern, 2.5 in. below deck and 11.8 in. ahead of stern, 2.5 in. below deck; tow pints- at keel near load water line and forward hydrofoil center strut at keel. Tests were run at constant speeds varying from 4.9 to 14.1 fps.

Tank Model 158
Tank test of landings of a 1/16-scale model of the HK-1 cargo plane NACA 158-1 Landings were made with partial power; eight 4-blade, 1 ft. diameter dural propellers with 15-degree blade angle turning 3000 RPM; gross load of 109.2 lbs.; flap bow; at trims from 2-degrees to 14-degrees at 4 positions of the horizontal C.G., 20, 24, 28 and 32% MAC. For models 158-1 and 158-A with tail extension base circle diameters of 16.5 in. and 18 in. respectively; gross load of 98 lbs.; elevators at 20-degrees and horizontal C.G. at 24% MAC; spray pictures were made to show flow around stern during take-off and landings, with and without power. The effects of power on spray are shown with the flaps deflected 20-degrees, horizontal C.G. at 26% MAC, gross load of 97 lbs., using either 8 or 4 propellers during accelerated runs with and without power with elevators deflected 0-degrees or -20-degrees.

Tank Model 158 Kaiser Hughes
Tank tests were made in Tank #1 on a 1/16-scale model of the HK-1 cargo seaplane (NACA 158-1) at gross load of 109.2, flap deflection 30-degree, vertical C.G. 14.83 in. above keel at step, step 59.88 in. aft of bow; showing flow behind step during high-angle porpoising at 30 fps with horizontal C.G at 32% MAC; flow behind step during accelerated run to take off with trim at take off 10-degrees and horizontal C.G. at 32% MAC; spray characteristics during accelerated runt o take off with horizontal C.G. at 24% MAC, flow behind step during a series of landings with horizontal C.G. at 32% at trim angles from 2-degrees to12-degrees; and landings at trims from 2-degrees to 13-degrees at horizontal C.G.'s at 24%, 28%, and 32% MAC.

Tank Model 158-1
Tank tests were made in Tank #1 on low-speed bow spray in waves (2 and 3 in., approx.) and in calm water of 1/16 scale model of HK-1 (NACA 158-1). Test conditions were accelerated to hump speed and from 6-11 FPS; gross load 97 lbs. (counterweighted0; eight 4-blade 1 ft. diameter propellers with 15-degrees blade angle; flaps deflected 20-degrees; elevators deflected 0-degrees; C.G. at 28% MAC; power at 5000, 4000, and 3000 RPM.

Tank Model 164
Tank tests, giving spray characteristics, and take-off and landing tests were made in Tank #2 of a 1/12-scale model of the JRM-1 Cargo Seaplane (NACA model 164). Effects of power on bow and stern spray during accelerated runs are shown. Tests were run with horizontal center of gravity at 30% MAC, flaps deflected 30-degree and propellers turning at 4200 RPM. The gross loads were 82.5 lbs, horizontal centers of gravity 40% MAC and flap deflection 55-degrees, free-to-trim and fixed trim landings were made at trim angles of 3-degres to 10-degrees at decelerations of 1, 1.5, and 3 ft./sec./sec. and with horizontal center of gravity at 20% MAC at trim angles of 3-degrees to 80-degrees. Take-offs at accelerations of 1ft./sec./sec. were made with trim angles for 4.2-degrees to 9-degrees with horizontal center of gravity at 40% MAC.

Tank model 165 B-2
Bow and stern spray characteristics tests were made in Tank #1 on the NACA model 165B-2 with arched forebody and after body and transverse step 1 in. deep at chines, [delta] [omicron] of 147.5 lb 976,000 lb. full-size), C.G. at 35% MAC. Accelerated runs were made at 1 ft/sec/sec to 25 and 30 fps.

Tank Model 165
Take off and landing (particularly landing) tests were made in Tank # 1 on a 1/8-scale dynamic model of the Consolidated PB2Y-3 with forebody lengthened 8.25-feet, and afterbody lengthened 4.75-feet, full-size. Step modifications are illustrated by Model 165-A using 30-degrees Vee production step with depth of step at keel 0.87-in; Model using 165A-1 using 30-degrees Vee unventilated step located at 1.40-inches forward of production step, with a depth of step at keel 1.53 in.; Model 165A-2 using transverse unventilated step located at the centroid of Model 165A-1, with depth of step at keel 1.14 in.; Model of 165-A3 using transverse unventilated step located at centroid of model 165A-2 with depth of step at keel 1.55 in. Landing trim angles range from 15.5-degrees to 5-degrees and landing speeds range from 35.5 fps to 60 fps. Gross landings were 147.5 lbs. 976,000 lbs, full-size), 166.5 lbs. 986,00 lbs, full-size0, and 186 labs (96,000 lbs, full-size). Spray pictures were give of Model 165A-1 with elevators neutral and 25-degrees up.

Tank Model 165A
Depicts the NACA model 165A, which is a 1/8-scale model of the PB2Y-3 Seaplane, with the forebody lengthened 8.25 ft., and the afterbody lengthened 4.75 ft.. Throughout the tests the flaps are deflected 20-degrees, the center of gravity is 28% MAC, and the propellers are revolving at 6900 rpm. At no time is the towing speed higher that 30 fps. The gross loads used are 147.5 lb (76,000 lb, Full-scale) and 128 lb, (966,00, full-scale); the accelerations are 1ft./sec/sec. and 3 ft./sec./sec.; the elevators are in neutral and up positions

Tank Model 180-1
Landing tests were made in Tank #1 on a 1/12 scale model of the JRM-1 flying boat (NACA model 180) modified for a gross load of 165,000 lbs. Tests were made on model 180-1 without power; with depth of step at keel 1.70 in., at centriod 1.35 in. (9% of the beam); rate of acceleration 1 ft./sec. [2nd power]; flap deflection 55-degrees; horizontal C.G. at 40% and 30% MAC; over trim angle range from 2.5-degrees to 10.5-degrees.

Tank Model 189-1
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Spray characteristics tests were made in Tank # 1 on a 1/12-scale model of the JRM-1 flying boat (NACA model 180) modified for gross load of 94.3 lbs. With inboard spray strips on forebody, model 180-4 without and 180-5 with fillet in. Tests were made at full power and with propellers windmilling; with flap deflection 30-degrees; elevator deflection 0-degrees; horizontal C.G. at 28$ MAC.; rate of acceleration .75 ft./sec. [2nd power]; at gross loads of 94.3, 105.7, and 114.0 lbs.

Tank Model 229, Part 2
16mm, Silent, Color
Second progress report on tests of NACA hydro-skis for high-speed airplanes. Take-off tests show that, for the speed range of 15-30 MPH full size (before the skis emerge), some water is drawn into the intake ducts on the original model. However, when the skis emerge, the spray is moving outward and only a few tray drops enter the ducts during this transition. The addition of a small strip extending only 3.4 in. full size from the fuselage keeps the spray clear of the intakes. Take-offs with the strips installed show that the water is now kept a considerable distance below the intakes during the critical 15 to 30 MPH speed range. The water is directed away from the model in addition to being kept below the intakes. The strips required to keep spray from entering the turbojet intakes are very small and presumably would have such a negligible aerodynamic effect that their retraction would not be warranted.

Tank Model 229; Part 1
An investigation of the opportunities opened for the seaplane by jet propulsion is now under way at Langley Laboratory. This film is a progress report on a part of this investigation, tests of NACA hydro-skis for high-speed airplanes, which has shown marked possibilities. A 1/2-scale dynamically similar model of a hypothetical airplane, representative of current thought on high speed design is being used for the investigation. The fuselage form chosen for the airplane is such that turbojet and rocket powered plants could exhaust at the rear, and a possible turbojet intake location is shown on the top of the fuselage. NACA twin-ski arrangement hydro-skis, curved to permit flush retraction into the fuselage, are retractable planning surfaces extended below the airplane during take-off and landing and retracted in flight to eliminate their drag. The area of the skis is no more than 1/3 the area required for snow skis. For the take-off tests, the model is attached to the towing carriage of Tank #2 so that it is free to move vertically and to pitch about it's center of gravity; it has a gross weight corresponding to 13,140 lbs; floats with the wing tips slightly under the water and the wings thus provide lateral stability; runs as a displacement body, until a speed corresponding to 40 MPH full-size is reached, hen the hydro-skis emerge from the water; from this speed to take-off (148 MPH) the model rides on the hydro-skis; and the entire take-off is stable even though controls are fixed. It is assumed that the airplane has consumed fuel until its weight is reduced to 8,740 lbs. before landing, and for the landing tests, the model weight is reduced accordingly. The mode is catapulted; from the seaway catapult at Langley Field, Va., over open water as a free body and lands without benefit of longitudinal or lateral control such as a pilot could apply. On landing, the model rides on the hydro-skis until it decelerates to a speed considerably lower than the take-off emergence speed before dropping to a level where it is supported by buoyancy. The stability in roll during landing is very good. Waves up to 2 ft. high full-size have a very slight effect on the landing characteristics. The resistance during take-off is great enough to require the use of JATO. With a reasonable amount of research the resistance could be reduced sufficiently to eliminate the need. Many phases of research on hydro-skis are yet to be done; however, the results from preliminary experiments show that their use makes possible the design of an airplane that is extra-ordinarily clean aerodynamically and is capable of taking off and landing in any sheltered body of water.

Tank Model 77K-1
Presents resistance tests made in NACA Tank #1 for Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy Department, on NACA Models 77K-1, 77K-A and 77K-B. Two sizes of model 77K-1 are used, one being 1/10 scale, the other 1/10.8-scale. All models were tested under the following conditions: C.G. 5ft. 1 3/4 in. forward step, 11 ft., 10 3/4 in. above keel; gross load 129,550 lb.; getaway speed 78.3 knots; no thrust moment; and C.G. 5ft. 5 7/8 in. forward step, 12 ft. 2 1/2 in. above keel; gross load 122,523 lb.; getaway speed 71.9 knots; no thrust moment. All were accelerated from rest to getaway speed. For model 77K-1, 1/10-scale, the tachometer reading previously mentioned tests this model was tested at C.G. 5 ft. 2 1/4 in. forward 165,000 ft. -lb. thrust moment was accelerated slowly over hump. For the1/10.8-scale of model 77K-1 the tachometer readings must be multiplied by 1.61 to obtain full scale speed in knots and tests were run at C.G. 4 ft. 11 7/8 in. forward step, 9 ft. 11 7/8 in. above keel; gross load 130,000 lb.: getaway speed 86.9 view pictures showing action of bow at low speeds in waves for models 77K-A and 77K-B are presented.

Tank Model 94, 94A, 94D
Take-off and landing tests were made in tank #1 on 1/10-scale NACA models 94, 94A, and 94D, designed by Glenn L. Martin C. and tested for the Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy Department. Free-to-trim, accelerated runs to take-off and landing through hump speed were made for models 94 and 94A at gross loads of 129,550 lb. and 1223,523 lb., with damping applied and no thrust moment. For model 94D, the gross load was 129,550lb., damping was applied and for the run to take off and landing there was no thrust moment applied, but on the run through hump speed, 173,000 ft.-lb. thrust moment was applied.

Tank Model
Depicts spray investigation of several modifications of the NACA model 116E-3. 116E-3i had the original beam increased 8 in. on each side. Model 116E-3j had 30-degrees down flare at chine starting 5.3ft. from bow. Model 116E-3k had 30-degrees down flare starting 2.7 ft. from bow. Model 116E-3k was tested with elevators neutral and 15-degrees down, and full up. All models were tested at gross loads of 66, 000 and 72,500 lbs. and accelerations of 1/4 and 1 ft/sec/sec.

Tank Model PB2Y-3 Airplane with Simulated Jet Motors
Take off tests of a 1/8 size dynamic model of PB2Y-3 seaplane (NACA models 131J, 131J-1, 131J-2) with simulated jet motors were made in Tank #1. The full scale conditions were: four 1200 hp engines, gross load of 76000 lb., flap settings 40-degress and center of gravity at 30% MAC., Model 131J was tested with 3 Jets in sternpost directed aft and down 15-degrees to baseline of model; and model 131J-2 wihth 1 jet in sternpost directed aft, 1 jet each side of afterbody directed 7-degress out from plane of symmetry, all parallel to baseline. All models were accelerated to take off with and without jet power.

Tank PBN-1 Flying Boat
16mm, Black and White, Silent
In order to study the effect of bow modification on the spray characteristics at the nose, investigations were made of the low speed bow spray of the 1/8 scale model of the navy PBN-1 seaplane. The center of gravity of the model was at 28% MAC and the tests were run at full power with elevators neutral. Tests were run on the model with the original PBN-1 bow and with such modifications as: the PBN-1 bow with chine strip; PBN-1 bow with chine strip extended full width aft to the propellers; and 30-degrees down flare; and PBN-1 bow with chine strip at nose and original chine flare increased to 30-degrees but with no increase in beam. Simulated loads were 30,000; 32,000; 35,000; and 37,000 lbs. Simulated loads were 3,000 lbs greater than actual loads so the results are conservative. The model was tested with 2.35 lb-ft (9,620 lb-ft, full-scale) negative pitching moment.

Tank Tests of a 1/8-Scale Model of a Grumman JRF-5 Amphibian Fitted with Hydro-Skis
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 272ft, 11min

Tank Tests. Bru. Aero. Design DR-77 (Hydro-Ski Seaplane -Part 1)
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Tank Ventilated Circular Chine
Tests were made in Tank #1 on ventilated circular chine of 48 in. length, 16 in. beam, 22.5-degrees deadrise, 2in. radius, 40 lb. displacement and 0.266 coefficient. Tests were made with no ventilation, ventilation, ventilation though slot 4, and through slots 3 and 4 at trim angles of 3-degrees and 6-degrees. The models were put in the water at 20 fps and 15 fps and accelerated to 40 fps. Separation of water at chine during take-off and landing is induced or aided by ventilation of chine, that is, by air flowing out of the side of the hull through longitudinal opening, or slots, along the chine.

Tank XPB2Y-3
Stability tests of 1/8 scale dynamic model of the consolidated PB2Y-3 Seaplane (NACA 116) were made in Tank #2 with stabilizers -5-degrees, flaps 40-degrees, 15% increased wing area, and wide chord elevators. The accelerated runs to 25fps in about 30 seconds were made with center of gravity at 28% MAC; elevators neutral and up; and at loadings of 128 lbs (66,000 lbs. full-size), 137.7 lbs (971,000 lbs full size) 147. 4 lbs (76,000 lbs, full-size) 157.1 lbs (81,000 lbs. full-size), and 166.8 lbs, (86,000 lbs, full size)

Tank-Historical Clippings
16mm, Silent, Black & White

TBF-1 Wing Fabric Deflection
Presents tests made in the 16-Foot high-speed tunnel showing fabric deflection of the alieron of a TBF-1 airplane. Fabric depression tests were run at an angle of attack of -1.2-degrees, alieron deflection angles of -18.7-degrees to 0-degrees and induced velocities of 160 to 335 MPH. Aileron stalling and wing buffeting tests were run at angles of attack of 3.4-degrees and 8-degrees, aileron deflection angles of -19.4-degrees to -3.3-degrees, and induced velocities of 160 to 310 MPH. Fabric bulge tests were run at angles of attack of -1.2degrees and 8-degrees aileron deflection angles of 5-degrees to 18.3-degrees, and induced velocities of 160 to 335 MPH. Deformation of the wing skin occurred under high aerodynamic loads.

Technique for the Simulation of Lunar and Planetary Gravitation Fields Including Pilot Model Studies
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 225ft., 6min.

Technology for Safer Aircraft (1974 Inspection Film)
16mm, Sound, Color 600ft., 17min.

Technology Utilization
16mm, Sound, Color, 949ft., 26.5

Test of a United Aircraft Corp. Inlet Model on Langley's Mach 6 11-Inch Ceramic-Heated Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 570ft., 15min.

Test of Aerodynamically Heated Multiweb Wing Structures in a Free Jet at Mach Number 2
16mm, Silent, Color, 110ft., 3min.

Test of All Metal High Temperature Landing Gear Wheel at Landing Loads Track
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 30ft., 1min.

Test of Full Scale X-15 Horizontal Stabilizer in 9-by-6-Foot Thermal Structures Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 195ft., 5.5min.

Test of Full-Scale X-15 Horizontal Stabilizer in 9- by 6-Foot Thermal Structures Tunnel (Run no. 58-54 and 58-55; Camera No. 8; Angle of Attack 0-Degrees and 5-Degrees);
16mm, Silent, Color

Test of Full-Scale X-15 Horizontal Stabilizer in 9- by 6-Foot Thermal Structures Tunnel (Run no. 58-55; Camera no. 2 S-22; Angle of Attack 5-Degrees)
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Test of Full-Scale X-15 Horizontal Stabilizer in 9x6' Thermal Structures (Run no. 58-54; Camera no. 1S-21; Angle of Attack--0).

Test of Full-Scale x-15 Horizontal Stabilizer in 9x6' Thermal Structures Tunnel (Run no. 58-54; Camera no. 2S-22; Angle of Attack--0).

Test of Full-Scale X-15 Lower Movable Vertical Stabilizer in 9-by 6-Foot Thermal Structures Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 340ft., 9.5min.

Test of Insulation Shield for Centaur in the 9- By 6-Foot Thermal Structures Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 70ft., 2min

Test of the Second Cambridge Research Center Sounding Rocket at Wallops Island, Va.
16mm, Silent, Color, 245ft., 6.5min.

Test of Vortex-Ring Parachute at Supersonic Speed in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 39min.

Test Run in Laboratory Scale Ceramic Heated Jet (Beryllium, Beryllium-Cooper, Titanium)
16mm, Silent, Color, 110ft., 3min.

Test Specimen Run in the Pilot Ceramic Heated Jet
16mm, Silent, Color, 140ft., 4min.

Testing of the DS-1 Structural Concept Model (Boeing Airplane Company-Seattle, 24 Washington)
16mm, Silent, Color, 9min.

Tests 1/10th Convair YF-102 (MX-1554)

Tests Army Chemical Chords 14"" Parachute in 7x10
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Tests of 1/5 Scale Model Fairchild M224 VTOL Research Airplane (Army Designation VZ5FA) in the NACA Langley 300-MPH 7X10 Foot Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 390ft., 11min.

Tests of a 1/40 Scale Model of the Douglas MX-656 Airplane in the Langley 20-Foot Spin Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 237ft.

Tests of a 1/40-Scale Model of the Douglas MX-656 Airplane in the Langley 20-Foot Spin Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Tests of a 1/4-Scale Model of the Republic Aircraft Corp., Escape Capsule in the Langley 20-Foot Free Spinning Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 600ft., 16min.

Tests of a 1/5-Scale Model of the Ryan X-12 Airplane on Langley Control Line Facility
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 415ft., 11.25min.

Tests of a Phenolic Nylon Panels Bounded to Metal (Conducted in Co-Operation with Douglas Aircraft Co., in Langley 11-Inch Ceramic Heated Tunnel)
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 1350ft., 37.5min.

Tests of a Rotoschute with NACA 0015 Blades at Constant Tunnel Airstream Velocities
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Tests of Aerodynamically Heated Multiweb Wing Structures in a Free Jet at Mach Number 2
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 395ft., 11min.

Tests of Aerodynamically Heated Multiweb Wing Structures in a Free Jet at Mach Number 2
16mm, Silent, Black & White 380ft, 10.5min.

Tests of Aerodynamically Heated Multiweb Wing Structures in a Free Jet at Mach Number 2. (Five Aluminum-Alloy Models of 20-Inch Chord with 0.064-Inch-Thick Skin, 0.025-Inch-Thick-Webs, and Various Chordwise Stiffening at 2-Degree Angle of Attack)
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 355ft., 10min.
An experimental study was made on five 2024-T3 aluminum-alloy multiweb wing structures (MW-2-(4), MW-4-(3), mw-16, MW-17, and MW-18), at a Mach number of 2 and an angle of attack of 2 deg under simulated supersonic flight conditions. These models, of 20-inch chord and semi-span and 5-percent-thick circular-arc airfoil section, were identical except for the type and amount of chordwise stiffening. One model with no chordwise ribs between root and tip bulkhead fluttered and failed dynamically partway through its test. Another model with no chordwise ribs (and a thinner tip bulkhead) experienced a static bending type of failure while undergoing flutter. The three remaining models with one, two, or three chordwise ribs survived their tests. The test results indicate that the chordwise shear rigidity imparted to the models by the addition of even one chordwise rib precludes flutter and subsequent failure under the imposed test conditions. This paper presents temperature and strain data obtained from the tests and discusses the behavior of the models.

Tests of an Annular-Jet Ground Cushion Device Over Water
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 310ft., 8.5min

Tests of Beryllium and Copper Hemispherical-Nose Models in Cooperation with Lockheed Aircraft Corp. and U. S. Navy
16mm, Color, Silent, 120ft., 3.5min.

Tests of Beryllium and Copper Hemispherical-Nose Models in Cooperation with Lockheed Aircraft Corp. and U.S. Navy
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 325ft., 9min.

Tests of Copper Hemispherical Models for Lockheed Aircraft Corp. in Cooperation with U.S. Navy Polaris Project
16mm, Silent, Black & Color

Tests of Dynamic Scale Model of Gemini Capsule in the Langley 20-Foot Free-Spinning Tunnel with and without Drogue Parachute
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White,

Tests of Falcon GAR-3 Sealing Sleeves in the 9- by 6-Foot Thermal Structures Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Color, 6330ft., 3hrs.

Tests of Fins for Tart Missile in the 27- by 27-Inch Nozzle Preflight Jet Test Facility; May 7 and 8, 1958
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Tests of Fins for ""Tart"" Missile in the 27- by 27-Inch Nozzle, Preliminary Jet Test Facility
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Tests of Graphite and Graphite Mixtures in 700-KW Arc Powered
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 335ft., 24min.

Tests of Ground-Effect Machines Over Water
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 300ft., 8.25min.

Tests of Hemispherical Beryllium Oxide and Beryllium Oxide-Beryllium Models in the Pilot Model Ceramic Heated Air Jet in Cooperation with U.S. Navy Polaris Project
16mm, Silent, Color, 410ft., 5min.

Tests of Hemispherical Beryllium Oxide Model in Pilot Model Ceramic Heated Jet in Cooperation with U.S. Navy Polaris Project
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Tests of Hemispherical Models for Douglas Aircraft Company (Tests Conducted in Pilot Model Ceramic Heated Air Jet)
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 600ft, 17min.

Tests of Materials for Polaris Project in Cooperation with U.S. Navy (Performed in LAL Laboratory-Scale Ceramic Heated Air Jet Facility)
16mm, Silent, Color

Tests of Materials in Langley Pilot Model Ceramic Heated Air Jet for U.S. Navy Special Projects
16mm, Silent, Color, 230ft., 6.5min.

Tests of Nose and Probe Models of Various Materials in Pilot Model Ceramic Heated Air Jet for Nike-Zeus Project in Cooperation with U.S. Army Picatinny Arsenal
16mm, Silent, Color, 750ft., 21min.

Tests of Nose Models for U.S. Army Nike Zeus Program in Cooperation with Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Tests of Nose Models of Various Materials in Laboratory-Scale Ceramic Heated Air Jet in Cooperation with Boeing Airplane Company
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1615ft., 44min.

Tests of Nose Models of Various Materials in Laboratory-Scale Ceramic Heated Air Jet in Cooperation with Boeing Airplane Company
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 900ft., 25min.

Tests of Preliminary Hysail Model in the 4- by 4-Foot Supersonic Pressure Tunnel; Nozzle set for M=20 (Actual Mach No. 1.86; Stagnation Pressure 1.0 to 1.5; 48 Frames Per Second);
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Tests of Reentry and Other Type Vehicles in the Langley Vertical Spin Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 190ft., 5.5min.

Tests of Several Types of Landing Skid Materials Made at NASA Landing Loads Track.
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 320ft., 9min.

Tests of the Aeronautics CVWS Missile in the Langley 16-Foot Transonic Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White,

Tests of Vortex-Ring parachute at Supersonic Speed in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 306ft., 8.5min.

The Ablation of Pyrolytic-Coated Graphite in the 700-kw Arc-Powered Jet.
16mm, Silent, Black & White 445ft., 12min

The Air We Breathe
16mm, Silent, Black & White

The Arc Image Furnace
16mm, Silent, Color, 255ft., 7min.

The Behavior of Bell Aircraft Corporation Hypersonic Leading Edges in Arc-Powered Facilities of the NASA Structures Laboratory
16mm, Silent, Color, 4116ft., 114min.

The Behavior of Spinning Membranes Under Gyroscopic Loading in Moderate Vacuum
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 55ft., 1.28min.

The DC-10 Graphite Epoxy Rudder
16mm, Sound, Color, 16min.

The Effect of Various Bow Modifications on the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a 1/13.33-Scale Dynamic Model of the Martin P6M-2 Seaplane
16mm, Silent, Black & White

The Effect of Various Bow Modifications on the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a 1/13.33-Scale Dynamic Model of the Martin P6M-2 Seaplane
16mm, Silent, Color, 950ft., 26min.

The Flying Seat; Bell Rocket Belt & Seat
16mm, Silent, Color 12min.

The Foot-Controlled Maneuvering Unit
16mm, Sound, Color, 580ft.

The Highest Honor (HQ-81)
16mm, Sound, Color, 624ft., 17.5min

The Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Submerged Lifting Surface Having a Shape Suitable for Hydro-Ski Application
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 185ft., 5min.

The Inside of Arc Welding-Overhead Position
16mm, Sound, Color

The Lockheed YF-12
16mm, Silent, Color

The Lunar Orbiter: A Spacecraft to Advance Lunar Exploration
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 300ft., 8min.

The NACA Combined Load Testing Machine
16mm, Silent, Color, 250ft., 7min.

The Ranger Program. Simi-Annual Report Number 15
16mm, Sound, Color, 476min., 13min.

The Scout
16mm, Silent, Color

The Scout
16mm, Sound, Color

The Second Flight Test of the Parachute Recovery System of the Temco Corvus Missile at Wallops Island, Va
16mm, Silent, Color, 225ft., 7min.

The Study of Man's Capability for Self Locomotion on the Moon
16mm, Sound, Color, 18min.

The Supersonic Transport in the Air Traffic Control System
16mm, Sound, Color, 662ft., 18min.

The XF-88B Propeller-Flight Research Program (Flight Tests on Supersonic Propellers)
16mm, Silent, Color, 140ft., 4min.

Thermo-Lag Ablation Tests
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 1130ft., 31min.

Thiokol Solid-Fuel Ram-Jet Tests in Preflight Jet
16mm, Silent, Color

Third Parachute Recovery Test of a Full-Scale Model of the Temco Corvus Missile at Wallops Island, VA;
16mm, Silent, Color, 235ft., 5.6min.

This Is NASA Speech Film 1967 (Axel Matson Col. Pos. Snd. 731')
16mm, Sound, Black & White/Color, 20min

Thor Oscillations Due To Ground Winds
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 140ft., 4min.

Three and a Quarter Inch Test Rockets Fired for Melpar, Inc.
16mm, Silent, Color, 90ft., 2.5min.

Title of Aerodynamically Heated Multiweb Wing Structures in a Free Jet at Mach Number 2
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 380ft., 10.5min

16mm, Color

Tow Model
Depicts flights in the full-scale tunnel of a 5ft. span model of the Bristol target glider.

Tow Tests of a 1/3.8-Scale Model of a Paraglider Air Cargo Delivery System in the Langley Full Scale Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Color, 150ft., 4min.

Toward Aircraft of the Future (1974 Inspection Film)
16mm, Sound, Color, 760ft., 21min.

Towing In Full Scale Tunnel Square Planform Paraglider 2nd) Tow Point Too High 3rd) Tow Point Too Low
Wind tunnel tests

Tracking Films of Two Hugo Nike Cajun Hurricane Photographic Rockets Fired December 5, 1958 from PARS, Wallops Island, VA
16mm, Silent, Color, 580ft., 16min.

Transition Between Ramp and Water of a 1/10-Scale Model of the F-86 Airplane Equipped with Hydro-Skis-- Part I
16mm, Silent, Color, 145ft., 4min.

Transition Flight Tests of a Low Wing Transport Vertical Take-Off with Tilting Wing and Propellers
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Transition Flight Tests of a Vertically Rising Model Similar to Lockheed XFV-1

Transition-Flight Investigation of a Four-Engine Transport Vertical Take-Off Airplane Model Utilizing a Large Flap and Extensible Vanes for Redirecting the Propeller Slipstream.
16mm, Silent, Color, 165ft. 4min.

Transonic Aeroplasticity Investigation of Models of the Dyna-Soar Booster (Titan 11) Fins in the Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 240ft., 11.5min.

Transonic Flutter Investigation of Dynamically and Elastically Scaled Model of the Grumman F11F-1 Airplane Wing with Simulated 150-Gallon Fuel Tanks Attached by Means of Flexible Pylons
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Transonic Flutter Tests of Cantilevered Mounted Models of the Bell D188A Airplane Wing in the Langley Transonic Blowdown
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 110ft., 3min.

Transonic Flutter Tests of Cantilevered Mounted Models of the F-104A T-Tail in the Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 210ft., 6min.

Transonic Flutter Tests of F-103 Vertical Tail Models in Langley 26-Inch Transonic Blowdown Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 224ft., 6min.

Transonic Flutter Tests of Model of the Y-P6M T-Tail in Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Transonic Flutter Tests of Models of McDonnell F-101A Wing in Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 820ft., 23min.

Transonic Flutter Tests of Models of Republic F-105B Wing with External Stores in the Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Transonic Flutter Tests of Models of the Martin-Bell Dyna Soar Vehicle in the Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 110ft., 3min.

Transonic Flutter Tests of the F-105B Vertical Tail Model in the Langley 26-Inch Transonic Blowdown Tunnel (Model with Two Dampers Installed)
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 100ft., 4min.

Transonic Flutter Tests of Y-P6M T-Tail in the Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Tuft Grid Mounted Behind 60-Degree Delta Wing Model
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 80ft., 2min.

Tuft Grid Survey Behind a 6-Inch diameter Cylinder Made in the Langley Stability Tunnel (Tufts 1 Inch Apart and 3 Inches in Length)
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 440ft., 12min.

Tuft Studies Advent-Agena-Atlas Combination
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 194ft., 5.5min.

Tuft Studies G-17
Tuft tests were made in the pressure, low-turbulence tunnel on the G-17 transition section with entrance lips #19 with RN of 2.4x10 [6th power], lift coefficients ranging from 0.03 to 1.23, Vn/Vo ranging from approximately 0.57 to approximately 0.76 and angle of attack continuously increasing from lift coefficient of 0.03 to stall.

Tuft Studies of B-36 Part 2
Presents tuft studies depicting air flow around a drooped nose wing-nacelle model of the B-36 airplane. Tests cover on airplane lift coefficient range from 0.275 to1.025 at an RN of 2.5x10 [6th Power].

Tuft Studies of Lockheed Wing # 3
Depicts tuft studies made on the Lockheed Wing # 3 in the 19-foot Pressure Tunnel. The tests were made at a density of approximately 70 pounds per square foot; flap deflections of 0%, 25%, 50%, 80%, and 100%; and an angle of attack range from 6-degrees to 20-degrees.

Tuft Studies of Navy Wing # 1
Depicts tests to determine stalling characteristics of NACA 230 series Navy tapered wing no. 1 in the 19-foot pressure tunnel. The tests were run at an RN of 4.66x10 [6th power] and with and without wing flaps. The Range of angles of attack of the wing without flaps was 11.1-degrees to 21.8-degress; for the wing with 53% span split flaps deflected at 60-degrees to the range of angles of attack was 9.6-degrees to 20.6-degrees; and for the wing with 90% span split flaps deflected 60-degrees the range of angles of attack was from 10-degrees to 20.2-degrees.

Tuft Studies of Navy Wing # 4
Depicts tests to determine stalling characteristics of NACA 230 series Navy tapered wing no. 4 in the 19-foot pressure tunnel. Tests were run at a RN of 4.8x10 [6th power] and with and without split wing flaps. The range of angles of attack of the wing with a 53% span split flap deflected 60-degrees was from 7.4-degrees to 19.7-degrees; and for the wing without flaps of the angle of attack range was 9-degrees to 20.4-degrees; and for the wing with 90% span split flaps deflected 60-degrees the range of angles of attack was 10-degrees to 19.7degrees.

Tuft Studies of P-67
Tuft Studies were made of the full-scale McDonnell P-67 outboard engine nacelles without power. The tests were run at 150 and 200 MPH indicated airspeed and angles of attack of 0-Degrees, 5-Degrees, and 9.5-Degrees with the inboard cooling flap positions at fully closed, high speed and fully open.

Tuft Studies of XB-36
Presents tuft studies depicting air flow around the inboard nacelle with air inlets at leading edge of the wing of the B-36 airplane. Tests cover a lift coefficient range of 0.153 to 1.075 at the RN of 2.5x10 [6th Power]

Tuft Studies of XF4U-1
Tuft studies were made on the wing of a 1/2.75 scale model of the F4U-1 airplane in the 19-foot pressure tunnel. Tests were run with no propeller, propeller idling, and propeller operating; slotted flaps deflected 50-degrees; ailerons drooped 10-degreees; V/nD=1.10, 0.75, and 0.45; q=13, 16, and 8 pounds per square foot, blade angles 17.5-degrees and 10-degrees; and angles of attack from 0-degrees to 22-degrees continuous.

Tufts Studies and Canopy Ditching Tests X-181 TST
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Tuft studies and canopy ditching investigations were made in the full-scale tunnel on the Grumman XF8F airplane. For the tuft studies, the airplane was in the service condition with the propeller removed. The tunnel airspeed was 63 MPH, flap deflections was 40-degrees, and the angle of attack range was 0-degrees to 27-degrees. The canopy ditching investigation was conducted to determine the action of the canopy when ditched by emergency release. Tests were made at airspeeds of 0, 63, and 100 MPH; and angle of attack 5-degrees. The force required to release the canopy decreased as air velocity increased.

Turbine Blade Fabrication Using a Lost Wax Coring Technique
16mm, Sound, Color, 185ft., 6min.

Typhon Induction System
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 885ft., 24.5min.

Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel Tests of Cook Technological Center Parachutes in the Wake of a Conical-Nosed Cylindrical Body Having a Base Diameter of 2.375-Inches (6 Parts)
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 4234ft., 1hour 59min.

Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel Tests of Cook Technological Center Parachutes in the Wake of a Conical-Nosed Cylindrical Body Having a Base Diameter of 2.375-Inches (6 Parts);
16mm, Silent, Black & White, Par 1 24.5 minutes 880 feet; Part 2 24 minutes 862 feet; Part 3 15 minutes 540 feet Part 4 16.5 minutes 603 feet Total 4234', 1hr. 59min.

Unitary Wind Tunnel Tests of 30-Degree Conical Ribbon Parachute and a Rotofoil Parachute Towed in the Wake of a Conical Nosed Cylindrical Body
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 880ft., 24.5min.

United States Space Explorations 1958
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 690ft., 19min.

Unknown Film Sections
16mm, Sound, Color

Unsteady Inlet Flows
16mm, Silent, Black & White

V.D.T. Stall Control Wing

V/STOL Aircraft- Campbell Presentation, April 1970
16mm, Silent, Color, 587ft., 16.3min.

V/STOL Aircraft
16mm, Silent, Color, 1315ft., 36.5min.

V/STOL Aircraft Research Film Supplement for NASA Committee on Aircraft Aerodynamics, June 1960
16mm, Silent, Color, 650ft., 18min.

Vacuum Sphere Tests of Allegheny Ballistics Laboratory X-248 Rocket Motor in Support of Thor-Able and Atlas-Able Test Programs

Variable Sweep Wing Flutter Investigation in Langley Transonic Blowdown Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 400ft., 11.6min.

Ventilated Flows with Hydrofoils
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 115ft., 3min.

Vertical Descent and Landing Tests of a 0.13-Scale Model of the Convair XFY-1 Vertically Rising Airplane in Still Air
16mm, Silent, Color

Vibration Analysis Using Holographic Interferometry
16mm, sound, Color 340ft., 9.5min

Vibration and Flutter
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Vibration and Flutter
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Vibration Studies of a 1/5-Scale Model of the Saturn Launch Vehicle
16mm, Sound, Color, 340ft., 9.5min.

Vibration Tests of a Hydro-Ski-- P-40K Flight (Extra).

Viking Sampler Arms
16mm, Silent, Color

Vortex System Details For 1-G And 5-G Flights At Varying Angels Of Attack
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 9min

Vosper Model Demonstration (Part I)
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Rough-water investigations were made, in Langley Tank #1, of the Vosper design P.TESTS. boat model. Tests were made without spray strips, in irregular waves of average height 5 in. and average length 17 ft.; and with spray strips in waves of average height 3.5 in. and average length 24 ft.; at velocities of 15, 23, and 30 ft./sec.

VTOL Research Aircraft
16mm, Silent, Color, 450ft. 12.5min

VZ-2 Tilt Wing V/STOL Aircraft at Langley Research Center
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 440ft., 12.5min.

VZ-2 Wind-Tunnel Tests. Wing Tuft Flow Studies
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 3150ft., 1hr. 29min.

W 2F-A 2F Nose Wheel Shimmy Tests at the NASA Landing Loads Track
16mm, Silent, Color, 1135ft., 31.5min.

W.P. Manned Parawing Tests at Fort Bragg
16mm, Color

WADC Pressure Suit Component Tests in Wallops Island Pre-Flight Jet
Originally Recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 40ft., 1min.

Wake Surveys Tuft Grid Technique

Water Channel Study
Depicts flow visualization in variable density open throat tunnel by means of the 8x8 water channel. Show control of flow pulsation by the use of slots in the exit cone, use of a false wall in the entrance cone, and use of the proposed exit cone of the vertical tunnel as designed by the atmospheric tunnel staff.

Water Film Cooling of 80-Degree Cone
16mm, Silent, Color

Water Immersion Techniques for Simulation of Mobility of an Astronaut in a Pressurized Suit under Conditions of Weightlessness
16mm, Silent, Black and White, 380ft., 10.5min.

Water Landing Characteristics of a 1/6-Scale model Reentry Capsule with an 80-Inch Heat Shield
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 150ft., 4min.

Water Landing Characteristics of a Reentry Capsule
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Color, 110ft., 3min.

Water Landing Characteristics of Winged Missile
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 220ft., 6min.

Water Pressures and Accelerations During Landing of a Dynamic Model of the Apollo Spacecraft with a Deployed Heat Shield Impact Attenuation System
16mm., Silent, Color 155ft., 4.25min.

Whirling Membrane Solar Concentrator, Ten Foot Diameter
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 95ft., 2.5min.

Wind Tunnel Free Fight Investigation of a Model of a Spin Resistant Fighter Configuration
16mm, Silent, Color, 9.5min.

Wind Tunnel Investigation at Low Speeds of Flight Characteristics of a Sweptback-Wing Jet Transport Airplane Model Equipped with an External Flow Jet Augmented Slotted Flap
16mm, Silent, Color, 250ft., 7Min.

Wind Tunnel Investigation of a Balloon as Decelerator at Mach Numbers from 1.47 to 2.50
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 190ft., 5.16min.

Wind Tunnel Investigation of a Simulated Helicopter Engine Exhaust Interacting With Windstream
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 25min.

Wind Tunnel Investigation of Low-Subsonic Flight Characteristics of a Model of a Canard Airplane Designed for Supersonic Cruise
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Wind Tunnel Investigation of Paraglider Models at Supersonic Speeds
Originally recorded in 16mm, Silent, Black & White, 177ft., 4min.

Wind Tunnel Investigation of Rotor Behavior Under Extreme Operating Conditions with a Description of Blade Oscillations Attributed to Pitch-Leg Coupling
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 155ft., 4.5min.
A wind-tunnel investigation was made to study the behavior of a model helicopter rotor under extreme operating conditions. A 1/8-scale model of the front rotor of a tandem helicopter was built and tested to obtaining blade motion and rotor aerodynamic characteristics for conditions that could be encountered in high-speed pullout maneuvers. The data are presented without analysis. A description is given in an appendix of blade oscillations that were experienced during the course of the investigation and of the part that blade pitch-lag coupling played in contributing to the oscillatory condition.

Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Aerodynamic and Structural Deflection Characteristics of an Inflatable Airplane.
16mm, Silent, Color, 1200ft., 33.5min.

Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Flight Characteristics of a Model of an Aspect Ration-6 Conical Parawing Utility Vehicle
16mm, Silent, Color, 250ft., 7min.

Wind Tunnel Tests of Opening Characteristics of Various Baseball-Type Hemispherical Parachute Demonstration
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Opening characteristics tests of various Baseball type hemispherical parachutes were made in the 7x10-foot tunnel. Types D-385, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, and 394 of diameters 12 in. and 30 in. were opened in the tunnel at airspeed of 200 MPH. Type D-358 opened to a pear shape and retained this shape as airspeed was reduced to zero. Type D-389 opened only partially and the canopy started tearing. Type D-391 did not open and the canopy started tearing. These three parachutes had floating hemlines, but the rest had tacked hemlines. Type D-392 opened completely except that loops were slightly extended. Types 3-393 and D-390 did not open and the canopies started tearing, but as the airspeed was lowered, the parachutes tended to open a little. Type D-394 was opened to a slight pear shape and as the airspeed decreased, the parachute opened a little more. Results of the tests indicate that good openings require: long shroud lines, tacked hemlines, and low-porosity lower panel. The porosities of the lower panels varied from 96-318.

Wind-Load Test on Sarah Antenna in Preflight Jet
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 354ft, 15min.

Wind-Tunnel Studies of Several Pressure Probes on a TND-8104 Nose Section
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 1878ft., 52min.

Wing 2, Northrop Hawk Missile (Load Condition 6; 10 Seconds After Launch; Elevated Temperature Test)
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Wing 7, Northrop Hawk Missile (Load Condition 4; Room Temperature)
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Wing 7, Northrop Hawk Missile (Load Condition 4; Room Temperature, Reinforced Room)
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Wing 7, Northrop Hawk Missile (Load Condition 6; Room Temperature)
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Wing 8, Northrop Hawk Missile (Condition 4, Room Temperature)
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Wing 8, Northrop Hawk Missile (Condition 6; Room Temperature)
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Wing Buckling Sequences on the Goodyear Inflatoplane in the Langley Full-Scale Tunnel. First Series Tests
16mm, Silent, Color, 230ft., 6.5min.

Wing Buckling Sequences on the Goodyear Inflatoplane in the Langley Full-Scale Tunnel--Second Series Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 170ft., 5min.

Wing Buckling Sequences on the Goodyear Inflatoplane in the Langley Full-Scale Wind Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 290ft., 8min.

Wing Root Inlet Configuration
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Work Print, San Marco
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Wright Lecture Film #1
Presents tests made in the Gust and Free-Flight Tunnels at LAL showing some modern methods of research in the problems of flight.

Wright Lecture Film #2 (High Speed Air Flow for Airfoils)
Presents Schlieren photographs of high speed air flow over airfoils at various angles of attack in the rectangular high-speed tunnel. Tests covered Mach numbers ranging from 0.30 to 0.80 at angles of attack ranging from 3-Degrees to 6-Degrees.

WS-107A Panel Flutter, Stage I Between Tanks Area-- Conducted in NACA Langley 9- by 18-Inch Supersonic Blowdown Flutter Tunnel During Period January 7- March 15, 1958
16mm, Silent, Black & White

WS-107A-2 Model in the 16-Foot Transonic Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Color, 325ft., 9min.

WS-107A-2 Model in the 16-Foot Transonic Tunnel
16mm, Silent, Color, 185ft., 5min.

X-15 Drop Test From B-5 .049 Scale Preliminary
16mm, Silent, Black & White

X-15 Drop Test from B-52 .049-Scale Preliminary;
16mm, Silent, Black & White

X-15 Gear Shimmy Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 335ft., 9.25min.

X-15 Jet Exhaust Study
16mm, Silent, Black & White

X-15 Nose Gear Shimmy Tests
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 465ft., 13min.

X259 Destruct Test/ X259 Gas Burst Test
16mm, Silent, Black & White

XB-136-OB Nacelle Model 19
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Stall studies were made by means of tufts in the pressure, low-turbulence tunnel on a 1/4 scale model of the outboard nacelle of the B-36 airplane at RN of 1.68x10 [6th power] over a lift coefficient range from 0.49 to 0.043. Rear and front top views and rear and front bottom views are shown for angle of attack continuously increasing from lift coefficient of 0.409 to stall.

XB-2 Spin
Spin and recovery tests were made in the free-spinning tunnel at the Lockheed B-2 airplane.

XB-36 Air Foil Stall Progressions
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Stall Progression tests were made in the 19 ft. pressure tunnel on tow wings incorporating NACA 651-210 airfoil sections, one having 0-degrees and the other 2-degrees washout. tests were run with and without a representative fuselage, and simulated contour aileron and beveled-edge aileron, in order to determine the effects of these modifications on the characteristics of the wings. The stall progressions for various configurations are presented for a Reynolds No. and a Mach no. of 4,400,000 and 0.17, respectively; with flaps neutral, partial-span flaps deflected 60-degrees, and full-span flaps deflected 60-degrees; over an angle of attack range from 5.1-degrees to 16.9-degrees and a lift coefficient range from 0.81 to 1.87. The wings had a taper ratio of 2.5 and aspect ratio of 9.

XB-36 Partial Span Model 19' P.T.
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Stall studies were made in the 19 ft. pressure tunnel as part of an investigation of the 4/29-scale partial-span model of the Consolidated-Vultee XB-36 airplane wing. The tests were conducted at a Reynolds No. of approximately 8,9000,000; a Mach number of approximately 0.18; single-slotted flap deflections of 0-degrees, 20-degrees, 30-degrees, 40-degrees, and 50-degrees; with midchord slots open and closed; over an angle of attack range from -2.4-degrees to 19.7-degrees; and a lift coefficient range from 0.42 to 2.22.

XB-36 Stall Studies
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Stall Studies were made, by means of tufts, as part of the investigation of the 4/29-scale partial-span model of the consolidated XB-36 airplane wing in the 19 ft. pressure tunnel. Motion pictures were made of the stalling characteristics of the wing with spoiler-guide aileron lateral control system. The tests were conducted at a Reynolds Number of approximately 8,900,000; a Mach number of approximately 0.18; with flaps neutral and deflected 20-degrees and 50-degrees; with vents closed and 2% vent open; over an angle of attack range from 0.2-degrees to 21.4-degrees; and a lift coefficient range from 0.17 to 2.36.

XB-36 Tufts LTT Part 1

XB-42 Tuft Studies
16mm, Silent, Black & White

XF-104 Progress Report
16mm, Sound, Color, 500ft., 14min.

XF-12 Model 19' P.T.
16mm, Silent, Black & White

XF4F-3 Smoke flow F.S.T.
16mm, Silent, Black & White

XF5V-1 Tuft Studies
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Tuft studies were made by means of tufts on the 1/3-scale model of the Chance Vought XF5U-1 airplane in the full-scale tunnel. Tests were made at a tunnel airspeed of 87 MPH; over an angle of attack range from 23.2-degree to 41.2-degrees; a lift coefficient range from 0.81 to 1.12; with all surfaces neutral and propellers removed. The complete model configuration was tested with canopy open and closed and with engine nacelle and canopy fillets and with long spinners. The model with the engine nacelles only with the long spinners was also tested. The CL [max] was approximately the same with the canopy open and closed and the engine nacelle and canopy fillets had little effect on it. There was in increase, however in the CL [max] due to the long spinners.

XFG-1 Tow Tests Mod #61 FFT.
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Tow tests were made to determine stability of a 1/17.8 scale model of the XFG-1 glider in the free-flight tunnel at the request of the Army Air Force Air Technical Service Command, Wright Field. The model was ballasted to simulate a gross weight of 5100 lb. at 15,00 ft. with the C.G. at 15% MAC. Trifurcated tow arrangement used with a four span towline. Through speed range with spoilers off model appears fairly stable at times, unstable at others; with spoilers on it is very steady laterally but a gradually worsening pitching oscillation becomes apparent at higher speeds. At a velocity of 68 MPH, with spoilers retracted, lateral stability unsatisfactory; but with spoilers deflected, lateral and longitudinal stability are satisfactory. The speed range is from 40 to 95 MPH and the flight path is 5-degree climb.

XJL-1 Model 208 Rough Water
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Rough water landing tests were made in Tank #1 on a 1/15.5-scale model of the Columbia XJL-1 amphibian, NACA model 208M, at full-scale gross weight of 13,000 lb.; with C.G. at 28% MAC; flaps deflection 45-degrees; and at 1/2 power and landing deceleration of 3 ft./sec [2nd power]. Landings were made in waves from 2 to 6.5 ft. high and from 110 to 220 ft. long; at trim angles ranging from 6-degrees to 16.1-degrees; with maximum vertical acceleration ranging from 6-15.5 g and maximum angular acceleration ranging from 13-29 radians/sec [2nd power]. Failure of the horizontal tail occurred during the landing at 10.8-degrees trim and the propeller was damaged in the landing at 12-degrees trim. The model is shown in waves 8 ft. high and 150 ft. long at zero forward velocity.

XP4M-1 Tank No.2, Part 1
16mm, Silent, Black & White

XP4M-1 Tank No. 2, Part 1
16mm, Silent, Black & White

XP4M-1 Tank No. 2, Part 1
16mm, Silent, Black & White

XP4M-1 Tank No. 2, Part 1
16mm, Silent, Black & White

XP4M-1 Tank No. 2, Part 1
16mm, Silent, Black & White

XP-51 Stall Studies
16mm, Silent, Color
Dive tests of XP-51 in flight were made for the purpose of obtaining fundamental data on the aerodynamic loads at high speed. The pictures show the location of the compression shock on the upper surface of the wing, the turbulent behavior of the flow behind the shock and resulting vibration of the airplane at the higher values of Mach number. These phenomena are correlated with pressure distribution and drag measurements made during the tests. Dives were made to mach numbers of 0.73, 0.78, and 0.80 with acceleration in the pull-out at 5.0g, 5.1g, and 5.3g, respectively. The vibration, resulting from the turbulent wing wake striking the tail at the highest Mach number and acceleration, was severe. No faster dives were attempted for the reason. The pressure diagrams for the upper surface of the wing show the location of minimum pressure & of the shock at 3 stages of the dive and pull-out. Instruments shown in the picture include altimeter, Mach number meter, and dive-angle indicator. Wing tufts disclosed change in flow conditions behind the shock. The total drag of the airplane as well as the profile drag on one section of the wing was measured in the dives.

XS-1 Airplane

XS-1 Nsg
16mm, Silent, Black & White

XS-1 Transonic Research Airplane
16mm, Sound

XTB2D-119' P.T. Tufts
16mm, Silent, Black & White

Yawed Landing Tests Y2-2

YF-100A Model Tests in the 16-Foot Transonic Tunnel. Flow on the Surface of the Wing. Ink-Flow Visualization Method. (Slats Closed and Slats Open)
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 185ft., 5min.

YF-12 Cold Wall Slow Off
16mm, Silent, Color

YF-12 Coldwall
16mm, Silent, Color

YP-80 A Flutter
16mm, Silent, Black & White
Transonic flutter tests were made in the 16 ft. high-speed tunnel at the Ames Aeronautical Laboratory on a partial-span wing of the Lockheed YP-80A in an attempt to eliminate the flutter. Shadowgraphs were taken at approximately 0.81 Mach number and zero lift in order to visualize the shock waves. In each case the aileron was restrained until the desired Mach number was attained and after a short flutter the aileron was again restrained. Aileron flutter with control cables loose was shown. Shadowgraphs for the standard wing and aileron showed that when the aileron fluttered the shock waves followed its motion with approximately 45-degrees lag. The flutter is believed to be the result of coupling between the aileron and shock motion through the change in separation associated with shock. Various modifications to the wing and aileron, as: spoilers on upper and lower surfaces at 50%-chord; bulges on upper and lower surfaces at 50% and 70%-chord; addition to the upper surface so as to taper the wing thickness from 15% of the chord at the tunnel wall to 13% at the tip; holes in the upper only, and in upper and lower wing surface 3 in. forward of aileron hinge; change in aileron contour so as to have flat sides with an included angle of 12-degrees; were all tested. None of the aerodynamic means which have been tried to date were successful in preventing the flutter. A small amount of damping prevented flutter at the highest Mach number attained in the wind tunnel, 0.825.

Zero G: No. 6 Phase 1
16mm, Silent, Black & White, 2.5min.

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