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Annual Election of AAAS Officers

Ballots for the 2008 election of the AAAS president-elect, members of the Board of Directors and Committee on Nominations, and section officers will be mailed in October. If you do not receive a ballot by mid November, please contact José Arias in the AAAS Executive Office or by fax at 202-371-9526.

AAAS members have the opportunity to suggest nominees (including themselves) for president-elect and the Board of Directors for next year's election. See a list of this year's candidates below or see "AAAS News and Notes" in the 26 September issue of Science. Please send nominee's curriculum vitae no later than 26 October to:

José Arias

AAAS Executive Office

1200 New York Avenue, NW

Washington, DC  20005

AAAS Annual Election: Preliminary Announcement

The 2008 AAAS election of general and section officers will be held in November. All members will receive a ballot for election of the president-elect, members of the Board of Directors, and members of the Committee on Nominations. Members registered in more than one section will receive ballots for elections for each section they are enrolled in.

Candidates for all offices are listed below. Additional names may be placed in nomination for any office by petition submitted to the Chief Executive Officer no later than 26 October. Petitions nominating candidates for president-elect, members of the Board, or members of the Committee on Nominations must bear the signatures of at least 100 members of the Association. Petitions nominating candidates for any section office must bear the signatures of at least 50 members of the section. A petition to place an additional name in nomination for any office must be accompanied by the nominee's curriculum vitae and statement of acceptance of nomination.

Biographical information for the following candidates will be enclosed with the ballots mailed to members in October.

Slate of Candidates
General Election

President: Alice Huang, California Institute of Technology; Harold Mooney, Stanford Univ.

Board of Directors: Jerry Melillo, Marine Biological Laboratory; Julia Phillips, Sandia National Laboratories; David Sabatini, NYU Medical Center; Maria Elena Zavala, California State University, Northridge

Committee on Nominations: Steven Chu, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Jack Dixon, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Jonathan Dordick, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Steven Fienberg, Carnegie Mellon University; Paul Friedman, UCSD Medical Center; M.R.C. Greenwood, UC-Davis; Susan Hackwood, California Council on Science & Technology; Sallie Keller-McNulty, Rice University

Section Elections
Agriculture, Food, and Renewable Resources

Chair Elect: Harry Klee, Univ. of Florida; Brian Larkins, Univ. of Arizona

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Barbara Valent, Kansas State Univ.; Jeff Volenec, Purdue Univ.

Electorate Nominating Committee: Charles Brummer, Univ. of Georgia; Candace Haigler, North Carolina State Univ.; Ann Hirsch, UCLA; Mark Sorrells, Cornell Univ.

Council Delegate: Daniel Cosgrove, Pennsylvania State Univ.; Stanley Roux, Univ. of Texas, Austin


Chair Elect: Clark Larsen, Ohio State Univ.; Christopher Ruff, Johns Hopkins Univ.

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Carol Ward, Univ. of Missouri; Sarah Williams-Blangero, Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research

Electorate Nominating Committee: Daniel Brown, Univ. of Hawaii; Dolores Piperno, Smithsonian Institute; Dawnie Wolfe Steadman, Binghamton Univ.; Anne C. Stone, Arizona State Univ.


Chair Elect: Alan P. Boss, Carnegie Institution of Washington; Mario Livio, Space Telescope Science Institute

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Jack O. Burns, Univ. of Colorado; Donald Campbell, National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center

Electorate Nominating Committee: Giovanni G. Fazio, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; Arlo U. Landolt, Louisiana Univ.; James E. Neff, College of Charleston; Michael Werner, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences

Chair Elect: Alan Robock, Rutgers Univ.; Donald Wuebbles, Univ. of Illinois

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Leo Donner, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory; Kevin E. Trenberth, National Center for Atmospheric Research

Electorate Nominating Committee: Jim Coakley, Oregon State Univ.; Qiang Fu, Univ. of Washington; Margaret (Peggy) Lemone, National Center for Atmospheric Research; Mark H. Thiemens, UCSD

Biological Sciences

Chair Elect: Trudy Mackay, North Carolina State Univ.; James R. Spotila, Univ. of Arkansas

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Nipam H. Patel, UC-Berkeley; Margaret Werner-Washburne, Univ. of New Mexico

Electorate Nominating Committee: Chris T. Amemiya, BRI, Virginia Mason Medical Ctr.; Joan W. Bennett, Rutgers Univ.; Judith Berman, Univ. of Minnesota; Eric Ursell Selker, Univ. of Oregon


Chair Elect: Charles Casey, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; Dale Poulter, Univ. of Utah

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Peter Wipf, Univ. of Pittsburgh; Ronald Woodard, Univ. of Michigan College of Pharmacy

Electorate Nominating Committee: Jonathan Ellman, UC-Berkeley; Charles Craik, UC-San Francisco; Brian Stoltz, California Institute of Technology; Amos B. Smith, III, Univ. of Pennsylvania

Dentistry and Oral Health Sciences

Chair Elect: Francis Macrina, Virginia Commonwealth Univ.; Margarita Zeichner-David, Univ. of Southern California

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Richard Lamont, Univ. of Florida; Ira B. Lamster, Columbia Univ. College of Dental Medicine

Electorate Nominating Committee: Peter Ma, Univ. of Michigan School of Dentistry; Laurie McCauley, Univ. of Michigan School of Dentistry; Frank Scannapieco, School of Dental Medicine Univ. at Buffalo; Robert G. Quivey, Jr. , Univ. of Rochester


Chair Elect: Joe Krajcik, Univ. of Michigan; Mary Nakkhleh, Perdue Univ.

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Angelo Collins, Knowles Science Teaching Foundation; Jay B. Labov, National Academy of Science

Electorate Nominating Committee: Mary Atwater, Univ. of Georgia; Linda Froschauer, Weston Public Schools; Jon D. Miller, Michigan State Univ.; Suzanne O'Connell, Wesleyan Univ.


Chair Elect: H. Vincent Poor, Princeton Univ.; Duncan T. Moore, The Institute of Optics

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Christine Maziar, Univ. of Notre Dame; Jerome Schultz, UC-Riverside

Electorate Nominating Committee: Rena Bizios, Univ. of Texas, San Antonio; Kathy Ferrara, UC-Davis; Kristen Fichthorn, Univ. of Pennsylvania; Pradeep Khosla, Carnegie Mellon Univ.

Council Delegate: Jose Cruz, Ohio State Univ.; Gail H. Marcus, Consultant; James L. Merz, Univ. of Notre Dame; C.D. (Dan) Mote, Jr., Univ. of Maryland

General Interest in Science and Engineering

Chair Elect: Charles Lytle, North Carolina State Univ.; Kathryn D. Sullivan, Ohio State Univ.

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Sharon M. Friedman, Lehigh Univ.; Alexander Polonsky, Marine Hydrophysical Institute

Electorate Nominating Committee: Suzanne Gage Brainard, Univ. of Washington; Robert Griffin, Marquette Univ.; Marilee Long, Colorado State Univ.; Gloria J. Takahashi, La Habra High School

Geology and Geography

Chair Elect: Malcolm Hughes, Univ. of Arizona; Stephen Jackson, Univ. of Wyoming

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Sally P. Horn, Univ. of Tennessee; Jean Lynch-Stieglitz, Georgia Institute of Technology

Electorate Nominating Committee: Elizabeth Canuel, College of William & Mary; Eugene Domack, Hamilton College; Timothy Fisher, Univ. of Toledo; David Stahle, Univ. of Arkansas

History and Philosophy of Science

Chair Elect: Richard Creath, Arizona State Univ.; Jeffery L. Sturchio, The Merck Company Foundation

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Robert Brandon, Duke Univ.; Heather Douglas, Univ. of Tennessee

Electorate Nominating Committee: Mark Largent, James Madison College; Nancy Nersessian, Georgia Institute of Technology; Peter Railton, Univ. of Michigan; Alain Touwaide, Smithsonian Institution

Council Delegate: Jane Maienschein, Arizona State Univ.; Virginia Trimble, UC-Irvine

Industrial Science and Technology

Chair Elect: Jennie C. Hunter-Cevera, Univ. of Maryland Biotechnology Institute; Vijayan Nair, Univ. of Michigan

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Manuel Gomez, Univ. of Puerto Rico; Harry S. Hertz, NIST

Electorate Nominating Committee: Robert Boily, Inforex Inc.; Qinghuang Lin, IBM; John Pizzonia, Fujifilm Life Science's Applications Laboratory; Harold Schonhorn, retired

Council Delegate: Orlando Auciello, Argonne National Laboratory; Steven Popper, The Rand Corporation

Information, Computing, and Communication

Chair Elect: Bart Selman, Cornell Univ.; Manuela Veloso, Carnegie Mellon Univ.

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Julia Gelfand, UC-Irvine; John (Jack) Hill, USGS

Electorate Nominating Committee: Christine Borgman, UCLA; Bonnie Carol, Information International Associates; Casimir Kulikowski, Rutgers Univ.; William Woods, ITA Software

Linguistics and Language Science

Chair Elect: David W. Lightfoot, Georgetown Univ.; Thomas Wasow, Stanford Univ.

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Suzanne Flynn, MIT; Mark Liberman, Univ. of Pennsylvania

Electorate Nominating Committee: William J. Poser, Yinka Dene Language Institute; Edward Stabler, UCLA; Elizabeth Traugott, Stanford Univ.; Douglas H. Whalen, Haskin Laboratories


Chair Elect: Kenneth Millett, UC-Santa Barbara; Williams Velez, Univ. of Arizona

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Tony F. Chan, National Science Foundation; Carl C. Cowen, Indiana University-Purdue University

Electorate Nominating Committee: Douglas Arnold, Univ. of Minnesota; Jonathan Borwein, Dalhousie Univ.; Wade Ellis, West Valley Community College; Robert M. Fossum, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Medical Sciences

Chair Elect: Gary A. Koretsky, Univ.of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; Judy Lieberman, Harvard Medical School

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Robert Doms, Univ. of Pennsylvania; Rino Rappuoli, Chiron Corporation

Electorate Nominating Committee: Wendy Brown, Washington State Univ.; Beverly Davidson, Univ. of Iowa; Phil Greenberg, Univ. of Washington; Thomas B. Nutman, National Institutes of Health

Council Delegate: Etty (Tika) Benveniste, Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham; Terence Dermody, Vanderbilt Univ.; James M. Hughes, Emory Univ.; Marcelo Jacobs-Lorena, John Hopkins School of Public Health; Jennifer M. Puck, UC-San Francisco; Reed Pyeritz, Univ. of Pennsylvania; Gwendalyn J. Randolph, Mount Sinai School of Medicine; Douglas Richman, UC-San Diego; Paul Rothman, Univ. of Iowa; Thomas Wellems, National Institutes of Health


Chair Elect: Nominees to be announced

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Richard Huganir, John Hopkins Univ.; Gail Mandel, Oregon Health & Science Univ.

Electorate Nominating Committee: Erik D. Herzog, Washington Univ.; Frank LaFerla, UC-Irvine; Michael S. Wolfe, Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Women's Hospital; Tony Wyss-Coray, VA Palo Alto Health Care System

Pharmaceutical Science

Chair Elect: Kenneth Thummel, Univ. of Washington; Gary Pollack, Univ. of North Carolina

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: William Beck, Univ. of Illinois; David Ross, Univ. of Colorado

Electorate Nominating Committee: Per Artursson, Uppsala Univ.; Kenneth Brouwer, Qualst; Donald E. Mager, Univ. at Buffalo; Craig K. Svensson, Purdue Univ.


Chair Elect: S. James Allen, UC-Santa Barbara; Charles W. Clark, NIST

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Richard F. Casten, Yale Univ.; Alexander L. Fetter, Stanford Univ.

Electorate Nominating Committee: Patrick D. Gallagher, NIST; Elizabeth H. Simmons, Michigan State Univ.; Michael Witherell, UC-Santa Barbara; Ali Yazdani, Princeton Univ.


Chair Elect: Judy Deloache, Univ. of Virginia; Stephen Suomi, National Institutes of Health

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Randolph Blake, Vanderbilt Univ.; Jenny Saffran, Univ. of Wisconsin

Electorate Nominating Committee: Randall Engle, Georgia Tech; Denise Park, Univ. of Texas, Dallas; Barbara Rolls, Pennsylvania State Univ.; David Shapiro, UCLA

Council Delegate: Bennett I. Bertenthal, Indiana Univ.; John Gabrieli, MIT

Social, Economic, and Political Sciences

Chair Elect: Cora B. Marrett, National Science Foundation; Eugene Rosa, Washington State University

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Ronald J. Angel, Univ. of Texas, Austin; Wendy Baldwin, Population Council

Electorate Nominating Committee: Anil Deolalikar, UC-Riverside; Don C. Des Jarlais, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Howard Leventhal, Rutgers Univ.; Robert F. Rich, Univ. of Illinois

Council Delegate: Nicholas Christakis, Harvard Medical School; Guillermina Jasso, New York University

Societal Impacts of Science and Engineering

Chair Elect: Bruce Lewenstein, Cornell Univ.; Stephen D. Nelson, Virginia Tech. Univ.

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Kevin Finneran, Issues in Science and Technology; Melanie Leitner, Prize4Life

Electorate Nominating Committee: Lida Anestidou, The National Academies; Ezra Heitowit, Universities Research Association, Inc.; Robert M. Simon, US Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources; Michael L. Telson, Univ. of California System


Chair Elect: Joel B. Greenhouse, Univ. of Pittsburgh; Jessica Utts, UC-Irvine

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Charmaine Dean, BC Cancer Agency; Kenneth W. Wachter, UC-Berkeley

Electorate Nominating Committee: Paul P. Biemer, Univ. of North Carolina; May A. Foulkes, George Washington Univ.; Subir Ghosh, UC-Riverside; Nancy Reid, Univ. of Toronto

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Annual Election