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Selected Current Aerospace Notices

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Selected Current Aerospace Notices (SCAN) is a weekly electronic current awareness journal that announces recently issued report and journal literature from the NASA scientific and technical information knowledge base. SCAN covers the full spectrum of aeronautics and aerospace-related information and segments it into subject groupings, or topics, which are narrower in scope than the 76 categories provided by Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR). Furthermore, SCAN announces documents simultaneously in all relevant topics. Document citations announced in STAR are presented in only the one subject category deemed most appropriate.

Each of the 186 SCAN topics is carefully tailored to fit the needs of a specialized research activity. New topics are added as the need arises, and others are retired or redefined as research demands dictate.

SCAN Access Methods

Updated weekly, SCAN is a free announcement service listing the latest aerospace-related scientific and technical information from around the world that has been entered into the NASA scientific and technical information knowledge base. Each issue is divided into 186 topics, each one carefully tailored to fit specialized research needs in subjects like Earth resources and remote sensing, behavioral sciences, optics, and mechanical engineering. Readers can quickly skim or find documents of interest to their research needs.

With over a thousand announcements of new reports, books, conference proceedings, journal articles, and more in each issue, SCAN is a product you can't afford to miss. Start your free access to SCAN today.

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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Editor: NASA Center for AeroSpace Information (CASI)
NASA Official: Lynn Heimerl
Last Update: July 31, 2008
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