Los Alamos National Laboratory

ADTR  Department of Defense Programs, DoD


Defense Programs

Supporting the American warfighter by developing and applying high-leverage science to enhance effective, predictable, and reliable outcomes

Supporting the American warfighter through the development and application of high-leverage science to enhance effective, predictable, and reliable outcomes
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Focus Areas

Senior Project Leaders (SPLs) provide direct contact to their respective focus areas.
See List of DoD SPLs

  • Advanced cyber defense/offense
  • Advanced energy storage and transmission
  • Applications of advanced materials
  • High-confidence, render-safe methods
  • High-efficiency energy systems
  • High-energy beam effects, applications
  • High-performance computing
  • High-speed knowledge extraction, processing,
    and exfiltration
  • Identification, tagging, tracking
  • Modeling/simulation of complex environments, responses
  • Non-traditional sensors, detectors
  • Nuclear forensics, attribution
  • Nuclear weapon effects on modern systems/networks
  • Pathogen detection, characterization, immunization, remediation
  • Persistent surveillance
  • Rapid response enablers (development, fabrication, deployment)
  • Realistic, simulated training
  • Remote detection of special nuclear materials
  • Space situational awareness
  • Special explosives, energetic materials

DoD Military Programs

Research Opportunities at LANL

These research opportunities are special employment and educational programs administered by the Department of Defense (DoD) Programs Office at Los Alamos, in cooperation with Defense Agencies and the Service Academies:


DoD Proposals

Proposals for Department of Defense projects are generated by requirements communicated to LANL by DoD sponsors usually in the form of Broad Agency Announcements (BAA). In addition, a proposal may be generated by our discovery of a new technological advancement that we believe could significantly contribute to solving specific DoD requirements. In both cases, revised forms for submitting LANL proposals to Department of Defense entities are available at CFO-1

Before proposals are submitted, the LANL DoD Program Coordinator will review proposal packages to ensure their completeness and compliance with extant requirements. To improve business return on investment and to streamline accounting and financial administration, a $65K threshold has been established for DoD projects.

Exceptions to this established threshold will be considered if the proposed work can be accommodated as an increased statement of work (SOW) on an existing funded proposal or if the proposing Principal Investigator can present information from the sponsor substantiating that significant future work will follow from the seedling activity.


Contributions to DoD Programs

Los Alamos National Laboratory uses its extensive range of disciplines, expertise, and facilities to address complex challenges important to national security.

Led by world renowned scientists and engineers, the Laboratory was established as an element of the US Army Corps of Engineers in 1943 to help end World War II. For more than six decades, the Laboratory under the Department of Energy has contributed immeasurably to deterrence by providing the United States with safe and reliable nuclear weapons and tools to track foreign nuclear weapons progress.

While retaining its nuclear weapons stockpile responsibilities, the Laboratory under DOE Order 481.1C utilizes its expertise to assist the DoD in addressing new challenges. These challenges include preventing and eliminating terrorism involving weapons of mass destruction and providing American military personnel with high-leverage scientific and technological solutions that enhance their survival, performance, and mission success.

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA
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