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2008 District-by-District AMT Projections
Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008
Information on Extending Unemployment Benefits
Request for Written Comments on Additional Miscellaneous Tariff and Duty Suspension Bills
Tax Legislation in the 110th Congress
H.R. 5140, the "Recovery Rebates and Economic Stimulus for the American People Act of 2008"

Statement of Karen K. Sisk

My story, as sent to Senator Kit Bond, MO.:

I, Karen K. Sisk, have an income from Social Security. Disability that does not allow me extra funds to pay 100% of my medications in the donut hole (reached 4/1/2007).  In 2006, I spent co-pays through my donut hole period. There is no longer a donut hole coverage in 2007.

My income is above the % of poverty and I have no assets, thus the system at present is determining my fate.  Changes in poverty guidelines developed in the 1950's, along with cost of living in past 5 years (food,gas,taxes) has soared, but poverty limits remain almost the same and are based on family feeding plans of the 1950's.Along with increases in pharmaceutical and health care costs, now I am being told if I don't pay my medical bills in 10 days -- I will not be served by my doctors of 14 years.

I am a nurse (professional), diabetic and injured at work lifting a patient. Prior to 2006 Medicare Part D, I was being supported by Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs.  As of 2006 Medicare Part D, I am not covered because I have Medicare Part D. Now, Medicare Part D will not cover me in donut hole. Without medications I will DIE!

Do I live on the street?

Take my Medicines?

Not eat?

Go into Diabetic Shock! 

Sure sounds like Euthanasia of future Baby Boomers !

1) Change poverty guidelines - Update to today 2007, Standards.

2) Find solution for (professionals) with higher Social Security & no assets - to be able to eat - take medications and encourage corporations to utilize (their) minds without having to use physical labor.

3) I don't know what.....

I have served on the Board for the East Missouri Community Action Agency for 2 years,  Jefferson County Missouri: Disabilities Support Systems for 3.5 years, Greater Mineral Area:

Emergency Food & Shelter Program for 2 years, Madison County Advisory Council for the EMAA for 2 years, Madison County Council for the Developmentally Disabled for 2.5 months. Poverty guidelines vary for each agency that is available for emergency assistance, as well  as, each agency filing the same papers over and over again (? decrease in paperwork act / not for those in poverty.

Why can't there be a clearing house for original background paperwork, that these other agencies (pharmaceutical companies, community action agencies, service providers that use sliding scales... ) can be referred to, for this information.

In the past 2 weeks, I have filed the same papers to 16 different agencies.

I have been trying for the last month to receive a copy from my Part D carrier stating that I  have reached the donut hole. This is necessary to ask for assistance from the pharmaceutical companies.

I have been given many misinformed, as well as, out right lies that this paper would be there in three days. I will be without medications by next week.

After contacting The Department of Senior Services and they did not know to whom they should refer me to >>>>>

I called Rod Jetton's Office, Speaker of the House of Representatives in Missouri, about this. >>>>>>>>

I was referred to the Southeast Missouri  Area on Aging  and they were told by Community Care RX that they will get that in the mail as soon as possible. We are still waiting!

I informed these offices, if need be, they might just see me  on the front steps of the the Jefferson City Courthouse waiting to die - over the next few months.

I know I am not the only one in this situation. Most Poverty individuals do not have the resources, education and persistence to do this or the computers to write their responses to committees such as you.

Many improvements can be made, to access healthy affordable living, empowering jobs that  don't require you to work 2 more jobs to support your family, and a campaign to educate people on the  utilization of  resources such as; Vocational Rehabilitation Programs for those with learning disabilities so they can get a suitable job...

I draw a social security check $1,234.00 net each month and have took on a part time job, 2/2006, at Movie Gallery (8-10 hours/ week, minimum wage/$260.00per month in 2007) to help me pay co-pays for my medications.

It was still inadequate, the funds I made were $300 shy of the cost for that year, "with coverage in the donut hole".  My  medication costs per month were approximately are $2,400.00.

With the use of MO RX program that becomes $1,200.00.Prices under Part D have increased since 2006 and coverage under donut hole is nonexistent.

When President Lincoln chose "The" Woman to develop the Dept. of Health and Human resources in that era I doubt that either one of them could foresee what the situation is today.

Or for that fact, "The" Woman who developed the Nutritional and Poverty guidelines in 1950's.

Speaking of Women, Dr Donna Marie Beagle, Ed.D., a child of homelessness and poverty, speaks today on "See Poverty...Be The Difference!" and has written a book on this.

She, EMAA, many other community action agencies through out the state, myself and other individuals who are interested in stopping poverty in these "here" United States are meeting at the steps of Jefferson City, Courthouse on May 2, 2007 to speak to legislatures. All are invited.

Come to the "SHOW ME STATE"  and let's lay down some foundations for institutional and systematic change.

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