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September 17, 2008 at 10:00 a.m.
Subcommittee on Aviation:FAA Aircraft Certification:
Alleged Regulatory Lapses in the Certification and Manufacture of the Eclipse EA-500:

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2165 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-4472
Fax: (202) 226-1270

Full Committee: Proposals to Downsize the Federal Protective Service and Effects on the Protection of Federal Buildings

Purpose of the Hearing

On Wednesday, April 18, 2007 at 10:00 a.m., in room 2167 Rayburn House Office Building, the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure met to evaluate the Department of Homeland Security's plan to reduce the number of Federal Protective Service officers and their presence at Federal buildings nationwide. 

Full Summary of Subject Matter