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  Details for September 2007

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Date September 2007
Topic Medicare Preventive Services
Title Quick Reference Information: The ABCs of Providing the Initial Preventive Physical Examination
Format Educational Tool

Detail Page Information

ICN: 006904

Date: September 2007

ICN: 006904

Publication title: Quick Reference Information: The ABCs of Providing the Initial Preventive Physical Examination

Publication description:  This two-sided laminated chart can be used by Medicare fee-for-service physicians and qualified non-physician practitioners as a guide when providing the initial preventive physical examination (IPPE) (also known as the "Welcome to Medicare" Physical Exam or the "Welcome to Medicare" Visit). This chart identifies the components and elements of the IPPE, and provides eligibility requirements, procedure codes to use when filing claims, FAQs, suggestions for preparing patients for the IPPE, and lists references for additional information.

Publication size: 142KB

Publication format: Educational Tool

Topic:  Medicare Preventive Services

Other related publications:

The Guide to Medicare Preventive Services for Physicians, Providers, Suppliers, and Other Health Care Professionals


The ABCs of Providing the Initial Preventive Physical Examination Guide [PDF, 142KB]
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Last Modified Date : 09/26/2007
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