NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

NUG Meeting: October 2-3, 2008

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Oakland Scientific Facility


Travel and Logistical Information

The NUG meeting will take place at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oakland Scientific Facility, where NERSC is located. Meeting will be held in Conference Room 238. See Travel/Meeting Logistics.

Training Day, Oct. 2, 2008

Training Day Agenda
Thursday, October 2
Oakland Scientific Facility, Conference Room 238
Time (Pacific)TopicPresenter
8:30 Registration and Welcome
9:00 Franklin Quad Core Update/Differences Helen He
9:30 File Transfer Best Practices David Turner
10:15 Break
10:45 Enabling Grid File Transfers: The NERSC CA Shreyas Cholia
11:15 Franklin IO: Systems Overview Richard Gerber
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Franklin IO: Best Practices for Application Performance Katie Antypas
1:45 Debugging with DDT David Lecomber, Allinea Software
2:30 Break
2:45 Franklin Profiling and Performance Tools Jonathan Carter
3:30 Accelerating X Windows with NX TBA
3:45 DDT and Tools Hands-On; Continues all day Friday
5:00 Adjourn

Business Day - Friday, October 3, 2008

Business Meeting Agenda (DRAFT)
Friday, October 3
Oakland Scientific Facility, Conference Room 238
Time (Pacific)TopicPresenter
9:00-17:00 Hands-On Consulting help and demos available all day
Time (Pacific)TopicPresenter
TBA Welcome, logistics, and intro of new NUGEX members Stephane Ethier, PPPL
Status; current activities and projects
Roadmap, future projects, and impact of potential continuing resolution
Bill Kramer, NERSC
TBA HPSS Update Jason Hick, NERSC
TBA DOE's Operational Review TBA
TBA Grid Services at NERSC Shreyas Cholia, NERSC
12:00 LUNCH (provided for registered attendees)
TBA User Presentations
TBA Cray XT4 Franklin Update TBA, NERSC
TBA NERSC-6 Procurement Update Bill Kramer, NERSC
TBA Q&A, open discussions NUG Members, chaired by Stephane Ethier
TBA Machine Room Tour (optional) or Adjourn Howard Walter, NERSC

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