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  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Bassi network mapping

Each Bassi node is directly connected to one of eight HPS Node Switch Boards (NSB). The NSBs are connected to together via Intermediate Switch Boards (ISB).

b0101 b0201 b0301 b0401 b0501 b0601 b0701 b0801 b0901 b1001 b1101 b1201
b0102 b0202 b0302 b0402 b0502 b0602 b0702 b0802 b0902 b1002 b1102 b1202
b0103 b0203 b0303 b0403 b0503 b0603 b0703 b0803 b0903 b1003 b1103 b1203
b0104 b0204 b0304 b0404 b0504 b0604 b0704 b0804 b0904 b1004 b1104 b1204
b0105 b0205 b0305 b0405 b0505 b0605 b0705 b0805 b0905 b1005 b1105 b1205
b0106 b0206 b0306 b0406 b0506 b0606 b0706 b0806 b0906 b1006 b1106 b1206
b0107 b0207 b0307 b0407 b0507 b0607 b0707 b0807 b0907 b1007 b1107 b1207
b0108 b0208 b0308 b0408 b0508 b0608 b0708 b0808 b0908 b1008 b1108 b1208
b0109 b0209 b0309 b0409 b0509 b0609 b0709 b0809 b0909 b1009 b1109 b1209
b0110 b0210 b0310 b0410 b0510 b0610 b0710 b0810 b0910 b1010 b1110 b1210
b0111 b0211 b0311 b0411 b0511 b0611 b0711 b0811 b0911 b1011 b1111 b1211
b0112 b0212 b0312 b0412 b0512 b0612 b0712 b0812 b0912 b1012 b1112 b1212

Node Switch Board 1 Node Switch Board 2 Node Switch Board 3
Node Switch Board 4 Node Switch Board 5 Node Switch Board 6
Node Switch Board 7 Node Switch Board 8 GPFS nodes are overlined.

Page last modified: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 17:07:18 GMT
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