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Pamela S. Meeker
Executive Director

3530 Pomona Blvd.
Pomona, CA 91769-0100
Public: (909) 595-1221
TDD: (909) 595-3971

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Services and Programs

Rehabilitation Building, built in 1928
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Administrative and Support Services are responsible for the support operations of the Center. These services are similar to those necessary for the operation of a small city. They maintain the campus and buildings and provide food, pharmacy, staff training, housekeeping, communications, laundry, personnel services, police, client records, trust, purchasing, accounting, and transportation services.

Medical Ancillary Services provides dentistry, podiatry, respiratory therapy, physical therapy, adaptive equipment, occupational therapy, laboratory, EEG/EKG, radiology, public health, and a full spectrum of clinics and medical consultants.

Central Program Services provides an employment skills center, audiology, volunteers, chaplains, education services, library services, recreation programs, and the Foster Grandparents and Senior Companions program.

The Research Center includes a research program, which is associated with several universities.

Client Programs

Lanterman Developmental Center serves a population that requires specialized care and habilitative programs. Treatment/habilitation services are organized into four residential Programs designed to meet the needs of the residents. Each person has an Individual Program Plan (IPP) designed and implemented by an Interdisciplinary Team, based on assessments of his or her health, behavior, physical, communicative, social, emotional, and cognitive development. The Program Director is responsible for the full range of direct care, treatment and training services provided for the individuals in their Program. An Individual Program Coordinator (IPC) is assigned to every person residing at Lanterman Developmental Center. The IPC works with other members of the Interdisciplinary Team in developing an Individual Program Plan, monitoring services provided, seeking additional resources and assisting the individuals to exercise their rights. The Program Directors are responsible for implementing each client's IPP. These four Programs are:

A view of our Acute Skilled Nursing Building built in 1957
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Acute and Continuing Medical Care, Program 1: Around the clock nursing care is provided for acutely and sub-acutely ill persons with developmental disabilities. Acute care includes diagnosis and treatment for common medical and surgical problems and for the complex congenital problems encountered in individuals with developmental disabilities. Services provided on the acute and sub-acute levels of care restore residents to their previous state of health prior to transferring them to an intermediate or skilled nursing residence, within the Center.

Skilled Nursing Residences provide 24-hour nursing care to residents who are mostly severely or profoundly developmentally disabled; most have multiple physical handicaps that require care from skilled nursing staff. This care improves or maintains the resident=s physical health while enhancing environmental awareness and social responsiveness. This also increases stamina and endurance so that more intensive training may be possible, and where deterioration is inevitable, this care makes every effort to retain existing skills.

The program provides individualized developmental programs, designed to promote acquisition of sensory motor, communication, and socialization skills. The utilization of wheelchairs, braces, and special adaptive equipment is integrated with restorative nursing interventions to maintain functional movement and posture.

Positive Behavior Development, Program 2: Twenty-four hour care is provided to individuals with mild to severe behavioral challenges, and who are generally medically stable. Each individual is provided training opportunities to achieve their life goals, attain increased independence, make choices in their daily lives and exercise their rights. When necessary, each treatment team designs individualized behavior support plans that assist the individual in reducing challenging behaviors and increase their quality of life. The interdisciplinary teams are committed to utilizing the least restrictive and most positive interventions whenever possible. Emphasis is placed on positive behavior replacement, social skill development, and gaining self-control over immature, manipulative or impulsive behaviors.

All individuals attend off-residence day training in the areas of vocational, work-readiness, and community awareness as well as continued refinement of daily living/self-care skills, recreation / leisure abilities, and communication. Paid work is a component for most individuals. Everyone is provided with an environment that is clean, healthy and safe, as normalizing in appearance and access as possible, and non-stigmatizing. They are also provided with support systems that include staff, family, advocates and other legal representatives who assist in keeping with the principles of normalization. A group of professional staff assigned to the program provides various ancillary services such as social work services, educational services, psychological services and rehabilitation therapy services. Continual efforts to enhance and improve services to the people who live in the Positive Behavior Development Program is an ongoing commitment.

Social and Positive Behavior/Enhancement Development, Program 3 This program provides 24-hour intermediate care for individuals who are developmentally disabled, and may or may not require adaptive mobility equipment, and/or have physical conditions requiring extensive physical development. For individuals with stabilized or improving medical/physical conditions, emphasis is placed on developing neuromotor and physical skills to make a transition to more independent intermediate care or community settings. Program 3 promotes individual participation in educational, recreational, vocational, and developmental programming. Training emphasizes self-help areas including: eating, dressing, toileting, mobility, communication, appropriate social interaction, and work and leisure skills.

Sensory and Positive Behavior Development, Program 4 This program provides 24-hour intermediate care for individuals with severe to profound developmental disabilities with self-help deficits and moderate to severe behavioral disturbances. Health and medical services are provided, allowing for the maximum response to programming. Training objectives include self-care, socialization, leisure skills acquisition, mobility, communication, vocational skills acquisition and the amelioration of unacceptable behaviors. Residences 23 and 25 provide care and habilitative programming for residents who are primarily blind, deaf, or a combination of both, through mobility and tactile perception training, communication skills, sensory motor integration, and the promotion of self-care, social, and adaptive behavior skills.

Last Updated: 10/23/2007