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Search Results - O (216 entries)

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O&M: Operating and Maintenance  (USCG5)

O/D: Origin and Destination  (OST3)

O/D: Overdrive  (TII1)

O3: Ozone  (BTS2)

OAG: Official Airline Guide  (FAA17)   (MTMC1)

OAK: Metropolitan Oakland International Airport  (FAA11)

Oakie Blower: Air scoop on air intake to increase power.  (ATA1)

OAL: Over-All-Length (Of the Vehicle)  (TII2)   (TII1)

OALT: Operational Acceptable Level of Traffic  (FAA4)

OAP: Oceanic Automation Program  (FAA19)

OASD: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense  (AIA1)

OASIS: Operational and Supportability Implementation System  (FAA19)

OBD: Operation Buckle Down  (NHTSA6)

Object: Includes, but is not limited to above ground structures, people, equipment, vehicles, natural growth, terrain, and parked aircraft.  (FAA12)

Object Class: As the term is used in expense classification, an object is an article or service obtained. An object class is a grouping of expenses on the basis of goods or services purchased. The object classes include salaries and wages, fringe benefits, services, materials and supplies, and other expenses as defined in Section 7.2, Volume II of the Uniform System of Accounts (USOA).  (FTA1)

Object Free Area (OFA): A two dimensional ground area surrounding runways, taxiways, and taxilanes which is clear of objects except for Navigation Aids (NAVAIDs) and objects whose location is fixed by function.  (FAA12)

Objects Not Fixed: Objects that are movable or moving but are not motor vehicles. Includes pedestrians, pedalcyclists, animals, or trains (e.g., spilled cargo in roadway).  (NHTSA3)

Obligations Under Capital Leases (Current and Noncurrent): Liability applicable to property obtained under capital leases.  (BTS4)

Obstacle: An existing object, object of natural growth, or terrain at a fixed geographical location or which may be expected at a fixed location within a prescribed area with reference to which vertical clearance is or must be provided during flight operation.  (FAA4)   (FAA8)

Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ): (See also Inner-Approach Obstacle Free Zone, Inner-Transitional Obstacle Free Zone, Runway Obstacle Free Zone) The obstacle free zone (OFZ) is a three dimensional volume of airspace which protects for the transition of aircraft to and from the runway. The Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ) clearing standard precludes taxiing and parked airplanes and object penetrations, except for frangible navigation aid (NAVAID) locations that are fixed by function. Additionally, vehicles, equipment, and personnel may be authorized by air traffic control to enter the area using the provisions of Order 7110.65, Air Traffic Control, paragraph 3-5. The runway OFZ and when applicable, the inner-approach OFZ, and the inner-transitional OFZ, comprise the OFZ.  (FAA4)

Obstruction: Any object/obstacle exceeding the obstruction standards specified by Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 77, Subpart G.  (FAA4)   (FAA8)

Obstruction Accident: An accident/incident consisting of striking: 1) A bumping post or a foreign object on the track right-of-way; 2) A highway vehicle at a location other than a highway-rail crossing site; derailed equipment; or 3) A track motorcar or similar work equipment not equipped with Association of American Railroad couplers, and not operating under train rules.  (FRA2)

Obstruction Light: A light or one of a group of lights, usually red or white, frequently mounted on a surface structure or natural terrain to warn pilots of the presence of an obstruction.  (FAA8)

Obstruction to Air Navigation: An object of greater height than any of the heights or surfaces presented in Subpart C of Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 77.  (FAA12)

OCC: Operations Control Center  (FAA7)

Occupancy: The number of persons, including driver and passenger(s) in a vehicle. Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey (NPTS) occupancy rates are generally calculated as person miles divided by vehicle miles.  (FHWA3)

Occupant: Any person who is in or upon a motor vehicle in transport. Includes the driver, passengers, and persons riding on the exterior of a motor vehicle (e.g., a skateboard rider who is set in motion by holding onto a vehicle).  (NHTSA3)

Occupational Illness: Any abnormal condition or disorder of a railroad employee, other than one resulting from injury, caused by environmental factors associated with his or her railroad employment, including, but not limited to, acute or chronic illnesses or diseases which may be caused by inhalation, absorption, ingestion or direct contact.  (49CFR225)

Occupational Illness: Any abnormal condition or disorder caused by environmental factors associated with a worker's employment, but not the result of an injury.  (FRA3)

Occupied Caboose: A rail car being used to transport non-passenger personnel.  (49CFR171)

Ocean Bill of Lading: A receipt for the cargo and a contract for transportation between a shipper and the ocean carrier. It may also be used as an instrument of ownership which can be bought, sold, or traded while the goods are in transit.  (USTTA1)

Ocean Freight Differential (OFD): The amount by which the cost of the ocean freight bill for the portion of commodities required to be carried on U.S. flag vessels exceeds the cost of carrying the same amount on foreign flag vessels. When applied to agricultural commodities shipped under Food for Peace, OFD is the amount paid by the Commodity Credit Corporation.  (USTTA1)

Ocean Going Container: Usually made of steel, it is a large rectangular box designed for easy lift on/off by cranes.  (BOC3)

Oceanic Airspace: Airspace over the oceans of the world, considered international airspace, where oceanic separation and procedures per the International Civil Aviation Organization are applied. Responsibility for the provisions of air traffic control service in this airspace is delegated to various countries, based generally upon geographic proximity and the availability of the required resources.  (FAA4)

Oceanic Display and Planning System: An automated digital display system which provides flight data processing, conflict probe, and situation display for oceanic air traffic control.  (FAA4)

Oceanic Navigational Error Report (ONER): A report filed when an aircraft exiting oceanic airspace has been observed by radar to be off course. ONER reporting parameters and procedures are contained in Order 7110.82, Monitoring of Navigational Performance In Oceanic Areas.  (FAA4)

Oceanic Published Route: A route established in international airspace and charted or described in flight information publications, such as Route Charts, Department of Defense (DOD) En Route Charts, Chart Supplements, NOTAM's, and Track Messages.  (FAA4)

Oceanic Transition Route: Route established for the purpose of transitioning aircraft to/from an organized track system.  (FAA4)

OCMI: Officer In Charge, Marine Inspection  (USCG1)

OCP: Overland Common Point  (MARAD2)

OD: Outside Diameter  (TII1)

ODALS: Omnidirectional Approach Lighting System  (FAA4)   (FAA17)   (FAA19)

ODAPS: Oceanic Display and Planning System  (FAA4)   (FAA19)

ODL: Oceanic Data Link  (FAA7)

ODMS: Operational Data Management System  (FAA19)

ODS: Operating-Differential Subsidy  (MARAD4)

ODSA: Operating-Differential Subsidy Agreement  (MARAD4)

OECD: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development  (BTS2)

OEI: One Engine Inoperative  (14CFR1)

OFA: Object Free Area  (FAA12)

OFD: Ocean Freight Differential  (MARAD4)   (USTTA1)

Off Course: (See also On Course, On-Course Indication) A term used to describe a situation where an aircraft has reported a position fix or is observed on radar at a point not on the air traffic control (ATC) approved route of flight.  (FAA4)

Off Route Vector: A vector by Air Traffic Control (ATC) which takes an aircraft off a previously assigned route. Altitudes assigned by ATC during such vectors provide required obstacle clearance.  (FAA4)

Off-Road Vehicular Area: An area for the testing of, or use by, vehicles that are designed to travel across the terrain.  (DOI4)

Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST): The Department of Transportation is administered by the Secretary of Transportation, who is the principal adviser to the President in all matters relating to Federal transportation programs. The Secretary is assisted in the administration of the Department by a Deputy Secretary of Transportation, a Associate Deputy Secretary, the Assistant Secretaries, a General Counsel, the Inspector General, and several Directors and Chairmen.  (OFR1)

Officer In Charge Marine Inspection (OCMI): A person from the civilian or military branch of the Coast Guard designated as such by the Commandant and who under the supervision and direction of the Coast Guard District Commander is in charge of a designated inspection zone for the performance of duties with respect to the enforcement and administration of Title 52, Revised Statutes, acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, rules and regulations thereunder, and the inspection required thereby.  (49CFR171)

Offset Parallel Runway: Staggered runways having centerlines which are parallel.  (FAA4)

Offshore: That geographic area that lies seaward of the coastline. In general, the coastline is the line of ordinary low water along with that portion of the coast that is in direct contact with the open sea or the line marking the seaward limit of inland water.  (49CFR195)   (DOE3)   (DOE5)

Offshore Control Area: That portion of airspace between the U.S 12-mile limit and the Oceanic Control Area/Flight Information Region (CTA/FIR) boundary within which air traffic control is exercised. These areas are established to permit the application of domestic procedures in the provision of air traffic control services. Offshore Control Area is generally synonymous with Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 71, Subpart E, "Control Areas and Control Area Extensions."  (FAA4)

Offshore Supply Vessel: A cargo vessel of less than 500 gross tons that regularly transports goods, supplies or equipment in support of exploration or production of offshore mineral or energy resources.  (49CFR171)

OFT: Outer Fix Time  (FAA4)

OFZ: Obstacle Free Zone  (FAA12)

OGG: Kahului Airport  (FAA11)

OH: Overall Height (Of the Vehicle)  (TII2)   (TII1)

OHC: Over-Head-Cam  (TII2)   (TII1)

OHMEA: Office of Hazardous Materials Exemptions and Approvals  (RSPA1)

OHMS: Office of Hazardous Materials Standards  (RSPA1)

OHS: Office of Highway Safety  (RSPA1)

OHV: Over-Head-Valve  (TII2)   (TII1)

OIG: Office of Inspector General  (FAA3)   (OST2)

Oil: Oil of any kind or in any form, including, and not limited to, petroleum, fuel oil, vegetable oil, animal oil, sludge, oil refuse, oil mixed with wastes other than dredged spoil.  (49CFR194)

Oil: A mixture of hydrocarbons usually existing in the liquid state in natural underground pools or reservoirs. Gas is often found in association with oil.  (DOE5)

Oil and Gas Production: The lifting of oil and gas to the surface and gathering, treating, field processing (as in the case of processing gas to extract liquid hydrocarbons), and field storage. The production function shall normally be regarded as terminating at the outlet valve on the lease or field production storage tank. If unusual physical or operational circumstances exist, it may be more appropriate to regard the production function as terminating at the first point at which oil, gas, or gas liquids are delivered to a main pipeline, a common carrier, a refinery, or a marine terminal.  (DOE5)

Oil Field Body: Heavily constructed platform-type truck body equipped with instruments for oil drilling.  (ATA1)

Oil Pipeline Mode: (See also Pipeline) Covers crude oil, petroleum product and gas trunk lines. The pipeline industry, which transports oil and petroleum products, is an important if specialized freight mode.  (BTS1)

Oil Spill Removal Organization: An entity that provides response resources.  (49CFR194)

OIS: Operational Information System  (USCG5)

OKC: Will Rogers World Airport  (FAA11)

OM: Outer Marker  (FAA4)

OMA: Eppley Airfield  (FAA11)

OMB: Office of Management and Budget  (BTS2)   (FAA19)   (NHTSA5)

OMC: Office of Motor Carriers  (FHWA10)   (NHTSA4)   (RSPA1)

Omega: An Area Navigation (RNAV) system designed for long-range navigation based upon ground-based electronic navigational aid signals.  (FAA4)

On a Stand: River stationary as to rise or fall.  (TNDOT1)

On Course: (See also Off Course, On-Course Indication) 1) Used to indicate that an aircraft is established on the route centerline. 2) Used by Air Traffic Control (ATC) to advise a pilot making a radar approach that his aircraft is lined up on the final approach course.  (FAA4)

On Flight Passenger Trip Length: The average length of a passenger trip, calculated by dividing the number of revenue passenger-miles in scheduled service by the number of revenue passenger enplanements in scheduled service.  (BTS5)   (BTS6)

On-Course Indication: (See also Off Course, On Course) An indication on an instrument, which provides the pilot a visual means of determining that the aircraft is located on the centerline of a given navigational track, or an indication on a radar scope that an aircraft is on a given track.  (FAA4)

On-Road Mile Per Gallon (MPG): A composite miles per gallon (MPG) that was adjusted to account for the difference between the test value and the fuel efficiency actually obtained on the road.  (DOE4)

On-System: Any point on or directly interconnected with a transportation, storage, or distribution system operated by a natural gas company.  (DOE5)

On-Time Performance: The proportion of the time that a transit system adheres to its published schedule times within state tolerances.  (TRB1)

On-Track Equipment: Railroad rolling stock used to transport freight or passengers; includes locomotives, railroad cars, maintenance equipment, and one or more locomotives coupled to one or more cars.  (FRA3)

ONER: Oceanic Navigational Error Report  (FAA4)

Onshore Oil Pipeline Facilities: New and existing pipe, rights-of-way and any equipment, facility, or building used in the transportation of oil located in, on, or under, any land within the United States other than submerged land.  (49CFR194)

ONT: Ontario International Airport  (FAA11)

OOS: Out-Of-Service  (RSPA1)

OPA: Oil Pollution Act of 1990  (MARAD4)

OPEC: Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries  (BTS2)   (DOE6)

Open Channel: That portion of the river above pool water.  (TNDOT1)

Open Cut: Rail transit way below surface in an excavated cut that has not had a covering constructed over it. Transition segments to open cut or subway-tunnel/tube segments are included.  (FTA1)

Open Insurance Policy: A marine insurance policy that applies on all shipments over a period of time rather than on a single shipment.  (TNDOT1)

Open Motorboat: Craft of open construction specifically built for operating with a motor, including boats canopied or fitted with temporary partial shelters.  (USCG2)

Open River: 1) Any river having no obstructions such as dams; 2) When the stage of a pooled river running through movable dams is high enough for traffic to clear the dams, the river is said to be "open".  (TNDOT1)

Open to Public Travel Road: A road must be available, except during scheduled periods, extreme weather or other emergency conditions, and open to the general public for use by four-wheel, standard passenger cars without restrictive gates, prohibitive signs, or regulation other than restrictions based on size, weight, or class of registration. Toll plazas of public toll facilities are not considered restrictive gates.  (23CFR460)   (FHWA2)

Open Top: Trailer with sides but without permanent top; often used for heavy equipment that must be lowered into place by crane.  (ATA1)

Open-Access Transportation: The contract carriage delivery of nonsystem supply gas on a nondiscriminatory basis for a fee generally subject to transportation tariffs which are usually on an interruptible service basis on first-come, first-serve capacity usage.  (DOE1)

Open-Body Type Vehicle: A vehicle having no occupant compartment top or an occupant compartment top that can be installed or removed by the user at his convenience.  (49CFR571)

Operate: With respect to aircraft, means use, cause to use or authorize to use aircraft, for the purpose (except as provided in 14 CFR 91.13) of air navigation including the piloting of aircraft, with or without the right of legal control (as owner, lessee, or otherwise).  (14CFR1)

Operating Assistance: Financial assistance for transit operations (not capital expenditures). Such aid may originate with federal, local, or state governments.  (APTA1)

Operating Cost: 1) Fixed operating cost: in reference to passenger car operating cost, refers to those expenditures that are independent of the amount of use of the car, such as insurance costs, fees for license and registration, depreciation and finance charges; 2) Variable operating cost: in reference to passenger car operating cost, expenditures which are dependent on the amount of use of the car, such as the cost of gas and oil, tires, and other maintenance.  (DOE6)

Operating Employee: An employee involved with operation, maintenance, or administration of the transit system, excluding those involved in construction and capital procurement.  (APTA1)

Operating Expenses: Expenses of furnishing transportation service including the expense of maintenance and depreciation of the plant used in the service.  (AAR1)

Operating Expenses: The costs of handling traffic, including both direct costs, (such as driver wages and fuel) and indirect costs (e.g. computer expenses and advertising) but excluding interest expense.  (ATA2)

Operating Expenses: Expenses incurred in the performance of air transportation, based on overall operating revenues and overall operating expenses. Does not include nonoperating income and expenses, nonrecurring items or income taxes.  (BTS4)

Operating Practice: Railroad employment performance and adherence to the established operating rules of a railroad company.  (FRA3)

Operating Profit or Loss: Profit or loss from performance of air transportation, based on overall operating revenues and overall operating expenses. Does not include nonoperating income and expenses, nonrecurring items or income taxes.  (BTS4)

Operating Property and Equipment: Owned assets including capital leases and leaseholds which are used and useful to the air carrier's central business activity, excluding those assets held for resale, or inoperative or redundant to the air carrier's current operations. These assets include loans and units of tangible property and equipment that are used in air transportation services and services incidental thereto.  (BTS4)

Operating Ratio: The ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues.  (AAR1)

Operating Revenue: The amount of money which a carrier receives from transportation operations.  (AAR1)

Operating Revenue: Revenues from the performance of air transportation and related incidental services. Includes 1) Transport revenues from the carriage of all classes of traffic in scheduled and nonscheduled services and 2) Nontransport revenues consisting of Federal subsidy (where applicable) and revenues for services related to air transportation.  (BTS4)

Operation of a Railroad: Inclusive term used to describe all activities of a railroad related to the performance of its rail transportation business.  (FRA2)

Operational Acceptable Level of Traffic (OALT): An air traffic activity level associated with the designed capacity for a sector or airport. The OALT considers dynamic changes in staffing, personnel experience levels, equipment outages, operational configurations, weather, traffic complexity, aircraft performance mixtures, transitioning flights, adjacent airspace, handoff/point-out responsibilities, and other factors that may affect an air traffic operational position or system element. The OALT is normally considered to be the total number of aircraft that any air traffic functional position can accommodate for a defined period of time under a given set of circumstances.  (FAA4)

Operational Control: With respect to a flight, means the exercise of authority over initiating, conducting or terminating a flight.  (14CFR1)

Operational Deviation: (See also Operational Error, Pilot Deviation, Runway Incursion, Vehicle/Pedestrian Deviation) An occurrence where applicable separation minima as referenced in the operational error definition below were maintained but 1) Less than the applicable separation minima existed between an aircraft and protected airspace without prior approval; 2) An aircraft penetrated airspace that was delegated to another position of operation or another facility without prior coordination and approval; or 3) An aircraft penetrated airspace that was delegated to another position of operation or another facility at an altitude or route contrary to the altitude or route requested and approved in direct coordination or as specified in a Letter of Agreement, pre-coordination or internal procedure; 4) An aircraft, vehicle, equipment, or personnel encroached upon a landing area that was delegated to another position of operation without prior coordination and approvals.  (FAA10)

Operational Error: (See also Operational Deviation, Pilot Deviation, Runway Incursion, Vehicle/Pedestrian Deviation) An occurrence attributable to an element of the air traffic control system which: 1) results in less than the applicable separation minima between two or more aircraft, or between an aircraft and terrain or obstacles and obstructions as required by Handbook 7110.65 and supplemental instructions. Obstacles include vehicles/equipment on runways; 2) aircraft lands or departs on a runway closed to aircraft operations after receiving air traffic authorization.  (FAA3)

Operational Road: Usable road and intended for use.  (DOI3)

Operational Runway: Usable and intended for use runway.  (DOI3)

Operator: See also Driver.

Operator: A person who controls the use of an aircraft, vessel, or vehicle.  (49CFR171)

Operator: A person who owns or operates a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) facility.  (49CFR193)

Operator: A person who owns or operates onshore oil pipeline facilities.  (49CFR194)

Operator: A person who owns or operates pipeline facilities.  (49CFR195)

Operator: The company responsible for the management and day to day operations of natural gas production, gathering, treating, processing, transportation, storage, and/or distribution facilities and/or a synthetic natural gas plant.  (DOE5)

Operators: The personnel (other than security agents) scheduled to be aboard vehicles in revenue operations including vehicle operators, conductors and ticket collectors.  (FTA1)

OPFAC: Operating Facility  (USCG3)

Opposing Signals: Roadway signals which govern movements in opposite directions on the same track.  (49CFR236)

Opposing Train: A train, the movement of which is in a direction opposite to and toward another train on the same track.  (49CFR236)

Opposite Direction Aircraft: Aircraft are operating in opposite directions when: 1) They are following the same track in reciprocal directions; or 2) Their tracks are parallel and the aircraft are flying in reciprocal directions; or 3) Their tracks intersect at an angle of more than 136 degrees.  (FAA4)

OPRG: Oxygenated Fuels Program Reformulated Gasoline  (DOE7)

Option Approach: See Cleared for the Option.

OPTRA: Operational Training  (USCG5)

ORD: Chicago O'Hare International Airport  (FAA11)

ORD: Operational Readiness Date  (FAA19)

ORD: Operational Readiness Demonstration  (FAA17)

Ordinary High Water Line: In nature, that water elevation below which aquatic vegetation will not grow. In practice, a water surface elevation arbitrarily fixed from past experience or the establishment of navigation pools.  (TNDOT1)

ORF: Norfolk International Airport  (FAA11)

ORFS: Origin Rail Freight  (MARAD2)

Organized Track System: A movable system of oceanic tracks that traverses the North Atlantic between Europe and North America the physical position of which is determined twice daily taking the best advantage of the winds aloft.  (FAA4)

Origin: Starting point of a trip.  (FHWA3)

Origin: The country in which the cargo was loaded and/or the transit originated.  (SLSDC1)

Originated Carload: An originated carload is one which is loaded and begins its journey on a particular railroad.  (AAR1)

ORNL: Oak Ridge National Laboratory  (BTS2)

OSDA: Oceanic System Development and Support  (FAA19)

OSF: Office of Space Flight  (OFR1)

OSHA: Occupational Safety & Health Administration  (FAA7)

OST: Office of the Secretary of Transportation  (FAA17)   (FAA7)

OT: Office of Transportation  (OFR1)

Other Assets: Debit balances in general clearing accounts including prepayments chargeable against operations over a period of years, capitalized expenditures of an organization or developmental character, long-term prepayments, and property acquisition adjustments.  (BTS4)

Other Deferred Credits: Credit balances in general clearing accounts including credits for which the final disposition cannot be effected until additional information has been received.  (BTS4)

Other Freeways and Expressways: All urban principal arterials with limited control of access not on the Interstate system.  (NHTSA3)

Other Interest Expense: Interest expense other than that on long-term debt and capital leases. This includes interest expense on short-term debt, imputed interest capitalized, and amortization of premium on all classes of debt.  (BTS4)

Other Nonoperating Income and Expenses, Net: Income from investor controlled companies and nontransport ventures, equipment and investments in securities of others, interest income, gains or losses resulting from nonroutine abnormal changes in the rates of foreign exchange, and other nonoperating items except capital gains or losses and interest expense.  (BTS4)

Other Single-Unit Truck: A motor vehicle consisting primarily of a single motorized device with more than two axles or more than four tires.  (DOE6)

Other Tanker Vessel: A crude oil carrying ship of between 25,000 and 160,000 deadweight tons.  (DOE5)

Other Transport Related Revenue: Revenues from services such as in-flight sales, rentals and sales of services, supplies and parts.  (BTS4)

Other Truck: All trucks other than pickups, (i.e., dump trucks, trailer trucks, etc.).  (FHWA3)

Other Vehicle: Consists of the following types of vehicles: 1) Large limousines (more than four side doors or stretched chassis), 2) Three-wheel automobiles or automobile derivatives, 3) Van-based motor homes, 4) Light-truck-based motor homes (chassis mounted), 5) Large-truck-based motor homes, 6) ATVs (all terrain vehicle, including dune/swamp buggy) and ATC (all terrain cycle), 7) Snowmobiles, 8) Farm equipment other than trucks, 9) Construction equipment other than trucks (includes graders), 10) Other type vehicles (includes go-cart, fork lift, city streetsweeper).  (NHTSA3)

OTPS: Oceanic Traffic Planning System  (FAA19)

OTR: Oceanic Transition Route  (FAA4)

OTS: Organized Track System  (FAA4)

Out: The conversation is ended and no response is expected.  (FAA4)

Out Draft: Current moving across the lock entrance toward the river or toward the dam.  (TNDOT1)

Out of Shape: Term used when a tow is not in the proper position to negotiate the channel or to shove into, or come out of, a lock (conversely, "in shape").  (TNDOT1)

Out Riggers: Device used for increasing width of trailers.  (ATA1)

Out Wide, Just Below: Channel report term meaning after passing the mark, swing out wide away from the bank.  (TNDOT1)

Outage: The period during which a generating unit, transmission line, or other facility is out of service.  (DOE5)

Outage: The loss of a facility/service for one minute or more.  (FAA3)

Outage (or Ullage): The amount by which a packaging falls short of being liquid full, usually expressed in percent by volume.  (49CFR171)

Outboard: An engine not permanently affixed to the structure of the craft, regardless of the method or location used to mount the engine, (e.g., motor wells, "kicker pits", motor pockets, etc).  (USCG2)

Outboard Designated Seating Position: A designated seating position where a longitudinal vertical plane tangent to the outboard side of the seat cushion is less than 12 inches from the innermost point on the inside surface of the vehicle at a height between the design H-point and the shoulder reference point and longitudinally between the front and rear edges of the seat cushion.  (49CFR571)

Outer Area: Nonregulatory airspace surrounding designated Class C airspace airports wherein Air Traffic Control (ATC) provides radar vectoring and sequencing on a full-time basis for all Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) and participating Visual Flight Rules (VFR) aircraft. The service provided in the outer area is called Class C service which includes: IFR/IFR-standard Instrument Flight Rules separation; IFR/VFR-traffic advisories and conflict resolution; and VFR/VFR-traffic advisories and, as appropriate, safety alerts. The normal radius will be 20 nautical miles with some variations based on site-specific requirements. The outer area extends outward from the primary Class C airspace airport and extends from the lower limits of radar/ radio coverage up to the ceiling of the approach control's delegated airspace excluding the Class C charted area and other airspace as appropriate.  (FAA4)

Outer Compass Locator (OCL): A compass locator installed at the site of the outer marker of an instrument landing system.  (FAA4)

Outer Continental Shelf: Offshore Federal domain.  (DOE5)

Outer Fix: A general term used within Air Traffic Control (ATC) to describe fixes in the terminal area, other than the final approach fix. Aircraft are normally cleared to these fixes by an Air Route Traffic Control Center or an Approach Control Facility. Aircraft are normally cleared from these fixes to the final approach fix or final approach course.  (FAA4)

Outer Fix Time: A calculated time to depart the outer fix in order to cross the vertex at the actual calculated landing time. The time reflects descent speed adjustments and any applicable delay time that must be absorbed prior to crossing the meter fix.  (FAA4)

Outer Lock Wall: The wall of the lock on the river or channel side away from the shore.  (TNDOT1)

Outer Marker (OM): (See also Compass Locator, Glideslope, Instrument Landing System, Localizer, Middle Marker) A marker beacon at or near the glideslope intercept altitude of an Instrument Landing System (ILS) approach. It is keyed to transmit two dashes per second on a 400 Hz tone, which is received aurally and visually by compatible airborne equipment. The OM is normally located four to seven miles from the runway threshold on the extended centerline of the runway.  (FAA4)

Outer Packaging: The outermost enclosure of a composite or combination packaging together with any absorbent materials, cushioning and any other components necessary to contain and protect inner receptacles or inner packagings.  (49CFR171)

Output: The amount of power or energy produced by a generating unit, station, or system.  (DOE5)

Outside of a Bend: The side of the river channel with the largest projected circumference.  (TNDOT1)

Over: My transmission is ended; I expect a response.  (FAA4)

Over-The-Road Bus: A bus characterized by an elevated passenger deck located over a baggage compartment.  (49CFR37)

Over-The-Road Trip: An intercity movement by commercial motor vehicle.  (FHWA4)

Over-The-Top: Above the layer of clouds or other obscuring phenomena forming the ceiling.  (14CFR1)

Overall (Ton Miles, Load Factor, Available Capacity, Etc.): The total of passenger plus nonpassenger traffic, i.e., the sum of passenger and baggage, freight, express, U.S. mail, and foreign mail.  (BTS5)

Overall Available Ton Mile: The aircraft miles flown on each inter-airport hop multiplied by the capacity available (in tons) for that hop for revenue traffic use.  (BTS5)

Overall Flight Stage Length: The average distance covered per aircraft hop in revenue services, from take-off to landing. Derived by dividing the total aircraft miles flown in revenue service by the number of aircraft revenue departures performed.  (BTS5)

Overall Revenue Ton Mile: The aircraft miles flown on each inter-airport hop multiplied by the tons of revenue traffic (passenger and nonpassenger) carried on that hop.  (BTS5)

Overall Vehicle Width: The nominal design dimension of the widest part of the vehicle, exclusive of signal lamps, marker lamps, outside rearview mirrors, flexible fender extensions. and mud flaps, determined with doors and windows closed and the wheels in the straight-ahead position.  (49CFR571)

Overfalls: Short breaking waves occurring when a current passes over a shoal or other submarine obstruction or meets a contrary current or wind.  (DOI4)

Overhead Maneuver: A series of predetermined maneuvers prescribed for aircraft (often in formation) for entry into the visual flight rules (VFR) traffic pattern and to proceed to a landing. An overhead maneuver is not an instrument flight rules (IFR) approach procedure. An aircraft executing an overhead maneuver is considered VFR and the IFR flight plan is cancelled when the aircraft reaches the "initial point" on the initial approach portion of the maneuver. The pattern usually specifies the following: 1) The radio contact required of the pilot. 2) The speed to be maintained. 3) An initial approach 3 to 6 miles in length. 4) An elliptical pattern consisting of two 180 degree turns. 5) A break point at which the first 180 degree turn is started. 6) The direction of turns. 7) Altitude (at least 600 feet above the conventional pattern). 8) A "Roll-out" on final approach not less than 1/4 mile from the landing threshold and not less than 300 feet above the ground.  (FAA4)

Overload: Using all available power.  (TNDOT1)

Overloading: Excessive loading of the vessel causing instability, limited maneuverability, dangerously reduced freeboard, etc.  (USCG2)

Overlook Access: (See also Public Use Class II Road) A road that provides access to a pull-off area, having definite entrance and exit points.  (DOI3)

Overlying Center: The Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) facility that is responsible for arrival/departure operations at a specific terminal.  (FAA4)

Overpack: An enclosure that is used by a single consignor to provide protection or convenience in handling of a package or to consolidate two or more packages. Overpack does not include a freight container.  (49CFR171)

Overrun/Stopway: An area beyond the take off runway able to support an airplane during an aborted take off.  (DOI4)

Overseas: Transit to or from foreign ports beyond the Coast of Canada and the United States.  (SLSDC1)

Overseas Air Commerce: The carriage by aircraft of persons or property for compensation or hire, or the carriage of mail by aircraft, or the operation or navigation of aircraft in the conduct or furtherance of a business or vocation, in commerce between a place in any state of the United States, or the District of Columbia and any place in a territory or Possession of the United States; or between a place in a territory or possession of the United States, and a place in any other territory or possession of the United States.  (14CFR1)

Overseas Air Transportation: The carriage by aircraft of persons or property as a common carrier for compensation or hire, or the carriage of mail by aircraft, in commerce: 1) Between a place in a state or the District of Columbia and a place in a possession of the United States; or 2) Between a place in a possession of the United States and a place in another possession of the United States whether that commerce moves wholly by aircraft or partly by aircraft and partly by other forms of transportation.  (14CFR1)

OW: Overall Width (Of the Vehicle)  (TII2)   (TII1)

Own Source Revenue: All amounts of money received by a government from external sources, net of refunds and other correcting transactions, other than from the issuance of debt, liquidation of investments, and as agency and private trust transactions. The federal government's revenues are generally referred to as receipts.  (BTS3)

Owner/Operator: Independent trucker who drives the vehicle for himself or on lease to a company.  (BOC4)

Owning Agency: A federal agency having accountability for government owned motor vehicles. This term applies when a federal agency has authority to take possession of, assign or reassign the vehicle regardless of which agency is using the vehicle.  (GSA1)

Oxbow Lakes: Lakes resulting from the cutting off of sharp river bends during realignment of a river channel.  (TNDOT1)

Oxygenate: A substance which, when added to gasoline, increases the amount of oxygen in that gasoline blend. Includes fuel ethanol, methanol, and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE).  (DOE6)

Oxygenated Motor Gasoline: (See also Fuel, Gasohol, Gasoline, Motor Gasoline, Kerosene) Motor gasoline, formulated for use in motor vehicles, that has an oxygen content of 1.8 percent or higher by weight.  (DOE3)

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