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Search Results - B (208 entries)

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B/L: Bill of Lading  (MARAD2)

BAC: Blood Alcohol Concentration  (BTS2)   (NHTSA3)   (NHTSA4)   (NHTSA6)

Back 'Er Down: To stop headway of a tow.  (TNDOT1)

Back Chute: An old channel no longer used that may be located behind an island adjacent to the present navigable channel. It is sometimes used during high water stages to navigate without having to buck the strong currents in the main channel.  (TNDOT1)

Back Up: To kill headway; to flank or twist tow at foot of crossing or head of bend.  (TNDOT1)

Backing Line: A line used on a tow to keep barges from running ahead.  (TNDOT1)

Backing Rudders: See Flanking Rudder.

Backwater: 1) Water backed up by a tributary stream; 2) An area of calm water unaffected by the current of a stream.  (DOI4)   (TNDOT1)

Backwater Curve: The term applied to the profile of the water surface above a dam or other obstruction in a channel. This may also be stated as the effect on the natural water surface profile of either of two confluent streams upstream from their confluence due to flow conditions in the other stream.  (TNDOT1)

Backyard Boatbuilder: Person that builds a boat for his own use and not for the purposes of sale. A backyard boatbuilder may subcontract all work.  (USCG1)

BAF: Bunker Adjustment Factor  (MARAD2)

BAIID: Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device  (MM)

Balance of Trade: The difference between a country's total imports and exports; if the exports exceed the imports, a "favorable" balance of trade exists.  (TNDOT1)

Balanced Transportation: See Intermodalism (3).

Ballast: Material place on a track bed to hold the track in line and elevation and to distribute its load. Suitable material consists of hard particles (e.g., crushed rock, slag, gravel) that are stable, easily tamped, permeable, and resistant to plant growth.  (TRB1)

Balloon: A lighter-than-air aircraft that is not engine driven.  (14CFR1)

Balloon Freight: Lightweight freight.  (ATA1)

Bar: A submerged or emerged mound, ridge, or succession of ridges of sand or other material extending across the bottom and which may obstruct navigation.  (DOI4)

Bareback: Tractor without its semitrailer.  (ATA1)

Barge: See also Boat, Tanker.

Barge: A non-selfpropelled vessel.  (49CFR171)

Barge: A non-motorized water vessel. usually flat-bottomed and towed or pushed by other craft, used for transporting freight.  (TNDOT1)

Barge: Shallow, nonself-propelled vessels used to carry bulk commodities on the rivers and the Great Lakes.  (DOE6)

Barge Carriers: Ships designed to carry barges. Some are fitted to act as full container-ships and can carry a varying number of barges and containers at the same time.  (MARAD2)

Barrel: (See also Gallon) A unit of volume equal to 42 U.S. gallons at 60 Degrees Fahrenheit.  (49CFR194)   (49CFR195)   (DOE3)

BART: Bay Area Rapid Transit District  (FTA4)

Base Period (Off-Peak Period): In transit, the time of day during which vehicle requirements and schedules are not influenced by peak-period passenger volume demands (e.g., between morning and afternoon peak periods). At this time, transit riding is fairly constant and usually low to moderate in volume when compared with peak-period travel.  (TRB1)

Basic Grant: The funds available to a State for carrying out an approved State Enforcement Plan (SEP), which include, but are not limited to: 1) Recruiting and training of personnel, payment of salaries and fringe benefits, the acquisition and maintenance of equipment except those at fixed weigh scales for the purposes of weight enforcement, and reasonable overhead costs needed to operate the program; 2) Commencement and conduct of expanded systems of enforcement; 3) Establishment of an effective out-of-service and compliance enforcement system, and 4) Retraining and replacing staff and equipment.  (49CFR350)

Basic Utility Stage I Airport: This type of airport serves 75 percent of the single-engine and small twin-engine airplanes used for personal and business purposes. Precision approach operations are not usually anticipated. This airport is designed for small airplanes in Airport Reference Code B-I.  (FAA12)

Basic Utility Stage II Airport: This type of airport serves all the airplanes of stage I plus some small business and air taxi-type twin-engine airplanes. Precision approach operations are not usually anticipated.This airport is also designed for small airplanes in Aircraft Reference Code B-I.  (FAA12)

Basin: See also Inundation Area.

Basin: Any bowl-shaped depression in the surface of the land or ocean floor.  (DOI4)

Bastard Tow: A tow made up of uneven or dissimilar barges.  (TNDOT1)

Batture: The land on either side of a river between the low water stage of the river and the top of a levee.  (TNDOT1)

Bay/Inlet: A water area that is an opening of the sea/ocean into the land, or of an estuary, lake, or river into its shore.  (DOI3)

BCS: Border Cargo Selectivity  (USTTA1)

BDL: Bradley International Airport  (FAA11)

BEA: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Department of Commerce  (BTS2)

Beacon: A fixed signal, mark, or light and associated facilities erected for the guidance of mariners or airplane pilots.  (DOI4)

Beam: The width of a ship.  (MARAD2)

Bean Hauler: A driver who transports fruits and vegetables.  (ATA1)

Bear Trap: A section of movable dam with concrete piers in either side (generally about 100 feet wide) and provided with a gate which may be raised or lowered by compressed air. The bear trap serves as a type of safety valve. When the pool level maintained at the dam becomes too high, the bear trap is lowered to permit the excess water to run out. This pool control feature of movable wicket-type dams is found on the Ohio and Illinois rivers. The Bear trap will always be located on the opposite side of the river from the lock and is very dangerous to approach when open.  (TNDOT1)

Bearing: (See also Course, Flight Path) The horizontal direction to or from any point, usually measured clockwise from true north, magnetic north, or some other reference point, through 360 degrees.  (FAA8)

Bed-Load Movement: Solids which are transported along the riverbed as a semi suspended sediment.  (TNDOT1)

Beginning Milepost: The continuous milepost notation to the nearest 0.01 mile that marks the beginning of any road or trail segment.  (DOI2)

Below Minimums: Weather conditions below the minimums prescribed by regulation for the particular action involved; (e.g., landing minimums, takeoff minimums).  (FAA4)

Bend: Curve in the river, analogous to a curve in a highway.  (TNDOT1)

Berm: The sharp definitive edge of a dredged channel such as in a rock cut.  (TNDOT1)

Berth: (See also Wharfage) 1) A specific segment of wharfage where a ship ties up alongside at a pier, quay, wharf, or other structure that provides a breasting surface for the vessel. Typically, this structure is a stationary extension of an improved shore and intended to facilitate the transfer of cargo or passengers.  (MARAD1)

Beverage Semitrailer: A van-type, drop-frame semitrailer designed and used specifically for the transport and delivery of bottled or canned beverages which has side-only access for loading and unloading this commodity.  (23CFR658)

BFV: Bradley Fighting Vehicle  (MTMC1)

BGR: Bangor International Airport  (FAA11)

BHM: Birmingham Airport  (FAA11)

Bible: The "Golden Rule" safe driving book.  (ATA1)

Bicycle: A vehicle having two tandem wheels, propelled solely by human power, upon which any person or persons may ride.  (43CFR652)

Bicycle Lane (Bike Lane): A portion of a roadway which has been designated by striping, signing and pavement markings for the preferential or exclusive use of bicyclists.  (23CFR652)

Bicycle Path (Bike Path): A bikeway physically separated from motorized vehicular traffic by an open space or barrier and either within the highway right-of-way or within an independent right-of-way.  (23CFR652)

Bicycle Route (Bike Route): A segment of a system of bikeways designated by the jurisdiction having authority with appropriate directional and information markers, with or without a specific bicycle route number.  (23CFR652)

Bicycles: Includes bicycles of all speeds and sizes that do not have a motor.  (FHWA3)

Big Hat: State Trooper.  (ATA1)

Big Rigger: Arrogant driver, or one who will drive only long trailers.  (ATA1)

Bight of a Bend: Deepest portion of a bend (not in depth of water); sharpest part of a curve.  (TNDOT1)

Bikeway: Any road, path, or way which in some manner is specifically designated as being open to bicycle travel, regardless of whether such facilities are designated for the exclusive use of bicycles or are to be shared with other transportation modes.  (23CFR652)

Bilateral Trade Agreement: Commerce between two countries based on a reciprocal trade agreement which specifies the quantity of goods to be traded, the time limit of the agreement and that the balances due be remitted directly between the countries.  (TNDOT1)

Bill of Lading: A document that establishes the terms of a contract between a shipper and a transportation company. It serves as a document of title, a contract of carriage and a receipt for goods.  (MARAD2)

Billing: A transaction conducted by a carrier involving the determination of the proper rate and total charges for a shipment and the issuance of a freight bill.  (MARAD1)

Binders: Brakes.  (ATA1)

Birdyback: Intermodal transportation system using highway freight containers carried by aircraft.  (ATA1)

Blanket Certificate (Authority): Permission granted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for a certificate holder to engage in an activity (such as transportation service or sales) on a self implementing or prior notice basis, as appropriate, without case-by-case approval from FERC.  (DOE1)

Blind Side: Right side of truck and trailer.  (ATA1)

Blind Speed: The rate of departure or closing of a target relative to the radar antenna at which cancellation of the primary radar target by moving target indicator (MTI) circuits in the radar equipment causes a reduction or complete loss of signal.  (FAA4)

Blind Spot: An area from which radio transmissions and/or radar echoes cannot be received. The term is also used to describe portions of the airport not visible from the control tower.  (FAA4)

Blind Velocity: The radial velocity of a moving target such that the target is not seen on primary radars fitted with certain forms of fixed echo suppression.  (FAA4)

Blind Zone: See Blind Spot.

BLM: Bureau of Land Management  (OFR1)

Block: A length of track of defined limits, the use of which by trains is governed by block signals, cab signals, or both.  (49CFR236)

Block Signal: A roadway signal operated either automatically or manually at the entrance to a block.  (49CFR236)

Block Signal System: A method of governing the movement of trains into or within one or more blocks by block signals or cab signals.  (49CFR236)

Block to Block Time: See Flight Time.

Blocked: Phraseology used to indicate that a radio transmission has been distorted or interrupted due to multiple simultaneous radio transmissions.  (FAA4)

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC): Is measured as a percentage by weight of alcohol in the blood (grams/deciliter). A positive BAC level (0.01 g/dl and higher) indicates that alcohol was consumed by the person tested. A BAC level of 0.10 g/dl or more indicates that the person was intoxicated.  (NHTSA3)

Blow Him Down: To sound the danger signal in case of misunderstood passing signals, when the pilot on the other boat refuses to obey signals, or when just desiring to pass information.  (TNDOT1)

BLS: Bureau of Labor Statistics  (BTS2)

BLT: Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich

Blue Signal: A clearly distinguishable blue flag or blue light by day and a blue light at night. When attached to the operating controls of a locomotive, it need not be lighted if the inside of the cab area of the locomotive is sufficiently lighted so as to make the blue signal clearly distinguishable.  (49CFR218)

Bluff Bar: A sandbar having a sharp drop-off into deep water. Also called a "bluff reef."  (TNDOT1)

BN: Burlington Northern  (BTS2)

BNA: Nashville International Airport  (FAA11)

BNIP: Bridge Needs and Investment Process  (FHWA12)

Board of Commissioners: A legal body of 3 to 9 individuals having broad administrative authority over a river port's operation. This board is primarily concerned with the development and determination of policies of the port authority.  (TNDOT1)

Boat: See also Barge, General Cargo Ship, Motorboat, Towboat, Tugboat, Vessel.

Boat Trailer: A trailer designed with cradle-type mountings to transport a boat and configured to permit launching of the boat from the rear of the trailer.  (49CFR571)

Boat Transporters: Any vehicle combination designed and used specifically to transport assembled boats and boat hulls. Boats may be partially disassembled to facilitate transporting.  (23CFR658)

BOAT/US: Boat Owners Association of the United States  (USCG1)

Boating Safety Circular (BSC): Published by COMDT (G-NAB) for free distribution to boat and equipment manufacturers, dealers, marinas, yacht clubs, OCMI personnel and other boating organizations. Information in the BSC concerns boating standards and boating safety in general.  (USCG1)

BOC: Back of Cab  (TII2)   (TII1)

Bodily Injury: Injury to the body, sickness, or disease including death resulting from any of these.  (49CFR387)

Body: See also Chassis.

Body: Semitrailer.  (ATA1)

Body Type: Refers to the individual classifications of motor vehicles by their design structure based on definitions developed by the Society of Automotive Engineers.  (NHTSA2)

Body Type: 1) The appearance of the vehicle. 2) Detailed type of motor vehicle within a vehicle type.  (NHTSA3)

Bogey: An assembly of two or more axles.  (ATA1)

Bogie: A set of wheels built specifically as rear wheels under the container.  (MARAD2)

BOI: Boise Air Terminal / Gowen Field  (FAA11)

Boil: Turbulence in the water caused by deep holes, ends of dikes, channel changes, or other submerged obstructions. Indicates a changing channel condition. A boil is easily detected by electronic depth sounders by rapidly changing depths appearing as waves on the tracing paper.  (TNDOT1)

Boiler Deck: See Cabin Deck.

Bold Reef: A bluff reef which acts like a weir and is plainly visible for quite some distance.  (TNDOT1)

Bold Right-Hand Reef: A sandbar or group of rocks which can be seen or detected by water turbulence, located on the right bank of the channel.  (TNDOT1)

Boll Weevil: A novice truck driver.  (ATA1)

Bolt Lock: [with respect to rail operations] A mechanical lock so arranged that if a switch, derail or movable-point frog is not in the proper position for a train movement, the signal governing that movement cannot display an aspect to proceed; and that will prevent a movement of the switch, derail or movable-point frog unless the signal displays its most restrictive aspect.  (49CFR236)

Bonded Petroleum Imports: Petroleum imported and entered into Customs bonded storage. These imports are not included in the import statistics until they are: 1) Withdrawn from storage free of duty for use as fuel for vessels and aircraft engaged in international trade; or 2) Withdrawn from storage with duty paid for domestic use.  (DOE5)

Booking: Arrangements with steamship companies for the acceptance and carriage of freight.  (TNDOT1)

Boom It Down: Tighten chains around freight.  (ATA1)

Boomers: Binder devices used to tighten chains around cargo on flatbed trailers.  (ATA1)

Border Cargo Selectivity (BCS): An automated cargo selectivity system based on historical and other information. The system is designed to facilitate cargo processing and to improve Customs enforcement capabilities by providing targeting information to border locations. The system is used for the land-border environment.  (USTTA1)

BOS: General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport  (FAA11)

Bottlers Body: Truck body designed for hauling cased, bottled beverages.  (ATA1)

Bottom: The portion of the ground surface which lies below water.  (DOI4)

Bottom Dumps: Trailer that unloads through bottom gates.  (ATA1)

Bottom Shell: That portion of a tank car tank surface, excluding the head ends of the tank car tank, that lies within two feet, measured circumferentially, of the bottom longitudinal center line of the tank car tank.  (49CFR171)

Boundary: A nonphysical line indicating the limit or extent of an area or territory.  (DOI4)

Bow: The front of a vessel.  (MARAD2)

Box: 1) Semitrailer; 2) The transmission part of the tractor.  (ATA1)

Boxcar: A closed rail freight car.  (MARAD2)

BPI: Bits Per Inch  (FHWA8)

Brake: An energy conversion mechanism used to stop, or hold a vehicle stationary.  (49CFR393)

Brake Horsepower: The power delivered at the propeller shaft (main drive or main output) of an aircraft engine.  (14CFR1)

Brake Pipe: A pipe running from the engineman's brake valve through the train, used for the transmission of air under pressure to charge and actuate the automatic brake equipment and charge the reservoirs of the electro-pneumatic brake equipment on each vehicle of the train.  (49CFR236)

Brake Shoe: The nonrotating portion of a tread or disc brake assembly. The shoe is pressed against the tread, disc, or drum when the brake is applied.  (TRB1)

Brake Tubing/Hose: Metallic brake tubing, nonmetallic brake tubing and brake hose are conduits or lines used in a brake system to transmit or contain the medium (fluid or vacuum) used to apply the motor vehicle's brakes.  (49CFR393)

Braking Action: A report of conditions on the airport movement area providing a pilot with a degree/quality of braking that he might expect. Braking action is reported in terms of good, fair, poor, or nil.  (FAA4)

Braking Action Advisories: When tower controllers have received runway braking action reports which include the terms "poor" or "nil," or whenever weather conditions are conducive to deteriorating or rapidly changing runway braking conditions, the tower will include on the Automated Terminal Information Service (ATIS) broadcast the statement, "BRAKING ACTION ADVISORIES ARE IN EFFECT." During the time Braking Action Advisories are in effect, Air Traffic Control (ATC) will issue the latest braking action report for the runway in use to each arriving and departing aircraft. Pilots should be prepared for deteriorating braking conditions and should request current runway condition information if not volunteered by controllers. Pilots should also be prepared to provide a descriptive runway condition report to controllers after landing.  (FAA4)

Break: A fracture resulting in complete separation into parts.  (49CFR229)

Break: A surface disturbance of the water similar to a boil, caused by an underwater obstruction.  (TNDOT1)

Break the Unit: Uncouple the tractor from the trailer.  (ATA1)

Break Up Tow: To disassemble the tow either at the end of the voyage or inadvertently on a sandbar.  (TNDOT1)

Break-Bulk: Packages of hazardous materials that are handled individually, palletized, or unitized for purposes of transportation as opposed to bulk and containerized freight.  (49CFR171)

Breakbulk Cargo: Packaged products that can be utilized into larger parcels and assembled together, for example, on pallet boards bound by wire, or gathered up in rope cargo slings as a means of lifting on and off a vessel.  (MARAD1)

Breakdown Bar: A length of pipe used to increase the leverage in setting up ratchets when connecting tow rigging. Also called "cheater".  (TNDOT1)

Breakout Tank: A tank used to: 1) relieve surges in an oil or hazardous liquid pipeline system; or 2) receive and store oil or hazardous liquid transported by a pipeline for reinjection and continued transportation by pipeline.  (49CFR194)   (49CFR195)

Breakwater: A structure built to break the force of waves so as to protect a beach, harbor, or other waterfront facility.  (DOI4)

Breast Line: Any line that leads straight in or square. Keeps a barge from moving out from its mooring facilities.  (TNDOT1)

Bridge: A structure including supports erected over a depression or an obstruction, such as water, highway, or railway, and having a track or passageway for carrying traffic or other moving loads, and having an opening measured along the center of the roadway of more than 20 feet between undercopings of abutments or spring lines of arches, or extreme ends of openings for multiple boxes; it may also include multiple pipes, where the clear distance between openings is less than half of the smaller contiguous opening.  (23CFR650)

Bridge Foundation Bearing Material: The type of material supporting the substructure of a bridge. Code as follows: GW-well graded gravel, GP-poorly graded gravel, GM-silty gravel, GC-clay gravel, SW-well graded sand, SP-poorly graded sand, SM-silty sand, SC-clay sand, RK-bedrock, UK-unknown, O-other.  (DOI2)

Bridge Number: The number of the installation, consisting of the full route number (including segment and spur) plus the milepost location of the bridge to the nearest one hundredth of a mile.  (DOI2)

Bridge Posted Load Restrictions: Load restrictions posted at a bridge structure. Entry order: single axle, dual axle, load type 3, load type 3S2, load type 3-3 and Special.  (DOI2)

Bridge Posted Speed Restrictions: A speed limit posted at a bridge structure, in miles per hour.  (DOI2)

Bridge Structure: A two character code for recording the type of bridge structure. Code as follows: SS-simple span, CS-continuous span, SC-combination simple and cantilever, CC-combination continuous and cantilever, O-other.  (DOI2)

Bridge Superstructure: Those elements of the bridge structure which are above the uppermost deck.  (DOI4)

Bridle Line: The wire cable used to connect a barge in trailing fashion behind the towboat.  (TNDOT1)

BRITE: Bright Radar Indicator Tower Equipment  (FAA19)

British Thermal Unit (BTU): (See also Conversion Factor) The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1 degree Fahrenheit (F) at or near 39.2 degrees F and 1 atmosphere of pressure. One British Thermal Unit (BTU) is about equal to the heat given off by a blue-tip match.  (DOE3)   (DOE4)

BRL: Building Restriction Line  (FAA12)

Broadcast: Transmission of information for which an acknowledgement is not expected.  (FAA4)

Broken Train Collision: A collision in which a moving train breaks into parts and an impact occurs between these parts, or when a portion of the broken train collides with another consist.  (FRA2)

Broker: (See also Customs House Broker; Freight Forwarder) A person who arranges for transportation of loads for a percentage of the revenue from the load.  (MARAD2)

Brokerage: Freight forwarder/broker compensation as specified by ocean tariff.  (MARAD2)

Brownie: Auxiliary transmission.  (ATA1)

Brush Out: (See also Landscaping) To clear out the brush or vegetation around a light or day mark so that the structure is visible to navigation in all necessary directions. An aid should be cleared or brushed out so as to be completely visible to navigation from the beginning of its use in a set of marks until it is no longer being used in that or another set of marks.  (TNDOT1)

BSC: Boating Safety Circular  (USCG1)

BSMS: Bus Service Management System  (FTA4)

BTS: Bureau of Transportation Statistics  (BTS2)   (OFR1)

BTU: British Thermal Unit  (BTS8)   (DOE4)

BTW: By the Way

BUEC: Backup Emergency Communications  (FAA19)

BUF: Greater Buffalo International Airport  (FAA11)

Bug It: To carry freight from the front to the back of a truck.  (ATA1)

Building Restriction Line (Brl): A line which identifies suitable building area locations on airports.  (FAA12)

Bulk Cargo: Cargo not packaged or broken into smaller units. Bulk cargo is either dry (grain) or liquid (petroleum) and cannot be counted.  (TNDOT1)

Bulk Cargo: The tonnes of bulk cargo assessed at the Bulk rate of tolls as defined in the St. Lawrence Seaway Tariff of Tolls.  (SLSDC1)

Bulk Cargo: Cargo that is unbound as loaded and carried aboard ship; it is without mark or count, in a loose unpackaged form, and has homogeneous characteristics.  (USTTA1)

Bulk Carriers: All vessels designed to carry bulk cargo such as grain, fertilizers, ore and oil.  (MARAD2)

Bulk Packaging: A packaging, other than a vessel or a barge, including a transport vehicle or freight container, in which hazardous materials are loaded with no intermediate form of containment and which has: 1) A maximum capacity greater than 450 L (119 gallons) as a receptacle for a liquid; 2) A maximum net mass greater than 400 kg (882 pounds) and a maximum capacity greater than 450 L (119 gallons) as a receptacle for a solid; or 3) A water capacity greater than 454 kg (1000 pounds) as a receptacle for a gas as defined in 49 CFR 173.115.  (49CFR171)

Bulk Terminal: A facility used primarily for the storage and/or marketing of petroleum products, which has a total bulk storage capacity of 50,000 barrels or more and/or receives petroleum products by tanker, barge, or pipeline.  (DOE5)

Bulk Terminal: A purpose-designed berth or mooring for handling liquid or dry commodities, in unpackaged bulk form, such as oil, grain, ore, and coal. Bulk terminals typically are installed with specialized cargo handling equipment such as pipelines, conveyors, pneumatic evacuators, cranes with clamshell grabs, and rail lines to accommodate cargo handling operations with ships or barges. Commodity-specific storage facilities such as grain silos, petroleum storage tanks, and coal stock yards are also located at these terminals.  (MARAD1)

Bulkhead: A partition separating one part of a ship, freight car, aircraft or truck from another part.  (MARAD2)

Bull Hauler: One who hauls livestock.  (ATA1)

Bulletin Board: A board located at each dam upon which is displayed information concerning the navigability of the dam, such as indicating when movable dams are down and open river conditions exist. Also located elsewhere such as at gages to publish gage readings and river level trend.  (TNDOT1)

Bullnose: A slanted river ward end of the intermediate lock wall.  (TNDOT1)

Bumble Bee: A two-cycle engine.  (ATA1)

Bump: Usually used in the phrase "watch the bump," a term used on board tows when one or more barges are likely to make contact. May also mean a momentary grounding, usually due to excess speed in shallow water.  (TNDOT1)

Bumpers: (See also Possum) 1) Fenders; 2) Pads made out of Styrofoam, old ropes,old tires, or similar material, which are hung over the side of a water vessel to prevent damage to the vessel when berthing or locking through dams.  (TNDOT1)

Bunker: A storage tank.  (DOE6)

Bunker C/Number 6 Fuel Oil: A high viscosity oil used mostly by ships, industry, and large-scale heating installations. This heavy fuel requires preheating in the storage tank to permit pumping and additional preheating to permit atomizing at the burners.  (TNDOT1)

Bunkering Fuels: Fuels stored in ship bunkers.  (DOE6)

Bunkers: Fuels supplied to ships and aircraft in international transportation, irrespective of the flag of the carrier, consisting primarily of residual, distillate, and jet fuel oils.  (DOE5)

Buoy: A float moored or anchored in water.  (DOI4)

Buoy Line: A line formed by two or more buoys marking a contour edge of a channel.  (TNDOT1)

Buoy Range Markers: Painted stakes set up on shore so placed as to form a range through the exact location of a buoy. Used only on the Tennessee River to mark buoys in dredged cuts.  (TNDOT1)

BUR: Burbank - Glendale - Pasadena Airport  (FAA11)

Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS): The Bureau was organized pursuant to section 6006 of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991 (49 U.S.C. 111), and was formally established by the Secretary of Transportation on December 16, 1992. BTS has an intermodal transportation focus whose missions are to compile, analyze and make accessible information on the Nation's transportation systems; to collect information on intermodal transportation and other areas; and to enhance the quality and effectiveness of DOT's statistical programs through research, the development of guidelines, and the promotion of improvements in data acquisition and use. The programs of BTS are organized in six functional areas and are mandated by ISTEA to: 1) Compile, analyze, and publish statistics 2) Develop a long-term data collection program 3) Develop guidelines to improve the credibility and effectiveness of the Department's statistics 4) Represent transportation interests in the statistical community 5) Make statistics accessible and understandable and 6) Identify data needs.  (OFR1)

Bus: See also Automobile, Minivan, Motor Vehicle, Vehicle.

Bus: Any of several types of self-propelled vehicles, generally rubber-tired, intended for use on city streets, highways, and busways, including but not limited to minibuses, forty and thirty-foot buses, articulated buses, double-deck buses, and electrically powered trolley buses, used by public entities to provide designated public transportation service and by private entities to provide transportation service including, but not limited to,specified public transportation services. Self-propelled, rubber-tired vehicles designed to look like antique or vintage trolleys are considered buses.  (49CFR37)

Bus: Any motor vehicle designed, constructed, and or used for the transportation of passengers, including taxicabs.  (49CFR390)

Bus: A vehicle designed to carry more than 15 passengers, including the driver.  (49CFR393)

Bus: Large motor vehicles used to carry more than ten passengers, including school buses, inter-city buses, and transit buses.  (49CFR571)   (NHTSA3)

Bus: Includes intercity buses, mass transit systems, and shuttle buses that are available to the general public. Also includes Dial-A-Bus and Senior Citizen buses that are available to the public.  (FHWA3)

Bus Charter Service (Except Local): Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing passenger transportation charter service where such operations are principally outside a single municipality, outside one group of contiguous municipalities, or outside a single municipality and its suburban areas.  (BOC1)

Bus Lane: A street or highway lane intended primarily for buses, either all day or during specified periods, but sometimes also used by carpools meeting requirements set out in traffic laws.  (APTA1)

Business District: The territory contiguous to and including a highway when within any 600 feet along such highway there are buildings in use for business or industrial purposes, including but not limited to hotels, banks, or office buildings which occupy at least 300 feet of frontage on one side or 300 feet collectively on both sides of the highway.  (49CFR390)

Business Flying: The use of aircraft by pilots (not receiving direct salary or compensation for piloting) in connection with their occupation or in the furtherance of a private business.  (NTSB2)

Business Transportation: Use of an aircraft not for compensation or hire by individuals for the purpose of transportation required by businesses in which they are engaged.  (FAA2)   (FAA9)   (FAA10)   (FAA14)

Busway: Exclusive freeway lane for buses and carpools.  (APTA1)

Busway: A roadway reserved for buses only. It may be a grade separated or controlled access roadway.  (FTA1)

Button: 1) A heavy steel casting found mostly on lock walls, designed to hold the eye of a line or wire. It is also used as deck fittings on towboat and on barges. 2) A short mushroom-shaped bitt or a short timberhead.  (TNDOT1)

Button Her Up: Tie down the load on a truck or trailer.  (ATA1)

BWI: Baltimore - Washington International Airport  (FAA11)

BYBB: Backyard Boat Builders  (USCG1)

Browse: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z