FY2K System Availability Statistics

Individual Mainframe Availability Averages
Mainframe Monthly Availability Averages
Small Systems and Storage Availability Averages
Small Systems and Storage Monthly Availability Averages
Overall Systems Availability Averages
Overall Systems Availability Details

FY99 System Availability Statistics
FY98 System Availability Statistics

FY00 User account Statistics
FY99 User account Statistics

Availability percentages are calculated using gross wall clock time. Outages/periods of unavailability (downtime) are subtracted from the total wall clock hours (accrued from beginning of FY99 or instantiation of the system) and presented as the percentage of the time the system was available to the users. The downtimes are scheduled and unscheduled periods of non-availability grouped into the following three categories: Hardware (H/W), Software (S/W), and Other (Oth). The Oth category includes unavailable time caused by power outages, environmental conditions and planned power-downs for equipment relocations or computer room modifications, etc.

To view a summary of number of downtimes and cumulative hours, go to the Overall Systems Availability Details.

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FY2K Mainframe Monthly Availability Percentages
FY2K Mainframe Monthly Availability Percentages
  Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Killeen 99.17 100 99.76 97.44 98.04 96.41 99.56 99.98 100 99.96 100 98.80
Bhaskara 100 100 99.61 100 98.82 96.36 99.18 99.89 99.56 99.51 98.96 98.75
Franklin 98.88 99.79 97.77 100 98.82 96.16 99.84 100 99.97 99.68 100 98.74
Seymour 99.82 99.06 99.77 97.92 98.78 96.13 99.19 99.66 98.94 99.73 100 98.75
Mcurie 98.53 96.61 98.42 96.16 95.46 95.30 98.87 97.52 99.30 98.59 93.49 96.35
GSeaborg           98.86 99.11 99.81 98.62 91.85 100 97.68

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FY2K Auxiliary System Monthly Availability Percentages
FY2K Auxiliary System Monthly Availability Percentages
  Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
File System
AFS 100 96.08 100 100 98.91 100 100 100 98.47 100 99.07 100
File Storage Systems
HPSS 98.58 97.42 99.53 99.76 96.75 95.40 97.64 97.65 99.02 99.48 99.41 99.50
Archive 98.18 99.28 99.23 98.44 94.15 98.15 97.76 98.76 99.56 98.75 98.58 98.72
Math/Visualization Systems
Newton 99.71 99.78 98.43 99.73 99.02 94.34 99.63 99.56 100 99.75 99.64 100
Escher 97.64 99.48 99.69 100 99.19 96.24 99.58 99.49 99.93 100 99.58 99.48

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