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Computer software available for use in computing and/or manipulating any of these data.


EcoNetwrk: A Windows-Compatible Program for Analyzing Ecological Flow Networks in Food Webs. Network analysis is a phenomenological approach that holistically quantifies the structure and function of food webs by evaluating biomasses and energy flows. The efficiency with which energy and material is transferred, assimilated, and dissipated conveys significant information about the structure and function of food webs. This graphical user interface is being designed at GLERL based on the Fortran program, Netwrk 4.2 by Robert E. Ulanowicz, Chesapeake Biological Station, University of Maryland. Netwrk 4.2 is copyrighted (1982, 1987, 1998, 1999) and was used with the author's permission and guidance. This project is also sponsored by the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission. (2002 - D.M. Mason)

GRP Map Maker: A User's Guide to Spatial Models of Fish Habitat Combining Acoustic Data and Bioenergetics Models. NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-110, J. Tyler (1998). GRP Map Maker allows uses to convert data on fish distrubition and on simple environmental measures into measures of fish growth rate potential, fish maximum potential consumption, and maximum fish growth.


Derivative Outlook Weights Software
(related GLERL research project: Water Resources Management Decision Support - Thomas E. Croley II)

Large Basin Runoff Model Software (related GLERL research project: Next Generation Large Basin Runoff Model - Thomas E. Croley II)

MIDLAKES: A Coordinated Hydrologic Response Model for the Middle Great Lakes. NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-109. A.H. Clites and D. Lee (1998). A model for simulating quater-monthly lake levels and connecting channel flows for the middle Great Lakes (Michigan, Huron, St. Clair, and Erie).

Computer Program for Performing Hydrograph Separation using the Rating Curve Method. NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-100, C.M. Sellinger (1996). This reports presents a computer methodology for partitioning streamflow into overland flow or runoff and baseflow.

Computer Program for Estimating Evapotranspiration using the Thornthwaite Method. NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-101, C.M. Sellinger (1996). This computer program allows the calculation of evapotranspiration using large data sets in a more efficient and timely manner.

Great Lakes Storm Surge Planning Program (SSPP). NOAA Technical Memorandum TM-065. D.J. Schwab and E. W. Lynn (1987). A computer program for estimating maximum and minimum storm surge water levels for the Great Lakes.

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Last updated: 2004-02-18 jjs