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Event: 'Commissioner Shea Briefs Congressional Staff On China'

Congressional Testimony
Date: Friday, June 20, 2008 At 10:00:00 AM

WASHINGTON--Commissioner Nina Shea discussed religious freedom violations in China at a briefing sponsored by the congressional Task Force on International Religious Freedom entitled, Religious Freedom in China: Analyzing the Impact of the Olympics’ Role in Shaping Bilateral and Multilateral Efforts to Bring About a Peaceful Democratic Transition."
In order to raise the profile of religious freedom and related human rights promotion through the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, the Commission has urged the U.S. Congress to allocate sufficient resources within funds appropriated for the security of U.S. citizens in Beijing during the Games to ensure that training and related information materials include content that:
·         instructs security officials, Olympic spectators, and athletes on China’s commitments to uphold for all visitors certain internationally recognized human rights standards during the Olympic Games; and
·         informs U.S. citizens, participants, and spectators at the Olympic games of their rights, protected under international law, and identifies problem areas they may encounter with Chinese authorities relating to the freedoms of expression, religion or belief, assembly, and association, including information on Chinese law and the recent human rights practices of the Chinese government.
“China was awarded the Olympics with the expectation that its repressive policies would improve.  That has not happened.  Now, the international community must say clearly to the Chinese government that the continued repression of the religious freedom of its own people only hurts China’s international prestige, harms U.S.-China relations, and violates China’s international obligations.  Hopefully, China will come to realize that protecting religious freedom and related human rights is not only the right thing to do; it also serves its own interests,” Shea said.
The off-the-record briefing was chaired by Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) and included the participation of  Regina Kidder, a human rights activist for the rights of the Uyghur people in East Turkestan; Bob Fu, President of China Aid Association; and Todd Stein, Director of Government Relations for the International Campaign for Tibet. 

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