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Deep Impact
Deep Impact-EPOXI Mission to Comets
Deep Impact-EPOXI:
Deep Impact's primary mission was to deliver a special impactor spacecraft into the path of comet Tempel 1. The spacecraft - and many ground-based observers - observed the impact and the ejected material. Scientists were surprised the cloud was composed of a fine, powdery material, not the expected water, ice, and dirt.

The flyby spacecraft is now on an extended EPOXI mission as to study and search for planets orbiting distant stars. It is en route to observe a second comet, Hartley 2. The spacecraft makes its closest approach to Hartley 2 in 2010.

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Visit the Deep Impact-EPOXI Legacy Site
Key Dates Headlines
Impacts Comet Tempel 1
In Hibernation Mode
Fast Facts Links
Deep Impact Facts Deep Impact was the first mission to eject material from a comet's surface.

It is a coincidence that Deep Impact shares its name with a 1998 science fiction disaster film about a comet.

Author Arthur C. Clarke suggested the idea of impacting a comet in his novel 2001: A Space Odyssey
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