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Worksheets for calculating items 9 and 10:

Simple Mixtures and Filtrations / Simple Mixture 1 / Simple Mixture 2 / Simple Mixture 3 / Extracts / Extracts 1 / Extracts 2 /
Dietary Supplements / Dietary Supplements 1 / Dietary Supplements 2 / Return to Tutorial

Simple Mixtures and Filtrations:

Worksheets have been created using 2 sets of units.  Click on the appropriate set of units below to download the calculation worksheet.

pounds / gallons

kilograms / liters

Click here to download the instructions to use the worksheets.

Simple Mixture 1

Example worksheet.  Formula information on this example can be found here in the tutorial.

Simple Mix with Yields

Example worksheet.  Formula information on this example can be found here.

* Notice that this formula has a disapproved intermediate, and an actual and theoretical yield.

1% Solution Example

Example worksheet.  Formula information on this example can be found here.

* You will see “see tutorial” in the tolerance for box#10.  The value is out of the range the worksheet will calculate.  This occurs with alcohol values ≥ 90% or ≤ 0.5%.  Click here to open the tolerance table from the tutorial and find out the appropriate range for box #10.

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Worksheets have been created using 2 sets of units.  Click on the appropriate set of units below to download the calculation worksheet.

pounds / gallons

kilograms / liters

Click here to download the instructions to use the worksheets.

Extract 1

Example worksheet.  Formula information on this example can be found here in the tutorial.

* The starting menstruum for this is only alcohol and water.

Extract 2

Example worksheet.  Formula information on this example can be found here in the tutorial.

* The starting menstruum for this is alcohol, water, an intermediate and glycerin.

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Dietary Supplements:

Worksheets have been created using 2 sets of units.  Click on the appropriate set of units below to download the calculation worksheet.

pounds / gallons

wt. ounces / fluid ounces

Click here to download the instructions to use the worksheets.

Dietary Supplments 1

Example worksheet.  Formula information on this example can be found here.

* This is for a dry herb.

Dietary Supplments 2

Example worksheet.  Formula information on this example can be found here.

* This is for a wet herb with a known moisture content.  If there is a range in the moisture content, the average value should be used.

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