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Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability Recommendations - January 2001

DATE: August 24, 2004

TO: Interested Parties

FROM: Jerry A. Holmberg, PhD, Executive Secretary for Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability

SUBJECT: Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability Recommendations - January 26, 2001

The Advisory Committee unanimously made four Recommendations to Secretary Thompson on January 26, 2001 Minutes, transcripts and presentations are posted on the Committee's web site (

The Committee recommends universal leukoreduction should be implemented as soon as feasible.

  1. In regard to universal leukoreduction, the Advisory Committee is concerned about the availability of blood, and the resources necessary to implement universal leukoreduction. For these reasons, the Advisory Committee recommends that the actions of the Department of Health and Human Services should strive to:

    • minimize the impact on supply,

    • assure adequate funding for this effort,

    • issue a regulation to implement universal leukoreduction that addresses these concerns, and

    • report to the Advisory Committee on a regular basis the progress toward these goals.

  2. The Advisory Committee recommends that the Secretary appoint a representative of the Health Care Financing Administration as a non-voting government representative to the Advisory Committee.

  3. Given the unresolved scientific issues in the field, the Advisory Committee supports continuing research on the effectiveness of universal leukoreduction.

  4. In the above resolutions, the word "leukoreduction" is intended to mean pre-storage leukoreduction, and the resolutions refer to non-leukocyte cellular blood component