National Irrigation Water Quality Program Horizontal Banner
As of fiscal year 2005,
the National Irrigation Water Quality Program
has been inactive.

For further information regarding the program,
please "Contact Us" via the link
at the top of this page.
National Irrigation Water Quality Program Logo

Related Documents


Each NIWQP project/study area has various documents either relating to the project or project-specific reports themselves.  The three links below will direct you to those related documents, compiled and listed in a bibliography format, as well as links to the respective downloads:
Please request journal articles from the journal author, and USGS reports from the USGS State Representative for which the study was conducted.

Copies of USGS reports can be purchased from:

  • U.S. Geological Survey
    Earth Science Information Center
    Open File Reports Section
    P.O. Box 25286, Mail Stop 517
    Denver Federal Center
    Denver, Colorado 80225
A new USGS search engine, the USGS Publications Warehouse, is now available. This site provides at least abstracts for all USGS publications, PDF copies of most recent ones, and we're working on scanned copies of all historical publications.