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Power Point Slide Presentation

Slide 1 - Implementation of Blood Action Plan

Initiatives to Promote Blood Availability

Mary Gustafson OBRR, CBER, FDA PHS ACBSA, January 27, 2000

Slide 2 - PHS Task Group Recommendations for Increasing the Blood Supply

Mary Gustafson OBRR, CBER, FDA PHS ACBSA, August 26, 1999

Slide 3 - Strategies for Increasing the U.S. Blood Supply

  • Recommendations from PHS Task Group - August 1999

  • Recommendations Incorporated Into Blood Action Plan - November 1999

Slide 4 - Blood Action Plan

Monitoring and Increasing the Blood Supply

  1. Monitor the Blood Supply

  2. Encourage More Donations by Eligible Donors

  3. Improve Donor Relations as Part of Recruitment and Retention

  4. Remove Restrictions to Safe Donation

  5. Address Economic Issues Facing the Blood Industry

Slide 5 - Monitor the Blood Supply

  1. NHLBI, on December 10, contracted with NBDRC to conduct monthly surveys.

  2. By October 2001, PHS will determine long-term responsibility.

Slide 6 - Encourage More Donations by Eligible Donors

  1. DHHS offered support to industry to participate in PSA�s.

  2. NHLBI sponsoring Feb. 28 workshop, "National Strategy to Increase Blood Donations."

  3. FDA to publish donor incentive guidance by June 30, 2000.

  4. NHLBI to explore feasibility of educational programs by June 30, 2000.

Slide 7 - Improve Donor Relations as Part of Recruitment and Retention

  1. FDA draft guidance on recruitment practices by December 31, 2000.

  2. Possible FDA/NHLBI donor recruitment workshop by August 30, 2000.

  3. FDA guidance on computer interviews by September 30, 2000.

  4. Initiate simplification/abbreviation of donor questionnaire by January 1, 2001.

Slide 8 - Remove Restrictions to Safe Donation

  1. FDA to issue guidance for use of therapeutic hemochromatosis donations by May 31, 2000.

  2. CDC/FDA workshops to be planned as warranted.

Slide 9 - Address Economic Issues Facing the Blood Industry

  1. August 1999 PHS AC BSA discussion of safety measures and cost implications.

  2. April 2000 PHS AC BSA to discuss reimbursement issues.

  3. DHHS will clarify policies on reimbursement by June 1, 2000.

Last Revised: October 27, 2003


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