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SAMHSA News - May/June 2007, Volume 15, Number 3

HIV/AIDS Consumer Guide

cover of brochure Drugs, Alcohol and HIV/AIDS: A Consumer Guide for African Americans - click to viewSAMHSA’s Knowledge Application Program (KAP) has published a brochure explaining the increased risk of HIV transmission among people who abuse substances.

The brochure, Drugs, Alcohol and HIV/AIDS: A Consumer Guide for African Americans, includes hotline numbers and Web sites to help people find health care and treatment. The publication accompanies Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons with HIV/AIDS, number 37 in the Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) series from SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.

For information about another consumer guide on HIV/AIDS that's available from SAMHSA, visit

To download this free brochure, visit SAMHSA’s KAP Web site at
End of Article

« See Part 1: Outreach, Testing for At-Risk Individuals

« See Part 2: Outreach, Testing for At-Risk Individuals

« Two SAMHSA HIV/AIDS Programs

« Resources on HIV/AIDS

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Inside This Issue
Expanding HIV Assistance:
Outreach, Testing for
At-Risk Individuals
Part 1
Part 2
Resources on HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS Consumer Guide

From the Administrator: On Capitol Hill

Grants: Manual Clarifies Application Process

Children's Mental Health

Virginia Tech Tragedy: Coping with Trauma

Psychological First Aid

Veterans, Families: New Resources

Around the World Treatnet: Improving Treatment Around the Globe

Expanding Treatment in Central America

Treating Alcohol Dependence: Advisory

Recovery Month: Toolkit, PSAs Help Planning Efforts

PRISM Awards in Spotlight

Depression: Reports Offer Statistics

Mental Health Report Available

TAP 21A: Competencies for Clinical Supervisors

HBCU Conference Highlights Workforce

Homelessness Web Site Launched

STD Rates: Alcohol, Drug Use Linked

Staff in the News:
Dr. Kenneth S. Thompson


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SAMHSA News - May/June 2007, Volume 15, Number 3


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