Bureau of Reclamation Banner
Mid-Pacific Region
Sacramento, Calif.
Media Contact:
Pete Lucero
(916) 978-5100

Released On: July 25, 2008

Reclamation Announces Changes at New Melones Lake

The Bureau of Reclamation announces several changes that have recently taken place in the Glory Hole Recreation Area at New Melones Lake:

  • Due to low lake levels, the Angels Creek boat ramp has been closed for the season.  
  • Low water levels have also affected the Angels Creek water system, resulting in the closure of the restroom facilities.
  • Buck Brush Trailhead and the Angels Creek boat ramp fish cleaning station are closed. 

Other changes include:

  • Portable restrooms are now available at each of the facilities.
  • Two new permanent concrete vault toilets have been installed at the Tower Climb and Carson Creek Trailheads along the Glory Hole access road.

Non-interactive picture of a campsite on the lakeVisitors should be aware that the use of portable BBQ grills is prohibited at New Melones Lake outside of designated campgrounds due to high fire danger, and visitors should ensure they have completely extinguished their campfires before departing the campsites.  

For additional information, please contact Ms. Tracy Neal at the New Melones Lake Field Office at
209-536-9094, ext. 215 or e-mail TNEAL@mp.usbr.gov

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Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier and the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States, with operations and facilities in the 17 Western States. Its facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife benefits. Visit our website at www.usbr.gov.