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Table 20
Government Transportation Revenues by Mode and Level of Government

(Millions of current dollars)

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  1980 1990 1995 1999 2000
Total 25,268 49,945 66,743 88,668 U
Federal: Highway Trust Fund-Highway Accounta 7,647 13,453 19,377 33,823 30,347
State 16,287 32,644 42,415 48,784 U
Local 1,334 3,848 4,952 6,061 U
Total 2,397 7,193 9,352 13,186 U
Federal: Highway Trust Fund-Mass Transit Account - 1,977 2,813 5,478 4,625
State 362 1,074 1,257 1,404 U
Local 2,035 4,142 5,283 6,304 U
Total 4,100 10,119 13,954 21,079 U
Federal: Airport and Airway Trust Fundb 2,274 4,945 6,291 11,089 10,544
State 190 556 695 744 U
Local 1,636 4,617 6,968 9,246 U
Total 1,211 2,487 3,567 3,923 U
Federal: water receiptsc 391 999 1,644 1,568 1,175
State 249 355 479 651 U
Local 572 1,133 1,444 1,704 U
Total - 10 35 30 40
Federal: Pipeline Safety Fund - 10 35 30 40
General support          
Total - - 7 8 25
Federal: Emergency Preparedness Fund - - 7 8 25
All modes          
Total 32,977 69,753 93,659 126,895 U
Federal 10,312 21,384 30,166 51,996 46,756
State 17,088 34,629 44,846 51,584 U
Local 5,577 13,740 18,647 23,315 U

a Since 1983, some Highway Trust Fund fuel tax has gone to transit.

b A requirement that 10% of passenger ticket taxes and other taxes paid by airport and airway users be transferred to this trust fund expired in December 1996.

c Includes Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund, St. Lawrence Seaway tolls, Inland Waterway Trust Fund, Panama Canal receipts, Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund, Offshore Oil Pollution Fund, Deep Water Port Liability Fund, and excise taxes of the Boat Safety Program.

Key: - = no activity or a value of zero; U = unavailable.

Note: Data have been revised and are preliminary. Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding. Only federal government revenues are included in FY 2000.

Source: Various sources, as cited in U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Government Transportation Financial Statistics, available Spring 2002 at, or, for more details, send email to