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Table 1
The Transportation Network: 2000

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Mode Components
Public roads 46,677 miles of Interstate highway
114,511 miles of other National Highway System roads
3,789,927 miles of other roads
Public-use airports 5,317 airports
Airports serving large certificated carriers 29 large hubs (72 airports), 479 million enplaned passengers (see Glossary for definition of "hub")
31 medium hubs (53 airports), 102 million enplaned passengers
54 small hubs (69 airports), 40 million enplaned passengers
585 nonhubs (610 airports), 18 million enplaned passengers
Miles of railroad operated 120,022 miles by Class I freight railroads in the United Statesa
20,978 miles by regional freight railroads
28,937 miles by local freight railroads
22,741 miles by Amtrak (passenger)
Urban transit  
Directional route-milesb Bus: 160,506
Trolley bus: 469
Commuter rail: 5,209
Heavy rail: 1,558
Light rail: 834
Stations Commuter rail: 983
Heavy rail: 1,009
Light rail: 603
Navigable channels 26,000 miles of navigable waterways
Ferry routes 487
Commercial waterway facilitiesc  
Great Lakes 611 deep-draft
143 shallow-draft
Inland 2,367 shallow-draft
Ocean 4,079 deep-draft
2,109 shallow-draft
Locks 276
Pipeline (1999)  
Oil Crude lines: 86,000 miles of pipe
Product lines: 91,000 miles of pipe
Gas Transmission: 254,000 miles of pipe
Distribution: 981,000 miles of pipe

a There are also 575 miles of railroad operated by U.S. Class I freight railroads in Canada and Mexico.

b Directly operated service. Does not include contracted service.

c See Glossary for definition of commercial waterway facilites.

Sources: Various sources, as cited in U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Statistics 2001, available Spring 2002 at, or email to; Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts, 2001 (Washington, DC: 2001); USDOT, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics 2000 (Washington, DC: 2001); National Ferry database, as of October 2001; and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Navigation Data Center, The U.S. Waterway System, Transportation Facts, available at, as of November 2001.