Characteristic,1970,2000,,,,, Resident population (thous.),"203,984","281,422",,,,, Total area (thous. sq. mi.)a,"3,619","3,718 (1990)",,,,, Total civilian labor force (thous.),"82,771","140,863",,,,, Real gross domestic productb,$3.4 trillion,$9.2 trillion,,,,, Median household incomeb ,"$29,600 ","$39,200 ",,,,, Average household expendituresb,N,"$35,384 ",,,,, Number of households (thous.),"63,401","104,705",,,,, Average life expectancy (years),71,76.7 (1998),,,,, Labor force participation by women,46%,60%,,,,, a 1990 data include the Great Lakes and inland and coastal water. Estimate for 2000 not yet available. 1970 data include inland water only. The Census Bureau tabulates area data for the decennial census years only.,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, b Expressed in 1996 chained dollars (see Glossary for definition).,,,,,,, Key: N = data do not exist. Note: All dollar amounts are 1996 chained dollars.,,,,,,, "Sources: Population, area, number of households—U.S. Department of Commerce (USDOC), Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of United States: 2000, available at; GDP—USDOC, BEA; median household income—USDOC, Census Bureau, available at hhes/www/ income00.html; expenditures, employment—U.S. Department of Labor, BLS; life expectancy—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, available at ",,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,