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Guide to Specialists

Rend al-Rahim
Senior Fellow, Jennings Randolph Fellowship Program

Project Focus:
Social and Political Transformation in Iraq | Iraqi Elections

Phone: 202-429-3819

Email: ralrahim@usip.org

Languages: Arabic

Note: Journalists interested in interviewing Ms. al-Rahim should contact Lauren Sucher in the USIP public affairs office at 202.429.3822.

Writing from an Iraqi perspective, Rend al-Rahim’s project focuses on the social and political transformation in Iraq in 2003–2005 and on the pressures that affected the outcome of the 2005 elections.

Al-Rahim has served as Iraq’s representative to the United States and is founder and executive director of the Iraq Foundation, established in Washington, D.C., in 1991. In addition to teaching at the American University of Beirut, she has worked for the American Investment Company, Banque Arabe et Internationale d’Investissement in Bahrain, and Chemical Bank in Beirut and London.

Al-Rahim holds a B.A. from Cambridge University and a Maitrise en Lettres from the Sorbonne.


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Guide to Specialists

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