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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

Library and Links

USIP Library

The Jeannette Rankin Library Program supports the research needs of the USIP's programs, outside practitioners, researchers, libraries, and a worldwide virtual audience, in the field of international conflict management, through its print and digital collections.

Located on USIP premises, the core library collection encompasses over 12,000 items dealing with conflict prevention, management, resolution and diplomacy, negotiation, and mediation. Most materials in the library collection may be requested via interlibrary loan through local libraries in the United States. Library services are available to the public at large, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM. You can also contact us to submit reference queries.

Doing Research?

Search USIP's Library print and digital collections for books, periodicals, audio-visual materials, digital files (documents, audio and video presentations), and more. Use the advanced search for full-text searching of USIP Special Reports, Peaceworks, and additional digital items.


Afghanistan Oral Histories
Read interviews with Americans who served in Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan. The Oral Histories Project aims to draw lessons learned and address the challenges of postconflict intervention.


Terrorism/Counter-Terrorism Web Links
Research information on terrorism and counter-terrorism through this portal of links organized by topical categories.


Peace Agreements Digital Collection
A collection of full-text agreements signed by major contending parties ending inter-and intra-state conflicts worldwide.


Foreign Ministries Online
Browse through a collection of thorough links to Foreign Ministries on the Web, listed alphabetically by country.


United States Institute of Peace - 1200 17th Street NW - Washington, DC 20036
+1.202.457.1700 (phone) - +1.202.429.6063 (fax)