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Book Chapters

Morisette, J.T., J. L. Privette, A. Strahler, P. Mayaux, C. O. Justice, An approach for the Validation of Global Land Cover Products through the Committee on Earth Observing Satellites, in Remote Sensing and GIS Accuracy Assessment Lunetta, R.S., and J.G. Lyon (Editors), 2004, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 304 pp.

Morisette, Jeffrey T.; S. Khorram; H. Cheshire and C. Stallings, 1996, Creating an Urban-Mask Raster Image with Vector Street Files p. 172 - 178, in Raster Imagery in Geographic Information Systems, Stan Morain ed., High Mountain Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 495 pp.

Refereed Articles

Schroeder, W. E. Prins, L. Giglio, I. Csiszar; C. Schmidt; J. Morisette, and D. Morton, 2008. Validation of GOES and MODIS Active Fire Detection Products Using ASTER and ETM+. Remote Sensing of Environment. 112: 2711-2726.

Garrigues, S., Allard, D., Baret , F. and Morisette , J.T. 2008. Multivariate quantification of landscape spatial heterogeneity using variogram model. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112:216-230.

Gao, F, J. Morisette, R. Wolfe, G. Ederer, J. Pedelty, E. Masuoka, R.
Myneni, B. Tan, and J. Nightingale, 2008. An Algorithm to Produce Temporally and Spatially continuous MODIS-LAI Time Series, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 5(1)60-64.

Myneni, Ranga B., W.Y anga,b, R. Nemanic, A Huete, …J. T. Morisette et al., 2007. Large seasonal swings in leaf area of Amazon rainforests, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(12) 4820 – 4823.

Nickeson, J., J. Morisette, J. Privette, C. Justice, D. Wickland, 2007. Coordinating Earth Observing System Land Validation, EOS Transactions, 88(7)81-82.

Morisette, J.T., F. Baret, J. L. Privette, R. B. Myneni, J. Nickeson, et al., 2006. Validation of Global moderate resolution LAI Products: a framework proposed within the CEOS Land Product Validation subgroup, IEEE TGARS, 44(7), 1804-1817.

Baret, F., J. Morisette, R. Fernandes, J.L. Champeaux, R. Myneni, J. Chen, S. Plummer, M. Weiss, C. Bacour, G.Derive, Evaluation of the representativeness of networks of sites for the validation and inter-comparison of global land biophysical products. 2006. Proposition of the CEOS-BELMANIP, IEEE TGARS, 44(7), 1794-1803.

Csiszar, I. A, J, T Morisette, L, Giglio, 2006. Validation of active fire detection from moderate resolution satellite sensors: the MODIS example,IEEE TGARS, 44(7), 1757-1764

Brown, M. E. J. E Pinzon, J. T. Morisette, K. Didan, C. J. Tucker, 2006. Inter-Sensor Validation of long-term NDVI time series from AVHRR, SPOT-Vegetation, SeaWIFS, MODIS, and LandSAT ETM+, IEEE TGARS, 44(7), 1787-1793

Morisette, J.T., F. Baret, S. Liang, 2006. Special issue on Global Land Product Validation, IEEE, TGARS 44(7), 1695-1697

Morton, D.C., R. S. DeFries, Y. E. Shimabukuro, L. O. Anderson, E. A. Fernando del Bon Espirito-Santo, R Freitas, and J. Morisette, 2006. Cropland expansion changes deforestation dynamics in the southern Brazilian Amazon, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(39) 14637–14641.

Morisette, J.T., C. S. Jernevich, A. Ullah, W. Cai, J.A. Pedelty, J. Gentle, T.J. Stohlgren, J.L. Schnase, 2006. A tamarisk habitat suitability map for the continental US, Frontiers in Ecology, v. 1. ,n. 4, pp. 11-17.

Roy, D.P., Frost, P.G.H., Justice, ... Morisette, J.T, et al., The Southern Africa Fire Network (SAFNet) regional burned area product validation protocol, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(19) 4265-4292.

Morisette, J.T., L.Giglio, I.Csiszar, C.O. Justice, Validation of the MODIS Active fire product over Southern Africa with ASTER data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 26, No. 19, 10 October 2005, 4239–4264.

Morisette, J.T., L. Giglio. I. Csiszar, A. Setzer, W. Schroeder, D. Morton, C O. Justice, 2005, Validation of MODIS active fire detection products derived from two algorithms, Earth Interaction, vol. 9, paper 9.

Schroeder, W, J. Morisette, I. Csiszar, L. Giglio, D. Morton, C. Justice. 2005. Characterizing Vegetation Fire Dynamics in Brazil Through Multi-Satellite Data: Common Trends and Practical Issues, Earth Interaction vol. 9, paper 13.

Pedelty J. A, J.T. Morisette, J.A. Smith, 2004. Comparison of Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) and Earth Observing One (EO-1) Advanced Land Imager, Optical Engineering, 43 (4): 954-962.

Morisette, J.T., J. E. Nickeson, P. Davis, Y. Wang, Y. Tian, C. E. Woodcock, N. Shabanov, M. Hansen, D.L. Schaub, A. R. Huete, W. B. Cohen, D. R. Oetter, and R. E. Kennedy, 2003. High spatial resolution satellite observations for validation of MODIS land products: IKONOS observations acquired under the NASA Scientific Data Purchase, Remote Sensing of Environment, 88 (1-2) 100-110.

Liang, S., H. Fang, M. Chen, C. Walthall, C. Daughtry, J. Morisette, 2002, Atmospheric correction of Landsat ETM+ imagery II: validation and applications, IEEE Trans. Geos. Remote Sens, 40(12) 2736-2746.

Morisette, J. T., J.L. Privette, and C.O. Justice, 2002. A framework for the validation of MODIS land products, Remote Sensing of Environment, 83 (1-2) 77-96.

Liang S.L., H.L. Fang, M.Z. Chen, C.J. Shuey, C. Walthall, C. Daughtry, J. Morisette, C. Schaaf, A. Strahler, 2002, Validating MODIS land surface reflectance and albedo products: methods and preliminary results, Remote Sensing of Environment, 83 (1-2) 149-162.

Justice, C. O., L. Giglio, S. Korontzi, J. Owens, J.T.Morisette, D. Roy, J. Descloitres, S. Alleaume, F. Petitcolin, Y. Kaufman, 2002. The MODIS Fire Products, Remote Sensing of Environment., 83 (1-2) 244–262.

Myneni, R.B., Y. Knyazikhin, J.L. Privette, J. Glassy, Y. Tian, Y. Wang, S. Hoffman, X. Song, Y. Zhang, G.R. Smith, A. Lotsch, M. Friedl, J.T. Morisette, P. Votava, R.R. Nemani, and S.W. Running, 2002. Global products of vegetation leaf area and fraction absorbed PAR from year one of MODIS data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 83 (1-2) 214-231.

Justice, C.O., J. Townshend, E. Vermote, E. Masuoka, R. Wolfe, N. El Saleous, D. Roy, J. Morisette, 2002. An overview of MODIS Land data processing and product status, Remote Sensing of Environment, 83 (1-2) 3-15.

Morisette, Jeffrey T. and S. Khorram, 2000, Accuracy Assessment Curves for Satellite-Based Change Detection, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. vol. 66 (7).876-880.

Justice, C., Belward, A., Morisette, J., Lewis, P., Privette, J., Baret, F., 2000, Developments in the validation of satellite products for the study of the land surface, International Journal of Remote Sensing, v. 21 (17) 3383 – 3390. (TC=19)

Walthall, C., Roujean, J., Morisette, J., 2000, Field and Landscape BRDF optical wavelength measurements: experience, techniques, and the future, for Special Issue on BRDF in Remote Sensing Reviews, 18(2-4)503-532.

Morisette, J., S. Khorram, T. Mace, 1999, Land-cover change detection enhanced with generalized linear models, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 20(14)2703-2721.

Morisette, J., Khorram S., Exact Binomial Confidence Interval for Proportions, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, April 1998, v.64, n. 4, pp. 281-283.

Morisette, J., 1997, An Example Using SAS to Fit the Model of Coregionalization, Computers and Geoscience, v. 23, n. 3, pp. 317-323.

Karl, Dennis P., Morisette, J., Taam, W., 1994, Some Applications of a Multivariate Capability Index in Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing, Quality Engineering, v. 6, n. 4, pp. 649-665.

Archived Data Sets

Morisette, J. T., L. Giglio, I. Csiszar, A. Setze, W. Schroeder, D. Morton and C. O. Justice. 2004. LBA ECO LC-23 ASTER - MODIS Fire Data Comparison - Brazil 2003 & 2004, Data set, Available on-line, from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.

Schroeder, W., J.T. Morisette, I. Csiszar, L. Giglio, D. Morton and C.O. Justice, 2004. Characterizing Vegetation Fire Dynamics in Brazil Through Multi-Satellite Data: Common Trends and Practical Issues, Data set, Available on-line, from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.

Morisette, J. T., L. Giglio, I. Csiszar, and C. O. Justice. 2003. Safari 2000 Aster and Modis Fire Data Comparison, Dry Season 2001, Data set, Available on-line] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. Conference Proceeding

Conference Proceedings

Le Moigne, J, A. Cole-Rhodes, R. Eastman, P. Jain, A. Joshua, N. Memarsadeghi, D. Mount, N. Netanyahu, J. Morisette, E. Uko-Ozoro, 2006. Image Registration and fusion studies for the integration of multiple remote sensing data, Invited paper for the IEEE International conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, May 14019, Toulouse, France.

Memarsadeghi, N, J. Le Moigne, D. M. Mount, and J. T. Morisette, A New Approach to Image Fusion Based on Cokriging, Information Fusion 2005, July 25 - 28, 2005, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Le Moigne, J., A. Cole-Rhodes, R. Eastman, J. Morisette, N. S. Netanyahu, H. S. Stone, I. Zavorin, P.Jain, A Study of the Sensitivity of Automatic Image Registration Algorithms to Initial Conditions, IGARSS, 2004.

Morisette, J.T, J. E. Pinzon, M.E. Brown, C.J. Tucker C.O. Justice, 2004. Initial Validation of NDVI time series from AVHRR, VEGETATION, and MODIS, proceeding of the 2nd SPOT VEGETATION Users conference, March 24-26, 2004, Antwerp, Belgium.

Pedelty, J.A., Morisette, J.T., Schnase, J.L., Smith, J.A., Stohgren, T.J., and Kahlkan, M.A. 2003. High performance geostatistical modeling of biospheric resources in the Cerro Grande Wildfire Site, Los Alamos, New Mexico and Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, In: Proceedings of the NASA Earth Science Technology Conference 2003 (ESTC 2003), College Park, MD, June 23-26.

Pedelty, J.A., J.T. Morisette, J.A. Smith, A Comparison of Landsat-7 ETM+ and EO-1 ALI Images Over Rochester, NY, SPIE, Aerosense conference, Orlando FL, 3745, 357-365. April 1-5, 2002.

Le Moigne, J., A. Cole-Rhodes, R. Eastman, T. El-Ghazawi, K. Johnson, S. Kaewpijit, N. Laporte, J. Morisette, N. Netanyahu, H. Stone and I. Zavorin, Multiple Sensor Image Registration, Image Fusion and Dimension Reduction of Earth Science Imagery, Fifth International Conference on Information Fusion, FUSION'2002, 999-1006, Annapolis, Maryland, July 8-11, 2002.

Le Moigne, J., A. Cole-Rhodes, R. Eastman, K. Johnson, J. Morisette, N. Netanyahu, H. Stone and I. Zavorin, Multi-Sensor Image Registration for On-the-Ground or On-Board Science Data Procesisng, Science Data Processing Workshop, SDP'2002, 9b1-9b6, Greenbelt, January 2002.

Teillet, P., Thome, K., Fox, N. and Morisette,, J., 2001, Earth Observation Sensor Calibration Using A Global Instrumented and Automated Network of Test Sites (GIANTS), Proceedings of the 8-th SPIE International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Toulouse, France, September 17-21, 2001.

Le Moigne, J., A. Cole-Rhodes, R. Eastman, K. Johnson, J. Morisette, N. Netanyahu, H. Stone and I. Zavorin, 2001, Multi-Sensor Registration of Earth Remotely Sensed Imagery, Proceedings of the 8-th SPIE International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Toulouse, France, September 17-21, 2001.

Le Moigne, J., A. Cole-Rhodes, R. Eastman, K. Johnson, J. Morisette, N. S. Netanyahu, H. S. Stone, I. Zavorin, Earth Science Imagery Registration, IEEE 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.

Privette, Myneni, Wang, Tian and Morisette (2000), Validating remote sensing estimates of leaf area index over structurally complex landcovers: a field study along the IGBP Kalahari Transect, abstract submitted to the 8th Intemational Symp. On Phys. Meas. Signatures in Rem. Sens.

Aplin, P. J. L. Privette, J. T. Morisette, R. J. Swap, T. P. Dawson, S. Ringrose, G.h Roberts and P. N. Francis, The remote sensing component of the Southern African Regional Science Initiative (SAFARI 2000), 26th Annual Conference of the Remote Sensing Society, University of Leicester, 12-14 September 2000. Remote Sensing Society, Nottingham.

Morisette, J., J. Privette, C. Justice and D. Starr, 2000, MODIS Land Validation Activities: Status and Review, IEEE 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Hilton Hawaiian Village Honolulu, Hawaii, 24-28 July 2000, Vol. IV, p. 1699-1701.

Morisette, J., J. Privette, D. Olson and P. Davis, 2000, Spatial Statistical analysis of three Global Land Cover Maps, IEEE 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Hilton Hawaiian Village Honolulu, Hawaii, 24-28 July 2000, Vol. V, p. 1990-1992

Privette, J.L., Morisette, J., Justice, C. and Starr, D., 1999, EOS global land validation network, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE IGARSS'99 Proceedings, 5:2587-2589.

Morisette, J.T. and Khorram, Siamak, 1997, An Introduction to Using Generalized Linear Model to Enhance Satellite Based Change Detection, Invited Paper for presentation at IEEE/IGARSS'97, Singapore, August 1997.

Morisette, J. T.; X. Dai; H. Cheshire and S. Khorram, 1996, Comparing Empirical Normalization Methods for Mosaicing Landsat Thematic Mapper Data, Proceeding in the ASPRS/ACSM annual convention and exhibition, vol. 1: Technical Papers, Baltimore MD, April 22-25, p. 251-260.

Khorram, S., H. Cheshire, X. Dai, J.T. Morisette, 1996, Land Cover Inventory and Change Detection of Coastal North Carolina Using Landsat Thematic Mapper Data, Proceeding in the ASPRS/ACSM annual convention and exhibition, vol. 1: Technical Papers, Baltimore MD, April 22-25, p. 245-250.

Reports and Other Publications

Baret, F., C. Schaaf, J. Morisette, and J. Privette, Report on the Second Internation Workshop on Albedo Product Validation, in press, Earth Observer, May/Jun 2005, 17(3)13-17.

Morisette, J.T., J Nickeson, Carolina Santos, Eric Vermote, Jeff Pedelty, Atmospherically Corrected Landsat ETM+ Imagery for the EOS Land Validation Core Sites, Earth Observer, Sept./Oct. 2004, v.16, n.5, p.15-17 (available on-line at

Morisette, J.T. JL. Privette, Jaime Nickeson, Frèdéric Baret, Ranga B. Myneni, and Nikolay Shabanov, Summary of the Third International Workshop on LAI Product Validation, Earth Observer, Sept./Oct. 2004, v.16, n.5, p.28-31 (available on-line at

Closs, J.W., N.F. Most, D.J. Kendig, M.A. Kalkhan, J.T. Morisette, J.A. Pedelty, T.J. Stohlgren and J.L. Schnase. 2004, The Invasive Species Forecasting System: A Geostatistical Modeling Infrastructure for Predicting Biological and Ecological Invasion, Poster, Ecological Society of America Conference, Portland Oregon, August.

Morisette, J.T. 2002. Land Product Validation Subgroup, report in Committee on Earth Observing Satellite, Working Group on Calibration and Validation Newsletter, Issue 10, September 2003, 9-10 (available on-line

Dwyer, John, J Morisette, J Faundeen, and T Smith, WGISS Test Facility Collaboration, report in Committee on Earth Observing Satellite, Working Group on Calibration and Validation Newsletter, Issue 10, September 2003, 12-14 (available on-line

Schroeder, W, J.A. Raposo Pereira, J. Morisette, I. Csiszar, P. Riggan, J. W. Hoffman, The Firemapper Airborne Sensor and Flight Plans to Support Validation of MODIS Fire Products over Brazil, Earth Observer, Nov./Dec. 2002, v.14, n.6, p.38-41, 45. (available on-line at

Privette, JL, C.B. Schaaf, A.Strahler, R. T. Pinker, M J. Barnsley and J.T. Morisette, Summary of the International Workshop on Albedo Product Validation, Earth Observer, Nov./Dec. 2002, v.14, n.6, p.17-18 (available on-line at

Nickeson, J., D. Landis, J.L. Privette and J. Morisette, Volume 2 of the SAFARI 2000 CDROM Series, 2002, CDROM Publication. 5 discs, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

Wickham, J., Hegge, K., Homer, C., Morisette, J., National Land Cover Database 2000: update, Earth Observer, March/April, v. 14, n. 2, p. 13-15 (available on-line at )

Morisette, J. , C. Justice, J. Pereira, J.M. Grégoire, and P. Frost, 2001, Report from the GOFC – Fire: Satellite Product Validation Workshop, Earth Observer, September/October, v. 13, n. 5, p. 15-18. (available on-line at

Privette, J.L., Nickeson, J., Landis, D. and Morisette, J., eds. SAFARI 2000 CD-ROM Series: Volume 1, NASA. CD-ROM. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 2001.

Privette, J.L., J. Morisette, F. Baret, S. T. Gower, and R. B. Myneni, 2001, Summary of the International Workshop on LAI Product Validation, Earth Observer, July/Aug, v. 13, n. 3, p. 18, 22.

Morisette, J., Privette, J, Justice, C, and Toll, D, 2001, MODIS Land Team Annual Validation Review meeting, Earth Observer, Mach/April, v. 13, n. 2, p. 16-17.

Morisette, J., Justice, C., and Jenner, J. 2001, Diverse Data Sources Shed Light on Global Change, Space Imaging's Imaging Notes, March/April, 16(2)24-25.

Morisette, J., J. Privette, C. Justice, 2000, MODIS Land Validation Plan: Update for Terra and Aqua, report to EOS Validation Program, December,

Morisette, J., J.L. Privette, K. Guenther, A. Belward, C.O. Justice, 2000, The CEOS Land Product Validation (LPV) Subgroup: Summary of May 23-25th Meeting, Earth Observer, July/Aug. v.12, n. 4, p. 6-9

Morisette, J., J.L. Privette, C.O. Justice, D. Olson, J. Dwyer, P. Davis, D. Starr, D. Wickland, 1999, The EOS land Validation Core Sites: background information and current status, Earth Observer, Nov/Dec, v.11, n.6, p. 21-25.

Polidori, L., I. Dowman, and J. Morisette, 1999, Production and Validation of DEMs and Terrain Parameters from Spaceborne Sensors CEOS WGCV - ISPRS WGII/4 & III/6, University College London (26-27 May 1999), Highlights ISPRS, v. 4, n.4, p. 29-31. available on-line

Huete, A., F. Keita, K. Thome, J. Privette, W. van Leeuwen, C. Justice, J. Morisette, 1999, A light Aircraft Radiometric Package for MODLAND Quick Airborne Looks (MQUALS), Earth Observer, Jan/Feb. v.11, n. 1, p. 22-26, 39.

Privette, J., J. Morisette, R. Myneni, C. Justice, 1998, Global Validation of EOS LAI and FPAR Products, The Earth Observer, Nov/Dec. v.10, n.6, p.39-42

Morisette, J., J. Privette, C. Justice, S. Running, MODIS Land Validation Plan, report to EOS Validation Program, September 1998,

Roy, D., Descloitres, J., Wolfe, R., Morisette, J., MODLAND Spatial Subsetting Task, Working Paper disseminated to MODIS Adaptive Processing System Developers, ESDIS, and EOS validation organizers, NASA GSFC, November 2, 1998.

Morisette, J., Wolfe, R., Dwyer, J., Roy, D., Interface Control Document between MODIS Adaptive Processing System and EDC DAAC for MODIS subset data in support of MODLAND validation, Working Paper disseminated to MODIS Adaptive Processing System Developers, ESDIS, and EDC DAAC, NASA GSFC, December 20, 1998.

Morisette, J. T., 1997, Using Generalized Linear Models to Enhance Satellite Based Land Cover Change Detection, Ph. D. Thesis, Forestry Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC, 255 pp.

Khorram, Siamak, Ediriwickerema, D. Jayantha and J.T. Morisette, 1995, Characterization of Forest Canopy Species Composition for the Nashville Metropolitan Area, Final Report Submitted to Southern Oxidant Surveys Project, May 1995, Computer Graphic Center Report Number 204, N.C. State University.



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