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rwb rule
  • Sec.  201. Doing business without a license unlawful; employment of Chinese subjects.
  • Sec.  202. Certain classes of persons and corporations excepted; insecticides.
  • Sec.  203. Application for license; requirements; qualifications for license.
  • Sec.  204. Issuance of license.
  • Sec.  205. Display of license in pharmacy.
  • Sec.  206. Revocation of license.
  • Sec.  207. Restrictions on sales; written orders or prescriptions.
  • Sec.  208. Certain preparations and sales excepted.
  • Sec.  209. Poisons; book entry of sale; labels.
  • Sec.  210. Pharmacist; unauthorized use of title.
  • Sec.  211. Preservation of originals of prescriptions compounded and copies thereof; inspection of prescriptions by consular officers; marking containers of drugs.
  • Sec.  212. Offenses; punishment; duty to enforce provisions.
  • Sec.  213. Fraudulent representations to evade or defeat restrictions.
  • Sec.  214. Previous laws unaffected.
  • Sec.  215. "Consul" defined.
bwr rule

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(Last updated January 8, 2004)