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SAMHSA News - November/December 2007, Volume 15, Number 6

Youth Tobacco Sales Lowest in 10 Years

SAMHSA recently released a report showing that sales of tobacco to underage youth have reached all-time lows under the Synar program—a Federal and state partnership program seeking to end illegal tobacco sales to minors.

The report, FFY 2006 Annual Synar Reports: Youth Tobacco Sales, shows all states and the District of Columbia in compliance for the first time, with all reporting the retailer violation rate of less than the maximum 20 percent.

The report lists the national weighted average rate of overall tobacco sales to minors as 10.9 percent. This is the lowest rate in the 10-year history of the Synar enforcement effort. (See SAMHSA News online, September/October 2005.)

The Synar Amendment is named for the late U.S. Representative Mike Synar of Oklahoma.

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