National Research Program

Landscape Change in the Southwest

Understanding the effects of climatic variability is important to development of water resources, mitigation of flood hazards, and interpretation of geomorphic surfaces. Climatic variability, which is characterized by temporal changes in variability of seasonal climate that spans decades or centuries, may be more important to water-resources evaluations than changes in mean climatic conditions. Changes in variability of climate has a large effect on the probability of occurrence of extreme events, such as floods or droughts. Understanding of climatic variability and its effect on the landscape is of paramount importance for estimation of flood frequency, sediment transport rates, and long-term watershed and channel changes. The objectives of this project are to define historic climatic variability in the western United States over the past century; to identify specific time periods of statistically stationary precipitation, discharge, flood frequency, and sediment transport; to assess the net effects of climatic variability on watershed conditions and fluvial systems; and to determine the extent that historic changes reflect Holocene climatic fluctuations. See Changes in Riparian Vegetation in Arizona for examples of how repeat photography has provided an invaluable record of changes in the riverine environment. Also see Mojave Ghost Town for repeat photography documentation of vegetation recovery in Mojave Desert areas that were settled in the late 19th and early 20th century and later abandoned.


Gray, J. R. and Gartner, J. W., in press, Technological advances in suspended-sediment surrogate monitoring: Water Resources Research .

Magirl, C. S., Gartner, J. W., Smart, J. W., and Webb, R. H., in press,  Flow measurement in rapids and fast water: Water Resources Research.

Webb, R.H., Belnap, J., and Thomas, K.A., in press,  Natural recovery from severe disturbance in the Mojave Desert, in Webb, R.H., Fenstermaker, L.F., Heaton, J.S., Hughson, D.L., McDonald, E.V., and Miller D.M., eds., The Mojave Desert: Ecosystem Processes and Sustainability: Reno: University of Nevada Press.

Webb, R.H., DeFalco, L.A., Esque, T.C., and Medica, P.A., in press,  A review of selected long-term ecological studies of the Mojave Desert, in Webb, R.H., Fenstermaker, L.F., Heaton, J.S., Hughson, D.L., McDonald, E.V., and Miller D.M., eds., The Mojave Desert: Ecosystem Processes and Sustainability: Reno: University of Nevada Press.

Webb, R.H., Fenstermaker, L.F., Heaton, J.S., Hughson, D.L., McDonald, E.V., and Miller D.M., in press, The Mojave Desert: Ecosystem Processes and Sustainability: Reno: University of Nevada Press.

Webb, R.H., Magirl, C.S., Griffiths, P.G., and Boyer, D.E., in press, Debris flows and floods in southeastern Arizona from extreme precipitation in late July 2006: Magnitude, frequency, and sediment delivery: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report.

Belnap, J., Webb, R.H., Miller, D.M., Miller, M.E., DeFalco, L.A., Medica, P.A., Brooks, M.L., Esque, T.C., and Bedford, D.R., 2008, Monitoring ecosystem quality and function in arid settings of the Mojave Desert: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5064, 120 p.

Magirl, C.S., Breedlove, M.J., Webb, R.H., and Griffiths, P.G., 2008, Modeling water-surface elevations and virtual shorelines for the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigation Report 2008-5075, 32 p. (on-line abstract or on-line report in pdf format, 3.6 MB)

Wallace, C.S.A., Webb, R.H., and Thomas, K.A., 2008, Estimation of perennial vegetation cover distribution in the Mojave Desert using MODIS-EVI data : GIScience and Remote Sensing, v. 45, p.167-187, doi:10.2747/1548-1603.45.2.1. (on-line abstract of journal article

Webb, R.H., Griffiths, P.G., and Rudd, L.P., 2008, Holocene debris flows on the Colorado Plateau: The influence of clay mineralogy and chemistry: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 120; no. 7-8; p. 1010-1020. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Wood, T.M., Cheng, R.T., Gartner, J.W., Hoilman, G.R., Lindenberg, M.K., and Wellman, R.E., 2008, Modeling Hydrodynamics and Heat Transport in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, and Implications for Water Quality: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5076, 49 p. (on-line abstract or on-line report in pdf format, 8 MB)

Blainey, J.B., Webb, R.H., and Magirl, C.S., 2007, Modeling the spatial and temporal variation of monthly and seasonal precipitation on the Nevada Test Site and vicinity, 1960-2006: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1269, 40 p. (on-line abstract or on-line report in pdf format, 2 MB)

Boyer, D.E., and Webb, R.H., 2007, Damming Grand Canyon -- The 1923 USGS Colorado River Expedition: Logan, Utah State University Press, 289 p. (on-line information about book)

Ganju, N. K., Schoellhamer, D. H., Murrell, M. C., Gartner, J. W., and Wright, S. A., 2007, Constancy of the relation between floc size and density in San Francisco Bay, in Maa, J.P.Y., Sanford, L.P., and Schoellhamer, D.H., eds., Estuarine and Coastal Fine Sediment Dynamics, [Proceedings 7th International Conference on Estuarine Nearshore Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes, Glouster Point, Virginia, October 1-4, 2003]: Marine Science Series Elsevier Science,  p. 75-92.

Gartner, Jeffrey W., 2007, River Tides: McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 590-591. (on-line abstract)
Gartner, J.W., 2007, River tides: McGraw-Hill Access Science (McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Online), DOI 10.1036/1097-8542.591200.
Gartner, J. W. and Ganju, N. K., 2007, Correcting  acoustic Doppler current profiler discharge measurement bias from moving-bed conditions without global positioning during the 2004 Glen Canyon Dam controlled flood on the Colorado River: Limnology and Oceanography Methods, v. 5, 2007, p. 156-162. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Gartner, J.W., Wellman, R.E., Wood, T.M., and Cheng, R.T., 2007, Water velocity and suspended solids measurements by in-situ instruments in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File report 2007-1279, 137 p. (on-line abstract and to download report and data files)

Magirl, C.S., Shoemaker, C., Webb, R.H., Schaffner, M., Griffiths, P.G., and Pytlak, E., 2007, Debris flows and record floods from extreme mesoscale convective thunderstorms over the Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1108. (on-line abstract or on-line only report in pdf format, 7MB poster)

Magirl, C.S., Smart, G.M., Gartner, J.W., and Webb, R.H., 2007, Techniques and instrumentation for measuring flow in high-gradient rivers in Cowin, E.A. and Hill, D.F., eds., [Proceedings] 2007 Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods Conference: Lake Placid, New York, September 10-12, American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 454-459.

Magirl, C.S., Webb, R.H., Schaffner, M., Lyon, S.W. , Griffiths, P.G., Shoemaker, C. , Unkrich, C.L., Yatheendradas, S., Troch, P.A., Pytlak, E., Goodrich, D.C., Desilets, S.L.E., Youberg, A., and Pearthree, P.A., 2007, Impact of recent extreme Arizona storms: Eos Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 88, p. 191-193.

Mueller, D.S., Abad, J.D., Garcia, C.M., Gartner, J.W., Garcia, M.H., and Oberg, K.A., 2007, Errors in acoustic Doppler profiler velocity measurements caused by flow disturbance: ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, v. 133, no. 12, p. 1,411-1,420. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Webb, R.H., Boyer, D.E., Turner, R.M., and Bullock, S.H., 2007, The Desert Laboratory Repeat Photography Collection -- An invaluable archive documenting landscape change: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2007-3046. (on-line abstract or on-line fact sheet in pdf format, 4.2 MB)

Webb, R.H., Griffiths, P.G., Wallace, C.S.A., and Boyer, D.E., 2007, Channel response to low-elevation desert fire: the King Valley Fire of 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Data Report DS 275, 52 p. (on-line abstract or on-line data report in pdf format, 18 MB)

Webb, R.H., Leake, S.A., and Turner, R.M., 2007, The ribbon of green: Change in riparian vegetation in the southwestern United States:Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 462 p. (on-line book information)

Fenton, C.R., Webb, R.H., and Cerling, T.E., 2006, Peak discharge of a Pleistocene lava-dam outburst flood in the Grand Canyon, Arizona, U.S.A.: Quaternary Research, v. 65, p. 324-335. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Gray, J. R., and Gartner, J. W., 2006, Overview of selected surrogate technologies for continuous suspended sediment monitoring: Proceedings 8th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, April 2-6, 2006, Reno NV. (on-line article in pdf format)

Griffiths, P.G., Hereford, R., and Webb, R.H., 2006, Sediment yield and runoff frequency of small drainage basins in the Mojave Desert, California and Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2006-3007, 4 p. (on-line fact sheet)

Griffiths, P.G., Hereford, R., and Webb, R.H., 2006, Sediment yield and runoff frequency of small drainage basins in the Mojave Desert, U.S.A.: Geomorphology, v. 74, p. 232-244. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Hanks, T.C., and Webb, R.H., 2006, Effects of tributary debris on the longitudinal profile of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 111, no. F2, F02020, doi:10.1029/2004JF000257. (on-line abstract or on-line journal article in pdf format, 1764 KB, published 2006 by American Geophysical Union, not subject to U.S. copyright)

Hereford, R., Webb, R.H., and Longpré, C., 2006, Precipitation history and ecosystem response to multidecadal precipitation variability in the Mojave Desert and vicinity, 1893-2001: Journal of Arid Environments, v. 67, p. 13–34. (on-line abstract or on-line journal article)

Magirl, C.S., Griffiths, P.G., and Webb, R.H., 2006, ADV point measurements within rapids of the Colorado River, in Grand Canyon in Graham, R., ed., Examining the Confluence of Environmental and Water Concerns, Proceedings of the 2006 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Omaha, Nebraska, May 21-25, 2006: Reston, American Society of Civil Engineers, ISBN 0-7844-0856-4.

Webb, R.H., 2006, A grand enigma -- Review of "Grand Canyon: Solving the Earth's Grandest Puzzle": American Scientist, v. 194, p. 183-184. (on-line book review)

Webb, R.H., and Leake, S.A., 2006, Ground-water surface-water interactions and long-term change in riverine riparian vegetation in the southwestern United States: Journal of Hydrology, v. 320, p. 302-323. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Wright, S. A. and Gartner, J. W., 2006, Measurement of velocity profiles and suspended-sediment concentrations in a Colorado River eddy during high flow, Proceedings 8th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, April 2-6, 2006, Reno NV. (on-line article in pdf format)

Yanites, B.J., Webb, R.H., Griffiths, P.G., and Magirl, C.S., 2006, Debris-flow deposition and reworking by the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona: Water Resources Research, v. 42, W11411, doi:10.1029/2005WR004847. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Bullock, S.H., Martijena, N.E., Webb, R.H., and Turner, R.M., 2005, Twentieth century demographic changes in cirio and cardon in Baja California, Mexico: Journal of Biogeography, v. 32, 127-143. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Cheng, R.T., Gartner, J.W., and Wood, T.M., 2005, Modeling and model validation of wind-driven circulation in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon: Proceedings of the 2005 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2005, May 15-19, 2005, Anchorage, Alaska: Environmental and Water Resources Institute, American Society of Civil Engineers (abstract of paper published on-line only).

Gartner, J. W., and Gray, J. R., 2005, Summary of suspended-sediment technologies considered at the interagency workshop on turbidity and other sediment surrogates,, in Gray, J.R., ed., Proceedings of the Federal Interagency Sediment Monitoring Instrument and Analysis Workshop, September 9-11, 2003, Flagstaff, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1276, 9 p. (on-line paper in pdf format)

Magirl, C.S., Webb, R.H., and Griffiths, P.G., 2005, Changes in the water surface profile of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona, between 1923 and 2000: Water Resources Research v. 41, No. 5, W05021, doi:10.1029/2003WR002519, 10 p. (on-line abstract or on-line journal article in pdf format)

Webb, R.H., Griffiths, P.G., Magirl, C.S., and Hanks, T.C., 2005, Debris flows in Grand Canyon and the rapids of the Colorado River, in Gloss, S.P., Lovich, J.E., and Melis, T.S., eds., The State of the Colorado River Ecosystem in Grand Canyon: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1282, p. 119-132. (on-line article in pdf format)

Webb, R.H., Hereford, Richard, and McCabe, G.J., 2005, Climatic fluctuations, drought, and flow in the Colorado River, in Gloss, S.P., Lovich, J.E., and Melis, T.S., eds., The State of the Colorado River Ecosystem in Grand Canyon: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1282, p. 59-69. (on-line article in pdf format)

Cheng, R.T., Costa, J.E., Mason, R.R., Plant, W.J., Gartner, J.W., Spicer, K., Haeni, F.P., and Melcher, N., 2004, Continuous non-contact river discharge measurements: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on River Sedimentation, October 18-21, 2004, Yichang, China, Tsinghua University Press, p. 2,535-2,542.

Cheng, R.T., Gartner, J.W., Mason, Jr., R.R., Costa, J.E., Plant, W.J., Spicer, K.R., Haeni, F.P., Melcher, N.B., Keller, W.C., and Hayes, K., 2004, Evaluating a radar-based, non contact streamflow measurement system in the San Joaquin River at Vernalis, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 04-1015. (on-line report only)

Fenton, C.R., Poreda, R.J., Nash, B.P., Webb, R.H., and Cerling, T.E., 2004, Geochemical discrimination of five Pleistocene lava-dam outburst-flood deposits, Grand Canyon: Journal of Geology, v. 112, no. 1, p. 91-110. (on-line abstract)

Fenton, C.R., Webb, R.H., Pearthree, P.A., Cerling, T.E., Poreda, R.J., and Nash, B.P., 2004, Cosmogenic 3He dating of western Grand Canyon basalts: Implications for Quarternary incision of the Colorado River, in Young, R.A., and Spamer, E.E., eds., The Colorado River: Origin and Evolution: Grand Canyon, Arizona, Grand Canyon Association Monograph 12, p. 147-152.

Griffiths, P.G., Webb, R.H., and Melis, T.S., 2004, Frequency and initiation of debris flows in Grand Canyon, Arizona: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 109f, no. 10, F04002, doi:10.1029/2003JF000077, 14 p. (on-line abstract or on-line paper in pdf format)

Gartner, J.W., 2004, Estimating suspended solids concentrations from backscatter intensity measured by acoustic Doppler current profiler in San Francisco Bay, California: Marine Geology, v. 211, p. 169-187. (on-line abstract)

Gray, J.R. and Gartner, J.W., 2004, Surrogate technologies for continuous suspended-sediment monitoring in the United States: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on River Sedimentation, October 18-21, 2004, Yichang, China, p. 2,515-2,522

Hereford, R., 2004, Map showing Quaternary geology and geomorphology of the Lonely Dell Reach of the Paria River, Lees Ferry, Arizona, with accompanying pamphlet, Webb, R.H., and Hereford, R., Comparative landscape photographs of the Lonely Dell area and the mouth of the Paria River: Geologic Investigations Series Map I-2771, scale 1:5,000. (on-line map and pamphlet)

Hereford, R., Webb, R.H., and Longpre, C.I., 2004, Precipitation history of the Mojave Desert region 1893-2001: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 117-03. (on-line fact sheet)

Webb, R.H., Belnap, J., and Weisheit, J.S., 2004, Cataract Canyon -- A human and environmental history of the rivers in Canyonlands: Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press, 268 p. (on-line book information)

Webb, R.H., McCabe, G.J., Hereford, R., and Wilkowske, C., 2004, Climatic fluctuations, drought, and flow on the Colorado River: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2004-3062 (version 2). (on-line fact sheet)

Webb, R.H., and Turner, R.M., 2004, Climate and vegetation change in the Sonoran Desert: Sonorensis, v. 24, p. 16-19.

Richard Hereford, 2003, Map showing Quaternary geology and geomorphology of the Lonely Dell Reach of the Paria River, Lees Ferry, Arizona, with comparative landscape photographs. USGS Geologic Investigations Series Map I-2771 with accompanying pamphlet: Robert H. Webb and Richard Hereford, 2003, Comparative landscape photographs of the Lonely Dell area and the mouth of the Paria River. (on-line map and pamphlet).

Turner, R.M., Webb, R.H., Bowers, J.E., and Hastings, J.R., 2003, The Changing Mile Revisited: Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 334 p. (on-line information)

Webb, R.H., Griffiths, P.G., Klearman, T.A., 2003, Frequency of debris flows in Grand Canyon: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 03-065. (on-line fact sheet in pdf format)

Webb, R.H., Melis, T.S., and Griffiths, P.G., 2003, Debris flows and the Colorado River, in Beus, S.S., and Morales, M., eds., Grand Canyon Geology (2nd ed.): New York, Oxford University Press, p. 371-390.

Webb, R.H., Murov, M.B., Esque, T.C., and others, 2003, Perennial vegetation data from permanent plots on the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-336, 251 p. (on-line abstract or on-line report in pdf format, 192 MB)

Webb, R.H., and Thomas, K.A., 2003, Recoverability of severely disturbed soils and vegetation in the Mojave Desert, California, USA, in Alsharhan, A.S., Wood, W.W., Goudie, A.S., Fowler, A., and Abdellatif, E.M., eds., Desertification in the Third Millenium: Lisse, The Netherlands, Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers A.A. Balkema, p. 283-290.

Biggs, T.H., Quade, J., and Webb, R.H., 2002, δ13C values of soil organic matter in semiarid grassland with mesquite (Prosopis) encroachment in southeastern Arizona: Geoderma, v. 110, p. 109-130. (on-line abstract)

Collier, M., and Webb, R.H., 2002, Floods, Drought and Climate Change: Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 153 p. (on-line information and sample excerpt)

Griffiths, P.G., Webb, R.H., Lancaster, N., Kaehler, C.A., and Lundstrom, S.C., 2002, Long-term sand supply to Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard (Uma inornata) habitat in the northern Coachella Valley, California: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4013, 50 p. (on-line abstract or on-line report in pdf format - 6.6MB)

Hereford, R., Webb, R.H., and Graham, S., 2002, Precipitation history of the Colorado Plateau region, 1900-2000: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 119-02, 4 p. (on-line fact sheet)

Webb, R.H., 2002, Recovery of severely compacted soils in the Mojave Desert, California, USA: Arid Land Research and Management, v. 16, p. 291-305. (on-line abstract)

Webb, R.H., Griffiths, P.G., and Melis, T.S., 2002, Debris flows and rapids in Grand Canyon: Implications for erosion rates and evacuation of sediment from tributary canyons, in Young, R.A., and Spamer, E.E., eds., The Colorado River: Origin and Evolution: Grand Canyon, Arizona, Grand Canyon Association Monograph 12, p. 183-188.

Webb, R.H., Melis, T.S., and Valdez, R.A., 2002, Observations of environmental change in the Grand Canyon: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4080, 33 p. (on-line report)

Baker, V.R., Webb, R.H., and House, P.K., 2001, The scientific and societal value of paleoflood hydrology in House, P.K., Webb, R.H., Baker, V.R., and Levish, D.R., eds., Ancient floods and modern hazards, principles and applications of paleoflood hydrology: American Geophysical Union Water Science and Application Series, v. 4, p. 1-19.

Blainey, J.B., Webb, R.H., Moss, M.E., and Baker, V.R., 2001, Bias and information content of paleoflood data in flood-frequency analysis in House, P.K., Webb R.H., Baker, V.R., and Levish, D.R., eds., Ancient floods, modern hazards, principles and applications of paleoflood hydrology: American Geophysical Union Water Science and Application Series, v. 5, p. 161-174.

Fenton, C.R., Webb, R.H., Pearthree, P.A., Cerling, T.E., and Poreda, R.J., 2001, Displacement rates on the Toroweap and Hurricane faults: Implications for Quaternary downcutting in Grand Canyon, Arizona: Geology, v. 29, p. 1,035-1,038. (on-line abstract)

Fenton, C.R., Webb, R.H., Cerling, T.E., Poreda, R.J., and Nash, B.P., 2001, Cosmogenic 3He ages and geochemical discrimination of lava-dam outburst-flood deposits in western Grand Canyon, Arizona in House, P.K., Webb, R.H., Baker, V.R., and Levish, D.R., eds., Ancient floods, modern hazards, principles and applications of paleoflood hydrology: American Geophysical Union Water Science and Application Series, v. 5, p. 191-215.

House, P.K., Webb, R.H., Baker, V.R., and Levish, D.R., eds., 2001, Ancient floods, modern hazards, principles and applications of paleoflood hydrology: American Geophysical Union Water Science and Application Series, v. 5, 385 p. (on-line preface and introduction)

Schmidt, K.M., and Webb, R.H., 2001, Researchers consider U.S. Southwest's response to warmer, drier conditions: EOS, v. 82, p. 475, 478.

Webb, R.H., Blainey, J.B., and Hyndman, D.W., 2001, Paleoflood hydrology of the Paria River, southern Utah and northern Arizona, USA in House, P.K., Webb, R.H., Baker, V.R., and Levish, D.R., eds., Ancient floods, modern hazards, principles and applications of paleoflood hydrology: American Geophysical Union Water Science and Application Series, v. 5, p. 295-310.

Webb, R.H., and Boyer, D.E., 2001, Changes in riparian vegetation in the southwestern United States: Historical changes at gaging stations in Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF 01-323, 1 sheet. (on-line report)

Webb, R.H., Boyer, D.E., and Berry, K.H., 2001, Changes in riparian vegetation in the southwestern United States: Historical changes along the Mojave River, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-245, 1 sheet. (on-line report)

Webb, R.H., Boyer, D.E., Orchard, K.L, and Baker, V.R.., 2001, Changes in riparian vegetation in the southwestern United States: Floods and riparian vegetation on the San Juan River, southeastern Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-314, 1 sheet. (on-line report)

Webb, R.H., and Jarrett, R.D., 2001, One-dimensional estimation techniques for discharges of paleofloods and historical floods in House, P.K., Webb, R.H., Baker, V.R., and Levish, D.R., eds., Ancient floods, modern hazards, principles and applications of paleoflood hydrology: American Geophysical Union Water Science and Application Series, v. 5, p. 111-125.

Webb, R.H., Esque, T.C., Medica, P.A., DeFalco, L.A., and Murov, M.B., 2001, Monitoring of ecosystem dynamics in the Mojave Desert: The Beatty permanent plots: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 040-01. (on-line fact sheet)

Webb, R.H., and Griffiths, P.G., 2001, Sediment delivery by ungaged tributaries of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-018-01, 4p. (on-line fact sheet)

Webb, R.H., and Griffiths, P.G., 2001, Monitoring of coarse sediment inputs to the Colorado River in Grand Canyon: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-019-01, 4p. (on-line fact sheet)

Webb, R.H., Griffiths, P.G., and Hartley, D.R., 2001, Techniques for estimating sediment yield of ungaged tributaries on the Colorado Plateau: Proceedings of the Seventh Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, March 25-29, 2001, Reno, Nevada, p. I-24 - I-31. (on-line abstract)

Webb, R.H., and Hereford, R., 2001, Floods and geomorphic change in the southwestern United States: A historical perspective: Proceedings of the Seventh Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, March 25-29, 2001, Reno, Nevada, p. IV-30 - IV-37. (on-line abstract)

Wilson, T.B., Webb, R.H., and Thompson, T.L., 2001, Mechanisms of range expansion and removal of mesquite (Prosopis spp.) in desert grasslands in the southwestern United States: U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report 01-37, 23 p.

Steiger, J.W., and Webb, R.H., R.H., 2000, Recovery of perennial vegetation in the military target sites in the eastern Mojave Desert, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-355, 28 p. (on-line abstract and report)

Webb, R.H., Griffiths, P.G., Melis, T.S., and Hartley, D.R., 2000, Sediment delivery by ungaged tributaries of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4055. (on-line abstract)

Biggs, T.H., Webb, R.H., and Quade, J., 1999, Fire frequency and spatial variability of soil biogeochemistry and plant biogeochemistry in a southeastern Arizona desert grassland, in Gottfried, G.J., Eskew, L.G., Curtin, C.G., and Edminster, C.B., compilers, Toward integrated research, land management, and ecosystem protection in the Malpai Borderlands: Conference Summary, January 1999, Douglas, Arizona: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station Proceedings RMRS-P-10, p. 77-80.

Cerling, T.E., Webb, R.H., Poreda, R.J., Rigby, A.D., and Melis, T.S., 1999, Cosmogenic 3He ages and frequency of late Holocene debris flows from Prospect Canyon, Grand Canyon, U.S.A.: Geomorphology, v. 27, p. 93-111. (on-line abstract)

McLaughlin, S.P., and Bowers, J.E., 1999, Diversity and affinities of the flora of the Sonoran Floristic Province, in Robichaux, R., ed., Ecology and Conservation of the Sonoran Desert Flora, Tucson: University of Arizona Press, p. 12-35.

Pizzuto, J.E., Webb, R.H., Griffiths, P.G., Elliott, J.G., and Melis, T.S., 1999, Entrainment and transport of cobbles and boulders from debris fans, in Webb, R.H., Schmidt, J.C., Marzolf, G.R., and Valdez, R.A., The controlled flood in Grand Canyon: Scientific experiment and management demonstration: Washington, D.C. American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph 110, p. 53-70.

Webb, R.H., Melis, T.S., Griffiths, P.G., and Elliott, J.G., 1999, Reworking of aggraded debris fans, in Webb, R.H., Schmidt, J.C., Valdez, R.A., and Marzolf, G.R., The 1996 flood in Grand Canyon: Scientific experiment and management demonstration: Washington, D.C. American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph, p. 37-51. (on-line abstract)

Webb, R.H., Melis, T.S., Griffiths, P.G., Elliott, J.G., Cerling, T.E., Poreda, R.J., Wise, T.W., and Pizzuto, J.E., 1999, Lava falls rapid in Grand Canyon, effects of late Holocene debris flows on the Colorado River: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1591, 90 p. (on-line abstract)

Webb, R.H., Schmidt, J.C., Marzolf, G.R., and Valdez, R.A., eds., 1999, the controlled flood in Grand Canyon, Washington, D.C. American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph 110, 367 p. (on-line information)

Webb, R.H., Wegner, D.L., Andrews, E.D., Valdez, R.A., and Patten, D.T., 1999, Downstream effects of Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado river in Grand Canyon: A review, in Webb, R.H., Schmidt, J.C., Marzolf, G.R., and Valdez, R.A, The controlled flood in Grand Canyon, Washington, D.C. American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph 110, p. 1-21. (on-line abstract)

Wilson, T.B., Webb, R.H., and Thompson, T.L., 1999, Fire frequency and soil nutrient status on the Southern Gunnery Ranges at Fort Huachuca Military Reservation, Arizona, in Gottfried, G.J., Eskew, L.G., Curtin, C.G., and Edminster, C.B., compilers, Toward integrated research, land management, and ecosystmen protection in the Malpai Borderlands: Conference Summary, January 1999, Douglas, Arizona: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station Proceedings RMRS-P-10, p. 81-82.

For Jeffrey Gartner's bibliographic information prior to 2004, see the project, Hydrodynamics and Mathematical Modeling of Circulation and Transport Phenomena in Tidal Estuaries

Robert H. Webb
U.S. Geological Survey, Desert Laboratory, 1675 W. Anklam Rd., Tucson, AZ 85745
Telephone: 520-670-6671 ext 238

Jeffrey W. Gartner
U.S. Geological Survey, 520 N. Park Ave., 85719
345 Middlefield Rd, MS 496, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Telephone: 520-670-6671 ext 268

For information on additional projects in the National Research Program, see Indexes to NRP projects and bibliographies.

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