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Joining the GTSP

About the GTSP

What is the GTSP?

History of the GTSP

Where we came from

Joining the GTSP

Contact Us

We offer several avenues for working with our team. One option is to join Phase II of the GTSP as an official member organization. Membership is available at different levels. As a full member of the GTSP, you have the opportunity to participate in setting the agenda and priorities for the program, as well as attend special workshops and forums designed to bring public and private perspectives together from a variety of technology sectors. Each participant at the higher sponsorship levels appoints a representative to participate as part of the GTSP Executive Council, which meets annually to review program directions and products. An International Steering Group, comprising experts drawn from a broad set of stakeholders, including nongovernmental organizations, meets annually to provide a scientific review of the program and provide input on future directions.

By becoming a formal member of the GTSP, your organization can take a leading, proactive role in ensuring that future climate change policies are grounded in sound technological and economic analysis. You will also contribute to expert analysis and influential forums on the major technology, economic, and policy issues facing energy and energy-intensive industries.

Member organizations also have the opportunity to commission special projects of interest for an additional fee or to engage our team for private consulting and research projects.

For more information on joining GTSP please contact Charlette Geffen or Jae Edmonds.