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Rocky Mountain Coordination Center

Welcome to the
Rocky Mountain Coordination Center

Map showing location of Rocky Mountain Area

ROSS Self Status
Communicate your availability to your dispatch center via ROSS

Fire Restriction image

Fire Restrictions

Dispatch Area Map

Colorado Fire Potential Outlook
Developed by Rocky Mountain Area Predictive Services
January 31, 2006

This product will be updated as conditions warrant

Current Weather and Climate Situation:

Fire activity decreased across Colorado during the second half of January. Temperatures were slightly cooler (but still above average), and RH slightly higher across Colorado during the second half of the month. However, January 2006 will probably end up as one of the warmest Januarys on record (top ten) for Colorado. Otherwise, a snow event on the 9th brought short-term relief to the central and southern Front Range of Colorado, as well as to southwest portions of state. Windy trends continued east of the divide through the second half of the month.

    Entire report

2006 Incident Management Team and Cadre Rosters

Colorado Mitigation and Wildfire Conference

The eighth Colorado Mitigation and Wildfire Conference will be held April 21 - 23, 2006 at the Vail Marriott Resort in Vail, Colorado. The conference will focus on mitigation, planning, and preparedness issues facing agencies in the wildland/urban interface of Colorado.

Wildfire in the urban/wildland interface presents unique challenges to firefighters, emergency managers, planners, elected officials, and communities. Finding solutions to this unique problem must be solved through a comprehensive approach that addresses forest management, protection of life and property, and the mitigation measures needed to reduce the threat in these high value areas.

The Colorado Mitigation & Wildfire Conference (CMWC) provides an ongoing forum for the most current information, technology and strategies addressing the relationship of wildfire mitigation and wildfire suppression. CMWC provides common ground for discussions between the many agencies and interest groups involved in this vital issue, helping to meet the ever-increasing threat to life, property and natural resources.

Click here for conference announcement



Last update:February 1, 2006