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rwb rule
  • Sec.  2601. Congressional findings and purpose.
  • Sec.  2602. Definitions.
  • Sec.  2603. Uniform settlement statement.
  • Sec.  2604. Special information booklets.
  • Sec.  2605. Servicing of mortgage loans and administration of escrow accounts.
  • Sec.  2606. Exempted transactions.
  • Sec.  2607. Prohibition against kickbacks and unearned fees.
  • Sec.  2608. Title companies; liability of seller.
  • Sec.  2609. Limitation on requirement of advance deposits in escrow accounts.
  • Sec.  2610. Prohibition of fees for preparation of truth-in-lending, uniform settlement, and escrow account statements.
  • Sec.  2611 to 2613. Repealed.
  • Sec.  2614. Jurisdiction of courts; limitations.
  • Sec.  2615. Contracts and liens; validity.
  • Sec.  2616. State laws unaffected; inconsistent Federal and State provisions.
  • Sec.  2617. Authority of Secretary.
bwr rule

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(Last updated January 8, 2004)