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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

Grant and Fellowship Program

Grant Program: Annual Grant Competition
Kathleen Kuehnast

The Grant Program, part of the Grant and Fellowship Program, increases the breadth and depth of the Institute's work by supporting peacebuilding projects managed by non-profit organizations including educational institutions, research institutions, and civil society organizations.

In over twenty years of grantmaking, the Grant Program's Annual Grant Competition and Priority Grantmaking Competition have received nearly 10,000 applications and awarded almost 2,000 grants. The Institute has provided funding to grantees located in 46 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, and in 81 foreign countries.

Kathleen Kuehnast is the associate vice president of the Grant Program.

Funding Opportunities

The Annual Grant Competition*:

*Formerly the Unsolicited Grant Initiative

  • Supports innovative peacebuilding projects involving research, the identification of promising models and effective practices, the development of practitioner resources and tools, the development and delivery of education and training programs, and the production of films, radio programs and other media.

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Annual Grant Competition facts:

  • USIP normally receives between 200 and 300 proposals annually and gives awards on average to 15 percent of the applicant pool.
  • The awards generally range from $40,000 to $120,000.
  • The deadline is October 1.


A Human Being Died That Night book cover. USIP-funded grantee, Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela has received several awards for her book titled A Human Being Died That Night: A South African Story of Forgiveness (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2003). Awards include the 2007 Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Medal; the Alan Paton Award for Non-Fiction Writing (called the Pulitzer Prize of South Africa); and the Christopher Award for Adult Non-Fiction in the United States.

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State of Fear

A USIP grant-funded film about the civil war in Peru, State of Fear, won the 2007 Overseas Press Club Award for "Best Reporting in Any Medium about Latin America."

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The Imam and the Pastor

The USIP grant-funded film about inter-religious tension and dialogue in Nigeria titled The Imam and the Pastor won first prize in the Short Documentary section of the Africa World Documentary Film Festival, which was held in St. Louis, Missouri and Lagos, Nigeria in October and November 2007, respectively.

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The Annual Grant Competition funds projects focused on preventing, managing, and resolving violent conflict and promoting post-conflict peacebuilding in settings outside the borders of the U.S. Awards support activities that apply across a broad range of relevant disciplines, skills, and approaches. USIP welcomes proposals of an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary nature.

Topic areas of interest to USIP include, but are not limited to:

  • Conflict analysis and prevention;
  • Mediation and conflict resolution;
  • Postconflict peace and stability operations;
  • Religion and peacemaking;
  • Rule of law and transitional justice;
  • International organizations and collective security;
  • Economies and conflict;
  • Social, psychological, and physical impacts of war and conflict;
  • Media and conflict.
Review Process

The Annual Grant Competition review process involves (1) initial examination of applications by USIP staff, followed in most cases by (2) external peer review, and (3) further consideration of the panels' recommendation by USIP's executive officers. For previous grantees, an independent evaluation of the earlier grant will also be conducted. USIP's Board of Directors makes final decisions on awards.

USIP does not take positions on policy issues pending before Congress, the executive branch, or other domestic or international bodies, and does not fund "Track 1" (official) mediation of international disputes. USIP will not fund grant proposals of a partisan political nature or proposals that would inject the grantee or USIP into the policy processes of the United States government or any foreign government or international organization. In addition, in accord with the United States Institute of Peace Act, Section 1709(b), USIP will not use political tests or political qualifications in selecting or monitoring any grantee. Projects that lead to policy recommendations for governments, international organizations, or nongovernmental organizations are welcome, even encouraged, although such recommendations will be those of the grantee and not USIP.

Eligible Grant Recipients
two women sitting in rwandaThe Grant Program funded the documentary "In Rwanda We Say...The Family That Does Not Speak Dies," which recently was awarded an Emmy for best documentary.

USIP may provide grant support to nonprofit organizations and individuals—both U.S. and foreign—including the following: institutions of post-secondary, community, and secondary education; public and private education, training or research institutions, and libraries.

Individuals seeking funding must identify a nonprofit organization (i.e., educational institution, research institution, civil society organization, or NGO) that will receive, administer, and report on the use of grant funds on behalf of the applicant.

Support for degree work is not eligible in the Grant Program. Inquiries about support for dissertation research should be directed to USIP's Jennings Randolph Peace Scholar Dissertation Program.

Only one application per competition may be submitted by the same project director.

Unsuccessful applicants of previous Grant Program competitions may not submit the same application unless it has been substantially revised.

The Cost of the Troubles
This grant funded report featured survivors of violence in Northern Ireland.

USIP will not accept applications that list as participants, consultants, or project personnel members of USIP's Board of Directors or staff. In addition, any application that lists USIP as a collaborator in the project will not be accepted.

Individuals who are currently working as USIP contractors may not be eligible to apply for grant support. To determine eligibility prior to submitting an application, please contact the Grant Program staff.

Applications must be submitted in English.

Most USIP grants are one to two years in duration. Most awards fall in the range of $40,000 to $120,000. Proposed grant budgets are reviewed by USIP staff, and are subject to modification. When applicants are employed by an eligible institution, such as a college or university, USIP requires that grants be made to the institution rather than to the individual. Applicants are advised to eliminate indirect costs in their budget submissions, as USIP does not favor having public monies entrusted to it applied to costs not directly related to the project.

Apply to the Annual Grant Competition

All projects must be submitted on an application form. The Annual Grant Competition application is available in Word format for downloading, and includes all necessary application instructions and forms.

transcript Download Application Guidelines and Forms
(Word Document - 296 KB)

After downloading, please review the section "Instructions, Forms, and Proposal Submissions" before submitting your application.

If you are unable to download the application guidelines and form, please contact the Grant Program staff so that these materials can be mailed to you.

Request the Application Guidelines

For more information, contact the staff of the Grant Program. If you prefer a hard copy of the application guidelines please contact the Grant Program:

Via e-mail grants@usip.org
Via telephone 202-429-3842
Via fax 202-833-1018
Via postal mail:

United States Institute of Peace
The Grant Program
1200 17th Street, NW Suite 200
Washington, DC 20036-3011


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United States Institute of Peace - 1200 17th Street NW - Washington, DC 20036
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