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This page last updated:
February 09, 2004

Supplemental Information on Submitting the Environmental Impact Analysis

Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) No. 2003-G17 (effective August 25, 2003) provides the latest MMS guidance for submitting Exploration Plans (EP) and Development Operations Coordination Documents (DOCD). Appendix H of this NTL states that your EP or DOCD should be accompanied by an environmental impact analysis (EIA) of the potential direct and indirect environmental impacts of your proposed activities.

The following provides supplemental information on submitting EIA’s for Initial, Supplemental, and Revised EP’s and DOCD’s.

Initial Plans

You should submit a complete EIA that addresses all of the components outlined in Appendix H of the NTL.

Supplemental Plans

  1. If an EIA has not been submitted for the block in a previous plan, you should submit a complete EIA that addresses all of the components outlined in Appendix H of the NTL.
  2. If an EIA has been submitted for the block in a previous plan, you may reference the EIA provided in your Initial Plan (except as noted in 3, below). Although you may reference the EIA, you should specifically describe what impacts would be different due to the activities proposed in your Supplemental Plan. Be sure to note all changes in impacts, including changes in the level of impact (i.e., the degree of impact, duration of impact, etc.) even when the impact-producing factor and the environmental resource that could be impacted are the same as those addressed in the original EIA.
  3. A complete EIA should be submitted for Supplemental Plans in the Eastern Planning Area and the 4-Mile Zone of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary.

Revised Plans

You are not required to submit an EIA, except in the circumstances noted below:

  1. If you believe your revised proposed activities could cause an important change in impacts from those associated with your initial or supplemental plan.
  2. If MMS determines your revised proposed activities could cause an important change in impacts from those associated with your initial or supplemental plan. This would include a determination by MMS per 30 CFR 250.203 (n)(2) or 250.204 (q)(2) that your proposed revision could result in a significant change in the impacts previously identified and evaluated.


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