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What information is provided by Federal R&D Project Summaries?

Federal R&D Project Summaries shows how the public’s investment in research and development is being used. Award information is provided including Agency, Project Title, Project Abstract, Principal Investigator, Start and End dates. Additional information, such as keywords or funding, is sometimes provided as well.

What Federal agencies participate in Federal R&D Project Summaries?

Participation in the cross-agency R&D portal is voluntary. Current agency participants are Department of Agriculture (USDA), Department of Energy (DOE), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Small Business Administration (SBA).

How many R&D records are searched? How often is it updated?

Over 750,000 records are searched when all sources are searched. Queries are sent out in real-time, so that as soon as an Agency updates its database, you will get these results via Federal R&D Project Summaries.

Can you explain the benefits of the Federal R&D Project Summaries search?

The search is a cross-agency search of R&D and provides an interdisciplinary view of science. The patron may select any or all Agency databases to search. The query will be sent in real-time to the database(s) selected and full-text records for database matches will be. You do not need to know which Agency performs the R&D when the search is performed, nor do you have to wait for new records to be indexed prior to retrieving them. In addition, full-text is searched so that all relevant information is retrieved.

Why do the returned records appear to be different?

We are pulling in information from the different Agency sources, performing no additional manipulation or standardization of information. OSTI does not duplicate information from the Agencies but rather provides the service to make each Agency’s information searchable via one interface. OSTI hosts the tool that searches and displays the information back to the patron so that results can be culled, compiled, and customized into useful sets of information.