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Life Cycle Modeling of Salmon

Life Cycle Modeling of Salmon

Project Title

Life cycle modeling of salmon


Efforts to improve the viability of salmon populations depend on understanding the multiple consequences of habitat change, but the ability to predict these consequences is often hampered by a poor understanding of the spatial relationships among critical habitats, and the ways in which salmon utilize these environments. The goals of this project are to examine 1) what are the most important habitats for restoring pacific salmon populations, 2) how does habitat-related life history variation influence persistence of salmon populations, and 3) how do ecological relationships such as competition and predation affect restoration goals for multiple salmonids?


Correigh Greene, Tim Beechie, Mary Ruckelshaus (Conservation Biology Division), and George Pess


Eric Beamer (Skagit System Cooperative)


NOAA Fisheries

Project Status

Completed analyses: Chinook model (Greene and Beechie 2004) (link to pdf in documents folder) Ongoing analyses: life history model and multiple species model

Studying the various spatial scales used by salmon -- river, delta, estuary -- helps determine the most important habitats to target for restoration. (River)

Studying the life cycle of salmon in the context of the habitats they utilize - river, tidal delta, nearshore - helps determine the best opportunities for restoration.

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last modified 02/16/2007

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