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Unfair Labor Practices Digest Series

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58 FLRA No. 171

U. S. Dept. of the Treasury, U. S. Customs Service, Miami, Florida and NTEU Case No. AT-CA-01-0123 (Decided July 18, 2003)

      The complaint alleged that the Respondent ··__-_25748-___····__-_-___·· violated section 7116(a)(1) of the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute by interfering with an employee's right to consult with his union representative. The Judge found that the Respondent violated the Statute as alleged in the complaint. As to the remedy, the Judge ordered a notice posting in the Respondent's ports or facilities in West Palm Beach to be signed by an official responsible for West Palm Beach, since the violations did not extend beyond this area. The Charging Party excepted to the Judge's limited posting to the West Palm Beach area and to the official designated to sign the posting. The Authority adopted the Judge's findings, conclusions, and recommended Order.··__-_25753-___····__-_-___··

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