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Below are links to useful information that may help you in planning your graphic design project, whether you are asking NCTC to do the work, or are going through your local FWS office to get it done.

The “Getting the Printed Products You Need” brochure is a Service publication that offers guidance in planning your print products. However, some of the information contained in this brochure may be dated (e.g., we no longer use WordPerfect format files, and some of the Publications Coordinators information may no longer be correct). The FWS Design Standards document outlines our design parameters for fonts, layout, and placement of seals. Also provided are the approval forms that you'll need to complete before we can begin any publication or exhibit project for you.

NCTC Image Library
Conservation Library
video production
About Graphic Design Standards

FWS Graphic Design Standards
Publication Planning Checklist
Getting the Printed Product you Need
How to Submit Text and Images

Forms for Design Services:3-550 Publications Approval request and Control Document
DI-552 Exhibit Production Authorization Request