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gray separator line
State of the Art in Nulling Interferometry

Figure 1. The State of the Art of Nulling Interferometry.
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Blue Line
Figure 1. The State of the Art of Nulling Interferometry.
Blue Line
Progress in nulling interferometry is summarized in Figure 1. The plot shows null depth as a function of bandwidth, for laboratory experiments that have been reported since 1999. On the far left-hand side of the plot are shown the results obtained using lasers at visible, near-infrared, and mid-infrared wavelengths. Experiments with bandwidths as large as 40% are shown. Of principal concern to TPF-I are the experiments that have been conducted at mid-infrared wavelengths, which are indicated by the red circles in the plot. The light blue region is the performance required of TPF-I testbeds, being rejection ratios (inverse of the null depth) better than 100,000:1 with a bandwidth of 25% or larger.

The reported results are almost all limited to a single-polarization input. All but one of the results are from two-beam nulling interferometers. The result by Martin et al. (2005) is from the four-beam Planet Detection Testbed. The results by Gappinger (2007) are unpublished results from the Achromatic Nulling Testbed. The result by Peters (2007) is an unpublished result from the Adaptive Nuller. The literature references, where available, are listed below.

From the results to date, we can draw the following conclusions.

  1. Laser experiments have shown that achromatic effects (predominantly pathlength variations) can be controlled in the lab at a level that allows rejection ratios better than 1,000,000:1 to be achieved repeatedly. This level of performance exceeds the requirements for TPF-I. Narrow-bandwidth laser nulls have been attained with mid-infrared rejection ratios of 2,000,000:1 and at visible wavelengths of 10,000,000:1.

  2. The best broad-band mid-infrared results were obtained in May 2007 with the Adaptive Nuller tesbed, noted in Fig. 1 as "Peters 2007." A rejection ratio of 82,000:1 was obtained with a 32% bandwidth. This rejection ratio is very close to 100,000:1 and therefore almost at the level of the flight requirements. The approach used by the Adaptive Nuller is noteworthy because it is not intrinsically bandwidth limited; a spectrum is imaged onto a line of pixels on a deformable mirror to correct phase and intensity across the band, and this method can easily be extended to work well across the full 6-20 micron science band.

If one takes into account the relaxation of requirements due to advances in our understanding of instability noise, the best broad-band mid-infrared null have nearly demonstrated the flight requirements for TPF-I. Work is ongoing to achieve deeper nulls and to demonstrate similar capability with a four-beam testbed.

Updated 23 May 2007


Bokhove, H., Kappelhof, J. P., Vink, H. J. P., Vosteen, L. L. A., Sodnik, Z., "Broadband nulling using a prism phase shifter," Towards Other Earths: Darwin/TPF and the Search for Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets, edited by M. Fridlund, T. Henning, European Spaec Agency SP-539, 367-369 (2003).

Brachet, F., Labèque, A., Léger, A., Ollivier, M., Lizambert, C., Hervier, V., Chazelas, B., Pellet, B., Lépine, T., Valette, C., "Nulling interferometry for the Darwin misison: Polychromatic laboratory test bench," New Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry, edited by W. A. Traub, Proc. SPIE 5491, 991-998 (2004).

Buisset, C., Rejeaunier, X., Rabbia, Y., Ruilier, C., Barillot, M., Lierstuen, L., Perdigues Armengol, J. M., "Multi-axial nulling interferometry: Demonstration of deep nulling and investigations of polarization effects, " Advances in Stellar Interferometry, edited by J. D. Monnier, M. Sch�ller, W. C. Danchi, Proc. SPIE 6268, 626819 (2006).

Ergenzinger, K., Flatscher, R., Johann, U., Vink, R., Sodnik, Z., "EADS Astrium nulling interferometer breadboard for Darwin and GENIE," Proc. Int. Conf. Space Optics 2004. ESA SP-554, 223-230 (2004).

Haguenauer, P., Serabyn, E., "Deep nulling of lase light with a single-mode-fiber beam combiner," Appl. Opt. 45, 2749-2754 (2006).

Martin, S. R., Serabyn, E., Hardy, G. J., "Deep nulling of laser light in a rotational shearing interferometer," Interferometry for Optical Astronomy II, edited by W. A. Traub, Proc. SPIE 4838, 656-667 (2003).

Martin, S. R., Gappinger, R. O., Loya, F. M., Mennesson, B. P., Crawford, S. L., Serabyn, E., "A mid-infrared nuller for Terrestrial Planet Finder: Design, progress, and results," Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets, edited by D. R. Coulter, Proc. SPIE 5170, 144-154 (2003).

Martin, S., Szwaykowski, P., Loya, F., "Testing exo-planet signal extraction using the Terrestrial Planet Finder Planet Detection Testbed," Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets II, edited by D. R. Coulter, Proc. SPIE 5905, 590508 (2005).

Mennesson, B., Crawford, S. L, Serabyn, E., Martin, S., Creech-Eakman, M., Hardy, G., "Laboratory performance of the Keck Interferometer nulling beam combiner," Towards Other Earths: Darwin/TPF and the Search for Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets, edited by M. Fridlund, T. Henning, European Spaec Agency SP-539, 525-529 (2003).

Mennesson, B., Haguenauer, P., Serabyn, E., Liewer, K., "Deep broad-band infrared nulling using a single-mode fiber beam combiner and baseline rotation," Advances in Stellar Interferometry,edited by J. D. Monnier, M. Schöller, and W. C. Danchi, Proc. SPIE 6268, 626830 (2006).

Morgan, R. M., Burge, J. H., Woolf, N. J., "Final laboratory results of visible nulling with dielectric plates," Interferometry for Optical Astronomy II," edited by W. A. Traub, Proc. SPIE 4838, 644-655 (2003).

Ollivier, M., Contribution à la Recherche d'Exoplanètes: Coronagraphie Interférentielle pour la Mission Darwin, Ph.D. thesis, University Paris XI (1999).

Samuele, R., Wallace, J. K., Schmidtlin, E., Shao, M., Levine, B. M., Fregoso, S., "Experimental progress and results of a visible nulling coronagraph," 2007 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky Montana, paper 1333 (2007).

Schmidtlin, E., Wallace, J. K., Samuele, R., Levine, B. M., Shao, M., "Recent progress of visible light nulling and first 1 million null result," Direct Imaging of Exoplanets: Science and Techniques,Proc. IAU Colloq. 200, edited by C. Aime and F. Vakili, 353-360 (2006).

Serabyn, E., Wallace, J. K., Hardy, G. J., Schmidtlin, E. G. H., Nguyen, H. T., "Deep nulling of visible laser light," Appl. Opt. 38, 7128-7132 (1999).

Vosteen, L. L. A., Vink., H. J. P., van Brug, H., Bokhove, H., "Achromatic phase-shifter breadboard extensions," Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets II, edited by D. R. Coulter, Proc. SPIE 5905, 59050A (2005).

Weber, V., Barillot, M., Haguenauer, P., Kern, P., Schanen-Duport, I., Labeye, P., Pujol, L., Sodnik, Z., "Nulling interferometer based on an integrated optics combiner," New Frontiers in Stellar Interferoemetry, Proc. SPIE 5491, edited by W. A. Traub, 842-850 (2004).

Wallace, K., Hardy, G., Serabyn, E., "Deep and stable interferometric nulling of broadband light with implications for observing planets around nearby stars," Nature 406, 700-702 (2000).

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