Events and Conferences
September 2008

SAMHSA News Room
Contact Media Services: (240) 276-2130

SAMHSA Advisory

Date: 12/8/2006
Media Contact: SAMHSA Press
Telephone: 240-276-2130

$626,000 Available to Fund Nine Mental Health Program Awards for Consumers to Target Recovery

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) today announced the availability of fiscal year 2007 funds for grants to support statewide consumer networks that will enable persons affected by mental illness to participate more fully in state and community planning and policy making affecting mental health treatment, rehabilitation and support services to reorient the focus to recovery.

It is expected that $626,000 will be available to fund nine grants of $70,000 each for Statewide Consumer Network Grants that will continue for a total of three years. The grants are meant to enhance capacity and infrastructure at the state level to be consumer-centered and targeted toward recovery and resiliency. These grants will also provide consumers of mental health services with the tools they need to strengthen coalitions among consumers, policymakers and service providers, recognizing that consumers are the best and most effective transformation and change agents.

WHO CAN APPLY: Eligible applicants include domestic, public and private nonprofit entities, including faith-based organizations, tribal organizations; and currently funded Statewide Consumer Network grantees.

HOW TO APPLY: Applications for SM-07-002 are available by calling SAMHSA’s Clearinghouse at 1-877-SAMHSA7 [TDD 1 800-487-4889]. You may request a complete application kit from the SAMHSA Web site or

APPLICATION DUE DATE: Application must be received by February 1, 2007.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Applicants with questions on program issues should contact Wanda Finch at 240-276-1916 or For questions on grants management issues, contact Kimberly Pendleton at 240-276-1421 or

SAMHSA is a public health agency within the Department of Health and Human Services. The agency is responsible for improving the accountability, capacity and effectiveness of the nation's substance abuse prevention, addictions treatment, and mental health services delivery system.

Page Last Updated: 12/7/2006