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Other Communities in Action

The following represents the content we have available in this category:
Learning from Katrina: Health Disaster Preparedness in Minority Communities
When it comes to major disasters, it seems some communities are harder hit than others. So, representatives from more than 30 organizations signed a consensus statement to ensure that all Americans are prepared.
United Efforts to Prevent Hepatitis B
A national task force of scientists, health experts and advocates from the non-profit sector is working to raise public awareness, promote prevention and increase screening for Hepatitis B.
Colorectal Cancer: Know It to Beat It
At 36, Sandy White was tested for anemia, but exams suggested that she had a polyp in her colon. Soon after, a colonoscopy confirmed it was actually a tumor.
Medical Home on the Go
Things haven't been the same since Katrina. No one denies it. But with two mobile units and a willing staff, Dr. Persharon Dixon is working with communities to mend the Gulf Coast, while bringing a fresh perspective and medical home to the children of Mississippi.
Scoring a Goal in HIV Prevention for Latinos
In the rural county of Chatham, N.C., soccer is one of the few sources of entertainment for Latino men; for the last three years it turned into a channel to distribute information about HIV and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Health Information Technology in Underserved Communities
Seven years ago, Carmen Aranibar, 67, a native of Peru, moved to Montgomery County, Maryland. Her daughter was concerned and knew her mother needed permanent health care because she suffers chronic ischemic heart disease and doesn’t have health insurance.
Substance Abuse among Latinos: Organizations Help on the Path to Recovery
A young Mexican woman, tired of sexual abuse at the hands of her father and two older brothers, decides to cross the border into the United States, only to be raped again in the process. After that, the bottle became her trusted companion.
African Community Leaders Take HIV Head on
We all know how it goes: an ounce of prevention...
So, after years of working on their own turfs and getting only so far, a group of organizations decided to come together to devise prevention strategies to tackle the debilitating diseases and the rising HIV rates that are disjointing the African immigrant community.
Alaska Natives Try Holistic Approaches against Diabetes
Alaska Natives did not have a high risk of diabetes until the past two to three decades. Now, however, the prevalence of diabetes in Alaska is rising at an alarming rate.
At Risk Asian Americans Battle Diabetes in New Ways
Every nine months it seems to be the same thing. People come in to the National Alliance to Nurture the Aged and Youth (NANAY) Inc., to attend a workshop or class and inadvertently end up on "the couch," the one elders rest on when they have unexpected dizzy spells brought on by diabetes as someone calls for help.
Moving Ovarian Cancer into the Public Spotlight
Misread symptoms, lack of early-detection process and inadequate education about ovarian cancer can spell trouble for those who suffer it.
Minors Drink with a Click of a Mouse
In April 2006, The Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America (WSWA) commissioned Teenage Research Unlimited (TRU) to study minors, their online activity and alcohol consumption/purchases. The study found startling numbers about minors' drinking habits. According to the study, more than half a million minors aged 14-20 have bought alcohol online.
A True Summer Experience for Children with Sickle Cell Disease
These kids, ages 6 to 15, are suffering from sickle cell disease, but you probably won't notice it. At Sickle Cell Summer Camp in North Carolina , they are too busy swimming, fishing, riding horses and doing arts and crafts.
Casa Esperanza: High Hopes in Fighting Addiction
This grassroots organization was founded in 1984 in an effort to bring help to Latinos coping with alcoholism and drug abuse in Boston , Massachusetts. It provides them with the tools to recover from addiction, regain their independence and reenter their families and communities.
The Minority Role in Clinical Trials
When it comes to creating an accurate picture of what it takes to cure diseases and develop vaccines, a few pieces of the puzzle are missing.
In California: An Endowment for Healthy Living
While childhood obesity statistics soar nationwide, Californians say they have had enough: 92 percent recently indicated they view it as a serious problem, 80 percent thought it had worsened, and most thought the solution requires a community approach, not just an individual one.
In Mississippi, a Local Take on Curbing Infant Mortality
Mildred Thomas missed a period, but it wasn't second period Math, or fifth period Arts. She missed her biological period. She was pregnant. She was 13.
A Healthy Baby Begins with You
It was a health fair focused on stemming the tide and starting a new trend.
With attendees ranging from third trimesters to adults, the health fair officially kicked off the campaign to decrease the high rates of infant mortality in the African-American community.
Surviving Cancer Commands a Daily Attitude of Resilience
National Cancer Survivors Day is June 3.
May is Asian American / Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Did you know that May is Asian American / Pacific Islander Heritage Month?
Some Minorities See Alzheimer's Symptoms as Natural Part of Aging
Alzheimer's disease (AD) begins slowly. It first involves the parts of the brain that control thought, memory and language. People with AD may have trouble remembering things that happened recently or names of people they know. Over time, symptoms get worse.
Battling Alcohol with Awareness on Campus
April is Alcohol Awareness Month. When many people think of alcohol abusers, they picture teenagers sneaking drinks before high school football games or at unsupervised parties. However, alcohol abuse is prevalent within many demographic groups in the United States.
Minorities in the Health Care Force
Is It Life You Love?
Then, Share It: Become an Organ Donor!

As co-founder of the Let Us Live Foundation in Atlanta, Lisa Monroe sometimes finds herself presenting information about organ donation to a skeptical audience.
Minorities Take Health into Their Own Hands
Tuberculosis Control Efforts Demand Renewed Attention
Are You Ready? Is Your Community Ready?
Multiple Sclerosis, Unpredictable but Treatable
Ohio Chapter Brings MS to Forefront in African-American Community
Giving Back Life: The Story of Pearl and Vicki Lambert
Video Medical Interpretation:
Preventing Health from Getting Lost in Translation

He ended up quadriplegic... because something was lost in translation.
“Silence Is Our Culture”… or Was
Tackling HIV on College Campuses: An Illinois Experience
Around the World in Five Breakfasts
The School Nutrition Association (SNA) stresses the importance of nutritious breakfast during National School Breakfast Week.
We are looking for partners in several cities for awareness campaigns.
Proyecto Salud: Looking after the Uninsured
Do you know how your healthy self turns into an unhealthy mess? One missed check up at a time.
Montgomery Cares…for the Uninsured
The cost of health care is rising, and the number of uninsured is going up with it.
Prioritizing Eye Health, Stopping the 'Sneak Thief of Sight'
Eugenia McMillan was just a child when she suffered an accident that resulted in a damaged eye nerve and the loss of vision in her left eye.

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