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Open Development Initiative
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Infrastructure > Open Development Initiative

Delve deeper into "Open Development Initiative"
Link to a drill-in page: ODI for caBIO ODI for caBIO
Link to a drill-in page: ODI for caCORE SDK ODI for caCORE SDK
Link to a drill-in page: ODI for caDSR ODI for caDSR
Link to a drill-in page: ODI for CSM ODI for CSM
Link to a drill-in page: ODI for EVS ODI for EVS
Link to a drill-in page: ODI for caAdapter ODI for caAdapter

The NCICB Open Development Initiative (ODI) is an exciting opportunity for members of the bioinformatics community to extend the work being done by NCICB staff and contractors. Are you an innovator, a pioneer? Do you find yourself wondering "why not" versus "why", "what if" versus "what" and "let’s do it" versus "when will they"? Do you long to participate in the development and deployment of leading edge analytic and knowledge tools, designed to help solve difficult and complex problems? This is the place for you!

The NCICB ODI offers the opportunity to get involved in shaping the next frontier for NCICB software development as we pursue our vision of rapidly expanding the suite of applications and infrastructure. We can’t do it alone. We don’t want to do it alone. We need your creative talents, your unrestrained enthusiasm and ideas to enhance and grow the next generation of bioinformatics tools. Over the remainder of this year this initiative will mature, now is the time to get in on the ground floor!

Open Development Initiative - Component View

How to Join
The NCI’s goals are lofty: to eliminating pain, suffering and death from cancer by the year 2015. The NCICB’s goals are to provide the enabling bioinformatics technology to achieve these goals. Don’t be left behind! Come join the new NCICB frontier! (yes, the NCICB is a federal agency, a not for profit enterprise, and we want you!)

If you are interested in learning more about the NCICB Open Development Initiative, or would like to begin contributing, please contact us at and be sure to mention which project you are interested in.

CORE Infrastructure
The caCORE is made up of several modules. Currently this includes caDSR, CSM, and EVS.

The caCORE Software Development Kit (SDK) is an enabling tool to build applications adhering to the same principles as caCORE.

The development teams for individual modules have identified unique requirements for their specific domains and the developers should take note of them before embarking on development activity.

Cancer Data Standards Repository (caDSR) ODI Area for
Cancer Data Standards Repository (caDSR)
caCORE Software Development Kit (SDK) ODI Area for
caCORE Software Development Kit (SDK)
Common Security Module (CSM) ODI Area for
Common Security Module (CSM)
Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS) ODI ODI Area for
Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS)
caAdapter (HL7 SDK) ODI ODI Area for
caAdapter (HL7 SDK)
caBIO ODI ODI Area for
cancer Bioinformatics Infrastructure Objects (caBIO)

As seen in the above figure, all the projects at NCICB are based on a common technology stack. Using a common set of tools facilitates interoperability between various projects. All contributors are required to adhere to following set of tools. Currently, the common tools are JDK 1.4.2_06, JBoss 4.0.1sp1 and Apache 1.33. Please contact individual project teams for any additional tools and also for the latest versions of the tools before proceeding with development activity.

All NCICB produced software products follow rigorous release planning activities. The caCORE release process is described by the release process Opens in New Window: caCORE release process document. The list of required deliverables for individual projects during each stage of the development phase is described in the deliverables Opens in New Window: caCORE Deliverables Summary document. All documents will be based on standard templates followed at NCICB.

Below is a list of common project components that should be leveraged, where applicable, on each project supporting the NCICB.

Software Architecture Specification Document Opens in New Window: Software Architecture Specification Document
Implementation Specification Document Opens in New Window: Implementation Specification Document

Please consult with the project teams for other templates that are being used.

Once selected, contributors are expected to participate in all the release planning activities such as developing design documents, attending status meetings, performing code reviews and testing their components in an integrated environment. An overview of the development partner process is available at Open Source Development Partner Checklist. The process is designed with flexibility to fit the needs of the product, contributors and NCICB.

Open Source Licensing
All NCICB-developed caCORE components are distributed under open-source licenses that support usage by both non-profit and commercial entities. All open source contributions will be covered by this licensing policy. For additional details, please refer to license policy for individual projects.

NCICB is willing to work with institutions participating in ODI if they would like to be recognized in the license policy for the specific projects.

CVS Repository
The CVS repository for the NCICB projects are built nightly based on new development activity.

To see a read-only view of our ODI CVS repository, please visit Opens in New Window: ODI CVS repository.

To check out a copy of an ODI source module for local editing only, you will require a username and password from NCICB, as well as a CVS client installed on your computer. To request a username and password, along with instructions for connecting to the ODI CVS repository, please contact us at the email address above. Please include your name and affiliation. At this time, we are limiting such access to actual contributors, or those who wish to examine the code for the purpose of becoming contributors

caCORE Background
All caCORE-compatible systems are built on four primary principles:
  • Model Driven Architecture
  • n-tier architecture with open APIs
  • Use of controlled vocabularies
  • Registered metadata

The use of Model Driven Architecture and n-tier architecture are both standard software engineering practices, and many tools exist to assist developers. The remaining principles are less common in conventional software practice and required specialized tools that were generally unavailable. As a result, the NCICB (in cooperation with the NCI Office of Communications) developed the Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS) system to supply controlled vocabularies, and the caDSR was developed to provide a dynamic metadata registry.

When all four principles are addressed, the resulting system has several desirable properties:

  1. n-tier architecture with its open APIs frees the end user (whether human or machine) from needing to understand the implementation details of the underlying data system to retrieve information.
  2. The maintainer of the resource can move the data or change implementation details (Relational Database Management System, etc) without affecting the ability of remote systems to access the data.
  3. Most importantly, the system is ‘semantically interoperable’; that is, there exists runtime retrievable information that can provide an explicit definition and complete data characteristics for each object and attribute that can be supplied by the data system.
Model Driven Architecture
Model Driven Architecture is a software development practice that uses a structured modeling language to describe the requirements, objects, and interactions of a data system prior to its construction. When coupled with a design process such as the Rational Unified Process (RUP) and Extreme Programming (XP), it can greatly assist in the production of quality software delivered in a timely fashion. At NCICB, caCORE is modeled using the UML, coupled with a fusion of the Rational Unified Process and XP.

n-tier Architecture and Consistent APIs
A typical client-server system is a two-tier system (the client and the server that returns the data). This has the advantage of simplicity, but it ties the client very tightly to the details of the implementation model. To isolate the client from the implementation details, a data system can be built with one or more layers of ‘middleware’, software whose purpose is to act as a bridge between the server and the client. If changes are made to the server, the middleware is modified so that the client sees a consistent interface (API).

We expect that the contributors to the ODI will possess a good understanding of these principles.

National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health